Starting Over

By BasicallyBrandi

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Caroline was his soul mate, but just a month after the birth of their second child she passed away. Luke and... More

Chapter 1- How It All Began
Chapter 2- The Fall of the House of Bryan
Chapter 3- The Lectures
Chapter 4- The Meltdown
Chapter 5- Everything's Too Late
Chapter 6- Confessions
Chapter 7- I Love You!
Chapter 8- Wait? What?
Chapter 9- Bridget's Sisters
Chapter 10- Thanksgiving Eve Morning
Chapter 11- A Day at Vanderbilt Medical Center
Chapter 12- Our Dramatic Thanksgiving
Chapter 13- The Nut House Christmas Party
Chapter 14- Leaving Home
Chapter 16- Another Trip to Vanderbilt...
Chapter 17- A Day Out on the Farm
Chapter 18- Caroline's Letters
Chapter 19- She Knew
Chapter 20- Talk It Out
Chapter 21- Welcome, Tia!
Chapter 22- My SHLB!
Chapter 23- Mystery Illness
Chapter 24- Do What?
Chapter 25- Announcing the News to the Family
Chapter 26- On the Road
Chapter 27- A Day in the Life....
Chapter 28- Father's Day
Chapter 29- Celebrity Karaoke: Couples Edition
Chapter 30- It's My Birthday!
Chapter 31- Flights, Layovers, & Unruly Passengers
Chapter 32- Backed Against A Wall
Chapter 33- Her Next Caroline
Chapter 34- 54785 Kane Ranch Road
Chapter 35- Packages & Letters
Chapter 36- Road Trip
Chapter 37- Back to Tennessee
Chapter 38- Kidnapped
Chapter 39- The Cabin
Chapter 40- Redbird
Chapter 41- Our Arrival at Blackberry Farm
Chapter 42- Our Wedding
Chapter 43- The Reception
Chapter 44- Delays, Delays, Delays
Chapter 45- Turks and Caicos
Chapter 46- Realization
Chapter 47- Our New Reality
Chapter 48- To Kentucky in a Blizzard?
Chapter 49- Snow Day
Chapter 50- Day One
Chapter 51- Going Home
Chapter 52- The Trial
Chapter 53- Our Crazy Life
Chapter 54- Bridget's Birthday
Chapter 55- Moving Day
Chapter 56- Luke's Birthday
Chapter 57- Where is Everyone?
Chapter 58- I've Got to Fix This
Chapter 59- I'm Going Home Now!
Chapter 60- What's Wrong With Kenzie?
Chapter 61- She's Going to be Okay
Chapter 62- The Hermitage Hotel
Chapter 63- Farm Tour
Chapter 64- Leesburg, Georgia
Chapter 65- The Interview
Chapter 66- Happy 1st Birthday, Keegan & Kinley!
Chapter 67- Back to Leesburg
Chapter 68- Talking with Jordan
Chapter 69- The Funeral
Chapter 70- Our Secret Spot
Chapter 71- What? No!
Chapter 72- A Night Out
Chapter 73- The Results
Chapter 74- The Will
Chapter 75- Tweet, Tweet, Tweet
Chapter 76- Caroline's Letters...Again
Chapter 77- Just Me & The Boys
Chapter 78- Whiney, Complaining Luke
Chapter 79- I Tried
Chapter 80- It's Christmas
Chapter 81- Mexico Beach
Chapter 82- New York City
Chapter 83- We're All Sick
Chapter 84- Crash My Playa- Part 1
Chapter 85- Crash My Playa-Part 2
Chapter 86- On the Road Again
Chapter 87- Fast
Chapter 88- Welcome to Louisville
Chapter 89- Europe Bound
Chapter 90- We're Home
Chapter 91- Spring Break... Checkin' Out (Part 1)
Chapter 92- Spring Break... Checkin' Out (Part 2)
Chapter 93- Bad News
Chapter 94- Laid to Rest
Chapter 95- ACM Cabela's Archery Event
Chapter 96- It's ACM Day!
Chapter 97- The Nuthouse Fan Club Party
Chapter 98- My Beautiful Life

Chapter 15- Dirt Road Diaries

1.7K 38 10
By BasicallyBrandi

It was a great Christmas, but life must go on. Bridget and I decided to transfer Kenzie and Bo from BGA to Currey Ingram Academy. Bridget couldn’t handle going into BGA on a regular basis after they fired her. I really couldn’t say that I blamed her. Currey Ingram Academy turned out to be a great place for not only our kids, but Bridget as well. She volunteered on a regular basis and we were both more involved parents.

