The Ghost (Legends Of Tomorro...

By Providentia-

76.3K 1.9K 281

This is the story of Kate Rory, sister of Mick Rory. She's not that interesting, right? Just a crook, like h... More

2. I love the '70's!
3. Egghead and his nuclear bomb
4. The dagger
5. Birdgirl
6. A monster
7. The Soviet Union
8. The Bratva
9. Prison Break
10. Robin Hood 2.0
11. The guy with the half face
12. In Space
13. Betrayel
14. Time Pigs
15. Reunion
16. Blowing the Oculus up
17. My sister
18. The End
A second book

1. Grim Reaper

6.9K 167 26
By Providentia-

Today is the day. Today we are going to rob the Central City bank. Lenny has been planning this for months. I helped him, while my brother just watched TV. Mick can sometimes get obsessed with his game of football.

Now, we're getting ready. Lenny is wearing his awfully uncomfortable wintercoat, his glasses in which everything looks blue, and his coldgun. "Ready Rory's?" He asks.

Chucky - which is what I've been callling my brother since we were kids - is wearing his green coat and matching green pants. Along with his glasses and heatgun. "Ready." He answers.

I'm not changing my clothes. I just take my knife and say: "Ready."


When we arrive at the bank, Lenny turns to me. "Time to disappear, Katy."

I nod and do so. I turn invisible. We then enter the bank through the backdoor. There are a couple of guards there, but we can easily take them out. "Now, where's the money?" Chucky asks.

"This way." Lenny answers him, while signaling us to follow him. We run through a long hallway and take a left turn at the end. Nobody's in the halls because there's a change in shifts at moment. New guards will be arriving in ten minutes.

Then Lenny suddenly stops at the next corner. "Why did we stop?" Chucky asks, getting annoyed since the vault is only 10 feet away.

"Security camera's." Lenny replies pointing at the flickering red lights in the airvents. I remember this...

"You go ahead Katy. We'll deal with the camera's." He says, my brother even more annoyed now.

"Code?" I ask.

"9183." Lenny replies. How he found that out, I don't know.

I go towards the vault and wait patiently for the lights in the airvents to turn off. When they do, I open the vault and fill the three bags we brought with money.

Not much later, Lenny and Chucky join me. I hand each of them a bag and take the remaning one with me. That one turns invisible as well.

When we're about to leave, we notice a little girl. She's about 6 years old. She sees Lenny and Chucky, causing her to run away, screaming. "Daddy, daddy, bad guys!"

We all roll our eyes and follow her through the halls. We stop our movements when we see her go through a door and lock it. Ten seconds later, the alarms go off. We take that as our cue to run.

Three guards appear and aim guns at my partners, but the first one is kicked in tha back. By me. The remaining two look at each other in confusion. Then one of them realises what's happening. "It's the Ghost!"

They start randomly kicking around them, but they don't hit me. It's actually rather amusing. But an impatient look from Lenny encourages me to speed things up. I quickly knock one out and slice the other ones throat with my knife. "Let's go." I say.

"Finally, some action." My brother grunts while we run outside.

When we go through the other backdoor, we're met by the cops. "Drop your weapons!"

"Ahh, fry you little piggies!" Chucky shouts, while actually frying one with his heatgun. Lenny takes the other one out with his coldgun, while I wait patiently.

When I'm sure nobody's here, I become visible again and sit down in the back of the getaway car Lenny arranged. I groan slightly at his choice of transport. A minivan? Really? As if he read my mind, Chucky grunts: "A minivan? Really Snart?"

"The cops'll never hassle a dad buying diapers in the middle of the night." Lenny replies, throwing an actual bag of diapers on the back seat.

I frown. "You really thought of everything, didn't you? By the way, they will if the dad has a gun and those stupid glasses."

"The glasses are not stupid." They both say in unison.

"Yes they are." I argue back.

Lenny tosses me a bag of licorice to shut me up, which works. I love licorice.

I hear police sirens, indicating we're being chased by the police, but I don't really care. I'm too busy eating my licorice.

Suddenly Chucky says: " What the-"

Lenny cuts him off. "Watch it."

The ridiculous minivan brutally comes to a halt. I look up to see why we stopped, but I only see a flash of bright blue light which causes me to fall unconsious.


I wake up on a rooftop somewhere. I'm surrounded by other people, who are slowly waking up too.

I'm in between my brother, who is mumbling something I don't understand, and a guy I recognise as Ray Palmer, that rich tech guy from Star City. Isn't he supposed to be dead?

"Stein, what the hell are you doing here?" I hear Lenny ask.

"I'm as ignorant as you for once." Professor egghead replies. He's such a douche.

"Where are we?" A blonde asks. To which some kid replies: "Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us? British dude with a flashy thing, ring any bells?"


"The name is Rip Hunter." A voice says. It belongs to a man who seems to be exacly who the kid described. Rip Hunter? What kind of name is that?

"I'm from East Londen, ow, and the future." He dramatically continues.

"Nice to meat you Rip." Chucky says, ready to barbecue him.

"While you we incapacitated, I may have tempered with your weapons." Grim Reaper tells him, clearly proud of himself. I see that my knife is on a pile of weapons at the other end of the roof, causing me to already hate this guy.

"I've assembled you all because I need your help. The future of the world is in peril because of a man by the name of Vandal Savage."

Here I thought Rip Hunter was a ridiculous name.

"That can't be, we destroyed him." A man in a birdsuit says.

"Yeah, the Green Arrow and Flash helped us do it." A woman in a matching birdsuit adds.

