Being Bad

By kathleenf4

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| COMPLETE | [this is the first draft of my story. so, if there's grammatical mistakes and continuity errors... More

Chapter 1: Free
Chapter 2: New Changes
Chapter 3: The Gang
Chapter 4: I Challenge You
Chapter 5: Too Many Rich Kids
Chapter 6: Cat Got Your Tongue?
Chapter 7: Detention Is For Losers
Chapter 8: Fo Shizzle
Chapter 9: Just A Loner
Chapter 10: Your Cherry
Chapter 11: Playing The Game
Chapter 12: Just Hanging Around
Chapter 13: How You Get The Girl
Chapter 14: The Player
Chapter 15: Punches From Hell
Chapter 16: What I've Been Waiting For
Chapter 17: I'm A Sunflower
Chapter 18: Run!
Chapter 19: Forgiveness
Chapter 20: Meet The Parents
Chapter 21: Escaping Reality
Chapter 22: Okie Dokie Karaoke
Chapter 23: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 1]
Chapter 24: A Secret Is Revealed [Part 2]
Chapter 25: A New Friend
Chapter 26: Friday Night Lights
Chapter 27: Dancing Like Kanye
Chapter 28: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
Chapter 29: Friend Of A Friend
Chapter 30: Dramatic Halloween Bash
Chapter 31: Thank You Next Bitch!
Chapter 32: The Price To Pay
Chapter 33: An Unexpected Occurence
Chapter 34: A Question
Chapter 35: It's Not A Party Without Any Drama
Chapter 36: The Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 37: My Answer Is Yes
Chapter 38: Andrew Is M.I.A.
Chapter 39: The Guitar Keychain
Chapter 40: More Than Friends?
Chapter 41: Lost But Not Found
Chapter 42: Always Come Back
Chapter 43: On The Right Side Of Rock Bottom
Chapter 44: Ruin My Life
Chapter 45: A Price Family Reunion
Chapter 46: Simm Records
Chapter 47: Amateur Night
Chapter 48: Sing!
Chapter 49: I'm Not Gonna Give All My Secrets Away
Chapter 50: A Strain In The Relationship
Chapter 51: Battle Wounds
Chapter 52: There's Something Really Wrong
Chapter 53: The Plan
Chapter 54: He's A Monster
Chapter 55: It's A Showdown
Chapter 56: Come With Me
Chapter 57: The Different Side of Andrew
Chapter 58: Andrew's Dark Past
Chapter 59: When Everything Changes
Chapter 60: The Business Gala
Chapter 61: You Can Either Peel The Mango Or Do The Tango
Chapter 62: Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 63: First Official Date
Chapter 64: Just A Glimpse
Chapter 66: Visit To The Hospital
Chapter 67: Congratulations!
Chapter 68: Can You Get Me A Pregnancy Test?
Chapter 69: City Of Angels
Chapter 70: You Can Never Be Forgiven
Chapter 71: Dahlia.
Chapter 72: Things End Badly
Chapter 73: Broken
Chapter 74: The Inevitable
Chapter 75: The Aftermath
Chapter 76: A Glimpse Of The Future
Chapter 77: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 1]
Chapter 78: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 2]
Chapter 79: Prom Night At Hater High [Part 3]
Chapter 80: The Five Stages Of Grief
Chapter 81: You're In My Veins But I Have To Let Go
Chapter 82: Beginning Of The End
Chapter 83: Fairytale Wedding
Author's Note

Chapter 65: I Want It All

63 3 0
By kathleenf4

Lia James

I woke up this morning in a pool of sweat. I just kept having the same reoccurring dream: our team losing the championship.

There was an off-feeling, in the pit of my stomach when I got up this morning. It was like my intuition knew that something bad was going to happen whether it be Chelsea injuring one of the girls, or us losing. Whatever it was, I just wish I knew a way to stop it.

I decided to take a shower after I spent some time recovering from my thoughts. I stepped into the steamy hot shower, trying to erase all the negative energy that was corrupting me and my mind. With every thought about the game, came more stress and anxiety. I can't live that moment in fear especially when everything I've worked for my entire life has led up to this moment.

My future is at stake, and I know I say that a lot but it's true. And it's not just my future.

It's my dreams too.

Ever since I hit my first ball, I had this feeling of desire, like I wanted more. I craved to be as good as the professionals out there. I know that there is no professional softball, at least one that can't be lived off of based on salary, but I had ambitions.

