Blood Bond / VKOOK

By RoroBaka

1M 58.3K 47.5K

It all started because of an innocent mistake, It was his fault , not mine. It's all because of him ! Because... More

Prologue • rules
Chapter 1 • Half - Vampire
Chapter 2 • Vampire blood
Chapter 3 • Dangerous Mistake
Chapter 4 • Blood Bond
Chapter 5 • Cherry Blossom Book
Chapter 6 • Last Time
Chapter 7 • 10 Seconds
Chapter 8 • The beginning
Chapter 9 • Help
Chapter 10 • A Legion
Chapter 11 • Matriarch's care
Chapter 12 • A thirsty day
Chapter 13 • A Promise
Chapter 14 • One goal at a time
Chapter 15 • Desire
Chapter 16 • Dumb and Dumber
Chapter 17 • The Witch
Chapter 18 • The Plan
Chapter 19 • Napiyong
Chapter 21 • Coming Back Home
Chapter 22 • Uncontrollably Confused
Chapter 23 • 6 Months
~ Tagged ~
Chapter 24 • Two Opposite Sides
Chapter 25 • White Eyes
Chapter 26 • How to be a Demon
Chapter 27 • The Reason
Chapter 28 • A Place To Hide
Chapter 29 • Demon's Death
Chapter 30 • Hurtful Past
Chapter 31 • Tonight
Chapter 32 • Scared from 'it'
Chapter 33 • A Soft Desire
Chapter 34 • Confession
Chapter 35 • Dim Feelings
Chapter 36 • Farewell
Chapter 37 • Vampire meets Demon
Chapter 38 • Change of Plans
Chapter 39 • Jeon Jun
Chapter 40 • Mysterious House
Chapter 41 • Fairies' Powder
Chapter 42 • Black Blood
Chapter 43 • Judgement
Chapter 44 • Euphoria
Chapter 45 • The One
Chapter 46 • One Legion To Save
Chapter 47 • Lust You Can't Escape
Chapter 48 • Another Goodbye
Chapter 49 • Grandma's Threat
Chapter 50 • No Fear
Chapter 51 • End of Depression
Is it really the end???

Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self

14.5K 1K 678
By RoroBaka

 Please read: Try to understand... They all are confused, it's easy to look at all this from the side, but sometimes even when the answer is so clear our brain like to mess things out. So please... bear with the plot and the characters, they are confused and sometimes things need to happen for realization, same in reality. And it's true that they all are bipolar, sometimes you're doing things that your heart desires, and sometimes your brain manages to stop yourself, and again, sometimes you need answers so you try and experience even if it can hurt... same- as- reality.

Also, please REMEMBER, vampires or demons don't give any meaning to sex/fuck. They do it as a sport, they do it with who they want, they do it when they are bored. I did my best to mention it at the beginning many times... I know it's bizarre for you guys cuz it's not like this in reality (depends on who ofc) but this is how it's like in this story .


Hope I made things clear... enjoy reading ❤️


Yoongi contacted Namjoon when he was on the way to the summit with Jeongguk and Dawn. Yoongi told him not to worry and they'll arrive home soon.

The bond break progress has started, Taehyung and Jeongguk drank the potions and started to feel deep pain.

Second before it Taehyung regretted and shouted that he didn't want to break the bond but Hyuna only mumbled with 'that's too late' :c

After few hours a wizard showed in front of Hyuna, Jimin and Hoseok. He was one of the Napiyong, a huge group of wizards that support the demons.

Hyuna and this wizard, named Seung, started a fight between them when Jimin and Hoseok were speechless by the wizard's aura, which felt powerful.

Dawn went the sleep when Yoongi filled with worry about Jeongguk.

Jeongguk tried to endure the pain, he couldn't shout and cry because of the potion that made his body feel like a stone. After few hours of painful and agony, someone showed in front of him. Called Jeongguk 'brother'.


words: 4344


Chapter 20 • Unconsciousness Self

Another hour passed and Hyuna and Seung were still in the battle. It started to annoy Seung, he saw it clearly that she was killing time. 

He looked at Jimin's and Hoseok's faces, they were still stunning with fear. He inhaled and smirked. His hand aimed at them and lots of shooting lights flew straight to them.

