The American Witch In A Briti...

Autorstwa WhatIsGender4

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The American Witch in a British World. What will happen when Sienna Foster loses the brightest light in her l... Więcej

Author's Note please read
Chapter 1 - Gringotts
Chapter 2 - Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 - Meeting Harry
Chapter 4 - Getting to Know Harry
Chapter 5 - Meeting Remus and Snuffles
Chapter 6 - Sirius Black
Chapter 7 - Making It Official
Important Question
Chapter 8 - The Potion
Chapter 9 - The Patronuses
Chapter 10 - The First Full Moon
Chapter 12 - The Transformation
Chapter 13 - The Quidditch World Cup
Chapter 14 - Grieving
Chapter 15 -The First Day Of School
Chapter 16 - The Tournament Champions
Chapter 17 - The First Task
Chapter 19 - The Letter
chapter 20 - The Forbidden Forest
Chapter 21 - Summer
Chapter 22 - The Beginning of Fifth Year
Chapter 23 - The Department of Mysteries
Chapter 24 - Camping
Chapter 25 - Camping part 2
chapter 26 - camping part 3
leaving the afterlife... again

Chapter 18 - The Second Task

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Autorstwa WhatIsGender4

Published September 7, 2020 at 7:58 P.M.

~~~~~~~~~~~November 31st~~~~~~~~~~~

It is the morning of the third task and I, along with the other champions, was told to wear a bathing suit under my clothes or relatively tight clothing, so I put on a fitted green knit sweater along with some warm black leggings.

I decide to put a charm on my clothes to prevent them from getting wet and I head down to the lake.

When everyone arrives, we are told we have 2 hours and to start.

I dive in and am immediately glad I put the drying charm on my clothes even though it doesn't prevent the water from getting under. I quickly cast a warming charm and then I notice that I have been breathing this whole time without doing anything. Maybe no one knows that I can just breathe underwater on my own.

I set off to find the thing most precious to me. 'Wait a minute, what is most precious to me? It was Aiden before, but they can't exactly dig him up and put him at the bottom of the lake can they?. It would probably be Remus, but they can't do that to a teacher. Wait, NO. I SWEAR ON ALL THINGS HOLY IF THEY DID HIM, SOMEONE IS GOING TO DIE.' I think.

I start by talking to the fish asking if they knew where they might be. They said they are on the other side of the lake near the merpeople. I thank them and go in the direction said.

After half an hour of swimming, I make it to the other side and see the merpeople.

In the open spot, I can also see 4 people. One of them is Hermione, another is a Ravenclaw girl I don't know, another looks like a younger version of Fleur, so I assume it is her little sister, and the final person is Remus. I never thought they would have done this and someone will die today.

I swim over to the four of them and when I turn around, I see Cedric and who I assume is Krum but he has a shark head, so I'm not positive. Cedric takes Cho up and Krum takes Hermione, but there is no sign of Fleur. I wait until the time is almost up. Still no sign of her, so I take the rope off the girl and bring her over to Remus. I start to take the rope off him, but the merpeople come over to me yelling at me that I can only take one.

"If I wait till the time is up, can I take both?" I ask logically.

"How can you understand us?" the lead merperson asks.

"I am a vampiric angel. Can you answer my question?"

"If you wait until the time is up, yes you can take both."

I wait a minute and hear a loud horn.

I untie Remus and take them both by the arm and swim towards the surface. I can see some sort of platform, so I swim over to it.

When I reach the edge of the platform, both of them wake up and I get Remus on the edge before I lift the girl up. Then I help Remus out.

I can see Fleur crying while hugging the girl and when she lets go, she comes over to me to thank me.

When they are calling the scores, they say that since I didn't make it in the time frame, I would lose a substantial amount of points. I yell towards them, "those damn merpeople wouldn't let me take both until the time was up, so I waited. Give me whatever score you want, I don't care about this damn thing anyway. For all I care, I could be in last place. As long as I survive, that's all I care about."

They don't hear me.

When everyone is headed back to the castle, I see Dumbledore and I am instantly furious, but I wait to act on my rage until I know Remus is safe with snuffles.

When Remus is in the hospital wing being checked on, I tell him, "I will be back after I kick someone's ass."

"Don't do anything you might regret," Remus calls

"I won't."

Halfway to Dumbledore's office, I decided to take a bit to cool off. I don't want to actually kill him even though I legally can.

I end up in the astronomy tower and I just sit on the edge looking out in the distance. Someone comes in behind me. "I hope you weren't wanting to jump," I hear Charlie say.

"No, I just decided to let some of my anger defuse before I end up killing Dumbledore"


"Legally I am allowed to kill him though."

"Oh. Lupin is your mate isn't he."


He sits next to me and we sit for a while in silence.

When I notice the sun going down, I say, "I should probably get going. See you."


I leave the tower and go to bed.

