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Da insane_coco

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NATALYA STEPANOV - A new girl with sweet and funny personality. She's very cheerful. Clumsy as hell. She's be... Altro



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Da insane_coco

"I love you"


I groaned and stretched my arms to hold the petite figure of my girl. My brows frowned in confusion when cold sheets came in contact with my arms instead of the warm body of Natalya.

I opened my right eye and peeked to her side, seeing it empty. I sighed and closed my eye again.

After few minutes I rolled out of the bed and stretched my back and neck.

I picked up my shirt from the floor, smiling lazily, remembering the fit Natalya threw yesterday after I shrugged it off.

I began to descent downstairs and paused as I saw Natalya rummaging through the cupboards. Her usually shiney blonde hair were a in a messy bun.

I leaned against the door frame and watched her like a fuCking creep. I loved staring at her. Even if she was a mess but she was my mess.

After a few minutes of her searching, she huffed and rested her head in her palms over the counter.

Her head shot up as I cleared my throat. My eyes widened when I saw tears in her eyes. I rushed towards her, engulfing her in my embrace.

"What happened, baby?" My voice laced with alarm as I rubbed my hand up and down her back, trying to calm her down.

"There's nothing left." She cried and wrapped her arms around me.

"What do mean, baby? You're scaring the fuCk out of me."

She controlled herself after a few minutes. I was glad that non of our friends were around. I'd have a hard time explaining them why she was crying when I didn't even know myself why she was fuCking crying!

"There's no chocolate and chips and candies and everything!" She mumbled angrily. Her small hands fisting at the back of my shirt.

The fuCk?!

"Baby, what are you saying?" I asked again thinking that I might've heard wrong.

She pulled away from me. Her pink lips formed in an adorable pout. "I want to eat chocolate and chips and candies but there aren't any left."

I bit my lips, hiding my amusement. "And that's what made you cry?" She nodded her head. Her lips pouted and her blue eyes pooled with unshed tears. I pulled her in a deep kiss. "Oh my baby." I coed. "I'll go and buy everything you want. Okay?"

She nodded her head with a small smile. I bent down and kissed her nose then her neck, in the last her forehead, which earned me a giggle from her.

I was dreading to ask a question but I wanted to ask just to be sure. I cleared my throat and looked down at her. "Baby," my voice gentle. Normally girls were uncomfortable with sharing this type of stuff but I wanted my girl to be comfortable around me and share everything to me. "Is this your time of the month?"

I had to ask her. She was having mood swings. She cried and giggled within ten fuCking minutes. And yeah  her food carving.

I've gotten to know Natalya like the back of my hand and I knew that even she was not a fan of early morning candies and chips.

And it was fuCking better to not talk about her chocolate obsession. It wouldn't be like Natalya to not eat chocolate every daMn morning.

Her back stffened before she relaxed and nodded her head, hiding her face from me.

"Hey hey, no need to hide, baby." I gently pulled her away from me to look in her eyes.

"You're not uncomfortable?" She sniffled.

"Oh baby, why would I?" I ran my hands up and down her arms.

"Because it's gross." She whispered hesitantly.

"Gross?" She nodded her head. I shrugged my shoulders and removed the bangs from her forehead. "It's perfectly natural and necessary. It keeps the women body healthy. Then why would something that keeps my girl healthy gross me out?" She stood there gawking at me. "What? Did I say something wrong?"

She pursed her lips and shook her head. She was a shy girl, there was no fuCking doubt about it but talking about her monthly cycle took this shyness to another level. An adorable level.

"Morning love birds!"

We jumped away from each other as Rome came in wiggling his eyebrows at us. His British accent coming strong.

Natalya grumbled a morning in return while I nodded my head.

If he wanted to pretend like yesterday never happened. Then I could do the same. After all we were all fuCking mature here.

"So I was thinking about today's party. And it's gonna be fuCking lit! Everyone on the beach is talking about i–"

"I'm not going." Natalya cut him off, wrapping her arms around me.

