The new year

By dropsofrain24

12.4K 301 120

Penny, brain and her unique uncle are on a special mission to West Africa, to stop mad from stealing a precio... More

You need what now?
Go go gadget, guide of what to do in Liberia!
Just more mishief
Authors note,
Night of the ball part 1
Night of the ball part 2
A/N(What happened?)
New year revelations part 1
New year revelations part 2
Madness in the Mad lair
Questions & Missions
.....Uncle Gadget, No!
Seeing through the blur
Put the 'new' in New year!
Extravagant A/N 💎✨💅🏽

~ EPILOGUE ~...!!!

519 16 6
By dropsofrain24

7 years later...

Penny was in her office writing a documentation of her latest mission. The chief was sick but said he'd need it before the following day. She couldn't help but smile as she signed the document that would soon be submitted to the appropriate authorities. It was a document of how she finally defeated Doctor Claw, her Uncle's arch nemesis, ending all the mischief he's caused all these past years...

Penny was a real agent now, undoubtedly the best in all of HQ. She went for solo missions and aced them like the pro she was. Her uncle, inspector Gadget, just retired now that doctor Claw was finally caught. He was happy about it too cause now he had time to work on his cooking skills!(hopefully his dishes could become edible now...)

Talon had become an incredible agent too. They went for missions together sometimes, but despite trying not to, they would always end up distracting eachother from the task at hand. He was her boyfriend and though they made quite an unstoppable team, he had a talent of disturbing her focus. I mean who wouldn't be distracted by that charming laugh, those defined dimples in his smile, his perfect hair and his-Gaah! He's even distracting me in my thoughts! To think that she thought she'd stop simping after all these years...What's wrong with me? Maybe I really am in love....Penny chuckled as she pulled out the heart necklace from underneath her shirt. It was the one Talon gave her 7 years ago and she always wore it cause it reminded her of how everything between them changed that magical night he gave it to her. The memory was still fresh as if it were just yesterday.....

I could FEEL the blood rushing to my cheeks! I was still a bit confused though about why the gadgets he kissed me?!But before I could even say anything, he gently placed a box into my hands and said.

"Happy new year pretty Penny...and I hope you like the gift," he told me and he quickly activated his rocket boots and returned to his usual attire.

He turned to leave, but then turned to face me again "Oh yeah....I Love you too"He chuckled as if it was the most natural thing he's ever said but before I could respond (or protest that I never said anything about loving him), he quickly rocket booted himself into the sky and left me in a very dazed state on the ground...

"What a night that was..." Penny said sighing dreamily. But speaking of  Talon, she remembered she was supposed to meet him in 5 minutes! How did she forget? She usually has the best memory...

She quickly finished up my work, grabbed her bag and pulled out her phone as she rush to the restaurant they were supposed to have lunch at.

She smirked as she saw the name Talon saved himself as in her phone. No matter how many times she saw it, it got her every time...

Tal♡ Man's gift to mankind: Pen, where r u?

Penny: Coming, jxt left the office

Tal♡: U know Pretty P, ur not one to be late...

Penny: Jeez, I'll be there in a jiffy...

Tal♡: Sweet hairgel! you sound like your uncle...

Penny: Oh really...

Tal: this is y ur running late...

Penny: I didn't realize...

Tal♡: Y aren't u here yet???

Penny: Ok, what's your deal?....

Tal♡: Wat do u mean?

Penny: Y r u so whiny?

Tal♡: Maybe I just really miss u😘

Penny: Ofcourse you do, and I'm here now, tell me which table ur sitting at

Tal♡: ❤

Penny: I'm awkwardly standing at the front door, seriously, where are u?


Penny: Talon...


Penny: I carried scissors...

Tal♡: 4th table on ur left

Penny: gud, that's more like it-

Penny typed smiling and sought the mentioned table and faithfully enough found a coy looking Talon smiling mischievously from his chair.

"Took ya' long enough..." He said sarcastically.

Penny just rolled her eyes in response before taking her seat.

"Whatever, how come you weren't at HQ today?"

"I was with Slick at the workshop," he said.


"Inventors workshop.....don't act like you don't know that I'm an impressive inventor now too," He said proudly.

"Oh yeah...I forgot you wanted to try out inventing," She raised her head in realization.

"Try out? I've been inventing all my life!" He said outraged.

"Oh please, what have you ever invented?" She said folding her arms.

He exaggerated a loud gasp,"My rocket boots! And I invented those 10 years ago for that matter!" He said.

"Still doesn't make you an impressive inventor..."

