Different (ReWrite of Insanit...

By thathermitweirdo

26.6K 1.2K 1.1K

After an accident with Hels and Ex, Mumbo is acting....Strange. Grian and Iskall take notice, the two clearly... More

Authors note
•Chapter 1•
•Chapter 2•
•Chapter 3•
•Chapter 4•
•Chapter 5•
•Chapter 6•
•Chapter 7•
•Chapter 8•
•Chapter 9•
•Chapter 10•
•Chapter 11•
•Chapter 12•
•Chapter 13•
•Chapter 14•
•Chapter 15•
•Chapter 16•
•Chapter 17•
•Chapter 19•
•Chapter 20•
•Chapter 21•
•Chapter 22•
•Chapter 23•
•Chapter 24•
•Chapter 25•
•Chapter 26•
•Chapter 27•
•Chapter 28•

•Chapter 18•

759 42 31
By thathermitweirdo

"We've been searching for hours, Grian....it's clear Mumbo isn't anywhere..." Iskall said, the Swede exhausted, just wanting to go home. Grian hadn't lost hope yet, the small hermit still determined. No one had said that they had found anything, which honestly scared the hermits. No trace of any of their friends? Right after two had permadied? Most were horrified.

"Fine..we'll take a break. Let's go back to my hobbit hole." Grian said, swiftly moving through the jungle that they had been searching through. Doc, Keralis, and Iskall let out a sigh of relief, before the group began to head back. Grian was nervously checking his phone, hoping for someone to say that they've found something, but there were no messages, the group walking into Grian's hobbit hole.

"What the...?" Grian said, staring at what seemed to be a camera, tied to a rope and hanging from the ceiling. The small hermit pulled the camera down, the string tugging open a trapdoor, unleashing a charged creeper from the ceiling. Doc quickly reacted, throwing his trident and impaling the creeper before it could kill Grian.

"Thanks Doc...you really saved me there.."
"No problem. But what's with that camera?" The goatfather said, pointing at the small recording device in Grian's hands. The small hermit stood up, walking over to his group and scrolling through the videos that were saved on the camera.

"Look! Scar and Bdubs too!"
"Why are they tied up? What's going on?!"

The group scrolled to the final video, clicking on the small screen, and watching as the video pulled up, Mumbo appearing in the screen.

"Mumbo...?" Grian asked, distraught at the fact that the redstoner was covered in blood, his smile insane.

"Hello hermits! If you haven't already seen, Scar, Bdubs, and Xisuma are with me! Don't worry, they're safe!

.....that is, if you can save them....

You see, I'm SICK of this. I can't think straight! I don't know who I am anymore! I-I Don't know what's wrong with me, please! Hel-help me-!"

The video cut to static, before cutting back to Mumbo, who cleared his throat, his red eyes filled with burning hatred.

"Now then, where were we?

Oh yeah!

You know that stupid bunker you all made? Well, I made some...modifications to it....I have the three trapped here, all three of them at the risk of dying, permanently.... it's kinda like a game! You see.."

The camera cut to Bdubs, a cloth wrapped around his mouth, iron restraints on his limbs.

"Bdubs here is trapped in a little tank. Once you enter the room, the tank will slowly fill up with water. Try and break him out, and the entire room with explode, killing you all. There's a red key pad next to Bdubs's little tank, and there's a code somewhere hidden in the maze of traps and little games I set up. Get the code, and the door will open, freeing Bdubs. But if you don't find the code in time...."

Mumbo just laughed, and the camera cut to Scar, who was hanging upside down, weak ropes wrapped around his ankles, he was being held over a pit of lava, and the ropes looked like they couldn't hold him for much longer.

"Scar's little test is simple! Get him down, without the use of an elytra, potions, or a water bucket. I'm watching you on the security cameras, so if you break any rules, this whole place will be blown to bits!"

The camera went to static once more, before cutting in again, looking at Xisuma, the admin's helmet off, as he looked defeated, his shameful expression hidden away as his eyes were glued to the ground. He was wrapped in chains, sitting in a dirt pit.

"Now, if you don't listen carefully to my demand, Xisuma will be killed by cave spiders, which I have hidden behind the wall of dirt. If you try to go into the pit to save him, I'll activate the pistons and I'll let the spiders free. Now, to rescue the beloved admin of ours, I just need two simple things."

The camera cut, Now on Mumbo, who was sitting in a dark room, surrounded by a control panel and all sorts of screens watching his captives.

"Grian and Iskall. You two have a special mission. You two will come to my little office and have a chat. No weapons. No more than you two. If you don't, well you know the drill. The whole place goes down. Now, you come tomorrow, noon.

If you come early....

Expect your friends to be dead."

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