One thing I've noticed is that Natalya turns into a cuddly bear when she's pmsing. Not that I was complaining. I was thoroughly enjoying this. Trust me.

"What? Why?" He asked in confusion.

"I'm not feeling it. Especially after yesterday." She emphasized on yesterday.

He let out a sheepish laugh, scratching his head. "Are you sure I cannot convince you?"

She shook her head and I smiled at her, kissing her temple.

He turned to me. "So that means you're not joining as well."

I nodded my head. "Can't leave my girl alone." I winked at Natalya who blushed under my gaze.

"Alright then. So it'll be just me, Elo and Isaac. Great. A bloody third wheel." He grumbled making us chuckle before heading towards his room.

"Ace and Charli not going?" Natalya asked as we make our way out of the kitchen.

"No. Ace has planned something for Charli." I kept my answer short.

"A surprise?" She asked excitedly. Her eyes became brighter blue.

I chuckled nodding my head. "A surprise."

Suddenly her stomach growled. She ducked her head as the red color spread all over cheeks.


"Starving." She pouted.

I kissed her pout. "Let's change and then we'll do something for your tummy."

She nodded her head before running up her room. I followed right behind her to go to my room.

After few minutes, I walked outside to wait for her. But I was surprised to see Natalya already outside waiting for me.

My eyes wondered down her form. She was wearing my navy blue hoodie and jeans shorts. Her hair pulled up in a messy bun.

It just gave you some sort of satisfaction when you see your girl wearing your clothes.

"Not that I'm complaining but don't you have your own clothes to wear?" I let out a chuckle as she jumped after hearing me behind her. I laced my fingers through her's and began to walk to the car.

"I like wearing your clothes. It's smell like you." She blushed as she said that. I could fuCking bet on it that the last part was not meant for me to hear.

"I like seeing you wear my clothes. It kinda turns me on." I winked at her and she shook her head a little, laughing at me.

We settled inside the car before I began driving to the nearest store. We jammed to our favorite music. And during the whole ride to the store, my hand was rest over Natalya's bare thigh, rubbing it every few seconds.

I moved the cart as we reached some store after fifteen minutes drive. We were roaming through aisles looking for the stuff we need.

"There's chocolate!" Suddenly Natalya squealed and took off in that direction. I quickly followed her. She began to pick her favourite chocolates. "Do you want any? Should I get you your favorite?"

I smirked at her. "Yeah. Get me kisses."

She bit her lips, looking at me through her lashes. Nodding her head, she went to get kisses for me.

"Not the kind of kisses I want but I'll make sure to get those later." I grumbled as I walked behind her.

A smiled formed on my face when I thought about us doing grocery for our home in the future.

She ignored me but a smirk formed on my lips when I saw her ears turning red.

An older couple went past us and they chuckled as they saw the stuff inside our cart. I gave them a kind smile before looking down and seeing that our cart was filled with every kind of junk food, you name it.

No wonder they were laughing.

I frowned when I realized that one thing was missing. No two. And we were already making our way to the cashier to check out.

"Baby," I called out to Natalya. "Don't you girls need Nutella in these days?"

She faced me, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear. "Ummm....but we already got lots of chocolate. I don't think we need that."

I shook my head. "Nope. We're getting it." And began to manoeuvre the cart.

"But we've already got eve–"

"No. We're getting that fuCking Nutella." The same older couple went by us and gave me a nasty look for my cursing. I squinted my eyes at their back before shrugging.

Like I give a flying fuCk!

We finally reached the shelve where they kept Nutella. Natalya stood beside me, pouting because I didn't listen to her.

She's the first girl I've seen sulking for buying her a daMn Nutella!

I bit my lips and rubbed my chin as I looked at the different sizes.

After a few seconds I shrugged my shoulders and bent down in front of the shelve to get the bucket of Nutella.

I heard her gasp as she saw me holding the largest bucket of Nutella. "Are you out of your bloody mind?! It's so big!"