I wanted to play in the MLB. I know how crazy it sounds, knowing I'd be the first girl to ever be drafted into a men's league, but I didn't care. I wanted to make history. It all started with the BC scholarship.

I get on the men's softball team, and from there build my reputation as a player. And hopefully, if I'm good enough, try out for the BC baseball team. From there, hopefully I'll get recruited by the Yankees or the Sox's. That was my dream, and although it seemed far-fetched, I had high hopes at least part of it would come true.

I heard my phone vibrate on the counter of the bathroom. So, I dried my hands off with the towel adjacent to me, and looked at the notification. It was a message from Andrew:

Hey, what are your plans for this morning?

We have a team meeting at eleven. Before then, Coach wants us to report to breakfast.

Is there anyway I could steal you for breakfast? I have something I need to give you before the game. I know you've been really stressed out and worried, and I wanted to talk to you.

Well, I could sneak away before anyone notices.

Good. Meet me in the lobby at 9:30.

Okay. See you then.

I put my phone back down, and finished my shower.

Great. Now I needed to find something to wear for the breakfast date.

I decided to throw on some sweat shorts and a tank top. That's the only nice outfit I packed.

Oh well. I thought as I ran to the door. I opened it quietly, making sure not to disturb Tori who was sleeping soundly in her bed.


As I walked to the lobby, I saw Andrew waiting for me. He was leaning against a pole, constantly checking the time on his phone. When he saw me, his face lit up like a child on Christmas Day. He grabbed my hand swiftly, and opened the hotel entrance doors for me.

We walked down the street like an ordinary, care-free couple. Our entwined hands swung back and forth as we talked about life and how things have been going with our families. Older couples would notice us laughing or kissing, and they would smile at what they thought was "young love".

I was happy to show the world my boyfriend. A part of me wanted to brag to the hot girls that would walk down the street, pointing and giggling at him. He didn't pay attention, he just grinned and shook his head. His grip on my hand would become tighter, as a means of reassurance. He could tell I was concerned. I mean, he's a Greek God for Pete's sake. With his brown curly locks on top of his head, and the freshly buzzed fade on the sides, he was perfect. His aviators gave off the dangerous, sexy, kind of vibe. Although he did seem pretty naked without his leather jacket.

He was wearing a plain black t-shirt, gray joggers that hung a little too low on his hips (I'm usually more okay with it, when it's just the two of us.) and black high top converses.

Andrew brings me to a small cafe just a few minutes from the hotel. It was such an aesthetic place. There were dark wood floors, black chairs and tables, and plants hung from the ceiling. The smell of coffee filled my lungs, and I wasn't complaining.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Just a small black coffee—two creams and two sugars." I told him, and he took of his sunglasses and gave me a look.

"No." He said.

"What do you mean, no? That's what I want." I put my hand on my hip.

"Coffee and anxiety don't mix well. If anything you'll feel more anxious if you drink coffee. I'm gonna order you a tea."

"Who are you? A nutritionist?" I scowled are him, and he smiled at me.


I huffed, finding a table for us to sit at while he ordered. While he was talking to the barista, I had received a text message from Megan.

Where are you? Coach wants us to meet for breakfast.

I know. Andrew is taking me out. Can you cover for me?

Of course. Have fun. :)

I smiled, putting my phone down as I noticed Andrew sit down with two paper cups in his hand. He placed mine in front of me and then started to drink his.

"So, how are you feeling since yesterday?" Andrew asked me, putting his coffee cup down on the table. He grasps my hands, and entangles his fingers with mine.

I sighed, looking away from his eyes. "Worse."

"What? Why?"

"Because the game is tonight, Chelsea is gonna play with her rage and most likely hurt someone." I confessed, remembering my nightmares from last night.

"You don't know that for sure."

"Exactly! I hate not knowing anything. If someone's about to happen, I want to know!" I bite my lip in nervousness.

Andrew pulls my hand, and places a soft kiss on my hand. I half-smile at him, and he gives me a soft look.

"You're going to do great." He said. "And I hope you get everything you want."

"I already have everything I want." I said, grabbing his other hand. "You are everything."

"Nope, You're my everything." He challenges me.

"Not possible."

He smirks, taking off his aviators. He pulls out his phone to, what seems like, text someone. I take the aviators from the table and place them on my face.

"Hey!" He said, trying to snatch them back.

"Nope. Sorry, these are mine."

"Fine." He said. "They look better on you anyways."