~~~~~~~~~~~~December 1st~~~~~~~~~~~~

At breakfast, Dumbledore announces, "on December 20, there will be a yule ball. You may come if you or your date is in 4th year or older. You may buy your formal attire during a Hogsmeade trip. After breakfast, I would like the four champions to meet me in my office."

When I am done eating, I tell Pansy to meet me in the common room and I get up and head to his office and knock.

"Come in," he says.

I open the door to find that I am the first one there.

He gestures toward one of the 4 chairs in front of his desk where I sit.

A few minutes later, the other three are all there, so Dumbledore begins speaking, "I have asked you 4 to come here because there are special instructions for you as champions. You all are required to go to the ball with a date. You will be dancing the first dance. Before the ball, meet outside the great hall for further instructions. Are there any questions?"

"Can my date be Remus?" I ask.

"No, your date may not be a teacher as they are all supervising. Any other questions?"

We all shake our heads no and he continues, "you are all dismissed."

We leave and I go to the common room to meet up with Pansy.

"So I already have a dress and I want your opinion on it and if I should get a new dress."

She nods and I lead her to our dorm room. I pull out the dark blue lace high-low dress with the bow and put it on to show her.

"No, that doesn't match your eyes or your hair. You are getting a new dress that matches both of those things," she decides.

I nod and take off the dress and put on some leggings and a sweater.

When we reach an expensive-looking store, we go in and we start to search for my dress. I know that I want a light blue dress to match the theme of winter, so we head over to a section that has light blue dresses. I pick out a few dresses to try and pansy also picks out a few dresses for me.


"The dress you get has to be show-stopping. We want everyone's eyes to be on you when you enter. That wouldn't put everyone's eyes on you try the last one I picked out," Pansy requests.

I do as she says and when I look at myself in the mirror, I gasp. It is exactly what I imagined.

When I show her, she exclaims, "now that is what I'm talking about!" putting an emphasis on the word that.

"Do you have shoes in this color?" Pansy asks.

"Yeah they also match this pretty well."

Once we find a dress for pansy and we pay, we decide to head up to the school to put our dresses away.

"What do you want to do now? Ooo I could teach you to fly on a broom."

"Sure although I don't see the point if I have wings."

"Well, then we can see if you are any good at it, and if you are, you can try out for the quidditch team next year."

"Fine. I will try, I might not join quidditch next year."

She smiles and says, "you might want to change into something you don't care about getting dirty and that is warm since we are going outside. Maybe we can ask if Draco wants to help since he has more experience flying than I do."

I nod and I just put on a muggle winter coat.

She grabs her broom and we go to find Draco.

We find him in the boy's dorm reading.

"Do you want to help me teach Sienna how to fly?" Pansy asks.

"Sure just let me get my stuff."

A few minutes later, we are on our way outside.

When we reach the entrance hall, I have an idea. "Hey guys, do you know about the room of requirement?" I ask.