"But how did you know? You didn't even get the chance to see it yet?" I smirked as her face scrunched up in confusion.

I let out a silent laugh as she still struggled to understand what I meant.

I couldn't take it anymore so I leaned down to kiss her lips. "Oh god you're so fuCking innocent, baby." I murmured against her lips.

She pushed me back and looked around to see if anyone witnessed our little moment. Her whole face was burning red.

She cleared her throat before giving me a stern expression. I pretended to be serious just to humor her.


I want my girl to have her moments.

"You cannot just buy that bloody bucket, Darius. It's just too large!"

"That's why I brought it."

"No. We're not getting it. We can get this jar." She stomped her feet and moved to take it from the cart. I laughed as I pulled the cart away from her.

She sighed and came to stood beside me. "Darius, it's just too much. You're already buying me all of this stuff and I don't want you to spend more money. Please."

I pulled her to my side and kissed her temple. "I want to buy everything for you. And it's not too much. Just a bunch of junk food and nothing else. Guys spend money on their girlfriend abundantly. And I'm here just buying you this stuff. So just let me. Please."

"But you're spoiling me. These are too much." She said as she looked at all the treats I've gotten for her.

I nodded my head, smiling a little. "But I want to spoil you. Even if it's just with chocolate." I winked before moving our cart and making our way to the cash counter. She huffed from beside me.

I looked at her in confusion. "Don't you girls like to eat ice cream in these days?"

She eyed me up and down. "You awfully knows a lot about what girls want and don't want during these days."

I gave her an unimpressed look. "Just answer the daMn question."

"I don't know about others but I don't eat ice cream or anything cold in these days even though I'm dying to eat right now." She gave me a sheepish smile.

"Why not eat one then?"

"It's not good for us in 'these days'." She air quoted while I put the stuff on the conveyor belt.

"And why's that?" I raised a brow at her.

"Why do you even want to know?" She rolled her eyes.

"Just fuCking tell me!"

"I can't tell you right now!" She whispered shouted.

"Why?" I mimicked her.

She rolled her eyes before subtly pointing at the cashier who was oddly interested in our conversion. And let me just fuCking tell you that Natalya didn't point at him as subtly as she thought she did.

I nodded my head and pushed the question in the back of my mind. But made a mental note to ask her again.

She looked horrified as she scanned all the stuff that we've bought. We've bought lots of different chocolates, chocolate drinks, doritos, red bull, obviously for me and a fuCking load of candies and some other girls stuff. 

I think I did good considering this was the first time I've ever went for grocery.  

Natalya was a fuCking lost cause. Stubborn as hell! She even argued about splitting the bill but I just shut her up by kissing her. 

Like I'll ever let her fuCking pay!

I was sometimes so fuCking glad that I've gotten such an effect on her that a mere simple kiss from me can get her in a la la land. And I was so ready to take advantage of it.

Yeah I'm an asShole! FuCking fight me!

I held the bags while Natalya walked beside me eating one of her chocolates. Occasionally sharing it with me.

We comfortably settled inside the car. She buckled up. After I put on the seat belt then I took her legs and put them on my thighs, ignoring her protests.

I started to drive with my hand over her legs. She mumbled something and hid her red face from me.

I would rub her legs or tickle them occasionally, which earned me her laughs, to made her relax.

I drove through the streets until we reached a small Mexican restaurant. We ordered take away and ate it inside the car.

It was like a mini date. And I for all was enjoying every attention Natalya was giving me, seeing we were living with our friends who didn't give us a fuCking chance to be alone.

FuCking asSholes!

We reached the beach house just in time to see Elo, Rome and Isaac going to the party.

We said good night because neither of us knew even if they would be back for the night.

Elo and Rome tried to snatch the stuff that we've brought but I was a selfish asShole so I ran upstairs and hid it inside Natalya's room.

She was red with embarrassment when I descended the stairs. While Elo and Rome were throwing daggers at me.

