|| Cold Hearted Man || J.JK✔️

By Vmin_956

26.5K 700 25

"Why are you like this ?! I don't understand it! I'm being nice to you then you will do the opposite to me? Y... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (END)

Chapter 17

631 22 0
By Vmin_956

I woke up early in the morning and did my routine.  I looked to the calendar and remembered something. I forgot to tell them that we don't have a work today!. I took my phone and put a message on our group chat.

I'm so sorry everyone, I forgot to tell you and this is my fault. We have no work for today because of some reasons. I'm sorry again and have a good day.

I sighed after I sent that message. Aisshhh how come I forgot that?...

I received a message from someone. When I looked at it....

Hi jungkook good morning, I just saw your message on our group chat:) uhm jimin and taehyung wants to invite you for a dinner... I just want to know if your going to come:)

Yes, of course I will come. Tell me what time and where are we going to meet..

7pm.. just meet us on the near restaurant before the bus station..:)

Okay got it:) see you later:)

See you later:)

I keep smiling while texting hyunae. I went to my closet and start to look for the clothes that I'm going to wear. I went downstairs and eat some breakfast. After that, I got bored. I decided to went outside to have some fresh air.

While walking, someone called my name from behind. I turned around and saw taehyung.

"Jungkook! I'm so happy that you are coming!" Taehyung said as he put his arm on my shoulder.

"Yes, by the way, do you live here?" I asked.

"Yes. Me, jimin and hyunae...we are just neighbors" he said.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yes. You too? You live here?" He asked smiled.

"Yes," I nodded.

"We're just living in a same neighborhood!" Taehyung chuckled and I did the same.

After we had that conversation, we went to our own house. I just took a rest and now that its already 5pm, I decided to prepare myself.

"What should I wear?" I thought to myself as I was holding a two clothes while looking at the mirror.

"A polo? A sweater? Ahh okay polo! No, polo is too formal...sweater! No polo is good one..sweater is nice..aishh!" I throw the clothes on my bed and realized something.

"Why are you like this jungkook-ah?" I chuckled as I looked myself on the mirror.

"Sweater is better. Its cold outside remember?" I reminded myself. I change my clothes into a pants and a sweater on top with a coat on it.

"You have to put some perfume jungkook-ah!" I chuckled to myself. I looked myself on the mirror and notice something...

"Your so handsome jungkook," I chuckled. And now that I'm done, I went outside and got into my car. Its already 6:45 in the evening.

When I reached the restaurant, I saw jimin. I went to him and took a sit in front of him.

"Jimin-ah, your so early" I smiled.

"I guess they're late," jimin chuckled.

"Who's late?" We both looked to that person and saw taehyung. He took a sit beside jimin.

"Woaahh your early today, its a miracle" jimin teased.

"Ya!" Taehyung slightly hit jimin's arm then laughed.


"Why did you sit here?"  I whispered to taehyung.

"Why?" He said.

"Hyunae should be here beside me," I said.

"Mian, I forgot" taehyung smiled at me.

"Aissh," I said little annoyed.

"Are you guys okay?" Jungkook asked giving us a confused looked.

"Ah y-yes we're okay," I said smiled.

"Wow, I guess I'm late.." We all turned to that person and saw hyunae.

"Your not late, its 6:59pm" jungkook said then chuckled.

"Your so funny," hyunae laughed as she took a sit beside jungkook. We all ordered our food and just waiting for it. I noticed that hyunae is keep rubbing her arm. I was supposed to say something when jungkook turned to her...

"You didn't bring any coat or a jacket?" Jungkook asked. I was supposed to say that!

"I forgot, sorry" she said giving him a small smile.

"Here, take this.." Jungkook took off his coat and put it on hyunae.

"Thanks," she smiled.

" Your welcome," he said.

"Chill jimin," taehyung looked at me as if he is going to laugh.

"I know," I said as I play the fork on my finger while looking at him.

"Wow jungkook! Your so masculine," Taehyung said.

"Ahh thank you," he said giving us a shy smile.

"How can you maintain that kind of body?" Taehyung asked.