"No," they both say.

"Follow me."

I walk to the 7th floor to the wall and pace in front of the wall 3 times thinking, 'large grass field' while pacing.

When the door appears, we go inside and there is a large grass field.

"Woah. What is this place?" Draco asks.

"In the simplest terms possible, it's a room that can become whatever you want. For example, if I wanted a library, it would become a library. While I was pacing in front of the wall, I was thinking about a large grass field to give us this."

"Cool. Have you ever rode a broom before?"

"No, but I have flown with my wings."

"It is probably pretty different. Just copy what we do and you should be fine. Also for learning, you can use my broom since Draco is a better teacher than me," Pansy says.

She hands me her broom and Draco mounts his broom and I copy his movements.

"Now, I want you to push off of the ground hard and lift off the ground a few feet, hover for a few seconds, and then touch back down," Draco instructs.

I lift off the ground and hover maybe 3 feet off the ground and then land.

"Great, I think you might be a natural. Next, I'm going to have you fly up about 10 feet with me," he decides.

We fly up to 10 feet and we just hover.

"How would you feel about flying like 30 feet that way?"

"Let's do it."


By dinner time, I can fly pretty well on a broom. I still prefer using my wings, but still. We go back to our dorms to change for dinner and put the brooms away

~~~~~~~~~~~December 20th~~~~~~~~~~~

The day of the yule ball after dinner, Pansy and I go into our dorm room to get ready.

We both take a shower and dry our hair using a charm. We both do our make-up and then we do each other's hair. Pansy does mine beautifully with a diamond hairpiece in it. (AN the image below but the hair color is black)

I do her hair like the image below (AN idk how to describe it but just know that it is pretty)

We both get our dresses on and do any touch-ups we might need to do. We put on our heels and then go to the common room to meet the boys.

I am going with Shawn since he is like a brother to me and I couldn't bring Remus or Sirius.

Once we reach the common room, I walk over to Shawn and hug him from behind since his back is facing us and I motioned for the others to not mention me.

He turns around and hugs me back.

"You look incredible, Sienna," he whispers.

"Shall we head down to the great hall?" I say.

"Yes we shall," Draco replies.

When we arrive, Shawn and I wait outside the doors and the others go inside.

A few minutes before it starts, Dumbledore comes to give us directions.

"You eight will walk in the great hall and straight onto the dance floor. You will all dance the first dance using the moves you were taught by a teacher and then after that, you can do whatever you want. Any questions?"

We all shake our heads no in response.

"Great, line up from youngest champion in front to oldest in the back."

I am in the front when we walk in. Everyone stares at me in awe, or at least all the boys and a few girls are. Most of the girls stare at me in jealousy.

We dance the first dance and then other people join us on the dance floor. I don't really like dancing, so I lead Shawn to find the rest of our friends.

We find them after a few minutes sitting at one of the tables on the side.

"Who else doesn't really want to be here?" I ask.

Draco, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy all say, "me," in unison.

"Glad it isn't just me. Wait... what is today's date?" I ask realizing something.

"December 20th, why?" Blaise asks.

"Of course it has to be today."

"What is today?" Theo asks.

Shawn looks confused for a few seconds and then a look of realization replaces the confusion.

"Today is exactly 7 months since the accident," Shawn says and he hugs me.

"Do I have to stay for the rest of it?"

"You have to stay until after dinner, then we can leave if you want," Shawn whispers in my ear.

"Time for a boring half an hour. I'm going to go get a drink, who else wants some?"

"Why don't we all just go with you?" Draco suggests.

"Someone needs to stay to save our table."

"I can do it, just get me some water," Pansy requests.

We all go over to the snacks and refreshments table and I grab Pansy a water and myself a caffeinated soda.

Back at the table, we are all chatting about random topics when someone comes up behind me and hugs me. I turn my head and smile when I see it's Remus.