At the same time Ace and Charli walked to us in their fancy outfits. Everyone was looking great accept for Natalya and I. Natalya was still dressed in my hoodie while I was wearing a dark green sweat shirt and black jeans.

"Let's take a picture together!" Charli exclaimed and readied her phone for the picture.

"No. I look horrible!" Natalya whined, snuggled to my side.

"What's new about it?" Rome teased her and she stuck out her tongue at him.

I chuckled kissing her head. "You're looking hot. Don't listen to this bastard." I glared at Rome who raised his hands in surrender motion, backing off.

Rome volunteered to take the selfie and we posed behind him. Ace had his arms wrapped around Charli's waist, Elo pretended to strangle Isaac while he gave a bored look and lastly I was standing behind Natalya, my hands wrapped around her, just under her breast while she did a victory sign.

"DaRn, I feel like a fuCking seventh wheel here." Rome muttered looking at the picture.

"That's because you are Rome boy." Elo snickered at him and he flipped her off.

"Okay one more!" Charli shouted at Rome who groaned before plastering a fake aSs smile on his face.

Isaac beside me rolled his eyes while the other posed.

This time Rome shouted "3! 2!,"

Just before him saying three, I tightened my hold on Natalya.


I laughed lifting her off the ground. A squealed leaving her lips as I did that.

We laughed even harder as Elo jumped and wrapped her arms and legs around Isaac who had a hard time to hold her as she jumped at him unexpected. 

"I swear to god, Darius and Elo, if this is not great, you're both good as dead." Charli growled while Ace beside her wiggled his eyebrows at us.

Isaac didn't even wait a second and sprinted outside with Elo still in his arms. 

Rome had already gone, quickly throwing Charli's phone at her, shouting a 'Good Night!'.

Charli was satisfied at how the last picture turned amazing and she instantly posted it on her social media, captioning, ✨My People✨

She kissed Natalya's cheek before walking outside the beach house with Ace.

"Finally!" I exclaimed loudly making Natalya giggle.

I smiled at her and leaned down to kiss her lips. "We're all alone at last."

"We were alone together since last night. We spent max half an hour with our friends." She pointed out before walking upstairs to her room.

"FuCk off!" I grumbled loudly making her laugh. She knew that she was right and that I didn't have a come back for her.

We got fresh in our own rooms then I joined her in her room. She was snuggled cozily in her blankets with chocolates and chips all around her.

I made myself comfortable on her bed. "I have a brilliant idea."

She hummed in response, gesturing me to continue. Too busy with eating to even listen properly. I rolled my eyes at her. "Let's spend the night on the beach."

"Waat?" She asked with mouthful. Her blue eyes widening at my suggestion.

She looked so fuCking adorable that I couldn't control myself and leaned down to kiss her lips.

I let out a sigh when my lips met her's. Her one hand came up to rest on my neck while the other was clutching her chocolate as I deepened the kiss.

She whimpered when I bit her lips then let my our tongues touch. I growled as I taste the sweet chocolate on her tongue.

The kiss became more fast and soon I was climbing on her, carefully not letting my weight to crush her, while she was completely laid down on the bed. The chocolate and the chips long forgotten.

I internally cheered in victory knowing that I was more important to her then her fuCking chocolate.

"Darius..." She moaned my name and tugged me closer to her with both of her hands tangled in my hair.

I let my arms wandered down her body. She arched her back as my lips touched her neck and nibbled on it. My hands found her bare waist and I let my hands under her hoodie.

She bit her lips to not make any sound when I kissed her sweet spot behind her ear.

Her hands were fist on my back. I knew that she was not a fan of long nails so I won't be getting any scratches but fuCk I wanted them. I wanted her nails to scratch my back.

My phone buzzed in my pocket. "FuCk!"

We paused, both panting, trying to catch our breath. Her hands were still on my back while I smooth down her hair before kissing her temple one more time then pulling off her and laying down beside her.

I ignored whoever texted me. I was grateful and pissed off at the same time. Grateful that someone stopped us, even unintentionally, before we could do something that she wasn't ready for. And even if she was, it was still fuCking impossible.

