Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x...

بواسطة juliaim5

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Karin Komei's dream is to be the #1 pro hero and joining U.A High is step one to achieving her goal. Little d... المزيد

Character Info 🖤🖤
Welcome to U.A High!
Battles: Heros vs Villains
Stand Up
Let the Festivities Begin
Karin Komei: Origin
Let's Do Our Best!
The Ultimate Team
Competitive Spirit
Uraraka's Determination
Bakugou vs Komei
Three Bitter Days
Hero Agencies
Back To Normal
Exam Time!
Breaking Point
Shop Till You Drop!
Haruka Air
Let's Get Wild
Pink Lemonade
He's Gone...
Operation: Rescue Katsuki Bakugou
Welcome To The Dorms
Karin and Katsuki
Together At Last
Do or Die: Survival Training
Licensing Exam
Express Yourself
The Big Three
Work Studies
Crimson Wings
Enter: Hawks
Long Distance
You And Your Golden Eyes
Strong, Fierce and Stunning
Rising Phoenix
Scaredy Cat
School Festival
I Am A Hero Too
First Date?
Sweet Sixteen
Happy Halloween!
Nomu Strikes
♡⭒ Artwork ⭒♡
Louder Than Bombs

All For One

1.2K 53 8
بواسطة juliaim5

Previously on My Hero Academia

"I'm sorry Tiger, but Rag Doll's quirk was so useful. I just had to take it. How could I not?"

"Are you with the league?" Orca pushed

"Someone get us a light!"

And just like that... the pros were out.


'Who is this guy?' Shouto trembled being on the closest side to the villain as Komei stood right next to him

'W-What just happened?' Karin and Kirishima held hands in fear. Their palms began to sweat as they shook

'He took out three pros... in an instant-'

'We have to run... I know that b-but...' Momo held onto the red head

'My legs...' Iida held in a breath

'My body... won't move...' 

'What in the world... was that?'

The six students stood still in the alleyway frozen-- like deers caught in the head lights. Their heads whipped around when they heard a certain voice that made their eyes widen to the max.

"Damn it! What the hell!?"




"My apologies Bakugou..." The masked villain spoke as a bunch of villains came out of those grey blotches the same way he did

"Oh no..." Komei took a step back

The flame villain...

Her eyes lingered on the man who was unconscious on the ground next to the purple warp guy.

'We can't freak out now... we have to remember why we're here. For Kaachan! Being scared is no excuse, he's right there in front of me--'

'Their leader doesn't know we're around, otherwise he wouldn't talk so freely. There are about six or seven meters separating me from Kaachan, with full cowling I could get there in less then a second... but could we get away?'

'Where would we run to next? Plus I'd be putting the others in danger, that wouldn't work-'

'We need a plan!! We need to figure out a way to reach out to him!!' Midoriya clenched his fist struggling with himself

'If I can't do that... THEN THIS WAS ALL FOR NOTHING!' He took a step forward until Iida stopped him now catching the rest of the students attention

'I W-Will-' Iida latched onto Todoroki's arm and Midoriya shirt

'I have to-' Momo puffed out her cheeks

'Protect you-'


'We have to think-'

'We have to get away...'

'But how?!?' They all freaked




"Ah. There you are-"

The six U.A students felt their hearts drop. Nervous sweat dripped off their foreheads as they all clenched their eyes shut, afraid to move. 

They were outnumbered, out classed. How? What were they going to do?!?

The masked villain turned around to see a specific hero in the air.

"I'll have you return my student All For One!!!" All Might shouted blasting through the sky towards the man

Oh, so he was talking about All Might.

"Have you come to kill me a second time... All Might??"

Their collision created a giant explosion. The ground from below blew up, as  a large gust of wind followed

The kids huddled together behind a wall in fear.

Let's go Shigaraki, while our master leader is keeping All Might busy-" Compress scooped up Dabi 

"Claim you prize!" He shouted as all the remaining villains shifted their attention to Bakugou

"Heh. This is going to be fun~" The blonde readied himself

"Young Bakugou don't!" All Might tried to get closer to the explosive blonde but All For One held him back

'All Might... All For One is in the way, so he can't get to Kaachan...'

"Iida, listen!" The green haired boy's eyes widened in realization

"You can't fight! I w-won't let you!!"

"No, I think there's another way!"

"Another way Midoriya?" Komei repeated

"A way that won't involve any combat, that will let us escape with him!"

"Come on!! We can still get Kaachan back!"

