Camp Camp X Counselor! Reader

By ItsyBittySpider01

356K 9K 16.6K

When (Y/n) gets hired as a camp counselor she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a summer job to get away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Best Script Reading, Ft. (Y/n)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hey Guys
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
115 Follower Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
this will only be up until the next update!
Chapter 35

Chapter 21

8.4K 208 283
By ItsyBittySpider01

"1499, 15th hundred lanyards. Good job guys, you can never have too many lanyards!" David cheered as he placed the last box of lanyards down.

Max huffed out, "I'm pretty sure we crossed that bridge fifteen hundred lanyards ago,"

(Y/n) stood behind Max as they both glared at the end of the table. David stood next to the two, completely unaware of why they were both in such a bad mood. At the very end of the table sat Cameron Campbell wearing a children's outfit and laughing to himself.

"Mom, you know that's-," Max looked up at her as she finished his train of thought

"Campbell in a kids outfit? Yes I know," (Y/n) continued to glare as she held onto Max's shoulders to protect him. The two continued to glare down at Cameron as David wrapped his arm over (Y/n)'s shoulders.

Ever since the other night, the two had become closer. David especially became more affectionate towards (Y/n).

Max looked up at David and glared at him. Before he could try and insult the redhead, Gwen walked over to them.

"Listen, can I have a word with you two? It's about the new kid," Gwen used air quotes over new kid.

"Yeah I kinda agree with Gwen, we need to talk about it," (Y/n) agreed

Before David could commented, Quartermaster walked over to the three counslers

"I shall also come along," he told them as he took another sip of beer

"No one invited you Quartermaster," Gwen sighed.

Quartermaster only mumbled something that wasn't audible. (Y/n) could only sigh at what is happening as Cameron laughed menencly.


The four stood inside the counselor's cabin. (Y/n) stood next to Gwen as she watched David.

"I still can't believe Mr. Campbell is back! They must've let him out of Super Guantanamo on good behavior!" He happily thought out loud

"And so he decided to pose as a camper at his own camp?" Gwen debunked his idea while shaking her head, "David that makes absolutely no sense,"

"Well why else would he be here?" David asked, still looking the good in things

"Gee, I don't know," Gwen started off sarcastically, "Maybe for reasons that only benefit him and totally screw us over!"

"Hmm...that doesn't sound like the Cameron Campbell I know at all!" David ingored her statem, "Right (Y/n/n)!"

(Y/n) for a first time, winced at the nickname. The idea of facing Cameron Campbell again after short amount of time wasn't in her agenda. The last thing (Y/n) needed was seeing Cameron, knowing she was the one who sent him away in the first place. Not to mention, the fact she once saw him as a mentor but now knowing the truth.

"Would the Cameron Campbell you know pretend to be a gargantuan child?" Gwen asked, not letting (Y/n) speak.

(Y/n) was glad to have Gwen as a friend. She always knew when to when give her space, but also when (Y/n) needed her help. It felt like she knew Gwen for years, although it's been only a month or so.

Gwen really balanced out David's over the top personality. Although (Y/n) sees herself in the middle of the two, Gwen is always the more rational thinker out of the three.

"He would if," David gasp at the thought, "he secretly wants to see how well we're doing without him,"

Quartermaster walked over to the three, opening another beer, "Go on,"

"This is all a test!" He looked at his co-workers with excitement, "like that one show you two watch where the bosses dress up as the worker to trick everyone!"

"You mean Backdoor Boss?" Gwen asked him

"That's it! I'm going to show Cameron Campbell the best day of Camp he's ever seen!"

As David left the cabin, Gwen looked over to (Y/n) to see if she was doing okay. She placed her hand on her shoulder, which (Y/n) only smiled.

"(Y/n) you need to know something," Gwen took a deep breath, "When they took Campbell away to Super Guantanamo, Campbell swore revenge on David,"

(Y/n)'s eyes widen as Gwen continued,

"I want you to talk to David," she grabbed both of her shoulders, "he won't listen to me, but maybe he'll listen to you,"

(Y/n) thought for a quick minute, before nodding her head in agreement. "I'll try my best to talk to him,"


"I've infiltrated the camp and no one suspects a thing,"

(Y/n) was sneaking around the mess hall when she heard Campbell talking into his ascot. She raised her eyebrows before walking into his view. Campbell continued to whisper, still not noticing her behind him. Luckily, David was no where to be seen.

"Infiltrated, huh?"

Campbell turned around immediately to see (Y/n) standing there. Her arms crossed while her usual bright smile was replaced with an angry scold. Campbell turned off his microphone to not let either Miller's hear the conversation.