It has been a little over a year and we are still going strong. Bridget decided to become a stay-at-home mom and I couldn’t be happier with her choice. I can’t say that I didn’t encourage her to do so, but we pull the kids out of school every now and then to come out to a few shows and spend some time together as a family. Family. That’s what we are and I’m dying to make it official. We have talked about it, however nothing ever comes of it. We both know we will one day, but Bridget makes excuses as to why we can’t every time I bring it up. I think she’s just scared. She wants everything to be perfect. What she doesn’t realize is that we are as perfect as we could be.

I started the Dirt Road Diaries tour last month and I haven’t seen her or the kids since I left home in January, but Bridget is pulling the kids out of school this week to bring them to her hometown on a little mini vacation. I have a concert the end of that week about an hour from there in Louisville and I have three off days at the beginning of the week so I’ll get to see everyone. More than anything I’m looking forward to spending some time alone time with just Bridget and the kids. Luckily, we can do that because last summer I bought us a lake house about twenty minutes from her parents’ house. It was the best investment I’ve ever made in all honesty. Now she can take the kids home during the summer and don’t have to worry on everyone fitting into her parents’ house.

The show in Bloomington just ended and I will be on a plane flying to see my whole world in just a matter of time. I decided to call Bridget and see who was picking me up at the airport.

“Hello,” a strange voice answered Bridget’s phone.

“Umm, Is Bridget around close?” I asked the strange person.

“Yeah, just a sec. It’s LB,” the strange voice said in reference to how Bridget had my name programed in her phone.

“Hey!” Bridget said out of breath as she took the phone.

“Who answered your phone?” I asked her.

“It was just Heather,” Bridget told me, “You’ll meet her tomorrow. You’re all mine tonight!”

“Am I now?” I asked her playfully.

“Yes. But I have to go. Bo! Stop!”  Bridget got interrupted, “The kids are spending the night with my sisters at mom and dad’s and Bo has been ready to go since he got out of bed this morning.”

“Be there when I get there?” I asked her.

“Yeah. I’ll be there,” Bridget told me.

“Love you, baby!” I told her.

“Love you too!” She returned before she ended the call.

The flight into Louisville was crazy. It was packed and I really didn’t think it through taking a commercial flight either. All I wanted to do was take a nap, but that didn’t happen when I was recognized by a flight attendant. Thankfully the flight was short. I love my fans, but I just wasn’t feeling up to it tonight. I somehow managed to be one of the first ones off the plane. I only brought my one carry-on bag; Bridget brought everything else I needed from home. I had my bag thrown over my shoulder as I practically ran through the airport. As soon as I passed through security I saw her waiting. It was like I had seen an angel standing there. I took off running. I dropped my bag as soon as I reached her and pulled her into a kiss that seemed to last an eternity.

As we finally pulled away everyone from the flight I had been on was staring at us. I grabbed my bag and lead her through the airport.

“Give me the keys,” I said to her.

“I’ll drive, Luke,” she told me, “You don’t know your way around Louisville and if you don’t go just the right way we’ll end up at the airport all night and I have other things planned at home.”

It wasn’t worth the fight so I let her win this one. I’ll take over when we get closer to home. The drive home wasn’t as quiet as I thought it would be. Bridget told me about everything that the kids have done. And when I say everything, that’s exactly what I mean. Kenzie was trying out for softball, Bo was going to play t-ball, and little Tate was just talking up a storm now. She told me all about Melissa, who she met through Currey Ingram Academy. Melissa’s daughter, Raegan, and Kenzie were good friends. In the process Bridget and Melissa had become friends.

About halfway Bridget pulled over at a gas station, “I’m tired. Will you drive?”

“I tried to drive from the airport,” I responded.