I take them off, and reach to put them back on his face, and he scrunches his face. He yells in pain when I accidentally scratched him with my nail. I apologized and then we both laughed at each other.

I take another sip from my tea, and Andrew does the same with his coffee.

"I have a surprise for you." He said.

"Really?" I perked up. "What is it?"

"Gimme a second. Someone is delivering it. I didn't want you to get suspicious."

I hear the jingle of the door, and I look to see Nick, Andrew's younger brother, holding a lavender colored bag with white tissue paper.

I smile at Nick, and instantly sees us.

I get up from my seat to give him a hug. "Nick!"

He leaned down to hug me back. "Damn, girl, you're short."

I smacked his arm, playfully. "No! You must've grown from the last time I saw you."

"Very possible. The doctor says I'm 5'11 now. Almost as tall as Andrew over here."

Andrew crosses his arms and sighs. "Not even close."

Nick's got a little bit to go. Andrew's 6'2 and all muscle. Nick's thin, but he needs to fill out more.

"Who else came from your family to watch me with play?" I looked between the both of them.

"Me, Andrew, Celina with her boyfriend, Mom, and even Dad."

I nodded in shock. Andrew's family is so supportive.

"I'll be sure to thank them for coming when I see them either tonight or when we get back."

"Alright. Well, I'm gonna get a coffee for my parents and go back to the hotel. I'll see you at the game, Lia." Nick looks at Andrew. "I'll see you in about a half an hour."

"Not long enough." Andrew slaps Nick's back.

I go in for yet another hug for Nick. I haven't seen this kid since he came to Cole's party. I missed him and I's relationship. We're definitely like brother and sister.

Nick, Andrew, Me, and even Celina need to hang out more. I missed us all being together and having dinner.

I pull back and he goes over to the register. I sit back down, and enjoy the rest of my tea with Andrew.

A few moments later, he places the bag in front of me and insists I open it in front of him. I don't question it, and I take the tissue paper out, placing it on the table in front of us. I grab everything from the bag. It consisted of Bubble Gum, specifically Big League Chew, sunflower seeds, and a card signed by Natalia, Jeremy, Celina, Andrew, and Nick.

"Wow. This is so thoughtful. Thank you so much." I say to Andrew and he grins widely.

"You're very welcome. We're all rooting for you tonight."

I smile, disregarding the huge pit in my stomach.


Well, it seemed to be about that time. Coach has instructed all of us to get changed into our uniforms, do our hair, and put on eye-black before we went to the stadium to warm up.

When I wasn't putting on my uniform or doing my hair, I was praying that something bad wouldn't happen to our team. Especially by Chelsea Babbitt. She's done enough harm to everyone else.

Coach knocked on all of our doors when he said it was time to start walking to the stadium. Tori and I grabbed our bags, and we met the rest of the team at the lobby. Other softball teams that have come to watch the game actually stayed at our hotel, and passed us by wishing us good luck. One girl was whispering about how they were worried because our team seemed nice and Crestpark was ready to kick our butts.

Bring it on.

The team captains chanted on our way to the stadium as a means of getting us pumped for the game.

Who are we? WAR-RI-ORS
Who are we? WAR-RI-ORS

You bring the team, we bring the game.
Get ready Crestpark, this is war.

I can't tell you how many times I shouted that and actually meant it. During the games, I just thought it was some meaningless chant every team had. But I actually said those words with my heart.

Crestpark isn't ready for our war.

We made our way into the stadium, and I took a second to take the place all in.

Seats upon seats, surrounded the stadium, and to see the very last row, I had to tilt my head all the way up. There was a black wall by the outfield right below the scoreboard which read 20:36.

The sand in the diamond was freshly raked, and the bases were bright white, along with the foul lines. They really must keep this place in mint condition. I've never seen a stadium look this good except for Fenway Park.

Coach yelled at me for standing there and told me to get into the dugout. I scurried along into our team's safe space, and unpacked my bat, helmet, and glove.

"Guys, look. It's Crestpark." Someone on our team said.

I looked up and watched them strut to their side. They all walked in unison, with their coach in front. Similar to Darth Vader and his storm troopers.

They're uniforms were new and so were their bags. They had new Nike bags, and I would know, because I had dreamed of buying that softball bag for myself but it was over 200 dollars. Their whole team has those bags, including the coach.

They all wore their white uniforms, with EAGLES embroidered in the front in maroon lettering. Each member of the team had their own number and last name stitched on the back of their jersey.

