Chapter Thirty Eight

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Author Note: This chapter will work as a diary entry, almost. It will have certain dates, and be noted by each character.

November 13th, 8 days after farm incident~

It'd been quiet lately, and everyone's been mad at each other. The adults have, anyways. But as far as my friends, we're all staying close. Adam's been quiet, which is actually unusual. He usually never stays quiet, but now? I wish that I could hear that damn voice of his again. It's rare, and I think when everyone hears it, it makes their day better, just a little.

Taylor and Adam have been closer. She's been helping him through this a lot, and you can tell he's thankful. I sometimes still think he's half expecting to find Anthony out here. We've been going from house to house.

Ellen, Heather and Scott have been with the group, and they're a good help. Ellen helps Rick out a lot.

I miss Mikaela. I'm not used to not having our morning chicken feeds, or our walks around the farm. It's painful to know that she's either one of them, or dead on the ground with no burial. And I miss Nick. Rick and Lori explained as to why Rick shot Nick.. but it was still confusing.

And Shane.. I miss him too. He was a good leader to us. I'll never forget when he gave me a place to sleep on the first night at camp. It was nice to know someone was looking out for me. It's been different without him and Andrea here too.

And Rick said he's the dictator of the group. And we've been strictly listening to him..

I just want things to go back to normal. But we've got to keep going on, right? -Brittany

December 4th~

It's been a long journey in this short time. Snow fell, for the first time, actually. It only made it harder. But there's been less walkers around, so I'm happy. Andrea got a cold, but she says she's feeling better. We've been on the move, mostly. Andrea said we need to try to find the old group. It'd be better, but Michonne is a little antsy about that decision. Andrea and Michonne are close, usually taking the lead when we're walking. Michonne's sister, Ariel and I have become a lot closer.

It's really cold, too. I wish I would've dressed warmer back when this all started, because it sucks to wear just jeans in all of this. My legs feel numb. 

I miss my family and friends a lot too. We're short on food, and I'm so used to.. or was used to, sharing my food with Taylor but.. she's gone.

Michonne's been keeping count on the days, and I see Christmas is coming up. What a shitty Christmas it's gonna be this year. -Mikaela

January 26th~

We've been on the road for so long now. Scott had a near death experience a while back, and Heather's been really close. And Heather and Taylor have been close too, but I think it's because Heather's motherly instincts come in when Taylor's mom died so early.

It's been even colder, and one morning, I woke up with a slight frost on my blanket. We're sleeping even closer with our families. But.. I'm the only one left from Atlanta with a family. Shane and Anthony are gone, Brittany and Taylor's parents were dead before we knew it, Nick and Mikaela are.. dead. That's what dad said, anyways. I don't think Mikaela's dead. But I might just have to realize it eventually. -Ethan

March 17th~

It's been getting warmer, thankfully. It doesn't take much for ol' Georgia to warm back up, eh? Takes forever to cool down, though. Anyways, we've been on the walk for a while. Mostly going in circles.. but the weird thing is.. Rick said he was the dictator, and he meant it. God I just wish he would at least talk to that wife of his. She looks like she's about ready to break, emotionally, and everyone in camp has been so worried about her.

Carol and I got close. She's nice, and Heather is close to Lori, too. We're all friends, and I really like this group. Those Woodbury savages.. they were different. I will never go back there. Who knows if it's even standing? -Ellen

March 25th~

So today it's gonna go like every day. Just searching around for food.. it's been scarce. We can't get anything lately, and people are starving. Let's just hope we can get through this day before someone drops dead of starvation, or find out that Lori's baby is just as dead as the walkers all around us. Thank God it's not, but who knows nowadays.. -Adam

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