I was pissed because now I was gonna be suffering from the severe case of fuCking blue balls.

After few minutes, Natalya got up to sit against the bed post. A smirk took over my face after seeing her flushed skin.

She let down her hair from the extremely messy bun before tying it up again. I was watching her doing that like a creep, still laying down beside her.

"You okay?" I asked her.

She bit her lips before nodding her head. "Are you okay?"

I groaned. "Not really." I looked at my pants. Natalya following my gaze and her face turned another darker shade of red after seeing me hard.

I laughed at her. She was so fuCking innocent.

I love her!

My brows frowned at my own thoughts.

Do I really love her? Isn't it so soon? We've been dating for almost one and a half month.

But as I recalled our time spent together. The day when we confessed that we like each other. The day when I saw her for the first time. The way her eyes twinkled whenever someone mentions chocolate. The way her face turned crimson red with just my single glance at her. And the way she cared for the ones important to her.

I love the way she was crazily obsessed with chocolates. I love that she was the only one who understands me and bring out the side of me that I didn't even knew existed.

I knew that I was indeed in love with her. And I just couldn't wait to tell her. May be it was too soon but I didn't fuCking care. I didn't care if she doesn't feel the way like I felt for her.

I would wait for her. I would fuCking make her fall in love with me by loving her endlessly.



I blinked and I looked at Natalya who was staring at me in concern. "Are you alright?"

I smiled nodding my head. "I'm fine, baby. Just trying to think about something to calm Darius Junior." I smirked as she blushed again.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked innocently.

My eyes widened from shock.

Is she?

No she's not!

Get your mind out of the gutter you fuCkward!

"How about I say something that totally gross you?" She laughed a little, rubbing her hands.

She's fuCking enjoying this.

She pursed her lips, thinking for a solution. "How about Monday morning?!"

I groaned out loud and she gasped at me. "Ho...how are Monday morning seductive to you?! They are like the worst day of the week!"

I clenched my jaw as I recalled why Monday morning was arousing. "I had a very vivid dream of you. In my bed. With no clothes. That's all I'm gonna say."

She bit her lips again, tucking the stray hair behind her ear. I looked at her with dead eyes and she gave me her shining mischief eyes.

The little minx is enjoying this way too much.

"How about dirty janitors closet?" I shook my head. "Why's that not working?!" She threw her arms in the air looking at me.

"I remember our hot make out session." I told her and a shy smile graced her lips.

She suddenly jumped up in excitement. "Oh! I know! I know! How about a bunch of guys doing the dirty?!" She wiggled her eyebrows.

Did she insinuate what I think she insinuate?!

I shook my head. Her eyes widened and her lips gaped open. "Are you....are you gay?"

"What?!" I looked at her shocked. "No! I'm not gay, Natalya! If I was, I wouldn't be suffering from this!" I gestured to my pants.

"Okay...okay. Calm down." She gave me a sheepish smile. "But why doesn't it calm yo–oh look it's gone!" She clapped her hands smiling at me, cheekily.

I looked down and saw that Darius Junior is surely gone. I sighed in relief.

Natalya laid down on her side, facing and smiling at me. I pulled her closer to me, finishing the distance between us.

"Are you sure it's okay? What if Darius Junior wakes up again?" She teased before sliding her arm to my  waist and nuzzling her face on my chest.

I spanked her cute aSs. She gasped before pinching mine. I looked down at her with narrowed eyes. She mimicked me. But me being the mature person that I was, rolled over to shut the lights.

After turning back to her, I nuzzled my face in her neck, licking it before planting my lips on that spot. I smiled as I felt a shudder ran down her spine.

She kissed my chest before closing her eyes.

I kissed her forehead one more time. Looking at her face, I ran my hand through her hair.

"I love you." I whispered kissing her ear then closed my eyes.

I wasn't expecting for her to listen but she did. And my heart almost jumped out of my chest as I heard her.

"I love you too."


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