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Author's note: Thank you, to everyone who has read this far. It's amazing how far this story has gone! Anyways, this will be a shortened finale. Woodbury will have more spotlight next season. Woodbury's actions now, will reflect later on in the next season. So to those who are in Woodbury, please do not be disappointed. Next season there will be even more of a focus on you. Regardless, thank you for reading!

Also, (*SPOILER*) what were your reactions on Nick's death? I've been told it was unexpected, which I like. I didn't want to make it too obvious. So thank you, again. 

On the wall, morning came quick. It was early, and over the passed days, Anthony had moved into the small apartment next to the Governor's. The Governor insisted on it, seeing as Anthony was someone he trusted. Savannah was happy, and every night, she would be walked home from her spot on the wall by Anthony.

More people had moved into Woodbury. More living spaces had been acquired and such, which made the town bigger. One of the more bigger figures in the new citizenship list was Milton Mammet, who had claimed to be a scientist. This struck the Governor as a good thing, seeing the future with science. It could possibly lead to a cure, or better, more technology to help further mankind.

Anthony glanced at Savannah who was sitting next to him on a lawn chair, same as his, gun in her lap. He looked back out into the distance, seeing a stray walker slowly stumble out of the woods. The dead were becoming slow, Anthony noticed. The cold was affecting them heavily.

"You kill it," Anthony said, smirking a bit as he wanted to see Savannah shoot.

Savannah smirked a bit back, shaking her head. "Shut up, you kill it,"

"No, really," Anthony said with a slight smirk still on his lips.

Suddenly, a voice could be heard from the forest.

"Oh my god, just shut up and kill it!" The unidentified voice said, before the walker fell.

A girl walked out of the woods, cleaning off her gun. She must've used the handle on the gun to bash the walker's skull. The girl was no older than Taylor, Anthony immediately thought. She had glasses, a brown ponytail and two guns in each hand. Followed by her, two others walked out of the forest.

She was followed by another girl, and a boy, also. They all had guns. 

"Drop the weapons!" Anthony demanded, looking at the three as him and Savannah had a tight aim on the three.

The brown-haired one smirked a bit. "Calm your panties, we're harmless," she said with a slight chuckle. "What'ch'ya got inside?" She asked.

"None of your business," Savannah said, keeping her aim locked. 

The woman cocked her head a bit. "And what can we do to get in?"

"You wait here and let the Governor come and see you himself," Anthony said, looking at the three.

"Well, where's this Governor?" The teen boy asked. 

Savannah quickly glanced at Anthony. "Go get the Governor, I'll stay here. Be quick,"

Anthony quickly nodded, turning around and climbing down from the wall. Hopping onto the ground, he quickly ran to the Governor's apartment.

Inside, he quickly climbed the stairs, going up to the apartment. He knocked on the door, quickly opening it just in case, as he didn't want to take too long and leave Savannah out there.

"Governor! Philip!" Anthony shouted, looking around, seeing him nowhere. He could hear shuffling, quick movement, and a door opening before looking over to see The Governor walking out of a door, closing it behind him.

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