Bridget rolled her eyes at me as I got out of the truck and she slid across the seat. We started moving down the road and it seemed like all was right with the world. I had my amazing girlfriend at my side and would be able to spend some quality family time with our kids in less than twelve hours. My thoughts were interrupted when Bridget’s cell phone rang.

“Hello?” Bridget said surprised to hear her phone ringing at 1am.

“Have you told him yet?” I heard Melissa ask.

“Not yet,” Bridget said, “We haven’t even made it home yet.”

“Let me know as soon as you do,” Melissa told her, “I’m worried.”

“Bye, Melissa,” Bridget said before hanging up the phone.

“What haven’t you told me?” I asked Bridget in curiosity.

“It’s nothing. I swear,” Bridget promised.

“Why was Melissa making such a big deal about it then? Ya know, since it’s nothing?” I questioned her.

“Because that’s just her,” Bridget explained while she was staring out the window.

“As long as it ain’t something major, like you being pregnant. Wait, you’re not pregnant are you?” I asked her secretly hoping she was.

“No, I’m not pregnant. Don’t you think you would be the first person I told if I was?” Bridget enlightened me.

“Not necessarily,” I said to her knowing that if I was on tour she would tell Melissa or even Momma first because she would want to tell me that in person.

“Nice to know you think so little of me,” Bridget stated. She was upset and she had every right. That didn’t exactly come out like I had planned it in my head. It was way wrong, but there was no sense in fighting about it. I made a mistake I just had to suck it up and apologize.

“Bridge, I’m sorry,” I told her as I reached for her hand.

“I accept your apology, but I’m still mad at you,” Bridget told me with a smile across her face.

I just smiled at her. What else could I do?

I had a great few days off, but it was over way too soon. It was just 24 hours and I will be in Louisville for a show. Everyone was going to be there. Bridget’s family and friends. And Melissa and her husband and kids were coming up too. It was going to be perfect. I was so excited and nervous. This was going to be the best show ever. I have big plans for that night.

“Kerri, did you get everything worked out for tomorrow night?” I asked her minutes before going on stage.

“Everything is planned out. I booked the Woodford Reserve Club for the day and picked the meal from the catering menu. But we are going to have one problem. It’s in the main concourse. It’s going to be a nightmare getting you and Jason backstage. By the time ya’ll are wrapping things up the fans will be coming in,” Kerri explained.

“I guess we are going to need some kind of security detail to get out. I hate to do that, but we have to do what we have to do,” I said as we walked out of my dressing room.

“I’ll get that taken care of. Is Jason going to be performing tomorrow night?” Kerri questioned me.

“It’s possible, but I don’t really know for sure. It’s one of like two nights off he has, so….” I trailed off as I walked out on stage.

It was a great show, but I have a few loose ends to tie up and then I’m off to Louisville. Kerri is going to stay back with the bus and I’ll meet up with her in the morning when we get to the KFC Yum Center. I need to talk to Carter for a few and then I should be able to leave for the airport. In less than three hours I will be in the comfort of Bridget’s arms. I am just hoping for a more peaceful flight.

“Hey Carter! Can you make sure everything out of my dressing room gets back on my bus so I can head to the airport?” I asked.

“Sure. You excited for tomorrow?” Carter questioned me as Black Mike had the video camera in my face.

“You just don’t understand how excited I am. I have been planning this for months. I just hope she says yes,” I exclaimed as I headed out the door.

I made it to the airport in record time. Kerri dropped me off and as I got out of the car I slipped my Beats on in hopes that if someone recognized me they wouldn’t bother me. I walked through the airport with my one bag rolling behind me and listening to a mix of possible songs for my next album. I really love this song. It’s like a different take on a traditional love song. It’s called ‘Crash My Party.’ I knew I wanted in on my album. It made me think of Bridget.

I sat waiting for my plane to board listening to other random tracks on my iPhone when (Everything I Do) I Do It for You by Bryan Adams started to play and I was thrown to last summer.

“Luke, come on! We are going to be late!” Bridget yelled as she came from the kitchen.

“I’m coming!” I said as I walked towards the door of our new lake front house in rural Kentucky.

Bridget’s cousin, Jamie, was getting married today and I was able to come into town for the wedding. I got into town this morning early, but was supposed to be in last night. Due to heavy fog, my flight was delayed several hours and then we had to circle the airport several times before we could land for some reason. Needless to say we were running late, which is something that neither of us do.