"Just exercise and eat some vegetables," he said like an expert.

"Wow~" She keeps smiling while looking at jungkook. The food came and my stomach starts to growl.

"Hyunae, here" jungkook said as he took the plate of shrimp and supposed to give it to hyunae but taehyung stopped him.

"Ahhh she's not allowed to eat that," taehyung said and jungkook gave him a confused looked.

"She has an allergy on shrimps," I said.

"Ahh yes, sorry jungkook" hyunae smiled at him.

"Its okay," jungkook smiled. Few minutes of eating, hyunae accidentally choke the food that she is eating. I was supposed to give him a water but jungkook comes first.

"Hyunae drink this!" Jungkook said in a little panicked of his voice.

"A-ahhh..ahh thank you jungkook," hyunae smiled at him. Ahhh be patience jimin... I can't see them like this, they're too close to each other..


Thanks to jungkook, wait what?

"Jungkook ah!" Jimin sudden voice startled us. He hit jungkook?

"What are you doing!?" Jungkook asked.

"There's a mosquito on your sweater," Jimin smiled at him as he get back to his seat.

"Where?" Taehyung asked as he looked at it.

"There's n-"

"Its gone now," jimin finished taehyung's sentence and nudged him.

"A-ahh yes! T-there's a mosquito earlier," taehyung chuckled.

"Sorry," jimin said.

" No, its okay" jungkook chuckled.

"Its kinda late now, I think we should go now.." I said.

"Who's going to pay?" Taehyung asked.

"Me," jimin and jungkook said in sync. I looked to them.

"It's my treat," jungkook said as he called the waiter.

"Who said that its your treat?" Jimin said as he took a money on his wallet.

"Guys okay, I'm going to pay it.." taehyung stopped them. What's going on?

We went outside the restaurant.

" ahh here's your coat, thanks" I smiled to jungkook as I took off the coat but he stopped me.

"You can keep it," jungkook smiled.


"Just take it jungkook, its yours right?" Jimin cut my sentence as he looked at jungkook with a poker face.

"The weather is cold jungkook, just wear your coat. You might get sick," jimin said as he chuckled a little.

"No its okay jimin," jungkook said.

"Just wear mine hyunae," jimin said as he took off his jacket and put it on me.

"Here's your coat," jimin said as he gave back the coat to jungkook.

"Okay fine," jungkook said in a stern voice.

"How about you? You might get sick too," jungkook said as he came closer to jimin.

"I can handle this weather," Jimin said with no hesitation as he slightly tilted his head. The atmosphere right now is not good, I can feel it.

"Are you guys okay?" I can't resist to ask.

"Of course, we're friends right?" Jimin chuckled as he put his arm on jungkook's shoulder.

"Of course," jungkook said as he patted jimin's back.

"By the way, I'm going home.." jungkook waved his hand at us and smiled. We did the same and went home.


When I'm home, I immediately change my clothes. I laid down on my bed and think something. Why am I like this? When it comes to hyunae, its different. Whenever I see her with jimin, there's a little pain that I felt. Is it normal to feel? We're friends right? Do I have to feel it?. I don't understand. I got up and looked myself on the mirror.

"Its driving me crazy," I said then sighed.

"Jungkook remember, they're sisters" I remind myself as I sighed again.


This is different. Everything is different. Jimin and Jungkook is... Aisshhh I can't understand it.

"Does jimin like me?" I slightly slapped myself then sighed. Hyunae don't assume. But I can feel it...the way jimin talked to me is different. Every action he do, there's a meaning on it.

I looked to the bracelet that jimin gave me. It has three letters on it ! How come I didn't notice it!

"ILY? What's that?" I asked to myself.

"Jimin-ah, why are you doing this? Your making me confuse..." I said as I mess my hair.


  Ahhh.... I have a different feelings to jungkook. Its different that I don't want to think about it. I really want to tell it to her, my feelings. I decided to tell it to her tomorrow.

"You can do this jimin," I said to myself then sighed.

I'm not expecting anything but I'm hoping that she will feel the same.

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