Fairly Odd Life of Timantha T...

By mNakahara

28K 642 103

Timantha "Timmy" Turner is an average girl no one understands. Mom, dad and her evil babysitter Vick giving h... More

Oh Yeah, Chaos!
Oh Boys...
Fairly Odd Pet
Zappy Awards
Fairly Odd Couple
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The Fairy Fever
The May Prom
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The Horror's Eve
Love At First Height
Lil Mama's House
A Thankful Thinking

Fairly Odd Partner

4.3K 56 2
By mNakahara

A peaceful, "normal" daily routine of Timantha "Timmy" Turner may sound as having relaxed, fun and functional life; spending time with her parents who are loving, being popular with students in school, enjoying the childhood as a kid.

Well.... that's an ABSOLUTE wrong answer.


Yes, two flying man and woman with odd colored hair, holding wands, wings attached to their back,... they're her godparents. To define the existence of Fairy godparents, are group of fairies who are assigned to children from dysfunctional or miserable life; such as neglectful or abusive parents, bullied in school, unpopular with kids, lack of self-esteem, or when people doesn't like them.

And she's one of those miserable kids. Her real parents were neglectful as they always left her with horrible babysitter—who would be introduced later— and she doesn't have good time in school.

"What is it.... Today is Saturday..." Timmy yawned.

"We wouldn't want you to miss the day to go out and have fun~" Wanda said in sing-song tone, knowing Timmy wasn't a morning kid.

This is Wanda Fairywinkle Cosma. Her pink hair curled a bit with a bun, wears yellow T-shit with frills, black jeans and shoes. She is a wife of...

"Timmy! Have you seen my coin Phillip?! I've been holding it for seven hours and a half during night!" The green haired fairy said.

Cosmo Cosma. He is known for the "dumbest" fairy in the Fairyworld, married to Wanda. They used to go to same high school there and she found him cute when he asked her how to spell "chocolate" because that was her favorite sweet.

"Poof Poof!"

With a smile, Timmy greeted a small fairy with a hug. The purple haired, toddler fairy was none other than Wanda and Cosmo's son, Poof. Timmy Turner's god-brother.

Timmy hopped off from her bed and quickly went to take morning shower. Afterwards, she brushed her teeth, washed her face, and wearing her usual pink outfit. She usually wore pinkish white T-shirt, pink hoodie jacket, blue jeans and black shoes. Her iconic material is either pink ribbon hairband, or pink baseball hat.

"TIMMY TURNER!!" A loud, tough voice of masculine figure roared through the room.

'.... Oh [CENSORED].' Timmy sighed.

The loud, explosive POOF was heard as Poof hid behind Timmy, who seemed annoyed by the sight of "the most tallest, and toughest fairy of the universe", Jorgen Von Strangle.

"You're in for a big surprise!" The tall, military-attired fairy roared.

And with a large poof, Timmy and her fairies were arrived in a magical, fantasy-like but modern styled world of fairies; the Fairyworld. More specifically, she was in a Fairy Court. Reason? It has revealed;

"Timmy Turner," one of the Fairy Council began, "due to the Fairy Godparenting shortage, you will share your fairies with other godchild."

Lately, the chart has shown that many children was going through child abuse, bullying, depression and other serious issues the world has been issuing with but didn't do anything to help them. So the Fairyworld decided to take action, but the population of fairies were outnumbered by children 3 to 5. Which was a problem.

"EXCUSE MOI?!" Timmy shrieked as Cosmo and Wanda glanced at each other. Poof was keep holding unto Timmy.

"You will meet you... uhhh.... God-mate, soon." Timmy rolled her eyes at Fairy Council's poor description of the kid who she must share her fairies with.

Besides, Timmy was one of oldest godchild by the age of 11 currently, well, soon she will turn 12. Due to her several occasions of saving Fairyworld, Earth and overall the universe, she was granted to keep her fairies with other older godchildren, plus... earning her own magic in case her fairies had to leave her side for temporary time; earning telepathy, teleporting, granting her own wishes, etc. It was one of Da Rules, to have older godchildren learn "independence".

"Fine... boy or girl, what could possibly go wrong?" Timmy sighed.

"I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL THIS TO MAMA~!" Cosmo squealed. Before Wanda could say anything, this dumb green-haired fairy's wand sparkled as two were poofed away to see his mother, Mama Cosma, leaving Poof and Timmy.

Having nothing else to do, Timmy and Poof were wished out of the court as it has already been dismissed. The two walked the street of Fairyworld as majority of fairies recognized them. Especially, Timmy. She was the center of (unwanted) attentions for most of time as she was one of few oldest godchildren. Many younger godchildren were intrigued to see the brunette as much as she is aware of it, and inwardly annoyed. With a sigh, both arrived to Mama Cosma's house and soon regretted.


This slightly overweighted, lime green haired woman was none other than Cosmo's overbearing mother, Mama Cosma. Who hates Wanda—scratch that, ANYONE, who tries to take away her son. Now she's throwing any material she could grab to Wanda out of irrational frustration.