Hyuna's eyes widened with Jimin's and Hoseok's. "RUN!" she shouted and ran to block the attack but it was a little too late. 

She was down on the ground, heard Jimin's loud whine. She slowly looked over her shoulder at them, saw that they escaped but one shoot went into Jimin's leg. 

"Are you ok Jimin?!" Hoseok shouted with no stop, he frowned with worry and took his shirt off only to put in around the wound so he won't lose too much blood. It will be bad, when a vampire starts to lose blood he gets really hungry, really really hungry.

Hyuna tsked, she looked at the hand clock, 3 more hours, 'I guess it can be dangerous if I play with him more... dammit I was hoping he will kill my time till the end' she sighed, 'let's end this'

She slowly sat up from the ground, her finger pads slowly touched the ground, her eyes closed and breath let out from her mouth. Suddenly the whole area filled with red shining light. Jimin and Hoseok looked around them, didn't understand what the hell was happening.

"Let me ask you something Seung..." her eyes opened, showed her yellow pupils, "do you know what happened to the witches 400 years ago?" a giggle was heard from her and slowly her body disappeared. 

Seung's eyes widened, "no way..." he recognized this kind of ability. He looked around him saw that she was moving each second to another place. 

"The witches were experts in healing, they were better than elves," another giggle was heard in the background, and after it another one, "they always practiced how to be the greatest healers, but I found it so boring..." her voice sounded in the opened field when her body switched places each time, sometimes you could see her body in two different places at the same time. 

Seung looked all around him, caught each one of her but couldn't comprehend who's the real one. The field filled with red light out of the ground, made his eyes confused.

"I knew witches could be stronger and incredible" the giggles turned into small laughs that sounded wicked, "but they didn't listen to me" suddenly her body was behind him and her voice sounded strong and clear inside his right ear. 

His eyes widened and he hastily turned and shoot a huge light from his palm, but unfortunately (for him) she disappeared once again.

A wicked loud laugh was heard, it sounded so loud and jarring inside his ears. 

"So you know what I did?" 

he turned and one hand grabbed his throat, her fingers pierced into his skin while her fingers clenched his throat tightly and strongly. Her eyes were bright yellow looked at his shocked expression, she laughed loudly and evilly.


His body felt weak and he couldn't say one word to let his magic out, "THEY ALL WERE WEAK! WEAK LIKE YOU!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Her laugh was terrifying and her expression was much more. She looked insane and so much scary.

Hoseok and Jimin were speechless, their bodies froze and their mouth was opened, they couldn't hear Taehyung's screams all they heard was this devilish and scary laugh.

After a second a vein in Seung's throat torn apart and a lot of blood shoot up, some on her face. She let go of the throat when her hand covered with blood. His body fell down on the ground lifelessly. Her laugh decreased while her eyes stared at him. 

"You wizards are lame" she mumbled, licked the blood the spread next to her mouth, at the same time the red light disappeared from the ground.

Hoseok and Jimin stood next to the still screaming Taehyung, their bodies trembled of the crazy witch.

Hyuna suddenly turned, showed a huge sweet smile, "so that was fun!" a cute giggle let out of her mouth while her legs walked closer to them.

Should they be scared of her? they witnessed the scariest thing in their lives. Before the big war everything was so chilling, so it was new for them a fight like that.

Hyuna noticed their terrified expressions, "don't be scared two babies," she joked around and approached them, "I did it to protect you"

Jimin gulped, "w-we know, i-it was j-just unexpected..." he said silently.

Hyuna chuckled and then looked at Taehyung, "a little bit more Taehyung! fighting!" she boosted him.

Hoseok and Jimin gulped, their eyes didn't leave Hyuna. "you're incredible" Hoseok said softly.

"I know" she smirked confidently "c'mon let's take care of Jimin's leg".


Yoongi sat on the ground and sighed. He looked at the sleeping Dawn, 'I'm getting worried... the time isn't moving...' he pouted and looked at the clock. 3 more hours. 'should I go up there?' he looked over his shoulder, saw the summit of the mountain in the horizon. 

He groaned in frustration and laid down, looked at the gray sky that filled with clouds.

The wild wind made the snowflakes go crazy all around. Jeongguk's body was completely freezing. He never felt coldness like this before.