"What's your deal 'Uncle Cam,' Why are you here?" (Y/n)'s voice reeked of sarcasm when she called him by the childhood nickname

"I should've guessed that my future successor would find me out! I taught you well!"

Campbell for once wasn't lying. When him and (Y/n)'s parents got along, he instantly took a liking to little (Y/n) when she was first adopted. She was the perfect blend of her parents expectations and Campbell's teachings. A young bright girl with a mischievous side.

(Y/n)'s face remained stone cold. She didn't consider herself anything related to this man. After finding out he's not the hero she thought he was, (Y/n) tried her best to be a better person than him.

"I'm not anything to you Campbell," (Y/n) walked closer, making sure to not break eye contact, "now I'm going to ask you again, why are you here?"

Both noticed David walking closer and Campbell decided to speak very loudly, turning on the microphone again.

"Why I'm just a simple camper Ms. (Y/n/n)!" Cameron said as he emphasize each word.

(Y/n) crossed her arms and glared at him as David finally walked up to them. He gave (Y/n) a smile before looking over at Campbell.

"Why hello there! What are you two up to?"

"Why nothing Mr. Davey,"

(Y/n) took note at how little respect Campbell had for both of them. Despite no longer being kids, he refuses to call either by their actual name. Only by childhood nicknames.

"So, Samboy Kidwell," David winked at (Y/n) to let her know he's joking, "I was thinking we could spend the rest of the day to do whatever camp activities you want!"

(Y/n) walked over to stand next to David as he continued, "You may know this, but this camp has something for everyone!"

"Oh wonderful! And in our way, would you speak more clearly into my ascot?" Campbell suggested but was ignored by the two counslers.

David and (Y/n) led Campbell down the path towards the activities field. David's enthusiastic face was more prominent compared to (Y/n) stone cold expression. Considering the circumstances, some of the campers would laugh at the contrast.

David noticed her unusual reaction. In an attempt to cheer her up, David lifted her face with his hand. (Y/n)'s face flushed as the two made eye contact.

The romantic gesture was cut short when Campbell push David down. The sudden force cause him to crash down suddenly. (Y/n) stood in shock before looking up at him angry.

"Oopsie! Sorry Mr. Davey," Campbell laughed, "I must've slipped,"

"It's okay, accidents happen!" David tried to laugh it off "So Samboy, what kind of camp are you interested in?"

"You know I'd really love if there's an activity where we could," Campbell quickly covered his ascot, "act like different people and say things that aren't real but pretend like they are! Is there a stupid camp for that?"

"Sounds to me like you want to participate in my Improv Semenar!" Preston walked up to them, pointing at the stage.

"Yes! That's excatly what I wanted!" Campbell began to push David, "c'mon Davey!"

(Y/n) rubbed her head as they made it to the Improv Semenar. Her headache began to form when Preston began to slam his bell while Nerris and Harrison tried to act. She let out a tired chuckle as Space Kid just meowed.

Preston happily paired Campbell with Dolf, although he quickly shut that down.

"Nooo, I'm not touching that,"

'well, at least he's not racist,' (Y/n) thought

"Why not..." Campbell decided to 'think' before his eyes landed on David, "Yes! Davey!"

"I don't think so Samboy, I'm not a very good actor," David tried to play off his nervousness

"No David!" Preston yelled while slamming the bell he had, "it's yes and,"

"Oh alright then," David smiled, he walked over to the stage to start the fake scene.

(Y/n) keep her attention on Campbell to see what he was planning. She figured he was up to something if he's constantly trying to talk with David into something.

"Now then criminal, time to confess!" Campbell started as David sat down infront of him. "So then a camp for everyone? This shady but brilliant idea sounds like a scam to me,"

"Oh he's good," David turned around quickly to tell (Y/n) and the campers. He had a large smile before continuing, "Yes! And I had a super fun time doing all the illegal things I did!"

"And did those things include fraud, money laundering, child endangerment, the illegal sale of platypus eggs and a bunch of other things that have nothing to do with the camp like 7th degree man slaughter that's still under investigation?"

"Yes, and I even, um... Stole a bunch of puppies!"

(Y/n) quickly caught on on Campbell's plan. With widen eyes, (Y/n) looked around before she looked down at the kids. She instantly got an idea and whispered into Nerris' elf ear.

"Now then tragically misunderstood criminal, one last question!" Campbell brought the ascot closer, "Did you pin this on your mentor? The completely innocent Cameron Campbell?"

Before David could speak another word, Space Kid crawled underneath the table and began to bark loudly. Nerris and Harrison joined on the stage and began to explain that they were there to cut off the evil spell. David just sat there with a large smile,

"Oh! Plot twist!"

