Bates Lane || Narry AU

By Dianarry_

16.8K 793 208

"Beware of the man who lives on Bates Lane." More

The Dark Legend
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter six
Black. Lives. Matter.
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Announcements !
Bates Lane: Styles Reborn

Chapter nine

509 24 3
By Dianarry_

The police station was very crowded that night before the news special came on broadcasting more leaked details on Gary's case. He sat at his desk overwhelmed in paper work trying to fill out witness statements and autopsy reports.

That's when his trusty sidekick or you could say partner, Bora sat on his desk cradling a cup of coffee to her flat chest. He grunts irritated how his partner found new ways to piss him off.

"Y'know what I can't get off my mind?" She tells her partner with a devious smirk on her face after she takes a sip of coffee.

"What is it, boring?" He says signing off on forms to take to the kids who were held in questioning before poking at Bora's thigh to get her to move.

"How you automatically think this guy kidnapped a boy after having no record whatsoever. Yet this Horan kid has been busted for drugs, graffiti and a parking ticket for falling asleep in his car while high." She tells detective sanders and he sighs letting a hand run down his frustrated face. He turns to look at Bora.

"Well I have dozens of kids in rooms telling me during a riot on Bates Lane, this maniac who's family is nuts, grabbed a shot gun and shot a kid in the back." Gary says laying down the facts.

"But like you said, it was a riot. Don't you know in riots, people fight?" Bora asks him knowing he was being biased towards his phobia of Bates Lane.

"Yes but after riots, you don't find remains of a boy dumped in a lake behind your house, burned pieces of clothing and shoes in a fire in the middle of summer and a missing car. Oh yeah, not to mention we can't find this murder weapon." He tells bora making her sit back and ponder on what she thought about the case.

"Well any idea where he might be? If he so called kidnapped Niall." Bora asks and that's when Sanders pulls out his notebook full of scribbled numbers and names written in no form or order.

"Well Styles has no family, his sister on the other hand has been the hardest to get ahold of because she moved to South America and is apparently in some spiritual club there that doesn't believe in technology so she won't answer the fucking phone- oh! And he has two dead parents and a missing sister so we dig their graves and ask them!" Sanders began to get overwhelmed at the dead ends of where Harry may have taken Niall but he was becoming hopeless.

"Well he is a history teacher at Riverside highschool. Let's go check his files. Maybe he has another warehouse or house he owns." Bora says rubbing his shoulders trying to calm her partner as he shakes his head.

"Yeah just give me a minute to get these signatures." He sighs before he gathers his papers and his jacket.

He knew he had to find Niall and crack this case




"What the fuck are we going to do?" Harry freaks out in his seat clutching my phone as the plane gets in the air. From my seat I could see him shaking and tapping his foot.

"Okay first of all, let's breathe and not alert the captain that you're worried about being caught for murder." I say with a soothing voice also trying to remind Harry that he is extremely loud.

"Fuck! What if he sees the news?" Harry whisper yells and I search my brain for possible solutions but for the life of me I couldn't.

"I doubt he'll watch the news. He has to pay attention-" I search around and look out at the clouds unsure of what he had to focus on. "Well this!" I say gesturing to the plane.

"You do know there's this thing called autopilot?" Harry asks me holding the most forceful smile I've ever seen as he tried not to cry. "Besides he's old and old people watch the news." Harry says before he sits back in his seat and panic.

"Didn't you tell our class that we should watch the news and that the news was like a present version of history?" I ask remembering that lecture before Harry grunts in frustration.

"Jesus Niall, stop learning okay?" Harry tells me as his red face pleaded with me to calm him.

I get up from my seat before crossing the aisle and taking the seat next to Harry by the window. I lift the arm rest and pull Harry to my chest. As awkward as it felt to be holding my history teacher in my arms it actually felt kind of comforting. Especially since Harry's breathing was semi-normal again and he wasn't still rambling about going to jail and having to share a room with men and who've been sexually frustrated for years.

I do not blame you Harold.

"Everything is going to be fine. Soon we'll be in another country hiding. Besides they'll never be able to trace us. We were super discreet." I reassure him and he nods slowly breathing in his nose and out his mouth.

"Yeah. No one knows I'm friends with Liam no way. He lives in Kansas. Who the hell do you know that lives in Kansas?" Harry says and I nod my head approving.