His heart clenched strongly, felt like in a few minutes it's going to bomb. His vision was blurry, barely saw the black shoes and white snow that were in front of him.

"Look at you..." the husky voice was heard again when Jeongguk felt so threatened by his presence. "Freezing here like a lame Kine..."

'No way he's here... no fucking way...' Jeongguk couldn't believe all this was happening.

"You fooled Father pretty well, but now you ended being a weak demon... seeing you like this makes me wish that you were really dead..." a low chuckle was heard by the end of the sentence, "bonding with a vampire?" arrogant laugh let out of the stranger's mouth, "what got into you? a fucking vampire... how disappointing... Father shouldn't know about this..."

Jeongguk listened to each word, even if he could talk he still wouldn't say anything. He got no words to reply.

A sigh left out of the man's mouth, "you're a demon Jeongguk... demons are much stronger and you know it..."

Silent filled the air, only the wild wind was in the background.

"DON'T FUCKING IGNORE THAT!!!" he suddenly shouted into Jeongguk's face. Jeongguk startled mentally, didn't expect that outburst.

"Stop playing around with vampires..." the man stood up, looked at the half-vampire from above, "you're a fucking demon, never forget that" he turned and started to walk away calmly into the horizon.

Jeongguk was at the same pose, obviously. He didn't know what to think, he didn't know what to feel.

It was so unexpected.

His brother was here, in front of him.

Why he didn't kill him? Why he just said all those words and walked away? 

His heart thumped and little by little it started to increase. He felt a strong pain like his body was going crazy.

It was damn painful and he couldn't shout or cry. All he wished for was for this to end already. 

He slowly closed his eyes and tried to bear with the agony.


"Jeongguk... Jeongguk..." a voice was heard in the background. It was silent and barely audible. "Jeongguk! JEONGGUK!" slowly it got louder in his ears, but still it sounded like inside a vacuum.

Yoongi was kneed down on the snow in front of Jeongguk's body. He called with no stop for his friend to open his eyes. "Please Jeongguk... please you can't die!!!" he shouted into his face, a tear fell down on his cheek.

"Yoongi..." Dawn called him, they've been there for 10 minutes already, "it's pointless"

"NO!" Yoongi shouted angrily, "he's alive and I know it, JEONGGUK FOR GOD SAKE IF YOU WON'T OPEN YOUR EYES RIGHT NOW I'LL FUCKING-" he exhaled, tried to stop the tears, "I'LL-!!!" he didn't know how to threat him anymore, he just hoped to see the younger's eyes opening, "Jeongguk..."

A low groan suddenly heard, made Yoongi's and Dawn's eyes widen. "I knew you're alive" He smiled softly with Dawn.

"C'mon, put him on my back and let's hurry back to Hyuna, she'll thaw him" Dawn said and suddenly transformed into a big beautiful fox.

"W-what?" Yoongi stunned, "so you're really a fox..."

Dawn growled at him, motioned him to hurry. Yoongi raised Jungkook's body from the deep snow and put him on Dawn's back. He also sat on him so he could hold the younger's body.

Dawn started to run on his four legs down to Hyuna.

They arrived in a quick few minutes thanks to Dawn's fox form's speed. 

"GUYS!" she shouted when she saw them in the horizon, "oh god I'm happy to see you! hurry inside!" she ran into her house and searched for the potion that will thaw Jeongguk.

Hoseok helped Yoongi to put Jeongguk's body on the yellow couch. Sogeum, the dog, barked at the frozen body and then licked it, till Hoseok moved him gently.

Hyuna hastily came to them with a smile, she poured one drop of the potion on Jeongguk. Hoseok and Yoongi stared, waited to see a progress. Slowly the ice melted on the couch and ground, gave them a smile of relief.

"That was a tough progress guys, and you indeed strong enough to pass it successfully!" Hyuna smiled at Jeongguk who still didn't move a finger.

"How's Taehyung?" Yoongi asked and looked at Hoseok.

"Sleeping... his body full of chains' pink marks, the moment the potion stopped working he fainted" Hoseok explained, "also you won't believe what happened..." at the same time Dawn went to a room upstairs only to change into his human's form and put clothes on himself. Each time Dawn switches to fox, his clothes tear apart.