"Tell us your plan-" Todoroki spoke

"The thing is, it's really going to depend on him" Midoriya shuffled

"If I did the plan myself, I don't think it would work... so Kirishima-" He turned to the red head

"Your the key to this being a success."

"We need details Midoriya come on-" Todoroki turned

"Right!" He nodded


"Are you out of your mind?!?" Iida gasped

"Kaachan will have realized the situation All Might is in."

"I agree-"

"He's staying on the defensive with the enemy, trying to keep his distance..."

"We have to move when he has space between him and the villains-"

"Komei, that's why we need you have to create a storm-" Midoriya turned to the pinkette as her eyes widened

"W-What m-me??" She stuttered

"Iida..." Momo gasped looking over to the class rep for reassurance. 

"It's a gamble, but with all things considered there's not much risk for us-" He put a hand up to his chin

"More importantly, we can change the flow of this fight... I'm in-" The boy agreed as Komei felt her legs go numb

"Create a storm?? I can't do that!!" The pinkette spazzed catching the team's attention

"Please Komei, you have to..." Midoriya pleaded

"This could be the only way we can help Kaachan..."

"I-I-I d-don't--" She began to hyperventilate as Shouto immediately put a soothing hand on her shoulder

 "even k-know h-how!!!"

'Your quirk feeds off your emotions, right?' She remembered what Mr. Aizawa told her in the hospital

"My quirk runs off my emotions... and you've might've noticed it's not easy to control..." The pinkette spoke as they reminisced the sports festival fight of her and Bakugou.

"I know Komei, and I'm sorry I'm asking you to do this... this whole plan relies on you creating the storm..." Midoriya looked down feeling bad putting so much pressure on the girl

'That's the first step. To create more distance for Kaachan-'

'Soaring into the air during a storm could also be dangerous, but with the sky cloudy... the rain and thunder as a distraction, we may be able to get out of there-' Midoriya thought

The pinkette was in distraught. She was terrified, what if she tried and it backfired? The villains would notice and they would get caught... but if she didn't Katsuki could be put in more danger.


It's about saving Katsuki!

'Stop being selfish Komei!! You stupid stupid girl!' She screamed in her head


"I'll do it-" She whispered nodding, sweating in nervousness looking over to Shouto as he gave her a nod.

"You have to be put in an emotional state right?" Midoriya questioned

"Just think about Kaachan-"

"You two are close right?"

"Close?? What do y-you mean c-close Midoriya?!?!" The girl flushed in embarrassment turning red

'Were they onto them?'

" N-Nooo!! T-That's n-not what I meant!" The green haired boy spazzed

"I know this might be weird, but think about Kaachan. Think about how bad he needs to be rescued, how bad we want our friend to be safe-" Midoriya locked eyes with the girl as she nodded

"Okay..." She gasped standing straight up turning around

'You can do this Komei, you NEED to save Katsuki' She closed her eyes furrowing her eyebrows as the remaining five students watched her from behind preparing their rescue operation

'Think about the worst case scenario... think about Katsuki...'

Thoughts and vivid reminiscences of the blonde played through her mind.

Being together in the usj, fighting in the sports festival, camp, their confrontation in the storage room...

Her cheeks began to burn red thinking of when Shouto and Kirishima walked into the room as they were pushed up against the door.

'Oh how embarrassing...'

'Oi Komei! Snap out of it!' She shook her head back and forth

She began to think deeper and deeper about the worse case scenario. Katsuki getting taken, them brainwashing him... turning him into a villain, even death. It made her sick to her stomach.

"Look she's doing it!"

Dark clouds began to roll in as it began to lightly drizzle.

"Komei's actually creating a storm!! Wow!" Midoriya fanboyed pointing to the sky as all the others looked up

They heard thunder as it quickly began to pour.

"K-Karin-" Shouto turned to face the girl as his eyes widened

He didn't like what he was seeing.

Her face was strained holding her chest and throat, lightning sparks slowly began to cascade around her body starting with her feet.

This was bad.


"Karin!" Shouto lunged forward trying to grab hold of her before her lightning threw him backwards

"Todoroki!!" Midoriya, Iida and Momo jumped

"Kyo kyo!" Kirishima whisper screamed 

'I c-can't pull a-awayyy-' The girl strained holding onto her chest

'Huh? What's t-that?' She questioned feeling some weight on her shoulder before is disappeared instantly

All she could faintly see was Shouto on the ground holding his arm in some sort of pain.

The immediate action of seeing her friend in pain was enough to bring her back to reality.

The swirls of lightning disappeared from around her body. She felt lifeless as her legs gave out.