"Give in Pen, we've been over this...I'm just unbelievably awesome and you know it. You HAVE to accept this by now," He said cockily.

Penny just sighed "Uggghhh, whatever. Can we just eat already? I'm starving!" She said motioning a waitress.

"Fine, as the lady wishes..." he said doing a small bow.

"Yes yes finally! We can EAT!" Penny said impatiently when there food was finally brought to them.

And Talon couldn't stop himself from exploding with laughter as he watched Penny inhumanely devour half of her king sized burger in just one bite......


After lunch Talon suggested to take a stroll at the park since they were both free for the rest of the afternoon and ofcourse Penny agreed. They had some small talk on the way, centering on what the other did today and other random things like the weather and sports. And soon they finally arrived at the park.

They found a nice bench at a quiet peaceful spot, and decided to sit there.

"This is nice spot," Talon said as he sat down.

"Yeah..." Penny said sitting beside him. She sighed happily, taking in the surrounding around her. They sat in a comfortable silence until Penny remembered something.

"Hey Talon, remember the document I was writing?" She said turning to him.

"Yeah...?" He said curiously.

"Are you sad?"

"Sad about what?"

"You know.......about your Uncle?" She said cautiously.

"Are you kidding?-"He said snorting "It's about time that maniac got what he deserved, and plus, do I look like I wanted to be arrested with him?!" He said in his fit of laughter.

"Talon Eugene Claw!-" He cringed at his full name; like he always did. "How could you say that about your Uncle!" Penny scolded.

"You just had to go all 'Eugene' on me.." He said rolling his eyes.

"Yeah I had to! Look, I know your Uncles not the best at....being an Uncle, but I thought you'd at least sympathize with him a little bit because you know,  he's still your family..." Penny said.

"Honestly, I kind of do but he deserves to be behind bars after all the whack he's done. Though he's family, I haven't felt more at home with you guys in these 7 years than ever.." Talon said solemnly.

"Fair point...but do you think you'll ever like, go visit him in prison?" Penny asked curiously.

Talon furrowed his eyebrows as he thought of his response. Penny couldn't help finding the little pout his lips did as he thought incredibly adorable.

"Maybe after he becomes a little more sane, because I can picture myself going to visit him and hearing something like 'TALON!? Why did you abandon MAD? If you didn't abandon me, I would have never been caught, You imbecile! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT!' Talon said with his best Dr. Claw impression. Penny laughed as she remembered how good he was at impersonating people, and even after all this time he still hasn't lost it.

She giggled, "Only doctor Claw would blame you for his defeat even though you weren't even there!" Penny laughed.

"Yeah, he's one incomprehensible human being..." Talon said chuckling too.

Penny smiled and laid her head on his broad shoulder. Then she remembered that there was something special about today that she couldn't quite make out what. She tried thinking about it but still, nothing. She was still trying to figure it out when she saw Talon pulling out something from his pocket.

"Got you bracelet. Happy Talenny anniversary" He said extending his arm.

"That's what is today! I can't believe I forgot something important again! Thank you, but I didn't get you anything..." she said apologetically.

"Don't sweat it, Pen. It's okay, besides, you're the best gift on your own" He said charmingly.

"That's sweet, but seriously, how did I forget? No, I have to get you something; by the end of the week.." Penny said determined.

"If that's what you really want, then fine, I won't stop you-" Talon said hands up "But I really don't mind" He said leaning his back against the bench.

"Don't be silly now-" Penny said planting a soft kiss on the side of his cheek "I'll get something by the end of tommorrow,okay? Promise..." He just hummed in response. And Penny glanced at the bracelet that was around her wrist. It was a very fine bracelet but it's still made her feel guilty that she didn't get anything for Talon. As egotastic as he may be, he was surprisingly selfless and never expected anything in return from people. Which in most scenarios is good but Penny wasn't gonna let him go down empty handed. After all, this was their anniversary, both his and hers and he deserved something too. He was just as important to her as she was to him......

She sighed and breathed in Talon's tempting scent. She was feeling more relaxed and started gently stroking his hair.

As Penny and Talon have grown, their affection for eachother has grown too. Even though Talon was still crazy about his hair, he started allowing Penny to go through it with her fingers cause for one it was very soothing and also because the more time they would spend in eachothers company, the more he realised that this girl was even worth more to him than his hair.....For the first time in his life, he was connected heartily to another human being. So he allowed the action much to Penny's delight...

They stayed for several more minutes at the park but Talon said it was best that they should head back to HQ, it was getting kinda late. Then Penny remembered that she never actually submitted the document in chief Quimby's office and it was needed by the end of the day. Today was really not her day when it came to remembering things....