Yoongi looked at Jeongguk, saw his body slowly moving. The potion's purpose is to let the body release heat, so little by little Jeongguk started to feel gentle warmth. Yoongi hmmed to Hoseok as a reply, just to let him know that he was listening.

"A wizard attacked us!" when Hoseok said those words, Yoongi's eyes widened and he looked at the other's eyes, "what?!"

"Yeah, Hyuna is insane! she ripped him apart!" he smiled widely.

Yoongi scanned Hoseok's body to check if he got some injuries, "where's Jimin?" he asked while his heart filled with worry.

"Oh he got a shot into his leg, but Hyuna took care of him" he smiled so the other won't worry too much, "he's with Taehyung"

Yoongi nodded, tried to act cool. Hoseok said that he's ok then he should believe him, and he believed him. But he still wanted to see it with his own eyes, he still was worried. Yet, he didn't want it to be obvious, so he stood there, watched Jeongguk coming back to consciousness.

"Alright, you can take him to his room so he can sleep" Hyuna said, finished to take care of Jeongguk. She walked away to let Hoseok grab Jeongguk's body.

"Take him to the room, I'll go check Taehyung" Yoongi said and walked upstairs. Hoseok nodded even though the other already walked away. He put Jeongguk's arm around his neck and he grabbed his waist. Slowly he rose his body to stand and the two slowly walked upstairs to their room.

Yoongi entered Taehyung's and Jimin's room. The room was dark and just the big moonlight entered from the window. The moment the door's room opened Jimin's body sat up. 

The two looked at each other while Yoongi stepped closer to their bed. 

"Hey" Jimin smiled, looked up at the standing older. Yoongi moved his gaze to the sleeping Taehyung, saw him snorting peacefully. Then he looked down at Jimin's wounded leg. It had a red hole, like a big bullet was there.

Yoongi's fingers slowly touched the wound, made Jimin wince, "it's still hurting for some reason... but it healed a little" the younger smiled calmly.

Yoongi sighed, "do you need blood?"

Jimin's eyes widened, he remembered they finished the bag bloods that they had, so... is Yoongi going to give him from his own blood?!

"Y-yes..." Jimin gulped, the thought made him be thirsty even more.

"I'll go get you a blood bag" Yoongi suddenly said, made Jimin's anticipation break into pieces.

"W-what? from where?"

"Saw some in Taehyung's bag" Yoongi retorted and left the room to bring him the said blood bag. Jimin sat there, waited patiently. A pout on his face, he thought some sexy scene will happen, but then he chuckled at himself for fucking expecting it from the older.

After short minutes, Yoongi entered the room and gave Jimin the blood bag. The younger took it and drank it like there was no tomorrow. "You lost a lot of blood, this is why it's healing slowly" the other said and sat on the edge of the bed.

Jimin finished the whole bag in one sip and looked at the older, "I guess..." he retorted silently. Yoongi stared at him, he rose his hand and wiped the little blood drop that was next to Jimin's mouth.

Jimin's eyes widened at the gentle touch and he looked at the older licking his own finger. He gulped and felt his cheeks burning, he immediately looked down so the older won't see it, eventhough he won't because of the dark room.

"Go to sleep, tomorrow we leave early" Yoongi said and took the empty plastic bag from Jimin's small hands.

The other nodded. Yoongi stood up and walked to the door.

"Good night Hyung..." Jimin said sweetly, his eyes looked at the elder's back, waited for a reply.

Yoongi didn't turn, he just mumbled a "good night" and exited the room. Jimin laid down on the bed, his eyes looking at the peaceful Taehyung.

"Ahh..." he let out a breath, "he should treat me like a jackass like he always did..." he pouted, talked to the sleeping Taehyung, "cuz if he continues like this... my heart will burst..." he mumbled into the pillow. He buried his head into it, felt his cheeks and ears burning up with redness.


The morning came and with it a knock on Jimin's and Taehyun's door. Jimin slowly opened his eyes, met with the bright light of the sun. The door opened and revealed Yoongi's tired face, "c'mon guys, the others ready, come downstairs" he said and walked away, left the door half opened.

Jimin yawned and looked at the sleepy Taehyung, "how are you?" he asked.

Taehyung looked at Jimin and slowly smiled, "weird...". Jimin smiled back at him, saw that the bruises were completely gone, "you look better though". The two chuckled and stood up, walked downstairs.

