My Hero Academia: All Mights...

By Seri_The_Rock

57K 1.4K 223

Eleiri smiled and commanded the star to vanish from his sight. He knelt in front of her and met her eyes, "I... More

Youre Safe.
Protecting you.
I Know.
Dance with me
I love you.
Road Trip.
Peace Offering.
All Mights Home.
Shes Nobody.
Ellies Sacrifice.
Bread Crumbs
she will always need you.
Who Left you?
In Your Sights.
I Am Here.
Keep being a hero.

Daddys girl.

3.5K 89 16
By Seri_The_Rock

The night was still once everyone was in bed. Eleiri wasn't as tired as she thought she was and decided to open the door and wander around the dormitory.
"Nova, light the way for me." She asked her starry friend. The fox chirped and glowed bright enough to light the way in the dark building. She wanted to go out side and look up at the real stars. She left the building and wandered out to a patch of lawn so she could see the constellations above her. She smiled and plopped down onto the grass to be consumed by the sight before her.
"Isn't it beautiful , Nova?" She asked her pet.
"Yes, it is." She heard and unfamiliar voice say. She looked up to see Shoto standing over her. She blushed at seeing his handsome face as he sat down beside her, "we're not supposed to be out after dark. It's not safe."
"I just wanted to see the night sky is all." She said sitting up.
"And who is this?" He asked seeing her little star fox.
"Oh, that's just Nova. I made him."
"Is he your quirk?"
"Well, part of it. My quirk is Supernova. I can make stars and use them in combat, they explode on command too."
"That's pretty bad ass. The force of a supernova is extremely powerful."
"Yeah, it is." She stared up at the stars and then back to him, "you're not going to tell the headmaster that I've been out will you?"
"No, I'm not a snitch. It is a nice night, I can see why you decided to leave your room." Shoto looked at her under the moonlight, her peachy skin glowed and her blue eyes sparkled. "Can I ask you a question?"
"Where did you come from? None of us actually knew All Might had a child, let alone a wife." He said. "Why did he decide to take you out into society now?"
"Well, I came from a town just outside of Tokyo. All Might thought it best that I stay hidden from the world only because he didn't want any villain to take me for ransom. If anyone knew who my father was...villains would swarm." She said a little too quietly. "All Might never actually got married to my mom, but from what I was told he really loved her. My mom, Elina was taken for ransom and he didn't make it in time to save her."
"Oh my God. I'm so sorry." Shoto said soberly, listening to her story.
"I barely remember my mom, sometimes I think she visits me in my dreams's only a faint memory of blue eyes and red hair. All Might put me in the care of my nanny until I was old enough to defend myself from villains."
"So, you're just starting your relationship with your dad?"
"Yeah. He's a stranger...but I'm doing my best to be open with him."
"You're lucky." Shoto told her.
Eleiri looked at him in surprise, "why do you say that?"
"You have a great dad. I know you'll come to know that on your own but, compared to my dad..." he trailed off. "I'd give anything for my dad to be like All Might. My father only married my mother to create me, I'm all he ever wanted in a hybrid. I'm not his son, I'm just a product of him. He's abused my mother so much to the point that she couldn't stand to look at me. She poured boiling water on my face because she hated what she had to go through to get me. Shoto snapped out of his flashback and realized he had just poured his emotions out to her. "Sorry, I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this."
"It's okay, I'm listening aren't I?" She smiled. "I won't breathe a word."
"It's weird, I don't usually express myself like that to anyone."
"Maybe it's good that you did then."
"All I was trying to say is, I wish I had a dad like yours. Mine is just terrible."
"At least you realize that." She said simply.
"What do you mean?"
"Realizing that something is bad makes you good. It makes you a better person."
"Interesting." He smiled. "You say the smartest things as if it's common knowledge."
"Isn't it?" She asked.
"No, but it should be." Shoto stood up and offered his hand. "Come on, we have class in the morning and Mr. Aizawa is a tough teacher."
She took his hand and he led her back to her room, "thanks." Shoto said before she opened the door.
"For what?" She asked.
"For listening."
"Oh." Her face grew ashen. "You're welcome."
"Goodnight, Ellie."
"Night." Ellie watched him leave before she crawled into bed and went to sleep.

