Chapter Seven

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The bus stopped next to the pavement, opening it's doors. It was the last day of school, so that meant a half day. Ethan ran out of the bus first, followed by Adam, Nick then Anthony. They all ran up to their house, as they left Mikaela in the dust. She was off the bus last. Adam quickly ran up the steps of the house and got out his key. He unlocked the front door before rushing inside, feeling the air conditioned air hit his face. Ethan, Nick and Anthony quickly dropped their bags near the staircase before rushing to the living room. Adam had already turned on the TV as he fumbled with the video game. Mario. Everybody in that room kicked ass in Mario. It was a limited edition, so four-player mode was enabled. Nick, Anthony, and Ethan all grabbed a controller as Adam started the game, grabbing his own controller. Mikaela walked in.

"Are you guys ever going to stop playing that game?" Mikaela smiled, dropping her bag as she walked over.

Ethan rolled his eyes. "C'mon. Just go get some chips or something. Did your dad get that flavor yet?" Ethan looked over at Anthony. Anthony shrugged.

"I don't know. Did he do groceries?" Anthony asked Adam, focusing on the game. Adam shrugged.

Mikaela rolled her eyes. "You can go get your own chips."

Nick looked up from the video game. "Fuck off."

"Do I look like your bitch?" Mikaela rose an eyebrow.

Ethan shook his head. "But you do look like our sister. One that's kind enough to get chips for us."

Mikaela shook her head. "See, that's where you're wrong."

Adam chuckled. Mikaela rose an eyebrow again. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing. Just the fact of what you're saying." Adam said as he watched the screen.

Mikaela looked at the screen. "You guys can't beat that level. It's impossible." 

Ethan rose an eyebrow, Nick pressed the controller rapidly. "Yeah?"

"Come on. That level is so hard." Mikalea looked at the screen.

Anthony looked up from the screen. "It is, but we can beat it." 


Ethan shook his head. "We could probably do better if we had some chips, though..."

Mikaela scoffed.

"We still got peanut butter ice cream left?" Adam asked Anthony as he focused on the screen.

Anthony pressed the controller rapidly as he focused on the screen. "Uh.. I think so."

Adam glanced up at Mikaela. "You should get us that."

Mikaela shook her head. "I ain't getting you guys shit."

Ethan looked up. "We don't want shit. We want chips."

"And ice cream." Adam added.

"Fuck all of you, you're so distracting." Nick mumbled as he gave all of his attention to the screen.

"Exactly, just play the video game." Mikaela crossed her arms.

A car door slammed from the outside. Mikaela glanced outside. "What's your dad doing home early, guys?" Mikaela turned to Adam and Anthony.

They both shrugged, continuing to play the game. Shane opened the door to the house, seeing all the bags they'd dropped. He remembered that this was the last day of school. He sighed a bit as he walked into the living room, seeing the event going on. He looked at everyone.

"Hey dad." Anthony said as he played the video game.

No response. 

"Uh.. Ethan, Nick, Mikaela.. y'all are gonna need to go home for a bit. I gotta talk to these two." Shane said quietly with a sigh. 

Ethan paused the game and nodded, as Nick and Mikaela grabbed their bags. 

"Back by around seven?" Ethan looked up at Shane. He nodded.


They all left, closing the door behind them.

"What's wrong?" Adam asked as he looked up at him.

Shane sat down on the couch, and sighed heavily before he looked up at Adam and Anthony.

"Rick got shot, today." Shane said quietly. 

Anthony and Adam were in disbelief. 

"W-what?" Anthony looked at him. "Is he alive?"

Shane nodded quickly. "He's in surgery."

Adam looked down. "They don't know, do they?"

"No. That's why I told them to go home. Lori's gonna take them to the hospital.. I want y'to take a shower, and then we'll go alright?" Shane looked up at them.

They both gave a small nod before Anthony sighed. "Is he gonna live?"

Shane thought for a second and only shrugged. "I don't know."

"I think I'm gonna be sick.." Adam said as he walked to the stairs.

Anthony looked around. "I don't want Rick to die.."

Shane sighed and nodded. "I know, but y'just gotta hope, pray if y'need to, that he'll make it.." 

Silence shook the room as the sound of Adam hurling could be heard in the bathroom. 

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