Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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By YOLOwriting101

couple months later

I headed towards Cassian and Aesop, and I knew they knew I was no longer under the spell. Achille and I already knew what to do. Especially with Vince and Deimos on our side - this would end only one way.

Our way.

Aurelie was with Achille at the moment, but she would be able to be of assistance too. At first I was hesitant - though it seems she has some sort of power we don't.

Now I stood before the two, and saw them look up at me with narrowed eyes.

"Darius you ran off without telling us anything and we couldn't find you-."

"Because I am back to normal. There was no reason for me to speak with you or come back as if I was still yours." I state to them, and they both looked irritated. "You need to see something."

I watch as Achille is suddenly beside me. Aurelie jumping out of his arms and we see her rush to them. They didn't bother running away, but there was shock as to why she was so big.

"You want to show us something? What could you possibly show us?" Aesop hisses, and that's when Aurelie took his hand. Out of nowhere we see him collapse to the ground.

Before Cassian could react Aurelie grabbed his hand too - and he passed out as well. Achille and I both knew what she was showing them...and hoped an altered future... A "what if" would change their mind.

I glance at Achille, a smile growing on my face. He looked amused at the sight of our daughter showing off her powers. Still bothers me that she's still a baby...but you would never know by how she looks.

"Do you think she'll show them what she showed us?" Achille asks me, and I nod in assurance. "Because I was even more convinced by such a alternative."

"Exactly...that's why we have to show them. Maybe we don't have to harm Sabin's kids - they can't help who their father is...hopefully this does something." I state truthfully, and I look at the two of them.

Thinking about what Aurelie showed us. How it puts things into a different aspect and makes me thankful they didn't turn out that way.

Very thankful. Had me remembering what she showed us...

____ten years later____
|alternate future

I stood beside my mom, watching him stand before the food isle. His eyes set on the pasta boxes and he looked a little saddened.

"Mom we don't have to eat anything today. I can drink some of the...alternatives." I recommend to him, and he shook his head.

"You're half human. I have to feed you food too." He says, and picks the bow tie pasta. "Your father used to make me pasta salad. It was surprisingly delicious even though you know how I am."

I nod, smiling as he smiled at me. My mom doesn't really smile a lot. He doesn't really tell me the full story of my father... It's okay though. I already know that he was murdered, rendering me fatherless.

Which I think is sad, because some person took him away from me. My mom gets all emotional and starts to go in these fits of not wanting to speak. He just sits quietly and tears stream down his face.

I have become used to wiping away his tears.

"Mom, can I get some blueberry muffins in the bakery section?" I ask, and he nods.

I walk away from him, and I know you shouldn't let a ten year old walk away from their mother; but I don't look or think like other ten year olds.

I age and mature much more faster since I am half vampire. Once I get to my final stage of aging, I will be stuck looking like that for forever. Except I am prone to getting little colds here and there, the horrible parts of being half human. I also can get energy from food, but blood as well. I only drink blood if necessary.

Aging incredibly fast is the worst part about being half vampire. I look like I am thirteen or fourteen - so I have been told. Even at school...I am home-schooled. Which I teach myself.

My mom isn't really helpful in the teaching department. Sometimes Norris will come over and teach me some things, I should say he always does. He's a good teacher.

I grin, standing before the bakery. Licking my lips in excitement, I examine the muffins for the right batch. Because I am very precise on how I choose them. Who just grabs the first batch you see? Not me!

Finding the perfect batch, I reach for it until I see a hand yank them away. I look up at a black man looking at me with a blank stare, his eyes the darkest red I have ever seen. They were so dark that he could pass as a human with dark brown eyes.

"I found those first." I hissed, and he frowned.

"But I'm holding them." He said back, and I shook my head.

"You saw me reaching for them! Be a kind human and give the muffins to the little girl." I snap, and he raises his eyebrow.

"I don't take orders from you." He looked away from me and put them in his basket. That's when I slow down time, walking to the muffins in his basket and reach for them.

I look around the store to see the whole place was moving in slow motion, and I snicker. When I look at the cocky vampire I flinch, seeing him glaring at me.