(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief as Campbell began to throw a miniature tantrum. In the mist of him being upset, Campbell broke the wooden table, which caused everyone to look at him. (Y/n) just glared at him as he awkwardly left to go towards the mess hall while David announced lunch.

David also walked down the steps to go after him, but (Y/n) grabbed his arm. "I think Campbell's up to something,"

"You think?" David's smile fell, "why?"

"Dave, c'mon he tried to-"

"Dave?" David repeated. (Y/n) realized what she said and turned pink.

"D-don't change the subject!" (Y/n) said in a huff, annoyed at David.

"Listen Bunny," David smiled down at her, "I know your worried but I have a good feeling on this!"

(Y/n) blushed harder at the new nickname but her face stayed stern. She knew she couldn't change his mind. Instead she looked down and nodded her.

"That's the spirit!" David cheered as he hugged her.

The two began to walk back over to the mess hall where Campbell was already in. He was messing with his outfit as the two entered. (Y/n) instinctively grabbed David's hand as they approached to Cameron.

"So what would you like to do next for your perfect day at camp?" David smiled up at him, "little camper?"

"You know I think I would feel more at home with some friends. Friends that are loud, cool, and trend setters that have potential gossip!"

"I have just the campers that fit that extremely specific descriptive," David turned back to (Y/n), "Do you mind getting Nurf, Erid, and Nikki?"

"I'll...sit them at the table," (Y/n) mumbled as she went to set up the table.

While (Y/n) sat down the campers, David walked up to them with Cameron. "You kids play nice now!"

The two walked over to a corner to keep and eye on the table. David and (Y/n) sat at their table while Gwen passed them both a lunch.

"Still pretending that Campbell is a child?" Gwen asked as she poked the potatoes

"Yup," (Y/n) rested her hand ontop of her chin while she stared back.

She didn't have much of a choice but to trust David's judgement.


After another failed attempt to getting his way Cameron walked out of the mess hall. He didn't make it far when he noticed two infamous troublemakers. Before he could walk closer David and (Y/n) stepped infront of him.

"Hey Samboy!" David smiled eagerly, "Have you decided on your afternoon captivities?"

"Yes! I'd like to hang out with those two!" Cameron pointed over to the two, which caused (Y/n) to widen her eyes.

"Or we could do something else," (Y/n) looked back up at him, her eyes still widen, "I'd prefer if you DON'T talk to them."

Cameron then faked a sadden tone, "Gee, maybe your right. Maybe I'd better if I did my favorite thing in the world which is mannequin selfie carving,"

"Oh-kay?" David agreed in a confused tone, "I'll see what we can do?"

Campbell then slapped (Y/n)'s back which she instantly fell over from. "Great you two do that,"

Max glanced over as Campbell walked up to him. He instantly grew cautious before looking over at Neil,

"Look Neil, it's the new kid. Samboy Kidwell," Max winked at him as Neil continue

"Why hello there Samboy-"

Campbell cut him off, "Quiet you! I know a lap dog when I see one,"

"What! That's preposterous, me and Max are totally a team!" Neil said back offended

"Your right Neil! Your way too smart to be a lap dog," Max faked his tone as he continued, "Speaking of smarts why don't you go and find the fuses! I'd don't even know what to look for!"

"You got it Max!" Neil happily agreed as he ran off flipping Campbell off

Cameron chuckled as he got down at Max's level, "I'm impressed. You remind me so much of (Y/n/n) when she was your age. It's always great to see young manipulators in there elements,"

Max's ears perked up when Cameron mentioned (Y/n). While she did have her moments, Max would never considered her a manipulator.

"You're still rough around the edges, but hey. You're just a kid,"

Max for a moment crossed his eyebrows. He instantly got an idea before turning around. "That's a high compliment coming from the infamous Cameron Campbell,"

"So you've also seen through my disguise? You and (Y/n/n) have a lot more in common than I thought," Campbell thought aloud before continuing, "Alright then, let's lay all the cards on the table. I need to untangle myself from this fraudulent camp. If I can prove this whole scam was David's fault, I'll gain my freedom,"

"And you want me to help you?" Max crossed his arms, "Why should I?"

"Because your nothing like the rest of them! You are more like (Y/n/n) and me! To live by our own rules!"

"Wow you got us all figured out," Max said in a sarcastic tone. It seemed like Campbell hasn't figured out that (Y/n) wasn't fond of him anymore.

"So what do you say kid?" Campbell asked

It didn't cause much to figure out how to outsmart Campbell. Max could only smirk as he looked up at him, "Oh I know just the thing that'll help you. Counslers cabin, lead the way,"

Campbell smirked thinking he finally won. He turned around and took a few steps without realizing that Max turned on the switch. Unbeknownst to either, David and (Y/n) were making their way back along side Gwen.