My uniform was an ugly Royal Blue color with accents of gold. When I had first gotten it, I had to wash it five times to get the stench out of it. Yep, it was a hand-me-down from another player. I learned that the hard way.

Since their team is so good, the school has no problem funding their team. We had to struggle to get fundraisers organized. The only fundraiser that was a big hit was the amount of tickets we sold for this game.

And we're gonna lose right in front of the student body.

The players went to their dugout and each took out their tablets.

Does this team get any better?

"Hey, lets go throw around." Megan nudged my arm as she noticed my intense staring.

I nodded, grabbing my glove and a spare ball and we went out to the field to throw some pitches.

I looked out in the stands and saw everyone I needed to see to make me feel better. My Dad and Aunt Alex were both eating from the same hotdog, and when they noticed me, they waved. I instantly waved back.

In the row below was Mason, Lina, Jace, Jade, Ryan, Ollie, Brady, and Cole.

Mason and Lina were taking videos of their surroundings, while Jace and Jade were acting all cute and cuddly. Ryan and Cole we're giving each other noogies, and Ollie and Brady we're talking normally.

On their left was Andrew, Nick, Eli, and Celina. Andrew noticed me, and tapped Eli's shoulder and pointed at me. Eli got out of his seat and waved, jumping up and down with glee. Andrew grabbed him and sat him down harshly and just laughed. I waved back, and soon everyone began to wave.

Natalia and Jeremy were acting so cute. Natalia had her head on Jeremy's shoulder while he was talking to her. They held hands in his lap, and then he stole a kiss from her.

The cutest couple I know.

Not far away from the everyone, was our student body starting to fill in the seats. I noticed two people sitting in the 3rd row, right next to the dugout.

It was Shelby and Dante. Shelby started at me with daggers coming out of her eyes, and she grabbed Dante's face and kissed him vigorously.

I shuddered in disgust. They deserve each other.

Megan leans down with her glove, and I pitch her a fastball, just to try and release some of my stress and anxiety. She gives me a worried look.

"What?" I asked.

"Stop stressing over this game. We got this."

I hear the sound of a bat being dragged across the sand on the softball diamond. "Do you?"

We both look to see Chelsea holding the end of her bat, dragging it as she walked towards us. She had this devilish glint in her eyes, one that made my stomach turn with anxiety.

We all know her true intentions.

"Actually, yeah." I take a step toward her. "I do."

"Confident, are we?" She picks up her bat, practice-swinging. "We'll see how you act after the game."

"I'm sure I'll be much more happy than you." I threw a shot at her, and she rolled her lips on her mouth, nodding with surprise.

Megan quickly comes over. "Don't instigate, Lia."

"This girl deserves to have a taste of her own medicine. Why injure girls for your own benefit?"

"You've got a mouth, Lia James. But do you have an arm?" She walks towards me. "I know I do. I use it for pitching."

She inches her face toward mine. "Let's see if you're fast enough."

I smile devilishly. "Let's see if you're good enough to win this game."

She raised her eyebrows before going back over to her team. I sighed heavily, the anger overturning the stress.

"Don't let her get to you." Megan said, patting my back.


We were in the 5th inning. The score was 7-10.

There was one more inning and we were losing. I had only gotten on base once, for 4 balls. Chelsea was quick to throw and get people out.

Luckily, no one was hurt...yet.

I had sat in the dugout, clapping on my teammates chewing some gum and sunflower seeds that Andrew's family had gotten for me. I had gotten loads and loads of text messages from all my friends and family telling me how great of a job I was doing.

I was doing a terrible job. I caught a lot of balls in the outfield, which coach had put me on halfway through the season, but my hits were terrible. I needed to score, but with Chelsea pitching we can't make it to home base. She's too quick.

After the last player struck out, we had one out left before it was the 6th inning. I felt all my emotions go south, knowing that this could very well be the last time I play softball in my entire life.

Tori was next up to bat, and I made sure to cheer her on so she can at least make it on first base.

Chelsea wore the same mischievous smile on her face that she had when she was with me. One that read that she wanted to hurt someone.

Tori struck out once. Twice. But there wasn't a third.

There was a Tori, lying on the ground, screaming in pain.

All the coaches and teammates ran over to her, and she cradled her wrist like a baby. There was so much blood, and I'm pretty sure you could see bone.

"That BITCH of a pitcher hit ME!" Tori screamed. "She did it on purpose."

"I swear I didn't! She just didn't move out of the way!" Chelsea played innocent like the bitch she is.