The next morning, All Might came to the dorms with Eleiri's new uniform and gym clothes. He knocked on the door of her room and didn't hear her answer. He knocked again before she opened it groggily. AllMight almost laughed at her grumpy face, "Good morning." He smiled. "I brought your uniform. You'll need to wear it to be in class."
"Alright." She took the clothes through the crack of the door and changed quickly. She opened the door again to let her father in, "I thought could have breakfast in here before you start your day. What do you think?"
They walked to the common area and grabbed their food that was sent up every morning from the cafeteria. Ellie spotted Shoto walking out with his shirt open, buttoning it as he came to get his breakfast. She immediately averted her eyes and tried not to smile.
"Morning, Ellie." He smiled at her.
"You want me to show you around the school today?" He asked her as he gave a discreet nod to All Might. Eleiri nodded, "yeah that would be great. Thanks."
"Cool." He was jumped into by Kirishima and started to horseplay before Her and All Might could leave. She giggled and followed her father down the hallway and into her room.
"I Uh, I don't know if you like this but I thought I'd give it a shot." All Might pulled two tickets out of his pocket and handed them to her. She looked at them and her face lit up, "Are you kidding me?!"
"You said you like dancing, so I looked up some events online and got tickets to the ballet."
"This is so cool, thank you." She smiled.
"I thought it would be a nice way to spend time with you."
"But this ballet is exclusive, we have to dress formally."
"Yeah I know. That's why you, Jiro and Mina are going to go out looking for your dress this weekend."
Eleiri looked at him speechless, this was the nicest thing anyone had ever done for her. She tried not to cry at his generosity, "Thank you. This is incredible."
"Anything for you, Ellie." He smiled.
All of the kindness she was shown since yesterday was staggering. She didn't know how to react. It was always her and Missy alone in that small house. It was a strange and humbling feeling seeing how many complete strangers cared for her. She was out of her old environment and adjusting was hard but their love was slowly making it easier.
"What's wrong, Ellie?" He asked seeing the expression on her face.
"Nothing...I'm just...happy." She gave him a smile. "Everyone has been so nice to me ever since I came here. I'm not used to so many people, they're so nice and sweet. I don't know how to react."
All Might beamed at her answer, "How do you want to react?" He asked.
"I don't know."
"Yeah you do. I know you do." He chuckled.
"I want to jump around and scream."
"Do it." He laughed. All Might knew that if she was able to express herself more freely without any judgement, they would be able to grow closer.
Eleiri looked at him as if he were crazy, "what?"
"Do it, scream and jump. Express yourself."
She smiled with glee and jumped around giggling, "Thankyou, thankyou!"
He laughed at her little happy dance, "you're welcome. Come and eat, silly. You'll need your energy for today."
They sat and ate their breakfast and All Might let Shoto lead her through the school, "This is our class. Hurry and take a seat, Mr. Aizawa starts class right away."
Eleiri hurried and took her seat next to Mina, "Hey. How are you this morning?" She asked.
"I'm doing good, you?"
"Alright class. Today we're going outside, we have someone here to assess." He said zoning in on Eleiri. She shrunk in her chair, Mina gave her a comforting pat on the shoulder. Mr. Aizawa was a tall lanky fellow. His eyes looked dry and bloodshot. His long hair tumbled in black locks onto his shoulders and had a super long scarf wrapped around his neck.
"Eleiri will be the center of the class for today."
"Why do we have to stop our training because of her?" Baku spoke up.
"I think I already addressed that reason. I don't like repeating myself. Let's go." The class followed him out and into the training field outside. Eleiri was brought to the front and faced Aizawa. He handed her a simple baseball, she looked at him curiously.
"Throwing this will show me how much force and strength you have using your quirk."
"I use my quirk to throw this?"
"Yes, go ahead. Show me what you've got."
