Don't Back Down Again

By riverajocabed1

8.4K 322 535

They solve mysteries and rewrite history for living. No matter what, they did it as a family but a new threat... More

Story Time!
What's Going On?
7 Years Later
Birthday Surprise!
Pary Disasters
What Happened?
Robots and Tea
Dance Part 1
Dance Part 2
What to Do
Next episode (Author notes)
Never Ever Getting Rid of Me
Out of Time
None Date
Robo Battle
Forget Me Not
Spillinf the Truth
Welcome to the Other Side!
Blood Stone
Hallucinations or Reality?
Robots, Why Did it have to be Robots?
What to Believe
Elevator Incident
Abigors Past


177 7 4
By riverajocabed1

Not feeling too great mentally and emotionally. I've been working extra hard for the past week. Mom, step dad, and 5 year old sister are down with the illness making me in charge of the house, taking care of them, and cleaning everything. But I'm still here and writing. Can't forget about you guys right?

Here we go!

Amias and Hades walked down to the UnderWorld. There was clear tension going on, Hades was too quiet for the fun and short tempered guy he usually was.

"What's wrong?" Amias couldn't take the silence any longer. It was clear that there was something terribly wrong and he wasn't saying it.

"I'm the ruler of this place," Hades began, still guiding Amias across the Underworld, "What I say goes. My word is worth millions of souls. But I'm afraid even the lord of the Underworld has his limits."

He led the mortal to a room that was glowing blue. Sounds of cries filling the place in an eerie way. Near the River of Styx was another grown male duck, his eyes a dark black and feathers mostly black with white spots.

"Thanatos?" Amias recognized his cousin right away.

"And Roya," a small female duck looking similar to Thanatos appeared from behind him. Next to her was another male duck that looked a lot older than the others. White feathers but same dark eyes as everyone in the group.

"Mayavin," he said his name as a way to greet his cousin.

"So another poor soul got stuck down here too huh?" Roya laughed as she firmly shook Amias hand.

"At least I'm not alone here," Amias greeted and hugged his cousins.

"Is Lizzette with my boy Abigor?" Thanatos asked after hugging Amias.

"You know those two are inseparable," Amias smiled.

"Alright we can catch up at the party," Hades interrupted everyone, "Right now we have an urgent situation."

"Ah, I'm sure it's nothing we can't handle," Roya gave a confident smile but Hades' worried face worried the cousin's.

"What's wrong?" Mayavin seemed like he was the most nervous out of the four.

"Can you all tell me one thing you four have in common?" Hades asked, clearly wanting to slowly reveal to them what was happening.

"Hmmm, We're ducks?" Mayavin asked, very uncertain. Roya lightly shoved his shoulder and smirked.

"Descendents of the great geek gods and heroes. My blood comes from Oneiroi, personification of dreams." Roya proudly answered.

"Named after my great ancestor Thanatos, God of Death," Thanatos added in.

"My ancestor is Hypnos, personification of sleep," Mayavin said.

"Descendent of Aphroducky," Amias raised his hand slightly.

"And what is our family code?" Hades asked again.

"To follow in our ancestors footsteps and represent them in a positive light." The four said in unison.

"Good, I'm going to need you four to follow that code starting today," Hades said.

"We've always followed that code," Amias sounded confused.

"Today you will follow it on a new level. You see, I keep count of all the souls down here. Thousands to millions come down here every year, and I count all of them carefully," Hades gestured to the River of Styx. The cousins looked down to see a wailing, swirling abyss of souls, nothing unusual, "But today, the count is off."

"What?" The cousins were even more confused.

"It took me hours to find out who it was but I was able to track down his name. A man that goes by Merlock, has somehow escaped death," Hades revealed.

"Merlock? Isn't he a Warlock?" Amias pondered on the name. Hades nodded yes before speaking.

"Thousands of years ago, he attempted to take over the world. He was the most powerful man all thanks to his green tialsmen. With the talisman, he was able to use it on a magic lamp he found. Granting him unlimited wishes. With those wishes he was able to destroy cities and cause disasters across the land. Even wished himself to be immortal." Hades explained.

"Oooo, good wisher," Mayavin was amazed by the information.

"No, bad wisher. As long as he had that tialsmen, he was able to live for as long as he liked and had full control over the lamp. It wasn't until a group of heroic ducks were able to take him down. Merlock lost his tialsmen in a fight and fell to his death," Hades story was starting to make sense of why they were here.

"And the lamp?" Amias asked.

"Lost with the Treasure of Collie Baba," Hades said, "His soul was stuck down here for thousands of years. Even when he was dead I could still see it in his face that he was plotting his revenge on those who defeated him."

"Do you have any idea who defeated him?" Amias asked in curiosity. He wanted to understand this as much as possible.