The ump tells everyone to calm down. "We're going to call an ambulance, but for now the paramedics at the game will treat the injury."

"INJURY? She fucking broke my wrist!" Tori yelled at him.

The ump frowned. "The game will remain paused until the ambulance gets here. Everyone please take a break!"

Tori and I lock eyes, and she gives me a half-in pain-smile. I give her a sympathetic look and she mouths: "Don't worry about me."

I try and make it to the bathrooms to maybe wash some water on my face as a means to de-stress myself. My breathing hitched faster, and I felt the world collapsing.

Is this what a panic attack feels like? I'm not sure. I've never been this stressed before.

I put my hands on my knees to try and regulate my breathing, but I immediately stand up when I hear snickering and multiple pairs of feet in front of me. I look up to see Chelsea with a few of her teammates and their boyfriends.

"Look at this fucking girl." Chelsea mocks my heavy breathing. Her boyfriend starts to chuckle, and then he proceeds to glare at me.

I don't say a word.

"Oh...sorry to hear about your friend." Chelsea said, and the rest of them burst out laughing. "Then again, I'm not really sorry."

"I didn't mean to hit her! I swear!" She says in a high-pitcher voice.

I knew she was lying the whole damn time.

My jaw ticks as she continues to make fun of me and my team. Enough is enough.

"I've had it Chelsea." I take a step forward. "There's still one inning left, and you bet your stinky little ass that I'm going to give you the best game you've seen in your life."

I continue. "That's right. The back-up pitcher is me. So, you better wake up because you have a huge storm coming your way."

I hear familiar voices behind me. It's Andrew, Eli, Nick, along with Mason and Lina. They see me in my confrontation and they're faces turn skeptical.

"What's going on here?" Andrew asks.

"Who's this? You're brother?" Chelsea insults, and I snort.

"More like boyfriend." I look up at him, and I give him a look. He nods, when he learns of the situation.

"Him? Your boyfriend?" Chelsea and the rest of her teammates laugh. "You're kidding, right? Look at him. Look at you."

"We're not kidding." Andrew steps toward them in a stoic manner.

"I don't think you wanna mess with us. I've got a P.H.D in kicking someone's ass." Eli replied. "I think I'll choose you guys."

Chelsea throws a death glare at all of us, and then her and her boyfriend push me to the ground. Hard.

Andrew's eyes turn a dark shade of brown, and he turned unrecognizable. He throws the hardest punch I've ever seen from him right at Chelsea's boyfriend's face. Lina, being the badass she is, puts on some lipgloss, and then slaps Chelsea right in the face.

Eli pulls me to my feet immediately.

"Go away." I said, clearly bothered by them. "Go back in the hole you came from."

"Take your own advice, bitch!" Chelsea gave me the middle finger. I walked away, grabbing the air and putting it to my heart.

"Are you okay, Lia?" Andrew asks me.

"A little dirty, I suppose, but I'm fine."

"Hey, guys. I can handle it. Go back to your seats." He tells the rest of them, and they all nod with uncertainty.

When they leave, Andrew gives me a full on bear hug. I breathed in heavily, as he crushed my tiny body.

"Don't listen to what Chelsea and her dumb teammates say. You can do this. You're pitching now, and you have full control. Take this game into your hands." He holds the back of my hands to show my palms. "Win this game for Tori. For your Coach. For your team. For your future."

"I will. Thanks." I said, and he leans in for a kiss.

I hold onto him with everything that I've got, and pour my entire soul into the kiss. He grabbed my waist, and mine go to his neck, as we both deepen the kiss.

It was very bold of us for this public show we were giving everyone. I was never one for PDA, but I'll make an exception. Especially when I was just pushed to the ground by troubled girls.

We pull away simultaneously, and we both smile at each other.

"Go get 'em." He said, leaving me to go back to his seat.

Oh trust me. I will.

After I head back to the dugout, Tori was taken to the hospital. Her family had left the game to accompany her, and of course, Chelsea was allowed back in. She pleaded innocent, but we all know that devious little wench is guilty.

And she's not getting in the way of my future.

6th inning began, and I practiced my pitches. The audience seemed to be throughly impressed, as well as my teammates. I was pitching some fastballs. Like 85-90 mph pitches, which is what the pros throw.

I've been training pretty much everyday since I got on the team for this exact moment. I wanted to be ready in case Tori stepped down for some reason. Well, this was a reason and now I'm fully prepared to cover in her place.

