Chapter Eight

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AUTHOR'S NOTE- Short chapter because this was a preparation chapter. 

As the day rolled on, Andrea and Amy had eventually gone fishing. They were successful in bringing back tons of fish. They walked up the quarry path with a rack of them. Lori clapped a little as she watched them. Nick looked at the fish with a disgusting face. 

"Gross shit." He mumbled as he saw them dripping.

Ethan rose an eyebrow. "It'll taste good cooked."

Lori shook her head a bit, looking at the descending sun. Rick and the others still weren't back.

In the Walmart. Rick slowly approached the building. There were lights shining on the parking lot as Rick approached, Jim and Jacqui shortly behind. Glenn and T-Dog stayed side-by-side as they approached. There were people. Actual people. Suddenly, a big light was shined on Rick, from the roof of the building. Rick rose his hands, gun in one. Other lights were shined onto Glenn and the others. 

"Halt!" A voice from a speaker came out of nowhere.

Walkers approached from the woods, attracted by the noise. They were immediately shot. Jacqui rose an eyebrow at everything. 

"Drop your weapons!" The same voice from the speaker called out. 

Jim dropped his rifle as Rick slowly placed his Python on the ground. Glenn and Jacqui had nothing to put down. 

"Good.. now! Make your way to the front entrance!" The voice called out.

They did so. Rick looked around at the sun setting, seeing the lights become more visible. Rick walked slowly, studying the location. He saw the Walmart in bad condition. Almost as if something was dropped onto it. More gunshots could be heard as the people who were protecting the building, shot the walkers. The walkers were attracted by the light and the sound of the previous gunshots, not to mention the voice from the speaker. As the group approached the building, Rick saw two men jump from the latter of the building. They approached, guns in hand.

"Anyone infected?" The man on the right asked, pointing a gun at Rick.

Rick shook his head. "No."

Jacqui watched the man. "We were here to see if there's any guns left, ammunition."

"Are you military?" Glenn asked from behind.

The man gave a small nod. "We're not allowed to take survivors with us, anywhere." He sighed. "We can give you a few guns. Small ammunition."

Rick nodded some.

Back at camp, hours had passed. Shane, Ethan, Anthony, Lori, Andrea, Adam, Nick, Mikaela, and Chance were all cleaning the fish.

"I told you this was disgusting." Nick muttered to Ethan.

Ethan rolled his eyes at him ."Yeah? You don't find fish guts in Playboy magazine, now do ya?"

Shane rose an eyebrow. "I'd think that you haven't found anything in Playboy magazine yet."

Anthony gave a small chuckle as Brittany walked over to the small group of fish-cleaners.

"Y'know boys, your mama was in that magazine once." Shane looked at Anthony and Adam.

Adam rose an eyebrow. "Liar."

"We don't even know what she looked like." Anthony said before looking up at Brittany. 

Lori sighed. "She was pretty."

Shane nodded a bit. "She was. Would brag about her at the police academy. Rick knows all about that."

Adam looked at Anthony with a look of disbelief before looking back at Shane. "So why'd you wait this long to tell us, anyway?"

"Figured you didn't need to know what Playboy was." Shane said, tossing the fish meat into the pile.

Anthony rose an eyebrow. "I knew what Playboy was since sixth grade."

Lori glanced at Anthony. "How?"

Anthony looked at Nick with a smirk. Nick chuckled.

"I'm not even gonna ask." Lori shook her head. 

Brittany started to clean the fish.

"What were your parents like, Britt?" Ethan glanced at her. 

She gave somewhat of a glare back. 

"Sorry." Ethan said, tossing the fish onto the pile.

Anthony looked up at Brittany. "You gonna talk, or nah?"

Brittany gave him a stern look. Anthony rolled his eyes at her and sighed. Mikaela looked over to Anthony. 

"Do you even like fish?" Mikaela asked.

Anthony shrugged. "A little. I guess."

She gave a quick nod before Shane looked over. "Says the kid that puked up fish for a whole night after Lori had that dinner." He said, holding back a laugh.

Adam snorted in a laugh remembering the memory. Nick looked over and laughed a bit.

"Yeah, I puked it up cause I had the flu." Anthony said, tossing the fish into the pile.

Shane nodded, not believing him. Night had fallen for the most part, as the sun was tucked beneath the trees. Andrea looked over to them, after she'd started the fire. 

"You ready?" She looked at Shane with a smile. He nodded as he took the bucket over to the fire. 

At the Walmart, Jim had looked around. 

"You got anywhere I can take a piss?" He asked, looking toward the forest.

The soldier nodded a bit. "Just into the forest."

Jim gave a quick nod before walking over. Rick and Jacqui looked at eachother.

"We need to hurry back." Jacqui said with a sigh.

Glenn watched Jim go into the forest. "You sure it's safe for him to do that?"

T-Dog watched Jim. "I'm not sure. It's his risk.." 

Rick sighed. "Someone go check on him?"

Another gunshot. 

Glenn nodded before spriting toward the forest. 

Minutes later, Glenn came running back. No Jim.

"Where is he?!" Rick asked, getting fearful.

Glenn panted a bit. "Walker got him... he was in the woods... takin' a piss... walker must've bit him on the back..."

Rick looked at T-Dog. "You got all those guns in the truck?"

T-Dog nodded quickly. "Yeah."

Rick sighed and looked at everyone. "Let's go. It's too dangerous here."

Everyone ran back to the truck, and before Jacqui got in, she looked at Rick.

"What do we tell Chance?" She asked, remembering Jim's son.

Rick paused. He didn't know what to do. He didn't know Chance, and he wasn't sure how to break the news. He sighed and looked up at Jacqui. 

"We tell him the truth."

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