"Woah!! Kyo Kyo!" Kirishima dipped forward catching the pinkette

"Y-You s-see? I-I did it-" She smiled feeling the rain pellets hitting her face as the red head held her in his arms

"I knew you could-" He smiled back leaning her up against the wall

"S-Shouto-" She shifted her head to the left


"Are you okay?" She said worriedly with a frown

"Yes, I'm fine." He walked over kneeling down to where Kirishima placed her

"You did great." He complimented making her cheeks lightly flush looking down unable to match his eyes with hers

Okay this was it. Now or never.

'This is what we do, first we will propel ourselves with my quirk combined with Iida's recipro, then using Kirishima's hardening... we'll break through the wall-'

Momo, Komei and Todoroki watched in anticipation and nervousness as the three were now exposed to the villains. 

'and then Todoroki will make a huge slab of ice for us!'

The half hot half cold boy stomped creating his giant ice wall.

'He'll get it as high as he possibly can-- the villains haven't noticed us yet thanks to Komei and Todoroki, good this is going great-'

'Up until now they've been able to outmaneuver us, but we're finally in the position to get the jump on them-'

'And we'll cross the battlefield at a height they won't be able to reach!'

Iida, Midoriya and Kirishima jumped off the edge of the ice wall.

'The last part is up to you Kirishima, it's no good if I do it, or Todoroki, Iida, or Yaoyorozu, maybe Komei but she did her part. Ever since school started you've built a solid relationship with Kaachan as equals...'

'If a friend calls out to him...'



'He'll listen-'

The blonde was swift as he noticed the situation. Just as Shigaraki was about to grab him, Bakugou let out a giant explosion lifting himself into the air.

Grabbing Kirishima's hand with his, the six students could finally breathe.

"YOU IDIOTS!!!" Bakugou smiled shouting

Momo and Todoroki holding up Komei, all dropped to their knees.

They did it. They got him. They pulled it off.

"Just as we thought, all eyes on them" The three looked up

"Come on, this is our chance-" Todoroki got up offering the girls a hand

"Right!" They nodded

"Let's go!"


"It's crazy out here-" Komei gasped looking around holding onto Shouto and Momo's shoulders

The trio went back to the now bustling streets of Camino Ward.

Concerned citizens went outside their homes, apartments, stores to keep an eye on the news all watching the television screens. Others would watch, as the scared ones began to run.

The police couldn't even contain the crowds. They were close to the action, it was dangerous.

Todoroki pulled out his cell phone and dialled a number.

"Midoriya, are you four safe?" He asked, quickly catching Momo and Karin's attention

"Yeah. we're okay. How about you guys? No one saw you?" He questioned

"No, I don't think so. We're on the street blending in with the crowd now. Some pros are here helping people evacuate-" Todoroki replied

"Good. We're stopped in front of the station. Luckily, we missed that last shockwave. Our rescue totally worked-" Midoriya when on

"A rescue? THAT'S NOT WHAT HAPPENED BACK THERE-" Bakugou frowned

Komei chuckled hearing the angry blonde's voice in the background of the phone call.


"Your welcome!" Kirishima twinkled giving him a thumbs up

The fight between All For One and All Might continued. Slowly but surely the villain at one point got the upper hand.

"Is everyone else seeing this?!? It looks like All Might has been shrunk somehow!"

"W-What happened to h-him?" Komei stuttered watching the tv screen

"H-He's so.... skinny-" She gasped as Shouto and Momo watched in silence. They were all stunned not knowing what to do or say.

'He was able to win before, so he can do it again right?'

'He looks totally different but he's still the same All Might!!'

'Come on All Might you can do it!'


'Beat this sucker!'

'Show 'em what you can do!'


'Oh Midoriya...' Komei thought looking around at the crowd

'Is the same thing happening on your end?'


After All Might's victorious win, the fear and worries turned into cheers and happiness.

"I wish we could find Todoroki, Komei and Yaoyorozu..." Iida said in concern

Bakugou quickly turned around hearing the pinkette's name.

"Let's just head that way-" Kirishima perked up

"We should let the heroes know we got Bakugou in case they're looking for him-"

"Yeah good idea-" Midoriya nodded




"H-Hey!! Todoroki!!" The green haired boy waved catching the half and half boy's attention 

Komei and Momo looked at each other sharing a nod before following Shouto through the crowd.

Their eyes soon laid upon the four. Midoriya, Tokoroki, Iida, and lastly Bakugou.

Edge Shot stood closely next to the blonde as Gran Torino was on the other side seemingly making a call on his cell phone.