The first girl of Crestpark comes into the batter's box, practicing her swing. I take a good look at her.

She's lean, tall, looks like she can sprint. But is she quick enough for my pitch? Let's find out.

I throw a fastball and she hits it right onto the pitchers mound. I pick it up rapidly, throwing it to the first base player and she catches it flawlessly.

One out. Two more to go.

Soon enough, another person comes to bat.


My nostrils flair with rage as I recalled just a few moments ago. Her and her boyfriend pushing me to the ground.

I looked up in the stands, trying to calm myself down. I spot Andrew almost immediately. There was something different about him. And Eli.

Him and Eli had fours drawn on their cheeks with eye-liner or something. Looks like the work of Celina Price.

Andrew and Eli have my number on their face. My heart instantly warms, as I return to my opponent.

I throw a pitch, and Chelsea swings. She misses it instantly, swinging too late.

I throw another, and she swings too early, earning her yet another strike. By the look on her face, this doesn't happen to her too often.

The crowd cheers our mascots name as I throw my final pitch.

She swings, and misses yet again.


I smile widely, as she throws her bat to the ground and returns to the dugout.

Claps erupted throughout the stadium. And I heard a very familiar masculine voice shout my name.

I smiled at the sound of Andrew's voice.

After yet another player struck out from my pitches, it was finally time for us to bat. For the last time.

The score remained 7-10.

I watched in the dugout as our players came and went from the field. Some struck out, others made it to the bases. Chelsea seemed to be off her game, after striking out.

I know the feeling.

Your pride gets smaller and smaller with every moment you screw up. Until finally you realize you're really not that good at all.

"James!" My coach shouted for me. "You're next."

I grab my bat and head out to the batter's box.

I looked at the score board. Two outs, three batters on all three bases. If I get on base, we actually might have a chance of winning this game.

My coach and my team are counting on me.

This is now or never.

I stare down Chelsea, who's on the pitchers mound practically shaking. She's scared. She knows we might actually have a chance at winning this game.

I take a few practice swings before I actually enter the box. When I do, I get in my stance and prepare for war.

She throws a pitch, and I swing for it.


Dammit. I was too slow.

Concentrate Lia, you can do this.




I take a nice, deep breath, entering the box again. I not once take my eyes off of Chelsea.

Tori. Think about Tori. Think about how she's probably being prepped for surgery because Chelsea hurt her. Think about how Chelsea treated you. She basically spat right in your face. Are you gonna take that? Or are you gonna fight for what you've dreamed of since you were a little kid?

Fight, Lia. Fight.


I close my eyes, and swing one final time.

I hear the most beautiful sound, the ball connecting with the bat.


I open my eyes and watch as the ball soars through the sky. The outfielders back up and back up, until they hit their backs to the wall.

The audience gasps. I watched as each and every person stood up in their seats and watched as my ball soared past the scoreboard.

I-I. I just hit a home run.

"What are you doing, James? RUN!" My coach yelled at me, putting his hand to his mouth in shock.

I heard as our entire student body roared with excitement. Each of our players on the bases touched home base and the score was tied. Until I made my way around.

I look a leisurely run around the bases, jumping on each and every one. My teammates all came pouring out of the dugout by home base waiting for me to make it all the way around. When I touched home base, the girls threw me onto their shoulder chanting my name.


Suddenly, the whole student body and everyone who came to the game from San Diego poured into the field chanting my name. My coach gave me the golden softball championship trophy with pure joy, and I held it up for everyone to see.

Everyone cheered and clapped for our team. I saw as Crestpark High School started clearing out of the stands and going to the exit.

I frowned a bit, but then I realized that Chelsea was a horrible person, and she didn't deserve it as much as we did. She freaking broke our teammates wrist in half for goodness sakes.

We cheered for what seemed like hours. Everyone was out of the field, running, dancing, yelling, chanting, anything.

That is, until all the stadium lights turned off.

I was dropped to the ground with a thud, falling on my butt painfully.

The sound of a gunshot rang through my ears.

And then....

there was a scream. A blood-curdling scream.


Don't forget to tap the star at the bottom of the screen to vote for this story!

Sorry about the cliffhanger! I actually added it in last minute. It kinda just popped into my head, and actually fit really well with the storyline. You'll see what I mean as you read on.

Anyway, who do you think screamed? Was it Lia? Lina? Jade? The boys? Maybe a parent?

I guess you'll have to find out soon.

Love you all.


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