Taehyung felt really weird. When he was bonded he fell more complete, but now it felt like something was missing. Nervous filled his body when thought about how he's going to feel when he sees Jeongguk?

They slowly walked down the stairs, heard some mumbled from the first floor. Jimin was the first to see their eyes and then Taehyung. 

Jeongguk sat on the yellow couch, he smiled at Hoseok while listening to his rants. Yoongi arranged the two backpacks and put them down next to Jeongguk. Hyuna was with Dawn in the kitchen, they were mumbling some sweet words to each other.

Jeongguk's eyes rose up to the stairs, met immediately with Taehyung's. The older startled and looked at Hoseok who shouted "good morning!". Then Hyuna popped from the kitchen and walked to Taehyung, she grabbed his hand and pulled him to stand in front of Jeongguk.

"It's good to see that you're ok!" she said and looked at Taehyung's confused face, "what do you feel to each other?" she asked, looked between the two.

Taehyung looked once again at Jeongguk who didn't move his gaze away. All eyes were on them, waited to hear a reply. 

"I... guess it worked..." Taehyung mumbled, had a confused expression. Jeongguk nodded, "yeah... I don't have the same feelings anymore..." he said and looked down.

Hyuna clapped her hands with happiness, "damn I'm amazing!!!" she cheered and walked back to the kitchen.

"That's good guys, now we can go back to the mansion" Yoongi announced, handed one backpack to Hoseok who took it with a smile, "we gotta hurry, we got a long way". The others nodded, Jeongguk stood up and walked outside after Jimin, Taehyung with them. 

"WAIT!" Hyuna shouted from the kitchen, she ran after them and handed each one a small bottle with light blue liquid, "I made this for you guys! it will make you arrive home quickly" she smiled, lead them to the outside of the house.

"Is it like a teleport?" Hoseok cocked a brow at the small bottle.

"Nop" Hyuna chuckled, "it will make you faster than a cheetah, it's very important; the moment you drink it start running, don't stop till you reach the mansion. If you stop it will lose the effect" she added. The five vampires nodded.

"We will drink it the moment we leave the rock" Yoongi said and started to walk to where the big stone was.

"Alright, bye guys!" Hyuna waved cheerfully, and Dawn waved indifferently. 

"Thank you Hyuna!!! BYE!" Taehyung waved back at her while walking after Yoongi. Hoseok and Jimin also shouted a "thank you" and "bye", before leaving. 

Jeongguk was the last to leave, he mumbled something to Hyuna and then walked after the others.

The three walked calmly out of the stone. "She's so weird! she's like so cheerful but in a battle, she's so damn scary" Hoseok grumbled to his friends. Jimin chuckled when he was the only one who understood what kind of scary she was.

"But seriously... he was damn scary... his aura was so threatening" Jimin said while walking next to the older, the two were behind Yoongi who lead the way. Taehyung walked close to them and Jeongguk behind them.

"Ok guys" Yoongi turned to them, "let's drink this shit and arrive home, please don't stop! go straight till you recognize the area!" he glared, deep down he worried, all he cared about was them to arrive safely to the mansion.

The others nodded. Yoongi was the first to drink it and he immediately started to run. His speed was incredible, left the four vampires with wide mouths. "DAMN HE VANISHED!" Hoseok got excited and drank the potion with Jimin, the two ran and vanished too.

Taehyung smiled and looked behind him to the youngest. "It's weird to be next to you like this..." he confessed. Jeongguk looked back at him, "yeah..." he nodded and looked to the side.

"But... after all this I can't hate you now" Taehyung chuckled, made the other let out a small laugh too, "we can be friends now" he smiled warmly. 

Jeongguk gave him a small smile, "friends with benefits?" he winked playfully. Taehyung rolled his eye and smirked, "you wish Jeon Jeongguk" he drank the potion and vanished.

Jeongguk chuckled, he looked back at the top mountain, his smile disappeared while remembering his conversation with Hyuna before leaving:

"Uhm... Hyuna..." he walked to her when Dawn stood next to her.

"Noona" she winked and crossed her arms over her chest, "what is it?" 

"I was wondering..." he looked behind him, saw the others walking further, he didn't want them to hear, "is it possible for a stranger to walk inside the rock?"