“Where am I going?” I asked Bridget as we pulled out of the driveway.

“Go out passed daddy’s and I’ll give you directions from there,” she answered me as she turned on the radio.

We finally made it to the church with about 45 minutes to spare. As I stood by the door, Bridget walked into the room where Jamie was getting ready. Bridget had promised Jamie her something borrowed. It was the teardrop diamond earrings that I had bought her last Christmas. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Bridget letting her borrowed, but I trust her judgment.

“You ready?” Bridget asked as she walked out of the room.

“I’m ready,” I said as I grabbed her hand and walked towards the church pews.

The ceremony was wonderful, but I was ready to get to the reception already. The church was packed full of Bridget’s large family, as well as pretty much the entire community. That’s what happens when you live in a small town; everyone is pretty much family. The reception was in the parish hall and had been decorated with a dance floor at the front directly in front of a stage. Music was playing when we entered. Bridget had helped get last minute things together yesterday and knew where we were to be seated. She grabbed my hand and led me to our table. A place card was sat neatly towards the center of the table. Out of curiosity I walked around the table to see who all we were seated with. I assumed it would be Bridget’s sisters and parents, but I was wrong. I’m assuming the other four people were two couples: Chelsea Hutchinson, Mason Price, Melanie Bowman, and Adam Owens. I sat down at the table by myself. It was just great to be able to not have to think about anything for the next little while, but I was looking forward to having a good time with Bridget and her family.

“Hey! Luke!” Megan called from across the room, waving for me to come over.

I got up and walked over to her as she stood in a group of guys.

“This is Mason and Adam,” Megan introduced us, “This is Luke, Bridget’s boyfriend.”

“Nice to meet you,” I said as I reached out and shook each of their hands.

“Nice to meet you too,” Mason and Adam said in unison.

“Meg, have you seen Bridge? Or the kids? I haven’t seen the kids since we’ve been here,” I asked.

“They are in the kitchen,” Megan answered.

“I thought she was lying,” I heard Mason say as I walked towards the kitchen.

What was he talking about? Who is the ‘she’ he was talking about? Bridget?

“Daddy!” Tate yelled as he came running and jumped into my arms.

“Hey buddy! Where’s Momma?” I asked my son.

He just pointed towards the kitchen and when I looked up I saw her. She was a true vision in blue. She had changed her clothes from a more fancy dress to a shorter flirty sundress which was no doubt more comfortable to her. I walked towards her amazed by her flawless beauty.

“Well, you look more comfy,” I said as I leaned in and softly kissed her lips while Tate made a switch from my arms to Bridget’s.

“I am. I brought you some jeans and a shirt too,” Bridget said as Kenzie came running towards us.

“Momma!” Kenzie yelled pointing at the back of her sundress, “I can’t get this.”

“Turn around,” I told her as I reached over and pulled the zipper up for her.

“Thank you, Luke,” She politely said before running off the other direction.

“Where are the kids sitting?” I asked Bridget.

“Back here,” Bridget replied as she pointed to the kids table that was set up in the kitchen, “The older kids are going to keep an eye on the younger ones for the most part.”

“Okay,” I said, “Who are these people we are sitting with?”

“Exes,” Bridget stated, “Jamie evidently thinks she’s funny.”

With that Bridget and I walked back to our table and sat down. It was just a matter of time and the celebration continued. Despite being at a table with Bridget’s exes it wasn’t too bad. It was starting to get late in the evening and everyone was dancing, having a grand time. I managed to only get drug out on the dancefloor a few times and none of them was by Bridget, but that all changed when (Everything I Do) I Do It for You started playing.

“Luke,” Bridget said, “Dance with me?”

I didn’t have time to say yes before she was dragging me onto the dancefloor. I held her tight and couldn’t help but sing the words to one of her favorite songs as we danced.

“One of these days we will be dancing at our wedding,” I said to her softly.

“One day we will,” Bridget smiled at me, “I love you”

“I love you too,” I replied, “I can’t wait for the day. I would marry you right here and now if you would agree to it.”

