Bates Lane || Narry AU

By Dianarry_

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"Beware of the man who lives on Bates Lane." More

The Dark Legend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Black. Lives. Matter.
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Announcements !
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn

Chapter ten

526 25 9
By Dianarry_

"Okay, first we need to check into my penthouse and then need to make a quick stop by the store to by essentials. I haven't been here in years." Harry says when we got off the plane and into a rental car after we unloaded our things and awkwardly said good bye to the pilot.

He was so sweet, old and oblivious.

"You have a penthouse? In the UK?" I ask him as he nod looking over to and then back to the road.

"How was it growing up?" I ask completely out of the blue. Well not really. Harry seemed like he had life made as a kid until things went wrong of course. Just wanted to see where things kind of killed his hope.

"Well from what I remember as a baby, it was a lot of traveling. My parents were into tropical, beach-y places so we visited places like bora bora, Hawaii, Greece  and Fiji. We have vacation homes in Iceland, Australia and Hawaii of course. We pretty much live all over. My parents had enough income to last generations." He explained with his eyes fixated on the road.

"What did they do?"  Was my next question because I've always wondered. Never in the story of Bates lane did anyone explain why the Styles were filthy rich.

"I have no idea. I was too young to care and they left before I cared." He says lowly and I realized it was a tough subject to talk about. I turned in my seat and under my seatbelt to look over to Harry. He seemed colder than before and now more silent and rigid.

I'm pretty sure he hates talking about his family.

"Why did you stay in that house if you have homes in much more peaceful places? Like perhaps Napa valley or fucking Hawaii?" I ask trying to make the conversation lighter.

"Well When I was sixteen I lost my parents after losing my sister years prior all while living in Riverdale. Before I got the therapy I needed, I felt like if I left, I would be leaving my family behind even if they weren't there. I felt like I had to protect our home because that's where their souls were bound." He sighs and I see him start to tear up and I kind of wanted to cut in and stop the conversation but he started again.

"No one knows this but whenever I had a hard day at work or some kids came by and vandalized the house, I'd take my boat to the middle of the lake and talk to my parents. It always comforted me because they were the only ones who listened. The only ones who got me through anything that town threw my way." He says and his voice cracks. I see a single tear fall down his face and he blinks away the rest.

"So if I left. I would really feel like I didn't have them anymore." He finished and then glances at me with a faint smile and red tears eyes.

"Fuck. I'm sorry." I say and then cover my mouth realizing I cursed in a tender moment.

"No. It's fine. I'm glad I finally got that out actually." He says with a 'did I just do that?' tone letting me know he was comfortable with me knowing this and couldn't believe it.

He turns into this complex and we approach the fanciest looking hotel in the world. I could t stop staring at it as we got out at the front door which we were greeted by door men who immediately Starting unloading our stuff. Well Harry's stuff.

"We've been expecting you, Mr. Styles. Welcome back." The second man says emerging from the automatic doors wearing a suit. I turned to face him and watched as the man shook hands with Harry.

"Yes. It's nice to see you Winthorp. How's the wife?" He asks in the most bullshit posh voice I've ever heard.

"She's wonderful." The man finishes and then I catch his eye. I awkwardly smile and he looks to me as if I should greet him and that's what I did. I walked up to him and shook his hand as well.

"Hey, I'm Niall." I say trying to be chill and the man nods with a approving look.

"Hello, Mr. Niall. It's nice to meet one of Mr. Styles friends. We will try our best to make your stay as comfortable and private as possible." He says still holding my hand before he places his other hand over it and then winks with a smirk.

That's when I looked at Harry who also has a small smirk on his face.

What the fuck?

"Let me take up to the penthouse." He says dropping hand and ushering us to the penthouse.

Once we got there and stepped out of glass elevator, we entered the modernized penthouse with elevated ceilings and marble floors. He had furniture that looked like it was made out of blocks and a projector screen covering the back wall which was really cool.

A spiral set of stairs heading into the loft like bedroom looking over the living area and right beside it was a piano and a grand bouquet of flower with a card saying welcome back.

"Holy fucking fuck." I say under my breath making Harry snicker beside me as Winthorp helped carry in our bags.

"Yeah. My family has connections. We'll be here for a week until we figure something else out." Harry tells me and I turn to him rubbing the back of his neck making me believe he was exhausted.

I was too. The plane ride was long as shit and I was too busy comforting this idiot the whole time and trying to figure out ways to derail the situation considering I was in no real trouble.