"Are you having fun?" He asks me.

"Meh. I would rather be practicing for the final task than be here. I'm probably going to leave after dinner with Shawn to practice so that I am not in harm's way inside the friggen maze. Also, I need to practice my directional instincts."

"Well, you have fun with that, just make sure you change beforehand."

"Alright, don't you have to get back to your job?"

"Yeah, you're right. Are you alright with snuffles staying with you for the rest of the night?"

"Yeah, that would be lovely."


"Bye," I return and he goes back to his spot. I mindlessly begin to pet Snuffles as I return to the conversation at the table.

When it is dinner time, Shawn and I have to go up to the head table with the headmaster's and other champions and their dates. Snuffles follows along.

I end up next to Cedric who asks me, "are you having fun?"

"Meh. I would have more fun practicing for the third task but oh well. How about you?"

"I would have to agree with that. On that note, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while, but do you want to practice sometime together?"

"Sure, just name a time and place and I will see if I am available."

"How about, in the Room of Requirement after lunch on Christmas eve."

"Sounds good to me," I confirm.


After dinner is over, Shawn, Snuffles and I leave and we go back to the dorm rooms to change.

In the girl's dorm with myself and Sirius, I find some leggings and a sports bra to wear. I put it on with my back to Sirius since we aren't to that point yet.

I grab my wand and meet up with Shawn in the hallway after Sirius becomes Snuffles again. Right before we leave the common room, I hear this voice, "go over to the fireplace." "Did you guys hear that?" I ask.

"Hear what?" Shawn returns.

"I just heard a voice tell me to go over to the fireplace. Did you not hear that?"

"No, I didn't hear that, but do it and see if the voice speaks to you again. It could be in a language we don't understand, therefore we wouldn't hear it," Shawn suggests.

I walk over to the fireplace and the voice says, "press the darkest brick right above the fireplace."

"Why?" I say back, the language coming naturally to me. "A secret passageway will open leading to a room you can practice in."

"Who are you?"

"I am Hogwarts. When the founders built me, they made it so that any of their descendants could speak to me and I can help you. Just do as I say."

I press the darkest brick -which has been bothering me since I saw it. Like, I was bothered by the fact that all the other bricks are light-colored and then there's just this one almost black brick. Just, ugh- and the fireplace opens up to reveal a hallway. When I step into it, the hallway is lit magically. "Come on guys, Hogwarts is trying to lead us somewhere."

"Where is she leading us?"

"Salazar Slytherin's chambers that you inherited by being his descendent." Hogwarts answers.

"Hogwarts says to Salazar Slytherin's personal chambers that I apparently inherited."

When we reach the end of the hallway, it opens up to a door with 7 snakes going out with 1 snake going around the circle.

Above the door, there are the words, "I am Salazar's decent" written in parseltongue. I hiss out the words on instinct and the door opens to a large cave-like room. There are doors all around the outside walls and at the end is a pool of water and a statue of a face.

"Hiss the words, 'Anastasia, peacefully awaken,' to the statue," Hogwarts instructs.

I do as told and the mouth of the statue opens and out slithers a giant snake 🐍you called for me?🐍

🐍Hogwarts told me to call for you.🐍

🐍who are those other people with you?🐍

🐍the dog is Sirius Black, one of my mates and the human is Shawn, one of my best friends.🐍

🐍your mate?🐍

🐍yes, I am a vampiric angel🐍

🐍I totally should have known that. What is your name, by the way🐍

🐍oh right, I am Sienna Foster. How would you have known that I am a creature?🐍

🐍all magical creatures can sense if a human has a creature inheritance and what they are.🐍

3184 words

AN hey, I will only be posting one maybe two chapters before Thursday and then it will be changing to a schedule of whenever I have time or whenever I feel like it and have a chapter written.

Comment and, if you want, vote. I love you guys for reading and I'm curious as to what your favorite HP book is. Mine would probably be one of the last three, I can't decide.

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