"Hey Komei!?--" Kirishima shook the girl on the shoulder

"Ehhhh? Wha-What??" She stuttered shaking out of her trance

"The heroes are taking Bakugou to one of their hero agencies because it's safer for him. The police told us all to go home-"

"Yeah. We should get back-" Shouto nodded as the sun slowly began to rise

'Wow it's morning already?'

"Y-Yeah... okay-" The girl nodded but her feet didn't move

This feeling again. Her heart began to race.

'I don't want to leave, I didn't get to talk to him-'

Her eyes lingered on his mop of ash blonde hair. Being crowded around the heroes and police, that was the only part of the boy she was able to see.

'All of this... to not even see him!'

"Karin-" Shouto turned around waiting for the girl to follow as she stared at the blonde who was being crowded by the heroes and police.

Todoroki walked up and intertwined his hand with hers. She squeezed Shouto's hand, eyes still locked on the blondes silhouette. 

"Come on. We have to get going or we will miss the early morning train-"

She stayed silent looking at the ground as Shouto led her along. The pinkette held hands with the boy all the way back to the train station. Not even thinking about it, it really helped her. She was uneasy and anxious, and Shouto steadied her. 

If you think about it, Midoriya, Komei and Yaoyorozu technically snuck out of the hospital to rescue their friend. So everyone else thought they were safe and sound out of danger.


8:30 am

"Good Morning-- I'm home-"

"Karin honey, you came home from the hospital all by yourself?!?"

"Sweetie, was just getting ready to pick you up-" She spoke holding her car keys, a bag of a change of clothes for the girl and a few other things.

"Y-Yeah, sorry Aunt Asuka..." The pinkette sweat dropped

"I'm still a bit tired so I'm going to go to my room-" She took her shoes off at the door



Asuka jumped at the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut.


Holding two cups of coffee, Renji came out from the kitchen with a confused look on his face.

They knew that the blonde haired boy Karin befriended was captured by the league of villains learning the information about the training camp... As well as everything that happened last night with All Might. So they thought maybe that was the reason why the girl was more on edge.

"She just got home, let her rest a bit hun-" Renji gave her one the coffee cups as he sat down on the couch grabbing the remote turning on the tv.

"Last night... was a rough night for everyone..." He looked down as a skinny All Might appeared on the morning news broadcast

Once the girl got to her room she flopped onto her bed. Too tired to change or move at this point, it was lights out. A couple hours later, Komei blinked her eyes open and turned her attention to her clock

1:48 pm

'Shit-' She groaned sitting up on her bed 

Her body still felt like a ton of bricks and her arms were numb.

Looking down at her outfit, she decided to get up from her bed and change.

A large baggy band tee, and a pair of shorts. Grabbing her phone from her night stand she noticed a missed message


"Did you make it home okay?" -9:23 a.m

Komei looked back to the clock 'Crap that was 4 hours ago'

Opening up the messages button, she quickly texted back.


"Yeah I did. I'm sorry Shouto, I fell straight asleep xD"  -2:06 p.m

She threw the phone back onto her bed trying to tame her mess of hair in the mirror until it began to beep.

'Well that... was fast-' She walked back around to her bed picking up the cell phone


"I kinda figured that was the case." -2:08 p.m

Karin grinned staring at the text before letting out a sigh.

Sitting down at her vanity, the girl stared at her reflection. Her bandaged body, disheveled hair, tired eyes... 

Man, what a night.

Her eyes wavered to her wrists as she slowly began to unravel the bandages. Wincing and shaking from the pain, they ultimately came off.

Blinking, looking down at her wrists... the girl's heart rate quickly began to rise.

They were purple.

Not just purple because of the swelling, purple because of the scaring. Now frazzled, she tore off her side, shoulder and ankle bandages. Once again... purple.

Adrenaline took over her body as she began to hyperventilate. 

It reminded her... of the flame villain.

"This is... n-no n-not h-happeningg-" Komei stood up shakily grabbing the edges or her vanity to hold her up

Hanging her head low, she slowly looked up to the mirror to see bright blue eyes staring back at her. Gasping in terror, Karin jumped back falling onto the floor with a thud

Her body felt as heavy as led, she couldn't move.

"S-Stop!! S-Stay A-Away!!" She stuttered scrunching her eyes shut trying to scoot her body as far away as possible

Knock. knock. knock.

"Karin love, what's going on?? Are you okay!?" Renji jumped questioning from the other side of the door in worry

The girl's eyes snapped open as a bead of sweat dripped down her forehead.