"Umm....." Timmy began awkwardly, until she was tackled with suffocating hug of her "god-grandma".

"THERE YOU ARE, TIMANTHA-LALA~!" Mama Cosma almost squealed as Poof giggled.

Timmy sighed, hugged her back.

"I'm TERRIBLY sorry to hear you'd be sharing your fairy godparents!" Mama Cosma dramatically remarked as Timmy inwardly rolled her eyes.

This was indeed one of her longest days to endure.

As she wished back home, she knew the timeline between Earth and Fairyworld was different... because now it was an early morning of Monday. Her LEAST favorite day of week.

In one of her weekdays outfit for Monday, Timmy walked towards the bus station with her fairies in disguise of bracelets. She was wearing pink short-sleeved, turtleneck shirt with frills below like a skirt, tight navy blue jeans, black sneakers and same pink hat. Her hair was in lower pigtails because she felt like it. Sighed as the bus arrived, Timmy went in.

"Hey, Timmy~!" Both of her male friends; Aj and Chester greeted her as they waved their hand.

"Hey, guys~" Timmy waved back cheerfully.

Chester McBadbat is one of her old friends since kindergarten. Son of worst baseball player, he wanted to up-bring his family name. He was wearing almost same clothing; black shirt, dark green jacket, baggy blue jeans and red sneakers. He is socially awkward, especially towards girls as he often say girls give him "hives" by touching him. AJ is also one of her old best friends since kindergarten, an African-American genius boy who's going through bald jokes from pretentious popular kids. He often wears clean outfits for being a "nerd"; white shirt, light blue vest, and gray long pants with leather shoes. Smart and more confident than Chester, but he NEVER had girlfriend before.

"We haven't seen you for two days. Where were you?" AJ asked.

"In a trip." Timmy replied.

The bus stopped as the door opened, the light purple aura of narcissism filled the bus as Timmy rolled her eyes.

'Oh brother...'

The student who entered the bus was none other than the "most popular boy" in Dimmsdale Elementary, Tristan Tang. He was wearing purple flannel shirt with white turtleneck shirt underneath, wine colored long jeans and white boots with golden buckles. His long hair was loosely tied back, his bangs barely covered his blue eyes.

"Ladies, gentlemen~! Charming and popular Tristan Tang~!" Bus driver announced as girls swooned, except Timmy.

'Show off.' Bucktoothed brunette thought.

The popular boy was not also famous in school, as he is a junior fashion model, a child celebrity. Timmy used to have HUGE infatuation towards Tristan Tang, whom she met when she was five. Despite her constant attempts to impress the popular Asian-American boy, what she always received was rejection. Some other times, she did manage to caught his attention... only to be over when other girls did BETTER, or his popular friends bullied her—a factor of why she's miserable. Now, she finds no point on pursuing this narcissistic boy.

"Hey, Tristan buddy~!" Tad and Chad, Tristan's popular friends, greeted in unison.

"Hi, Tad and Chad." Tristan greeted, his tone of voice melodic for young boy, but still a stuck up.

"Hi, Tristan!" Vernon, Tristan's popular but less popular friend waved to him.

"Hey, V."

As he walked passed Timmy, she didn't greet, nor look at him. She crossed her arms, paying more attention to AJ and Chester's conversation.

'......eh?' Tristan blinked.

Timmy inwardly smirked, continues to laugh and react by Chester's jokes. Tristan wasn't the only one noticing Timmy's lack of attention towards him. Tad and Chad blinked their eyes, while Vernon smirked in secrecy, satisfied with the fact that her infatuation towards Tristan was over.

As the school began, Timmy was on her seat beside her friends, begrudgingly waiting for her lunatic teacher Mr. Crocker.

"Pssst, Timmy?" Cosmo, in disguise of a pen, called her, "our wand's sparkling~"

"A godchild who you will share your fairies, will come here soon." Wanda, in disguise of pencil, added.

Timmy took a deep breath as Poof—who was in disguise of eraser—tilted his head, curious of a new god-sibling. As the door opened, instead of Mr. Crocker, it was Mr. Bickles who came in.

"Hello, class~" The drama and art teacher greeted with smile, "since Mr. Crocker couldn't join you today for urgent matter, I would be your substitute teacher~"

'Oh THANK GOD.' Timmy sighed in relief.

"Also~ we have a new student who will be in our class together~!" Mr. Bickles then turned towards the door, "come greet your classmates~!"

All class' attention went towards the door which was opened, revealing an oh-so familiar figure. A young boy with black hair covering his one side of face, wearing a sunglasses, and very "cool" outfit; black shirt, white ripped tank top with the text "Boo" with star shape, dark red jacket, light blue jeans and black boots. He also have slight bucktooth, expression calm and collected. His blue eyes looked around, then spotted frozen Timmy. With a smirk, he waved his hand cooly. Wanda and Cosmo's eyes bulged out in surprise, their wands confirmed the snarky former imaginary friend as one they should live with.

"Hey, pink-hat."

"........ GARY?!"

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