"You are quite powerful. How unfortunate that you waste your powers to commit such petty acts such as this." He mocks, reaching towards me and taking back the muffins.

"But I had saw them first!" I cry, stomping my foot on the ground. That's when the whole store falls back to normal and the man mocks me.

"How old are you - four? Where's your mommy and daddy?" He asked, looking around without any expression or emotion.

"I don't have a dad." I sneer, and he shrugs.

"Not my problem-."

I yank the muffins out of his hands and sprint back to my mom. Seeing him still standing in the same isle, but this time he was counting how many boxes of noodles he had.

"Mom, we need to go." I panic as I place the muffins in the basket.

"Why? What's wrong?" He asked me and right when I turn to look at him - there was the black man. He stood right behind my mom with no emotion, but the expression on his face was a amusement. Too bad it didn't reach his eyes.

Literally looked insane...

"Mom, that's him!" I cry, pulling him beside me. "He saw me get the muffins and he wants to be rude to me and say all these mean things. Tell him to go away! He's also a...vampire." I whisper into my moms' ear.

I waited for his response, but got none. That's when I look at him, seeing his eyes were a different color. They were red orange which I have never seen before. There were even gold flakes within them and I frown.

The only time I have seen his eyes like that was when he looks at pictures of my father...

"Darius..." My mom whimpered, and that's when I noticed the whole place was going in slow motion. I saw him reach for the man's' face, shocking me when he cradled his cheek.

The man just stood there, a frown coming to his face. That was the first emotion I've seen on his face the whole time, confusion.

"You know my name?"

"Darius... Darius!" My mom cried so loud, and fell on his knees before him. That's when it kicked in the my fathers name was Darius... I look at the man, but I was told my father was human - and died.

This goes against everything I was told.

"Get off the ground." Darius insisted, picking Achille up off the ground. Setting him against our cart. "I don't know how you know me, but I insist you not speak of our interaction again-."

"Darius is this a joke?!" My mom yelled, and Darius frowned.

"Is what a joke-?"

"You died! Right before me and I thought I lost you! Who turned you like this?" He cried, and was about to touch Darius again - until he stopped. father slapped away my moms' hand, beginning to look irritated.

"I would prefer if you refrain from touching me, I do not know who you are. I only came here because your child was reckless and did such things like stealing muffins from me." He went on, going to the cart and pulling them out.

As he began to walk away I saw my moms' lips trembling, and I shook my head.

"Mom that might not even be my dad-."

"It is him. I know...I know what Darius looked like. That's him-!"

"But wasn't he human? That man is a vampire!" I cry, and my mom looks at me. The expression on his face made me step back a little because I never get in arguments with him. To have one about my...about that man and he's getting so upset.

"Don't argue with me, I know your father when I see him!" He cried, and I saw him run after the man. The whole store went back to normal and I just stood myself.

I assumed I was going to be buying the groceries now since my moms' wallet is still here. So I will do that for him while he...chases after the man who isn't my father.

My father may look like him, but that man was expressionless and lifeless. Yes he's a vampire, but something about him gave off the vibe that just wasn't normal. Shouldn't I be able to get the vibe from him that he's my father?

All I feel from him is coldness... My mom has to be mistaken, just has to be!


"Darius!" I scream his name, crying as I grabbed ahold of his arm. Expect he shoved me back so hard that I almost slammed into the car behind me. When I face him again he had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Stop following me. Where is your daughter?" He snapped, and he stepped towards me with a look that I was unfamiliar with. The last time I saw him he was murdered by Sabin because he saved my life. He was he's a vampire and I already knew who the person responsible was.

"Sabin." I say, and he snickers.

"I'd watch that pretty mouth of yours. Do you know that lips like yours are better at doing other activities than talking." He murmured to me, and I felt my face heat it up.

I didn't understand... This was Darius and I know it. He just isn't acting like the Darius I used to know.

"How did you become a vampire?" I ask him quietly. Darius raises his eyebrow at me, and he leans against a strangers car.

It startled me how much sexier he was, he looked way different. I wanted to kiss him, have him hold me. Offer our daughter a sibling-.