"Y-Yeah!! Uncle Renji!! Sorry, I-I was watching a m-movie on m-my computer!" She shouted back

"Okay, dear..." He lifted his head up from her door as she let out a sigh

He was totally unconvinced.

'Your in your room, calm down Komei...' She clasped her hands together trying to steady her breath before looking down at her wrists again

Tears began to prickle in her eyes.

"No-- He's right... I-I am l-like him..."

Lifting her heavy legs, she got up and changed once again, putting on a hoodie and a pair of long socks to hide her burns. 

Putting the hood on, she sat down in the corner of her room staring at the ground. The only light on her room were her twinkly white fairy lights hanging on her wall.


6:25 pm

"Is Kari-chan okay? She hasn't been out of her room all day..." Rosa said worriedly at the dinner table

With the mass destruction last night at Camino Ward, students were asked to stay home the next couple of days for their safety.

Renji sighed. There's definitely something fishy going on. She can say she's fine all she wants but something was up.

"Rosa sweetie, she's resting today. She needs to, doctors orders-" Asuka reassured her daughter

Just then, the pink headed girl came out of her room.

She walked over to the table and sat down.

Silence fell, the only thing that was heard in the background was the television.

"What..." She looked up as her family members starred at her

"I was hungry." She spoke monotonously as her aunt, uncle and cousin began to laugh

Her cheeks lightly dusted pink in embarrassment as she grabbed the salad bowl.

After dinner, Rosa's teen drama show played on tv and Karin sat next to the girl on the couch watching it together.

Finishing washing the dishes and cleaning the table, Asuka sat down on the love seat next to her husband.

The program finished as the news began to play.

Replays from last night. 

'Geez' Karin thought to herself watching the live footage of All Might's fight

They were there in the flesh yesterday, and as terrifying as it was... seeing the live footage on tv. My goodness...

'-The U.A student Katsuki Bakugou was successfully rescued, thanks to All Might and the other amazing heroes on scene at Camino Ward-'

A picture of Katsuki appeared next to the news anchor making the pinkette's stomach clench.

"Kari-chan..." Rosa looked over to her cousin as she got up uncomfortably walking back to her room silently

The younger girl got up until her father stopped her mid way putting a hand on her shoulder slowly shaking his head back and forth

"Let her be Rose-" 

Karin closed the door to her room and slid down the back of it sighing.

A thought came to her brain as she pulled out her phone scrolling through the contacts.

Her finger waved over the call button before she pressed it quickly, putting the phone up to her ear

'What the heck am I doing?'

'What if he answers-'

'What do I say...'

The phone rang, rang and rang, ultimately the voice message system picked up.

"Please leave a message after the beep. BEEP."

"H-Hi, it's me-" She paused before going on. The girl started to get nervous knowing the blonde would hear this.

'Duh you idiot, he knows it you-' She mentally screamed at herself

"I-I-" Her voice started to crack as her blood pressure began to rise


Lifting the phone off her ear, she grumbled.

"Oh, Fuck it-" She clenched the cellphone before forcefully hanging up letting her arms fall down to her side.

She stared at the ground once again as hours began to pass and the moon began to rise.



Striking a nerve within the younger blonde he whipped back in rage sitting on the front door step



Katsuki growled as she whacked him upside the head before heading back into the house.

1 missed voice message.

'The hell? I didn't even hear it-' He thought, scrolling through his smart phone clicking on the voice message without even noticing the name attached to the message.

"H-Hi, it's me-"

His body went stiff when he heard her voice. Lifting the phone from his ear he looked at the number.

"I-I-"  He lightly let out a smirk until his expression dropped hearing the now waiver in her voice


"Oh, Fuck it--" 


His eyebrows furrowed in concentration listening to the 20 second voice message over and over. He then went back inside and went up to his room.

The blonde sat on his bed pondering if he should call her back or not. Obviously, she called because she must've wanted to talk to him... but what does he do now. Call her back? 

Bakugou was too stuck in his own head dealing with All Might's retirement-- which he thought was all his fault...

The stress, anxiety... guilt he was feeling...

He threw the phone on his dresser not wanting to deal with it right now, went under the covers and called it a night. 

It's definitely going to take a little while for things to get back to normal. U.A's got a lot to work on these upcoming months.


Next Chapter Title: Welcome To The Dorms

A/N: We got Bakugou back!! I enjoyed writing this a lot, especially adding Karin's quirk into the rescue mission. Also, her getting panic attacks because of Dabi? Poor baby, and the same goes for Katsuki. What's going to happen to our power couple? When are they going to reunite? 

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