Rebel (Father Matt Murdoc...

By Hannah-Henry

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(Y/N) Is a Matt Murdocks 14 year old daughter who is just entering high school and is really struggling. She... More

Donut Worry
Squad Goals?
Sub-sandwich and conversations
Church and Worrisome Donations
Authors Note
Chicken Parmesan With A Side of Pain
Sweetpea Where are you?
Ham Sandwich and Phone Calls
There You Are Sweetpea
Strings of Surprises
Authors Note
Authors Note
Geometry, Shopping, and Advice
Dinner Time Tension
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
The Final Chapter
Authors Note
Authors Note
Authors Note

Church and Self-Doubt

2.9K 92 0
By Hannah-Henry

Matt followed the sound of her footsteps as (Y/N) paused at the door and he could feel her gaze hit the back of his head. Then finally the door closed and Matt lets out a sigh and he listens to her footfalls and the slight thud  of her sitting on the bench. "Father..." Matt begins "I need some guidance." He says are he holds on to his cane at the very top of it hands over and clasped together. "With what Matthew? Is this about your other line of work?" Father Paul says. Matt stays silent for a minute. "Sit down with me Matthew." Father says extending an arm out to the pew next to them where Matt goes and takes a seat and is silent for another moment as Father Paul sits next to him. "It's about (Y/N)... I am worried about her. She is home by herself all the time, She does a hell of a lot more then I do..." "Language Matthew" Father interrupts. "... Sorry Father... She is having friend problems, and she does most of the chores since I have two jobs..." Matt lets out a sigh "I can tell her patience is running low with me... We had an argument yesterday. It wasn't big but she never really gives me attitude or gets snappy with me. I feel like it is my fault. What am I saying it is my fault." He is silent once again and Father Paul waits patiently before Matt starts again " I want to do whats best for her... Father... What should I do?" Matt asks and Father Paul is silent for a moment.

 "Well Matthew I don't know what guidance I should give. Everyone's parenting is different... Let me ask you this." Matthews head perks up slightly and gives the gesture to continue. " Do you love your Daughter?" Paul asks which is greeted by an immediate nod " Of course I do! She is my world! I don't know what I would do if my sweetpea wasn't here right now... If anything were to happen to her... I would fall apart." Matt says and he is silent. " Do you want to protect her Matthew?" Paul asks. "Yes! I would give my life for her!" Matt says again with seemingly more positive force behind his voice. "Do you love her the way she is and how she will be in the future as she grows older?" Paul asks again. "Yes! No matter what happens... She will always be my little girl. I will always love her and protect her. Even if she hates me for it in the future. She will always be my daughter and I will always be her dad. She is the best thing to ever happen to me..." Matt says. "May I ask one final question?" Father Paul asks. "Of course Father..." Matt responds. "As of right now. Are you doing your best as a parent?" Matt gives a look of confusion and then gives an unsure facial expression. "I don't know Father... I try to do my best but I feel like I could do much better. She deserves much better then what I am giving her." Matt says. 

"That! That right there." Father exclaims "Everything you have said thus far. You are raising her well Matthew and you are doubting yourself. I am not say not to doubt yourself but you need to look at the positives. Everything you have said is far better then I would answer myself. We are all a child of God Matthew. God forgives... He is forgiving. Every mistake you have made through out your life has brought you to this moment. Do you regret where you are now Matthew?" Paul asks and Matt shakes his head no immediately and answers "No Father. I don't." Father Paul sighs and places a hand on Matts shoulder. " It is always good to question yourself Matthew and mistakes is how you learn. From what I am hearing you are doing your best and I am proud of you Matthew." Father Paul says.

 "Thank you Fa-" Matt pauses and tilts his head. He hears something as well as a smell. His heavy footsteps and the smell of gunpowder is unmistakable. He has been trying to catch sight of the man who is known as 'The Punisher' Matt knew this was unmistakable. He has caught whiffs of him on roof tops as well has the bruise from being shot in the head. It was hard to hide  that bruise from (Y/N) seeing as she is so observant of everything. He catches another set of footsteps beside him. He takes another sniff and the smell of peaches fill his nostrils. Its (Y/N)'s Shampoo. He stands up quickly "I am sorry Father but I have to go... Thank you for the advice." He says as he swiftly exits the church. He charges down the stairs and stops for a second as he is trying to distinguish their footsteps from everyone else. He quickly followed them but of course he kept bumping into people. He quickly ducks into an alleyway where he quickly throws his cane and starts going though the maze of  alley ways.

'Her heart rate is going up.' He thinks as he jumps over fences and over dumpsters and trashcans. 'His heart rate is as well... If he puts his hands on her I swear to Christ' He says. He has never had his heart beating so fast and he has never ran this fast before. He has never been this scared... 'What are they talking about?' He thinks to himself as he tries to listen to their conversation through the pounding of his own heart in his ears. He is now at the entrance to the side walk and he pauses. '(Y/N) is leaving.' He stays hidden in the alley way until her hears her footsteps pass and he comes up behind her and grasps on to her shoulder in which her heart rate spikes and she lets out a small gasp. "(Y/N) where have you been?" He asks in a slight panicked tone. He knew exactly where she has been. She was near that maniac and she smelled briefly of him which made him feel disgusting. He was testing her to see if she would tell him the truth. He hugs her and pulls her head to his chest. "Sorry dad... I saw a friend and wanted to say hi and it was in the same direction as your firm so I thought it was a win-win if I got a little bit ahead of you... I'm sorry..." (Y/N) says looking down. Her heart beat is confusing he excpects her to be lying. Does she consider him a friend? Her heart beat says she is telling the truth but he isn't convinced. Matt sighs and places both hands on her shoulders. "Please don't do that again alright? At least text me" He says and straightens to his full height. "Lets go..." Matt says patting Her back and she begins to "guide" him to his place of work.

"What happened to your cane?" (Y/N) asks and Matt sighs again. "I was in a rush I guess I forgot it." (Y/N) nods "Are you still up to hanging out after you get your paperwork?" Her tone has pepped up not sounding as worried as she was before. "We will see sweetpea. It all depends if it needs to be finished by Monday. She looks down and sighs. "Uh... The grocery store is not far from your work... I could grab things for dinner and we can eat! What are you hungry for?" She asks excited again. " I don't know (Y/N). Have anything you have been wanting to try?" Matt asks. "OH what about Chicken Parmesan!" She asks and he feels her look obviously looking for his approval. "Sounds fancy I'm excited lets do it!" Matt says in agreement. "Awesome!" She says and starts skipping which starts dragging him along. "Slow down there" Matt says laughing as they reach the door of his work where it shows the sign 'Nelson and Murdock' "Alright (Y/N) call me when you get to the store and again when you get home. I will be waiting for the call alright?" Matt asks looking in her general direction. " Yes dad I promise I will call you." She jumps up and kisses his cheek. " Say 'hi' to Aunt Karen and Uncle Foggy if they are there! " She says and dashes off. "Be safe!" Matt calls out to her and he sighs as he walks into the building and up the stairs.

(This is kind of a part 2 to the last chapter? I guess? haha but this is in Matts POV. I hope you enjoyed. I know I suck at updating so I wont promise anything. Have a good day!! )

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