“I know, but I’m not ready for that yet.” Bridget explained as she laid her head on my shoulder.

We finished the dance, but that was a pivotal point in our relationship. It was the first time she somewhat agreed that we would get married. As the song ended I softly kissed her and we walked back to our seats.

“Mr. Bryan?” an airport employee said as she lightly shook my shoulder.

“Yes ma’am,” I said shaking myself out of my memory and pulling my Beats down around my neck.

“Your flight is boarding, sir,” she said politely.

“Thank you,” I said as I grabbed my bag and walked towards the plane.

It was a quick flight and I was eager to see Bridget. Walking through the airport in Louisville was like walking through home as of late. It seemed like I had spent a lot of time in here. The night went by in a blur and I had to be back up here early, so I didn’t get much sleep at all.

Today is the day. Everyone who means anything to Bridget and I is here. Maybe not technically, but they will be by 1pm. That’s when we are sitting down to a buffet lunch in the Woodford Reserve Club. I had my suitcase sitting next to me in the dressing room and kept staring at it.

“Why do you keep staring at your suitcase like someone might take it?” Carter asked.

“That’s where it’s at,” I told him.

“How did you manage to keep it from Bridget?” Carter asked me.

“I put it in the slot with my laptop,” I answered.

Carter just shook his head at me as my phone rang. It was sitting next to me on the couch and when I looked over I saw it was Bridget. I smiled.

“Hey!” I said as I answered the call.

“Hey. We are here. The kids want to see you. Where are you at? We are in the Woodford Reserve Club,” She said. I could hear the kids in the background.

“I’ll be up there in a minute,” I told her, “I’ve got to grab something real quick.”

“Okay,” Bridget said, “Bye.”

“Bye, Love you,” I replied.

“Love you,” Bridget said as I hung up the phone.

I grabbed my suitcase and threw it up on the couch and quickly got the large manila envelope before walking out the door. It took about ten minutes to make it to the Woodford Reserve Club, but when I did everyone was already there.

Jason was the first one to greet me, “Hey! You excited?”

“Beyond excited,” I answered him. I slowly walked over to towards Bridget who was sitting in the corner talking to Megan and Kasey.

“Hey,” I said as I walked up.

“Luke!” Megan and Kasey said as they both jumped up and hugged me.

Bridget laughed, “Now, now.”

“Why are you over here in the corner?” I asked her as Megan and Kasey started talking someone else.

“Just not feeling all the company today I guess,” Bridget answered.

That changed everything I had planned, but it’s not going to stop me from doing this.

“I actually need to ask you something,” I said to her.

“What is it, Luke?” Bridget asked.

“Well, you have been Bo and Tate’s mom since Caroline passed away. And I’ve been doing some thinking here lately. I have something for you,” I said as I laid the manila envelope on the table, “Will you sign this?”

“What is it?” Bridget asked as she picked it up.

I just watched her as she opened it and pull out a stack of papers.

“What is this?” Bridget asked once more.

“I want you to legally be Bo and Tate’s mom. They are adoption papers. Everything is taken care of. All they need is your signature,” I told her.

“Are you serious?” Bridget asked me with tears in her eyes.

I shook my head, “Yes. I can’t think of a reason for you to not adopt them. Since that day they didn’t want to let me into your room at Vanderbilt, I have been thinking if God forbid anything ever happen to one of them, and me or momma wasn’t around, they won’t let you be there with them. This changes that. This will give you every right that I have when it comes to the boys. You make most of the decisions anyway, why not make it official.”

“Yes. I will sign these papers five million times over,” Bridget cried as she hugged me tight, “It’s moments like this that I fall in love with you all over again.”

“I love you too,” I told her knowing I made her day much better. 

It seemed like the rest of the day went by in a blur. The concert was amazing. Jason came out and sang a couple of songs, but now it was back to the day to day of touring life. Bridget and the kids went back home to Tennessee and I moved onto the next tour date.

**Author's Note** 

Sorry for making you all wait so long for the update. We have had a tragic hoilday season here with two tragic deaths in our community. It has been a really hard few weeks here. But I believe I have gotten my writing motivation back now.         How do you all feel about Luke asking Bridget to adopt the boys? Did you think he was going to propose at first?

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