"It's hard to pinpoint who defeated him but I know this much. It was someone in the Mcduck clan."

"Mcduck clan? As in Scrooge Mcduck? Richest duck in the world?" Thanatos made sure he heard this right.

"Eh, no surprise there," Roya shrugged, "His family line is known for being undefeated."

"So he's been plotting a plan to get revenge on anyone in the Mcduck bloodline," Amias concluded.

"Exactly," Hades patted Amia's shoulder proudly, "And now, someone in the living world had summoned his soul back. Leaving the mortals world vulnerable to his powers. If he gets his hands on his tialsmen again, the world will be under his control once more, destroying everything in sight one by one, starting with the Mcduck family." Hades told them all in a warning tone, almost frightening them. The cousins stood in silence for a good while, thinking over this new information.

"Why did you call us?" Amias broke the silent with his question.

"You are descendents of heroes and gods. Each with unique skills that can be used to help stop this catastrophe. Merlock has eyes on everyone, everywhere. He could strike at any moment. So we can't let this information out, it'll alert him. The only place he can't hear us is in the Underworld and in our minds." Hades pointed at each of them, "Roya, descendent of the personification of dreams, Oneiroi. Mayavin, descendent of the personification of sleep, Hypnos. And Thanatos, descendent of the God of Death. I need you three to find a way to communicate through dreams and bring Merlock back to his death. Amais, you are the descendent of Aphroducky. If you can get your hands on any potions or items that can help them on their mission, do so. Don't reveal any of this to anyone or to any God. The less people know, the better."

"But why us? Mortals? Why not our ancestors themselves?" Amias asked once more.

"Merlock will be suspecting that we use Gods. And he's a very persuasive man. He can get any god on his side in a snap. We can't have that. Mortals doing this work will throw him off his game. Everyone understood everything I just said?" He asked. The cousins nodded their heads yes firmly.

"Actually, I have one," Mayavin raised his hand and spoke, "What's the worse that can happen to us?"

Flash back over

"Whoa," Lena was shocked to see the sight before her. Abigor took her to a room that had what looked like statues made of gems.

"Mayavin was the first to get caught," Abigor looked at his relative who was consumed by black gems, "He let the plan slip to his wife and Merlock was on to us. Roya was the next target."

Lena didn't need him to tell her which one was which. The duck had a scared expression on her face, like she was faced with something horrifying. Her whole body was taken over by white gems.

They passed by two others, Thanatos taken over by dark blue gems and finally, Amias trapped in a fighting position consumed by light pink gems. Abigor sighed in sadness at the sight of his father trapped in stone.

"And these are just the four Hades picked. My mother, descendent of Hades, was taken as well. Lizzettes Father joined them not too long ago. The blood stones can't break and set them free until that tialsmen is gone. We were able to have them drink a sleeping potion before they became fully gems so their bodies don't become conscious while in this form. My father was taken when I was just 14. With him gone, uncle Amias said I was the only one left that could help communicate through dreams. So I picked you."

"Why me?" Lena asked without taking her eyes off of the statues. It was like these people were frozen in time. Frozen in the most terrifying moment of their lives. They all looked like they were trying to avoid something or someone, fighting off whatever was in front of them.

"You have a connection with magic," Abigor revealed to her. This didn't really surprise Lena, her magic was the key trait that separated her from everyone else. It made sense for people to take advantage of it, "Your magic made it easier for me to make a connection in the dream realm. If it was a normal mortal, it's still possible but a lot more difficult since mortals tend to be closed minded to this kind of stuff."

"That makes sense," Lena didn't know what to say. This was all she needed to know. Why the cousins were the way they were, her dreams, the disappearance, the gems, but there was just one more question she needed answered, "When did you meet Merlock and Magica?"

Back at the beach, people began to leave out of fright while some stayed behind.

"We hope you find your son soon," Drake told Donald, standing in front of a taxi with Gosalyn and Honker inside. The two teens in the taxi gave a friendly wave to the Duck family. Donald and Della gave a weak wave back, their faces still struck with terror and distress.

"Good luck Mr and Mrs. Duck!" Honker said as Drake hopped in. They can see through the window where Gosalyn hopped over her dad's lap and rolled down the window.

"Before we leave, Honker and I made these for you," she handed them a box that was neatly wrapped in gift wrapping and a bow. Daisy took the box and tried to smile.

"Thank you," She said the best she could. She was just as heart broken as her husband and sister.

"You can open it later if you want. We just hope it can make you feel…. better about this situation," Gosayln tried to find the right words. She rolled the window up and the taxi left.