"Gosh Mr. Campbell while we try to frame David for your crimes, you should also blame him for those shady deals with Russia, North Korea Thailand and Kentucky,"

While Campbell questioned about Max knowing about Kentucky, he still agreed. (Y/n) walked a bit faster when she saw Max and Campbell talking, managing to get into earshot of their conversation, leaving a confused David behind.

"Yeah! And you could probably get him in trouble for covering up the fact that some kid died in the campground all those years ago," Max glared at Campbell, remembering how distraught (Y/n) was crying over her lost friend.

When Campbell heard Max mentioned Jasper, he slowly turned around. (Y/n) stopped on her tracks as well, stunned at what she heard.

"But...Huh... That happened when you were in charge, didn't it?"

"What did you?" Campbell stopped talking. Suddenly his eyes widen at what Max had done, turning around to see the switch was on, "Oh my God! What did you do?!"

"Oh I turned on my microphone because I thought we were already starting," Max acted innocent like as he continued, "Did your friends on the other side not know about the other stuff? Gee I'm sorry Mr. Campbell,"

Cameron stared down at the young boy, stone cold.

"Guess I'm not so rough around the edges after all,"

"You little shit," Campbell took off his bandana and threw it. "We were supposed to frame David!"

When David caught up to (Y/n) he only heard that Campbell was wanting to frame him. He missed the part of Jasper.

"Is that true, Mr. Campbell?" David's voice cause Cameron to turn around, "You only came back to get trouble?"

"Because you organized that stupid parents day in the first place!" Cameron shouted at him, "This all happened because of you!"

"You do realize Campbell that David wasn't the one who sent the letters out for parents day," (Y/n)'s voice caused both men to look at her, "I did,"

"You?" Campbell stared in disbelief, "why would you-"

"And I was the one who took Max with me on that night," (Y/n) continued, "If you should be pissed off at anyone it should be me, not David,"

Campbell thought for a second. His face twisted from confusion to anger as he turned back to David,

"This stupid camp for everyone was your idea! All of this is all your fault!"

"I tried to create a perfect day at camp for you and everything! But your only goal was to hurt me, for things that I didn't even do!" David looked at Campbell directly

"And you! Years of treating you like my own child! You're becoming just like your backstabbing parents!" Campbell got closer to (Y/n)

This caused David to stand infront of her in a more protective manor, dropping the mannequin. He glared at Cameron, not caring that he was larger than he was.

"After everything I have ever done for you two. You're choosing a bunch of kids?" Campbell's voice raised louder, "Over Me?"

"That's the job," David's voice got low, "You don't get that do you?"

"David, Mom, are you two being serious?" Max asked, finally having enough, "this piece shit doesn't bother you? Doesn't this piss you two off?"

"I'm not pissed off Max, I'm just...." (Y/n) looked away, not making eye contact with Cameron

"Disappointed," David finished for her

Campbell grabbed the edges of his hair and began to scream. The entire camp watched as the large man began to throw a tantrum, ripping his clothes off as he ran off into the forest. Behind them, they heard a car speed off.

David sighed, turning around as he picked up his mannequin again. "There's no use to letting this guy go to waste. First to the activities field gets two high fives!"

(Y/n) instead walked over to Max as the rest of the campers made their way down. David turned over to the two and smiled at Max,

"Max thanks for everything! I could've taken Mr. Campbell's place at Super Guatanemo," he sighed again, "You know Max, camp's not for everyone. Not even the great Cameron Campbell. But despite everything we've gone through this summer your still here. I'm just glad your cut out for this place, even if he's not,"

David then turned around and began to walk, leaving them both behind. Max looked up at (Y/n) with a small smirk,

"Cut out? I run this fucking camp,"

"We gotta talk about your language," (Y/n) ruffled his hair. This time, Max didn't push her hand away.

"So," Max grabbed her hand and the two began to walk, "You were adopted too?"

(Y/n) winced as Max continue, "I'm just asking since Cameron mentioned your parents and I read about them in your dairy,"

"It's a journal," (Y/n) then sighed, "but yes I was adopted. I thought we already talked about this?"

"Then," Max looked away, "do I also have grandparents?"

' so that's why ' (Y/n) thought to herself

"Yes you do," (Y/n) looked down at him, "and you'll be meeting then soon,"


Yes!! Finally this chapter's done!!

Also just letting you guys know I'm going to start a request book soon. Although it's not going to be posted on my account until probably next month after I finish my Ticci Toby story.

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