A maid's complication

By satanshappychild

43.6K 1.3K 1.6K

Uuuuhhhm ok so... All lunch club members live together in one house and they hire wilbur to be like a maid? C... More

Intro to universe, i guess
House tour
Noah gets hella drunk
The morning after
shopping with Travis
Schlatt, you horny bastard!
Snicker doodles
Josh goes in a date
Choke hold
Charlie goes to the carnival
Schlattbur's conflict
Troopers truth
I need you, Wilbur
Carson goes on a date
The records cafe
I found the best pic
Dance for me, my pretty princess...
I'm so sorry, Schlatt
Beach trip (part: 2)
An explenation for the last one
The roots of your love
And then what?

Beach trip (part 1)

1.4K 54 29
By satanshappychild

Time skip to the beach trip! They've already arrived. Most of them (Travis) were eager to go to swimming, so they just threw shit in their rooms and headed to the beach. Even if this trip was supposed to be used for filming shit for lunch club they never ended up doing much of that. :)

People that end up going to the trip/couples: Ted& Madi, Charlie& Grace, Josh& Carson, Travis& Cooper, Schlatt& Wilbur (but y'all already knew that), Noah and Minx are going as friends....

Good to know: they rented a beach house situation for the long weekend, so everyone's living in one house (kinda)

Wilbur's POV:
I followed Schlatt to the edge of the water. I never really was a fan of beaches but it was worth it to finally spend time with a proper friend group.The copious amounts of towels I was carrying shifted under my arm. I noticed that past the running Schlatt there was a pile of snacks and two surf boards that Cooper and Travis had dumped on the sandy floor. And past that was the aforementioned blonde screeching something about sunscreen at Travis who was already knee deep in the salty water. Schlatt who was carrying said sunscreen and a few other things hurled the bottle at Cooper who was hit square in the head with it. The curly haired boy only waddled further into the water, taking advantage of the newfound distraction.

I would have face palmed at the sight in front of me if my hands weren't full.

The New Yorker immediately doubled over as Cooper started screeching at him instead. As I slowly approached the situation I realized Schlatt was only wearing his swim trunks and that god forsaken yankee cap. This meant that any not-fully-healed-over marks from a few nights ago were very visible. I felt my cheeks flush slightly as the though of our house mates having an all to clear idea of what happened crossed my mind. On the plus side, it proved he wasn't ashamed of me, which I was forever grateful for.

I was informed that someone else had left the threshold of the house by sounds of howling laughter resonating from behind me.

Eventually I caught up to Schlatt, who had just about recovered from his fit. The other two were already in the water. I dumped anything I was holding onto the ever growing pile of beach supplies not really wanting to deal with setting up. Almost immediately the brunette walked over to me trying to recount the tale of why he was in such a state. He did so rather unsuccessfully since he was still laughing his ass off. Eventually I freed him of such a difficult task by stating that I was only a few strides behind him the entire time, and watched the whole thing unfurl. When the giggles didn't subside I wrapped an arm around his bare waist, stabilizing him.

A mischievous idea presented itself to me. The corners of my lips curled into a grin as I contemplated how much shit I would get for my next action.

Without thinking too much i swooped my free arm under his knees letting the boy fall into my arms, without more than a small Yelp. Before he got the chance to protest I charged the both of us towards the water. A small screech of excitement was heard before he exclaimed "My cap! Wilbur, my baseball cap! I swear to god Wi-"

But it was too late. Trudging through waist deep water I ignored his calls and instead took a deep breath before dropping into the water and completely submerging the both of us. Underwater he wriggled free from my grasp and immediately rose the surface to breathe. I quickly joined him. After rubbing the salty water from my eyes I opened them and was met with a pair of dark hazel annoyed ones. Schlatt scowled at me from a soaked through hat that had a very unceremoniously placed piece of seaweed hanging off the brim.

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. When he notice what was making me giggle he pulled the plant from his hat and threw it at me. It flew through the air and hit me right in the chest where it stayed in its place, but only after a wet smack had resonated around us from the contact. This only made me laugh more. Schlatt must have been thoroughly upset because I soon felt my waist being pulled towards his and then the dryness of air disappear from around me.

~time skip~

After a bit more tomfoolery between the two of us Cooper and his companion challenged us to a fight. Upon noticing our quizzical expressions he explained that it was like wresting but with someone on your shoulders. As soon as he heard this Schlatt immediately perked up and agreed for both of us, dragging me towards the couple. After a playful noogie the New Yorker announced he was teaming up with Travis. The younger hollered with glee. He also began clambering onto the others shoulders astonishingly quickly in response. The two got along surprisingly well. "T- Money! You better not let me down, big guy!" Travis answered by unsuccessfully mimicking an Italian accent. "Now you know me...." Schlatt's hat shifted slightly against the others stomach. As he adjusted it I couldn't help but regret that it hadn't fallen off completely.

