Fluorescent Adolescent~Jughea...

Por underatedhuman

196K 6.6K 1.5K

"Not to be dramatic but Jughead Jones could step on me and I'd thank him" "I'm literally right here, Poet" ⇠⇢... Más

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nineteen and a half
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one

twenty six

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Por underatedhuman

Poet woke up in the morning feeling better than he had in the last few weeks. After last night, watching movies with Veronica and painting each other's nails as well as a few sing a longs, he felt much more...free. More positive emotions pushed forwards, blocking out the bad. And he was going to see the therapist tomorrow.

He looked over to his right, noticing the half made, empty bed. He'd crashed in Veronica's bed last night, her refusing to let him sleep on the floor. Poet rolled off of the comfy goodness, wincing as his feet touched the cold hardwood. 

Humming a song from Moana, he grabbed a robe off one of Veronica's hangers and wrapped it around himself, opening the door to find her. His boxers were still on and Veronica hung his shirt, pants, and shoes on one of the heaters for him. 

The Lodges were actually pretty nice people. Well, Veronica was at least. But if her mom and dad were anything like her, he knew they'd be great. Her parents, who he'd learned were named Hiram and Hermione (badass names in his opinion), hadn't been home last night when Veronica took him in so he hadn't gotten to meet them yet. Veronica hadn't specified when they'd be back but he was guessing it wasn't going to be until later in the day. 

His thoughts drifted to yesterday and Jughead's face flashed through his mind. He frowned. He'd yelled at Jughead in front of all his friends then stormed out without a reason. He hadn't texted or called Jughead and Jughead hadn't either. Fuck, what was he going to say? He was sorry. He was so so sorry. And Jughead didn't know what was going on so he shouldn't be the one to blame. He's not at fault, Poet was.  

Poet made a mental note to talk to Jughead as soon as possible. In person, though. While he loved to hear Jughead's voice in any situation, in person was best and more meaningful.

A light humming broke him from his thoughts and he smiled. 

He strolled into the dining room, messing with the robe and relishing in its warmth. "Hey Ronnie, I know this sounds weird but Jesus your dad's robe is soft." He leaned down giving it a sniff. "Smells great too." 

Someone cleared their throat, Poet's head snapping up at the noise. Two people, who were definitely and for Poet, sadly Veronica's parents sat at the end of the long wooden table, staring at him. Veronica hung her head. 

Hiram gave Poet a smirk, cocking an eyebrow. "I'm glad that you find my smell pleasing."

Poet gaped, his mouth opening and closing like an idiot before Veronica gave him a look. "Oh, um...y-yeah. You do...sorry, that's weird. I mean I'm weird, you're not weird!" 

Veronica sighed, face palming. "Just sit down, Po."

He nodded and quickly rushed over to the seat next to her, glaring at the table in embarrassment.   

"So, who are you exactly?" Hiram said, very interested in why there was a strange boy sitting at the table, wrapped in his robe.

Veronica spoke first, clapping her hands and gesturing towards Poet. "Daddy, this is Poet. He's a friend from school and one of the new Serpent students. I let him stay here last night after he had an... incident."  

Poet nodded, agreeing with her and backing her up. He ignored how she called him daddy and instead tried not to cower under Hiram Lodge's gaze. And holy shit  was that man attractive. A total dilf. If Poet was into older men and not seventeen he'd be drooling all over that.

Hermione smiled and reached over to Poet, resting a hand over his. "Well, if Veronica likes you enough to bring you home, then we welcome you." 

He gave her a small smile, not used to the motherly affection. "Oh, um...thanks. Thank you."

Hermione nodded and smiled, starting to eat her breakfast. The poor boy looked scared half to death. Although, with Hiram that happened a lot to others. But Poet didn't look like the other boys Veronica brought home. He didn't look at her out of the corner of his eye and they weren't holding hands under the table or touching in the slightest so he didn't give Hermione bad vibes. He really just looked... confused. 

The more Hermione thought about it, Poet and Veronica being friends would be a good thing. He wasn't trying to get in her pants which is always a plus. They seemed to get along well, he was decently muscled so he could protect her if needed. And he was a Southsider, so having him around wouldn't be such a bad thing for publicity. Yeah. This could work. Veronica needed more friends. She had a few close ones but she needed more than just Archie and Betty. 