Donald and Della walked off to the beach, leaving Daisy behind. The fashionista looked back at the two, stomping across the sand. The heavy steps kicked up the sand and they left a trail of deep footprints. Some people were still at the party, but backed up when the twins passed by. They stopped at the edge of the ocean, their feet barely touching the high tide. In a second, Donald threw his fists in the air and screamed out in frustration. It didn't take long for Della to follow his actions and scream at the top of her lungs.

"Poor souls," Daisy whispered to herself. The twins were experiencing more pain then they have ever felt before. Donald has fought to keep the boys safe and together, while Della fought 10 years to return back to her family. Now to see one of their boys get taken away was enough to break them apart.

"I guess this is my cue to leave," Daisy heard a familiar voice, someone she didn't want to hear or see.

"You're still here?" Daisy said annoyingly. The blue bird shrugged his shoulders and spoke in his usual gentle voice.

"I'm leaving soon, no need to get aggressive," He said with some caution in his voice. He didn't want to upset her, just dig a little deeper in her mind and emotions.

"Dewey is gone, Webby is crying her eyes out somewhere, you should've left by now," Daisy snapped a bit but tried her best to be polite.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to upset you at all with what I said….."

"I play a role in their lives and that's final. I've been with them for 7 years now and I know them inside and out. It doesn't matter if I was with them or not throughout this crisis. I'm still their family," She tried to get him to leave sooner but the blue bird didn't seem to be budging one bit. He kept his neutral expression on and looked at Daisy, as if scanning for something.

"I apologize once again for making you feel this way, I just wanted to say that it's a shame that you are considered family and yet you weren't there for the boys when they needed you most. Weren't you at Cape Suzette when the dance was taking place?"

Daisy was ready to respond back but a wave of confusion and shock washed over her. The blue bird took notice of her sudden change of mood, "Donald didn't tell you about the dance incident?"

"He did tell me. A couple hours after it happened of course," Daisy answered, trying to sound assertive.

"He couldn't just call you and tell you to check in the boys instead of taking a plane to the school?" The bird asked like nothing was wrong.

"He was in a moment of panic. Besides it was late at night and he most likely thought I was asleep or…." Daisy stopped herself when she noticed it sounded like she was making excuses. She took a deep breath in, trying her best to not let the bird see he was getting to her, "I matter in this family. I may not be active in it 24/7 but I know I do."

"Funny, I thought to be family ment you did have to be active 24/7." With that, the blue bird left the duck alone with her thoughts. She kept her posture straight and her arms crossed, not showing a sign of weakness. But she knew he hit something, something that told her she wasn't reaching her full potential in the family.

"Everyone relax," Scrooge tried to settle down his nephew and niece.

"What do you mean relax?" Della snapped at him, "You should be just as upset as us! Dewey is gone! Gone! How could you just stand there and tell us to relax?"

"You two don't think I'm just as upset?" Scrooge grabbed Dellas arms and tried to hold her still. The clouds of sand decreased but Donalds rage was still making the clouds, "I was at me mansion a while ago to think this through and come back to Dewey being kidnapped. But raging and screaming about it won't solve a thing."

"I know that, it just helps with the stress!" Della shouted back at him.

"Don't you take that tone with me lass," Scrooge snapped at her.

"I don't have a tone!" Della snapped even harder. Huey pushed himself between the two adults and shoved them away from each other.

"Enough! The both of you! Let's all head back to the mansion and think this through," Huey looked over at his Uncle Scrooge, "I'm sure we'll accomplish our goal if we just sit down and talk this through."

Scrooge gave a firm nod while Della huffed and marched passed them.

On the other side, there was a long line that wrapped around the block. The line lasted for what looked like miles, everyone wearing costumes to the town's favorite superhero.

"Whoaza! Look at the line," Louie pressed his face against the window of the limo. His brothers were right behind him and pressed their faces against the window as well.

"Wow, it's a good thing we asked Fenton to hold our place in line. Otherwise we would be in line until next week," Dewey commented.

"Oh, I sure hope they still have some GizmoDuck costumes left," Huey jumped up and down in his seat from all the excitement.

"Or the new comic book about his last adventure!" Louie clapped excitedly.

"Well, dolly and I just want a new GizmoDuck doll to have at our tea party," Webby chimed while cuddling with her little doll, "It'll be really nice to have a superhero at our party, wouldn't it dolly?"

Webby nodded her doll's head to say yes. The limo came to a stop at the parking lot and let the kids out.

"Ah don't be a dummy, they don't have GizmoDuck dolls," Louie scoffed as he hopped out of the limo.

"Yeah, they have GizmoDuck action figures!" Dewey hopped out of the limo as high as he could and did his best superhero landing.

"Oh, well an action figure would still be nice. As long as he likes tea," Webby skipped alongside the boys, her doll dragging behind her. Near the front of the line, they found a familiar white duck and chicken looking in the store's window.