There was no way we'd get caught.




"Liam James Payne. Topeka, Kansas, an emergency contact. You didn't think to check his school records or you just love sucking at your job?" Bora says to Sanders as they go over the file in front of the principal's desk.

Sanders looks up to the principal and thanks him for his help before turning to glare at Bora who was always helpful but very narcissistic.

"Oh gosh! He even gave you a phone number to contact him." She tells sanders as they walk out the office. She pokes his shoulder trying to annoy his before she giggles.

"God I'm such a great detective." She says and Sanders pulls out his phone to dial up this Liam fella as they decided they'd go get food before heading back to the office.

Meanwhile At the Horan home, Maura had sat in Niall room for hours cleaning absolutely everything inside of it as she cried relentlessly.

She couldn't believe her son has been gone for almost a week now and the police how no idea where. Her husband Bobby has gone out every night to search for him with search parties and even later without them.

She hung her head letting tears flow as she sat on Niall's bed hugging a pillow to her chest muffling her sobs once again.

Niall's brother Greg heard everything sob though. He couldn't help but feel for her and his own sorrow. He used to spend his days playing his game system and practically tuning his annoying brother out whom was the smart trouble maker which makes him look better in terms of behavior but now he couldn't help but miss him terribly.

How Niall would come to his room and play loud and embarrassing music when his girlfriend was over or when he'd be playing video games and he'd jump up and down in front of the tv trying to make him lose. All those things annoyed the hell out of Greg but he'd give anything to be bothered by it again.

The house overall was very quiet and sad.

The only thing that would cure it is the sound of Niall's laughter.

Sanders was a very impatient man and this case was testing that trait of his. He tried to wait patiently on Liam to answer the phone but it had gone straight to voicemail each time. Each time he had left a voicemail insinuating that it was very important that he call him back.

He finally gives in and grabs a piece of paper. He crumpled the paper into a ball and then threw it across the way to Bora at her desk. Her head picked up from her laptop and she looked at Gary with a smirk.

"I'm guessing you need my help?" She says knowing Gary was nothing without her. She was his other half and thought of everything he didn't.

"I can't get this Liam fellow to answer his phone. I've called maybe over 50 times." Gary sighs obviously defeated but Bora was just getting started.

"Well mate his actual phone number may not work, but while you kept dialing, I've been stalking social media." She tells him and turns his laptop screen over to face him.

On her screen was her creating a fake profile based on the preferences Liam listed that he was looking for in a girl that so happened to be Bora. She filled in a fake name and posted a bunch of photos being the little hacker she is to make everything seem unnoticeable.

"I figured if he won't answer his phone. He'll answer a potential Instagram model with let's say, one million foll- no wait, two million followers?" She says flipping screen back to her and then completing the process and sending him a nice text message.

"That'll never work. A guy like Liam doesn't look for Instagr-" and before Gary could finish his sentence, Bora's laptop rang out with a notification implying Liam had responded to her message.

"Hello gorgeous." Bora mocks a manly voice not knowing Liam actually had an English accent, before she smirked at Gary who rolled his eyes.

"Fine. You win." He says before he picks his phone and then gets up to go around to her desk. The conversation started out simple and then began to get sweet. It wasn't long before Liam tried to get flirty with Bora whom was named Felicity online at the moment.

"God why are men so horny?" Bora laughs before Gary gets fed up.

"Just tell him you'll suck his dick or something. We don't have any time to spare. Niall is missing." Gary groans and she rolls her eyes at his impatience.

"I'm asking him to meet up and that I live in Kansas." Bora says.


Actually love muffin, I'm in Napa valley right now in my vacation home. Do you need a flight here?

Napa valley? Garry thought to himself that wasn't far from river dale at all. Maybe a 6 hour drive but it still wasn't far. How did Liam afford to have a vacation home in Napa Valley if he could barely afford to live in Kansas?



I'm back guys.

Sorry I was busy graduating and having graduation parties and taking tests for college and moving out under the fear that I don't even know how to change a tire but know what the powerhouse of the cell is.

And that's on America's schooling not giving a shit about you.

How have you guys been?

How do you feel about the chapter?

Love and kisses ;)

- Maura misses Niall and hints that she thinks he's dead

- maybe check in with Louis and Zayn

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