I let out a light chuckle before glancing over at Cooper who already had his gaze fixated on me. I gave him a small nod.

We came to the agreement that he would sit on my shoulders (mostly because of his lanky figure) and we soon began a rather heated game of wrestling. The tension was strong between each of the two couples seeing as we were constantly only a few centimeters away from each other, but that soon deteriorated to arrogance and annoyance since the 'dream team' had just won their fifth round in a row. Schlatt was rather competitive and Travis always insisted that we had cheated by tickling him or tripping the elder. But I was thoroughly impressed by Cooper's drive to win, who at one point stood up on my shoulders and tackled the tower of boy in front of him. Granted the little stunt did almost break Schlatts neck. The blonde really did get a mouthful from all of us, although each concerning a different topic.

~time skip~ (again, I know)

Right now all four, or should I say three of us were trudging back out of the water. Cooper was begrudgingly carrying Travis who had oh so graciously announced that the blonde had stricken him down with the defeat of their last round. Cooper desperately wanted to leave the little gremlin in the water but was worried he might float away or drown. He soon started to struggle under the weight.

I had decided to chase after Schlatt because his competitive nature had smeared a large frown on his perfect lips. As much as I found the situation amusing I didn't like seeing him like this. I found him talking to Noah and Minx who were now both largely under the influence of whatever alcohol they had been having. I had never fancied day drinking. In joining them, I let my arm snake it's way around Schlatts waist. I was glad to know he didn't wriggle out of my grasp out of protest. I turned to the conversation at hand. "Yeaaaa I already know dese foockers." Her words were sloppy and accent strong but one could still decipher what she was trying to say. The girl bore a slightly distant and regretful expression, yet felt completely comfortable in the situation. She wore a black two part swim suit that, in all honesty, was quite revealing. Next to her, Noah was sprawled on his towel, half passed out. There was a half empty bottle of tequila in his faltering grasp. The skin around his shoulders was rapidly changing to a pale red shade.

"You should really put some sunscreen on you know, you're gonna burn up." My comment was not met kindly. "But daaaaddd, I don't wanna..." Schlatt and Minx both burst into laughing fits as I let out an exasperated sigh. " You two should really put some on too. I'll go find some." My arm fell from the boys side as I walked over to the larger group of beach goers.

"Hey, Carson, do you know where the sunscreen might be?" The blonde who was half way through a seemingly unhealthy yet delicious sandwich only waved me in Josh's direction, too preoccupied to help me himself. I looked over to the aforementioned boy who was laying on his stomach fully dressed and reading a book. "Cooper! Sunscreen!" I didn't expect him to yell put didn't focus on that since a bottle soon came whirring through the air towards me. I caught it, luckily.

Looking back at Josh, I remembered his phobia of water. "You're fully dressed, don't you want to go in the water later?"
"Ha,ha. Very funny. Wilbur, you know I don't." And with that he went back to reading his book. I waved Carson, who continued to gorge himself,waving a small goodbye as I went back to join the others.

"Here, Noah." I let the cream hit him right in the chest. " Watcha gonna do if I don't put in on daddy? Huh? You gonna spank me?" I face palmed as I muttered under my breath. I guessed I really didn't like drunk Noah. "Jesus Christ- no I, never mind. I'm going inside for a bit." My comment was followed by a chorus of booing and teasing from the small group, which I ignored.

As I walked back to the house I felt a light breeze ruffle my hair, it tasted of salt and sand. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to the house for. I just felt like I needed a break. As much as I loved having a friend group to spend time with, sometimes it could all be a bit much. I guess I just needed a break.

The sand felt hot under my heels, almost in a comfortable yet numbing way. Only disturbed by a shell or rock that would plant themselves under by feet here and there. The steps to the house were a different story. The wood with chipping paint creaked and groaned with a y movement what so ever. I passed through the sliding door into the living room. The ceiling fan whirred above me filling the room with cool air. I wandered through the house for a bit until I found myself in front of Schlatt and i's shared room. Carson who had planned the whole trip insisted it was fine since he didn't want to find a new cabin, this one was perfect and we slept together every night anyways. Neither of us protested. I moved to my bed where all my stuff lay in a pile, I hadn't unpacked anything yet. As I started to do so I felt my find wander back to Schlatt. I'm so glad he's okay with us sleeping together... I guess I'm glad he's comfortable with others knowing? I'm not quite sure what I'm grateful for but it really feels like his friends have taken me in as his boyfriend and not just a fling. God, boyfriends... we haven't even talked about that yet. Don't get ahead of yourself Wil. Don't fuck anything up....


Ok! This one took a while to get out huh? Expect one maybe two more chapters of this. If anyone has a prompt for another story line idea, I would love to hear it. Thanks for reading.
Lya, your author....

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