"Fenton!" The triplets and Webby happily ran up to him and jumped up and down from all the excitement they felt.

"Are you going to shop for some of the new GizmoDuck merchandise as well?" Huey asked.

"What are you going to get?" Louie looked at the window and scanned the store, "GizmoDuck T Shirt! Or the GizmoDuck hat?"

"Oh oh, look at those sweet headphones," Huey pointed out. Both Fenton and Gandra looked to where Huey pointed and saw what he was talking about. On the high shelf laid some headphones. Polished, white headphones with red streaks decorating the white shell. Some dials on the side to control the bass, treble and volume of the music. On the side of the headphones was a red G painted on it.

"Well you look at those," Huey whistled in amazement. He grabbed the magazine he had under his hat and looked at the list of merchandise, "It says that those are wireless with strong connection wherever you go."

"Fancy," Louie whistled as well.

"No no little ones, Gandra and I have a date tonight and I don't want to miss our reservation," Fenton began to leave but he took notice that Gandra seemed stuck in time. Her gaze was still on the headphones. Her head tilted and eyes squinting, trying to see every detail of those headphones.

"Miss Dee, you ok?" Webby tugged on Gandras blue suit.

"What? Oh right," Gandra chuckled and snapped out of her thoughts, "Sorry, just a little distracted children. Your welcome for holding your place in line."

"Bye bye," The kids waved.

"Oh boy oh boy, they're opening in just a minute," Dewey rubbed his hands when he saw the employee with a broken arm begin to unlock the doors. He came out and glanced at the line ahead of him.

"Ok everyone, in just a few seconds I'm going to open the store. I beg you all, don't let this be like last month. Get in a nice and order line. I'll let you in by small groups and…."

Not even a second later and the line trampled the employee into dust.

An hour later, the store was empty and the kids were happily walking back to the limo with their bags.

"Haha! I got it!" Dewey pulled out a comic book, "Issue number 19 out of 87."

"Issue 19? I thought they stopped publishing that one after issue 87?" Louie tried to grab the comic from Deweys hands.

"Hey! You should've gotten your own," Dewey shoved his brother away.

"Let me see," Louie tugged back at the comic book. Dewey shoved him away making Louie stumble back and trip. He fell back and crashed against a ladies bag. Knocking it down and making a bunch of items spill.

"Uh oh," Huey gulped.

Louie's vision was blurry when he looked up at the lady he ran into. He shook his head and saw it was a beautiful blond duck.

"You're aggressive with your brothers, don't you think?" Goldie asked a little firmly. She kneeled down and picked up the items from her bags.

"Sorry miss lady," Louie shyly apologized.

"Here, let us help you," Webby rushed to pick up the jewels she dropped.

"Polite little rascals," Goldie nearly chuckled at the sight of kids cleaning up her items, "Don't you four belong at the mansion with your uncle."

"We came for the GizmoDuck sale day," Huey pointed out while handing her

"Yeah, we saved up our allowance for a year for this day," Dewey added in. Goldie looked down at him in confusion. Dewey simply said, "Uncle Scrooge gives us like a nickel a week."

"I see. I was at the store as well. Saw in the magazine that they were selling some jewelry based on the superhero. No doubt they'll be worth a pretty penny after some time," Goldie added in.

"Must've been rough," Louie took a look at a necklace she bought. White chains with red gems hanging around it. On the side it had a tag that said LIOZ.

"That's the brand," Goldie pointed out the name, "LIOZ creates many of the GizmoDuck merchandise."

"Cool," Louie looked at his toy he got and saw the brand tagged as LIOZ on the bottom.

"Well thank you kids for helping but I should get going," Goldie grabbed the remaining items on the ground and began to leave, "I hope to run into you boy's soon again."

The boys happily waved goodbye as they watched her get in her limo. Louie looked down and saw that there was still one ring on the ground.

"Wiat!" Louie grabbed the ring and ran after the limo. He waved the ring in the air and tried to call out loud enough. But she was gone the second the limo left the parking lot, "Awe man, she forgot her ring."

Louie looked down at the ring. It had a green gold gem on a gold band. It looked beautiful and oddly familiar in his eyes.

With Magica, the lady was watching as the stone around Dewey was glowing faintly. She sighed in an impatient madder. She held into Deweys hand and examined it. Blue bits of gems were seen forming on his fingertips.

"How long until it consumes him?" Magica asked, getting annoyed at the slow pace.

"Patients, it takes time for a gem to form underground. So it'll take about a couple days until he is fully consumed." Merlock told her.

"Can't we make it go any faster?" Magica complained.

"I spent a thousand years waiting for this day, a couple days is nothing," Merlock answered a little more roughly. They both watched as the blue stone ever so slowly grew on the boy.

Alright, I'm exhausted. Time to sleep.

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