"My eyes are here pretty lips." He spoke, and I look to see him smirking at me.

" had something on your face." I lie only for Darius to snicker.

"No I didn't. I became a vampire from a man who saved my life. He saved me from being murdered and I believe I am forever indebted to him." Darius rolled his eyes, shrugging. "At least that's what I should say. I don't owe him anything now. I helped him with one task, I completed that task graciously. Now I am a free person who has not seen that man's' face in years...which is appropriate."

Darius shook his head as he sneered at me.

"You seem to be very interested in me." He smiled, and I saw that it didn't reach his eyes.

"What did Sabin do to you?" I croak as I look over my shoulder and see Aurelie walking towards us with bags of groceries. My wallet in her hand as well.

When I look at Darius again he had his eyes on Aurelie. His eyes moving off of her onto me.

"Interesting. Sabin saved me, that's what he did. I have no recognition of my life before he saved me, which I think is appropriate. If someone was trying to murder me, I don't want to remember. Supposedly I was a pathetic man with no purpose in life... So saddening." Darius dug in his plastic bag and pulled out the muffins. "You can have the muffins. I was planning on giving them to her, until she was a little brat."

I glance at Aurelie, seeing her glaring at him. It was awkward because now I knew this was Darius, but she didn't seem to believe me. Expected...since I believed he was dead. I should've known better.

Of course Sabin would mock me by bringing Darius back alive, but as a vampire. Whilst doing so, he erases his memory and seems to make him emotionless. Loveless...

"Why do you like blueberry muffins so much?" Aurelie sneered angrily, snatching the muffins from his hands - tried to. I saw him pull them back super fast, and a sneered.

The both of them having the exact same sneer on their faces. If only she could see the resemblance...if only he remembered!

I started to feel my eyes watering. Sabin has done too much and this is going too far. Why make me suffer like this and make Darius miss out on Aurelie's life?

Couldn't smell his scent because he was turned into a vampire. That adds up now, but it still angers me.

"Understand something little girl. I may not remember anything, but I am drawn to these things. They are delicious, and I like being able to eat them. There is something about them that calms me. It brings a memory - even though I lost all my memories. So be thankful I gave these to you." He hissed, and he handed them to her.

He crumbled up his plastic bag and shoved it into one of our bags.

"Well, this was a waste. Thank you both for wasting my time-."

"Darius listen!" I exclaim, and he frowns.

"I don't take orders from you-."

"What if I say that I know your past life? That I can help you reclaim your memories?" I say quickly, and his eyes widen.

When I glance at Aurelie she looked at me as if I was crazy for still trying with him. Except I couldn't help it - I needed to try.

...he was the love of my life. Nothing would stop me from trying - nothing at all.

Haven't seen him for ten years...I need him back.

"Depends on how you think you can help me reclaim those memories." He says to me, and I see Aurelie look skeptical. Though I didn't miss the look of slight hope in her eyes. It let me know that maybe she knew that he really was her father.

Kills me that she doesn't know him at all...or me.


We watch as Aesop and Cassian rise from the ground, looking at Aurelie with a different expression. They let go of her hand and she ran back beside us.

They both seemed to be at a loss for words.

"Is that what could happen?" Cassian asks me, and I nod. "And that's because of our fathers' actions?"

I nod once again, and Aesop looked irritated by us showing him such a thing.

"You have your daughter now. What's the point? To get us to pity you?" Aesop sneers as he started to fold his arms. "We already know our dad is a bad person, but this won't get me to become a traitor against him. I won't help you kill him... You both...already know where he is."

It confused me when he didn't make it obvious that he wasn't going to stop us. They both just looked at one another and before we knew it - they were gone.

"Will it really be this easy?" I ask Achille, and she shrugged as he picked up Aurelie.

"Doesn't matter. I'm going to get my revenge. If there's no obstacles...I'm going to take full advantage of that." Achille smirked, and he smiled at Aurelie. "Are you looking forward to meeting the man who changed everything? Watch mommy put him down?"

Aurelie looks at me and I smile awkwardly. Except she looked very excited as she nodded with excitement, looking at Achille again.



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~ YOLO❤️

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