She looked down at the ball and clenched it with her hands. The ball started to glow with an intense bright light. She threw the baseball and it sored into the air unril it vanished.
Aizawa was a little startled. Where did it go? The class were all thinking the same thing, the ball shouldve come down by now.
"Eleiri? Where's the ball?" Aizawa asked. Eleiri looked up into the sky and pointed to an object lit up and shooting through the sky. Aizawa sighed and shook his head, "You made my baseball a shooting star. You owe me another one." He looked down at her, "You need to learn how to isolate the force of your moves. Right now its too powerful and too careless. Your speed however, you just beat everyones recorded time."
The ckass gasped and Eleiri blushed in embarrassment. She didn't mean to beat the whole class. The teacher continued to give her different tests and each one she did exceptionally. By the time she was finished, her whole body felt weak and tired. Aizawa noticed and stared at her weak and feeble body, "Weakness is your side effect right?"
"Yes, sir." She struggled to stand upright.
"You need to strengthen your body, thirty minutes of weight lifting should help that. The stronger your muscles are the better chances you'll be able to withstand your quirk. Resistence training will help too."
Ellie nodded.
He dismissed the class and they all shuffled back into the classroom. Ellie sat down at her desk drowsily, trying to listen to the rest of the lesson. She dozed off a couple of times but she forced herself awake each time. Once the bell rang they all fled the classroom and Eleiri hobbled her way back to her dorm. She groggily wandered the hallway and accidentally bumped into someone.
"Hey! Watch it, daddys girl!" She suddenly awoke hearing Bakugos voice piercing her hearing. God he was so angry all of the time. What was his problem?
"Oh. Sorry." She looked at him frightened.
" you think you're better than me." He growled. Ellie looked confused.
" it's so obvious you were showing off for Aizawa this morning. Listen daddy's girl I'm the best in the class!" His fists erupted in flames and came at her with full force. She bacjed up against the wall and aheildes herself. She closed her eyes and waited to be didnt come. What happened? She looked up to see All Might in his hero form blocking Bakus throw.
"Young Bakugo. What is the meaning of this?!" He demanded.
"Im trying to teach her a lesson! Im the best, not her!" His fists erupted in an explosion and All Might took the brunt of it.
"Leave her alone, Bakugo. I will not let you touch her. Learn some manners!"
"You think I'm going to treat her differently just because she's your daughter?! Hell no! She needs to know her place!"
Ellie stood up and backed away from the fight, this was ridiculous! All of this because she bumped into him in the hallway. Baku went to throw another punch.
"No!" She shot a bright light from her hands and a force seperated both of them. The two of them slammed into either wall of the hallwayand fell to the ground. All Might was okay, she made sure of that. Baku though was enraged again. He looked at her and stood, "How dare you swing at me, daddys girl!" He came at her.
"My name is Eleiri!" With a wave of her hand he was suspended in a projection of space she had made before her. He couldn't move in this state, he was cold and the air was thin. He couldn't even use his quirk.
" you have a serious anger problem." She spun him around a little. "I don't care who is the best in class all I care is about doing my best!"
"Ellie stop." All Might ordered.
" you act like you know me but you don't. Let me tell you something Baku, I don't like people like you. Stay away from me!" The projection ended and he fell to the floor gasping for air.
"You tried to kill me!" He exclaimed.
"do you know anything about space? There is no air in space thankfully I gave you some or else you would be dead in seconds."
" am I supposed to thank you now?"
" I don't need anything from you."
" okay that's enough!" Her father's words boomed throughout the hallways.
" Baku make sure that you go to the nurse, Ellie go to your dorm I will see you in a minute." The look on his face was enough to bring her to tears, he was disappointed in her.

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