"Mmm... not really... only wizards if they say the right spell then they can see a portal in the rock" she cocked a brow.

"No wizards... demons?" He frowned at her, was a little scared of the answer.

"No... also you were there at daylight... demons can't walk freely at days so there's no way a demon reached the summit" she furrowed her brows. He nodded, "thank you" he was about to go after his friends but her words stopped him.

"I guess you saw someone up there"

He turned to her with his brows up, showed his worry and confusion.

She sighed, "it's an effect of the coldness I guess... maybe also the potion but I doubt it..." she thought deeply, "whoever you saw, he wasn't a real person... it came out of your unconscious... all you saw and all you heard was your real deep thoughts I guess"

Jeongguk looked down at the potion and then where his friends ran, 'my real thoughts...' he thought and just pushed it to the back of his brain. He drank the potion and ran after them.

With few hours of running and not stopping Yoongi was the first to arrive. He tried to stop but stumbled a little. He let out a relieved breath because he didn't fall. But then something bumped into him made his body fall and slide on the ground.

"Aww aww aww" he heard a voice and felt a body on his back.

"GET OFF!!!" Yoongi shouted at his friend who was Hoseok. Another one stopped next to them but stumbled and fell on the ground. Jimin pouted when Hoseok slowly stood up and Yoongi slowly raised his body. Then Taehyung arrived and also tripped, gently fell on Yoongi's back who rolled his eyes. Taehyung chuckled cutely and slowly straightened himself.

"Where's Jeongguk?" Hoseok looked around, saw only four of them including himself.

Taehyung raised his brows up in worry and looked behind him, from where they came from. Jimin and Yoongi waited to see him but nothing came up.

"Oh god..." Yoongi felt a little panic, he hoped that the younger didn't stop or something else.

"Do you think he mayb-" suddenly Hoseok's body flew down on the ground with a strong force. The others looked at him and noticed Jeongguk groaning next to him.

"Fuck... this speed what the hell..." he mumbled, felt his head spinning of the over speed. 

Hoseok glared at him and stood up, "happy now?" he hissed to Yoongi who had a big satisfied smile.

"Alright, we arrive quickly than I've thought, we got 3 minutes before night" the oldest said while dialing Namjoon, "c'mon pick up pick up..." he murmured to himself.

After short seconds that felt like long minutes Namjoon answered, "hey, how are you guys?"

"Hurry, open the gates before night" he said and looked around him, saw the others' eyes on him. Namjoon quickly hung up the call.

They stood outside, waited for the gates to opened, they remembered the exact location of the gates, actually Yoongi was the one who remembered. 

One minute passed, and then another one. Yoongi knew that they had to do the 'Circling check' before opening the gates.

'Circling check' is when four vampire check different directions through a telescope on the rooftop. One checks the northbound, the other southbound, and two others the other directions. Just to see that there's no demon around or wolves, or anything that looks suspicious, before opening the gates.

One minute before the darkness, Yoongi started to get unpatient, he didn't want to provoke luck. Suddenly the gates opened, their eyes saw the big mansion and big gates that were opening slowly.

"Hurry go in" he demanded and they entered one by one when he was the last one. When they all were in, Namjoon closed the gates. 

"WE'RE HOME!" Hoseok waved with a big smile, he put his hand around Yoongi's shoulder and the older gave him a small smile. Jimin gave Taehyung a little elbow tap, made him smile at him.

Jeongguk behind them, he looked over his shoulder to see the gates slowly closing.

'Stop playing around with vampires... you're a fucking demon, never forget that' he remembered his 'fake' brother's appearance's words. 

His legs continued walking into the mansion, when his eyes still looked over his shoulder at the gates. Looked at them till they got closed.

He shook his head and looked at the big mansion, saw all his friends in front of him.

"I'm home" he smiled.


The end.


There are a lot of chapters ahead!! don't THINK that I'll EVER end a story like this xD

Don't be depressed (if you are), the story just started c:

A lot of drama will come, and also some action with the demons ;)

Look at our cuties:

Y'all, their friendship is pure 🥺🥺

I just want everyone to see it and stop hating on Taehyung or Jimin cuz of a ship😕 I saw a lot of fights in Twitter, and people just don't see how their friendship is what important the most ♥

See you soon and have a great weekend ♥

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