Now the trouble was Hiram. As much as Hermione loved him he could be... problematic to say the least. He'd do anything for his family, even if it meant breaking the law. Which was admirable but not a good quality. If he could just stay quiet and not doing anything wrong to offend Poet then everything would go smoothy and they wouldn't have any trouble. 

The group sat in silence before Hiram spoke, swirling around the orange juice in his glass and took a long slow sip. "Poet, was it?" Poet nodded and Hiram nodded back. "See me in my office after breakfast. I'll write you a pass for going to school late. Veronica, don't wait for him."

Hermione sighed, inwardly face palming. He just had to ruin it. 

⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢ ⇠⇢

Poet was going to piss his pants. Actually, no, he wasn't. The uniform the Lodge's had donated for the Southside students were way to nice to pee in so somehow he'd managed to not cower under Hiram Lodge's gaze. 

Hiram sat at his desk, cocking an eyebrow at Poet who sat with his head down in the chair in front of him. 

"So. Poet." 

Poet lifted his head and bit his lip. "Uh, yeah?"

Hiram glared harder, basking for a moment at the fear dripping off of Poet before he dropped the look and smiled, surprising Poet.

"It seems my daughter has taken a liking to you, is that true?"

Poet shrugged and nodded. "Yeah. We're not like best friends, well not yet, but she let me crash at her house and anyone who does that is usually cool in my book. So, yes?" Poet couldn't help the questioning tone slip into his voice as Hiram's face remained unchanging.

Hiram reached forward and poured himself a glass of brandy, despite it being ten in the morning. But when you're rich, it probably doesn't matter. 

"If this relationship between you and my daughter is going to continue I need to know all of your intentions. I love my family, Poet, you fuck with them, you fuck with me. So please," Hiram leaned forward, giving a tight lipped smile. "Tell me." 

Poet gulped before nodding. He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, V's been helping me the past couple of days and I met her a couple times before that. She's really cool and sweet and caring but I only like her as a friend. Not romantic or anything like that. I'm kinda interested in someone else in the moment. Although I may have fucked that bit up." Poet murmured the last bit under his breath, frowning at his words.  

The older man nodded and leaned back in his leather chair. He folded his hands over his lap. "Good. Good. It's nice to know that Veronica can have friends without them trying to get into her pants. Now, Veronica talked to me and her mother about therapy for you?" Poet furrowed his eyebrows, confused if it was a question or not. He hated when people talked like that. 

"Uh...Yes? I mean, I wasn't awake but I understand if you say no. It was a long shot anyways. I've just been going through a lot and that kid that...the boy who died a few weeks ago, we were really close. So...yeah."  

Poet lowered his head, clenching his fists to his side. His mood was starting to worsen with every thought going through his head. Jughead, Enoch. Jesus he was a mess.  

"Poet." Poet lifted his head, meeting Hiram Lodge's gaze. "I have a proposition for you." He paused and waited for Poet who nodded. Hiram leaned forward and swirled his glass, not taking a drink.  

"I'll pay for your therapy and anything else you need, within reason of course, and in exchange you stay close to my daughter. Look out for her, protect her, and report back to me if I ask. And, if an opportunity comes up where I need your services, you'll help me. Nothing illegal, I assure you, maybe some publicly, insider interviews about the Serpent Exchange. Who knows, point is: there's my proposition. Now what is your answer?"

Poet's eyes widened. 

Wow. He'd really do that? For me?

Poet played everything through his head and decided. He reached forward across the desk, sticking out his hand. 

"I'll do it."

Hiram grinned and grabbed Poet's hand, shaking it fiercely. "Good choice, son. Now get to school. I'll write you a note." 

Poet gave a tiny smile and waved, walking out the office door. 

- - - - - - - - - - -

Sorry for not updating in a little while, I've had a bunch of stuff going on and lately I've been loosing some confidence in my writing but that's normal and it happens to everyone it just takes some time. My brain just hasn't been able to write either. 

Um I hoped you liked this chapter, I know it was more of a filler but stuff will start to pick up soon, I promise.

Also I forgot to put a question last chapter! So instead of just doing two questions like a normal person would I'm going to give you a kind of present I guess? 

Here's the official playlist for the squeal to this book along with the name. I'm also adding the playlist picture to the music chapter thing so if you get an update for that it's just me adding that.

Anyways, here is the playlist to The Killing Moon-Jughead Jones {2}

(Screen shot or scan the picture on Spotify. You can do this by clicking the little camera on Spotify by the search bar)

As always, vote, comment, follow, love you guys!

(What's your favorite movie(s)?)

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