"And there in lays the problem. Unless you or mister hall deliveres the deathblow, Savage can be restored from but a single cell." Grim reaper explains.

Chucky is, like the rest of us, confused. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Vandal is immortal. Kendra and I reincarnate." Birdman explains.

Of course... First there are meta's, then timetravel, now there's immortality and reincarnation. Why not?

And the blonde apparently reincarnated too. "Yeah I've done that."

"What the hell does this Randall guy gotta do with us?" My brother asks.

"Vandal." Reaper corrects. "In the future he will employ the evil he has perfected over his long life and the power he has emmeshed throughout history, to finally conquer the world. I've been tasked with assembling an elite team to stop him."

"How?" The blonde asks.

"To travel through time. To capture Savage before he grows into the monster he becomes."

Yeah, like I'm actually going to do that...

"You've got the wrong guy, hero ain't on my resume." Lenny says, already leaving.

I decide to follow him. "Or mine."

"Or mine." I hear my brother add, walking away behind me.

"I know it's difficult for you to fathom. But where, when I'm from, you and everyone on this roof aren't just considered heroes, you're legends." Grim Reaper says. He's clearly getting desperate, but he still has that dramatic touch.

This does make us stop and turn around. "Legends?" The dead guy asks.

"I hate to nitpick, but doesn't a legend have to be dead?" Professor egghead nitpicks.

"You expect to live for another 150 years egghead?" I ask him. Isn't he suppost to be smart or something?

"Still a dealbreaker for me so I'm gonna pass." Kid says.

"It's dangerous for any of you to know too much about your own future, but I'm here because each of you as individuals is destined for greatness."

Dead guy speaks up. "I can get behind that."

"And because if you don't follow me, this is what's in store for your worlds a hundred fifty years from now." Grim reaper presses a button, causing an image of an apocalyptic world to appear. Buildings are destroyed, flames are everywhere... Chucky must love seeing this.

"I could've chosen any time and any place, of all the people who ever lived I chose you nine. I certainly hope you won't let me or the world down."

I wouldn't count on that. Why should I care about people from the future? I don't even care about people from the present.

"If your answer is yes, meet me at this adres in 36 hours." He hands the adres over to the professor and starts to leave.

I suddenly realise something. I hold my hand up, causing my knife to fly towards me. I run towards the so-called timetraveller and hold the knife against throat. He flinches, indicating he's getting slightly scared. Good.

"Where is my licorice?" I say in my most threatening voice.

He seems to relax. I can't have that, so I press the knife into his throat. "Where is it!?" I yell.

He reaches in his pocket and hands the licorice over. I grab it and lower the knife, giving him the oppertunity to walk away. Behind me, I see how everyone's looking at me like I'm crazy. "What?"

"So what do you think?" Dead guy asks us.

"I think that's five minutes of my life I'm not getting back." Lenny replies.

"He just showed us the entire world up in flames, you can't turn your back at that." egghead argues.

"Observe." I say to him with a fake smile, turning around to leave. Lenny and Chucky follow me.

"Well, I think we can all agree that the mission would go a lot better without those three." I hear the dead guy say behind us. Does he think we're deaf?


Even after a good night of sleep, I can't seem to stop thinking about last night. I'm not actually considering this, am I?

I'm not deciding anything yet, but my curiosity does get the better of me. I take my laptop and look into the people that were on the rooftop.

Ray Palmer: a billionaire who's declared dead. He's an Eagle scout and he has a brother named Sidney.

Kendra Saunders: a barista that recently moved to Central City and then moved away again.

Cartel Hall: nothing to find about him except for a picture with Kendra.

Sara Lance: died on the Gambit while screwing her sisters boyfriend.

Jefferson Jackson: first a promising footballplayer, but after an injury he became an automechanic.

Martin Stein: physicist and one half of firestorm. (I didn't have to look that up though.)

This seems off...

I go downstares where I see Lenny's reading a magazin and my brother's sawing in something. "Can't believe you're thinking about hooking up with the Englishman." He says to Lenny. He hasn't noticed I'm in the room.

Chucky continues: "We're thiefs, crooks, criminals. I have no desire to save the world. Especially a hundred years after I'm dead."

He has a point.

"He said across time, Mick. What about the years before? Before fingerprints and surveillance cameras and DNA analysis. Why did we become criminals?" Lenny asks, still reading.

"Because we hate working and we love money?" Chucky guesses.

Lenny gets up. "We could steel the Mona Lisa straight of Da Vinci's easel, snatch the Hope Diamond before it was discovered, this is everything we got into thieving for in the first place. More than everything."

He also has a point.

I go to the closet for some licorice. They now notice me. "What do you think little ninja?" Chucky asks me.

He gave me the nickname when I was little because I liked to hide in the trees or sneak up on people.

"I think that Grim Reaper guy's full of crap." I say bluntly. This gains their attention.

"What do you mean?" Chucky asks.

I do a quick review of the situation to prove my point. "Oh come on. Two of the people on the roof are declared dead, two others get killed by the same guy over and over again, the professor is really old, the kid has a fear of dying, the two of you are wanted in the entire United States and I'm wanted in the whole world."

"Your point?" Lenny asks.

"You really think we are legends in the future? I think the guy chose us because we are irrelevant. He can't screw up the timeline, so he choses people that don't matter to the timeline."

This causes the room to become quiet for a while. Until Lenny breaks the silence. "Even if that's the case, we can still make a lot of money timetravelling."


My brother's the first one to speak up: "If you want me in I'm in, but I'm not gonna be anyones hero."

They both look at me, to which I sigh.

"Looks like we're going timetravelling."

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