"You boys let us know if you need anything and it will be dealt with discreetly." Winthorp says and we both wave as he and the rest of the doormen get in the elevator to head downstairs.

Once we alone I watch Harry yawn stretching his arms out making his muscle and wrongs pop as his curl fell in his face and his pink lips returned to its usual grim look of no emotion before turning to me and lifting an eyebrow.

Was I staring?

Of course I was. You would too. Stop judging me.

He breaks into the softest, babiest smile I've ever seen him give me.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" He ask with a smile showing his teeth and I smile a bit before I shrug.

"Stop embarrassing me." I say blushing a bit trying to hide my face before he laughs a bit.

"C'mon. Let's get some rest." Harry says grabbing my arm and leading me up the stairs carefully. We reached the loft upstairs to be greeted by the double king sized bed with silk sheets and silk tapestry above the bed which was in full view of the projector still and the bathroom which was hidden behind a door.

"Wow." I say again looking around only to turn back to Harry to see him stripping already.

He kicked his shoes to the side and did that cute thing guys did when they take off their shirt. You know what I'm talking about. The two hand thingy. He then shimmy's out of his skinny jeans and was left in his Versace underwear.

Okay the amount of money this man has is getting a bit annoying.

"Hey do you have a scrunchie?" He asks me catching me staring at him once again as he froze in his position of putting his hair up.

"I must be pretty good looking." He smiles innocently as I blush looking away again but I couldn't help myself at this point.

He is your history teacher, Niall get it together.

I just groan of embarrassment and he laughs behind me before i turn back to see him let his hair fall and he walks over to get in bed.

He lays spread out in the bed to where he was just partially exposed and pats the area next to him for me to lay in. I get undressed down to my sweats and crawl in bed next to him but not underneath him. Kind of at a brotherly distance.

Harry looks at me weird before laughs at my awkwardness.

"Niall are you bisexual?" He asks me and it pretty much made my stomach drop and fold into a knot.

Uhh I've never really cared to know fuck.

"Wha- wait what d-do you mean?" I ask uneasily trying to stay cool knowing I was failing.

Just by Harry look in his eye I could tell he knew I was nervous.

"Oh come on! I've seen you flirt with girls in class all the time but the way you've acted around me makes me think you like men too." He explains and I squint my eyes before I laughed.

"What do you mean how I act around you?" I ask uneasily.

"Oh I don't know.." he says dramatically putting his finger on his chin making the most theatrical facial expressions making me laugh. "Giving me hugs and cuddles whenever I'm crying or laying your head on my chest while we slept or when you stare at me." He explains numbering it out as I try to deny it with the biggest smile on my face.

"Geez Mr. Styles, you're my history teacher. I don't look at you any way." I say and he rolls his eyes before smiling.

"Shut up." He says shaking his head as I laughed softly at him before I sighed.

"I've actually never really known. I kind of just do what I do and try not to label it. I have a hard time figuring it out." I tell him and he nods as if he understood. He sits up on his elbow which made him a bit closer to me.

"Well if you need help figuring it out. I'm here." He says and I roll my eyes. Because honestly how in the hell is Mr. Styles gonna help me figure out if I'm bi.

"How could you even help me?" I laugh watching his expression drop into a confused face. "I mean you could only help if you wer-"

And that's when Harry reached over to my face stopping centimeters in front of mine placing his arms over my abdomen, his nose touching mine as we looked into each other's eyes as the room slowly faded and we were the only things we could see.

I stared into his green eyes lost for words at how close he was and noticing how pink his lips were or how his messy hair kind of turned me on not thinking of him as my history teacher but more of something else.

He looked down at my lips and all of me wanted Harry to just lean on and kiss me already but he was teasing me. I knew because he sat there for a moment and in his eyes he knew he had me under his control. I couldn't help it anymore and tried reaching in only for Harry to pull back slightly before smirking.

I felt his hand reach under my chin and tilt my head to the side so he could lean to my ear.

"Thats how I can help." He whispers in my ear before he pecks my ear. He pulls back quick and I realized I was froze in that position wanting Harry to do more to me but he had gotten out of the bed and headed to the phone.

He then picked it up and mouthed 'room service' to me before I realized.

Holy shit. I'm want to fuck my History teacher.


Another chapter for you

What do you think is gonna happen next ?

Love and kisses ;)

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