They hurried back to HQ and Talon said he had to use the restroom and he'd meet up with her later. She nodded her head and quickly went to her office and found the document lieing on her table.

"Phew...Its still here" she said, not like she was expecting it to go anywhere but it was relieving to see it was right where she left it and she still had time to submit it.

And as if on cue, she received a call from the chief...

C:Hello Penny

P: Hey chief

C: I hope you finished that document I told you to write

P: I did, ages ago, but haven't submitted it yet, should I send you the soft copy right now?

C: No it's fine, you can just leave the actual document in my office right now if that's okay with you

P: Ofcourse, I was meaning to go there anyway

C: Alright then, I guess I'll see you later. Bye Penny

P: Bye chief

And the chief cut off the line. Penny left her phone and carried the document and made her way to chief's office. HQ sounded awfully quiet today. As she heard the sound of her shoe clicking on the floor she almost felt like she was alone in the entire building. Where could everybody be?

She arrived at the chief's office and oddly enough found a note with what she guessed was his handwriting that read...

Leave the document on the table and sit on the chair

What the? Why did he leave such a note? Was this a game? or maybe these  are just some wierd instructions she has to follow? She shook her head and  chose to brush it off and maybe she should just listen to the note..?

She slowly opened the door and it creaked until it was wide open. She walked in and gently placed the document on the table. She walked over to the chair where she found another note which read...

Sit on the chair and get what is below you...

"What is below me?" She thought aloud.

And she sat on the chair and felt her foot bump into a rectangular object. She stretched her hand to her feet and grabbed the object which was a black box with a lock on it and there was a final note cell taped to the bottom of the box which read...

Use the key to open the box

"The Key? What key?" Penny questioned and tried to examine the shape of key hole. If only she had a bobby pin or something she could use to pick the lock. She noticed one of the decos on her bracelet was similar to the key hole. Maybe it could actually work...She thought and tried turning and turning the deco into the key hole....until..

"It worked! I picked the lock!" Penny said triumphantly before opening the box to find a very neat piece of paper, that was very different from the rest, and it had only two words written on it. It read...


Turn around

What? She thought, she was confused. And she noticed the chair was facing the wrong way. She eventually decided to turn the chair but did it slowly because for all she knew a serial killer could be waiting the other side ready to squeeze the life outta her! Okay maybe that was far fetched, but she really had no idea what to expect....

She turned the chair and saw a familiar face; Talons face. And immediately blew up.

"It was you?! What type of sick prank was this!Why on earth would you- Nooooo. Nooo N-N-nooo Way.......!" Penny said the last part drifting to a whisper.

It was indeed Talon that was on the other side of the chair. But what Penny failed to believe was that he wasn't standing, nor was he sitting down; he was on his knee. Holding the most beautiful box her eyes will ever see. He was dressed in a classical suit that looked so chill but yet so extra. He was also staring at her, eyes full of determination, but his eyes also held a rare emotion that she'd never really seen in him before but they could make her want to stare into his eyes forever........They held passion.

Then she noticed people pop up from wherever they were hiding. She saw chief Quimby, her uncle, Kayla, Slick, Brain; Everyone.They were all in on this...???Then Talon cleared his throat to signal he was about to start speaking.

"It was a decade ago...when I was the one who sat in that seat and turned around without any idea of the phenomenal person I was destined to meet that day. We've come from so far Pen...From rivals, to friends, to lovers. Yes it's been 10 years that I've known you, but these 10 years have been the best years of my life. My life seams meaningless without you now..It'snot worth it without you in it. To able to wake up each day with you besides me....To be able to combat all of life's challenges and hardships as one....To be able to treasure you, honor you, comfort you and strengthen you into your best....To  be able to simply just be with you until my Raven coloured locks are old and grey....Is an honor that is beyond me and is by far the best gift you could ever give me...."

He took a moment to pause.

"Pretty Penny?" He said desperately yet boldly.

"Y-y-yes..?" Penny said in between sniffles. She had tried her level best to ward off the tears that crept their way into her eyes but she had brutally lost the fight. Tears were slowly streaming down her face by the time Talon had called out her name. She couldn't believe any of what was happening...

"You're the one who is in the seat right now. You're the one who's going to make the choice. You're the only one who can give me what I'm asking for..." He said as he opened the beautiful box to reveal an even more beautiful ring, one that blinded Penny's eyes but yet still failed to outshine her from her own beauty...

"Penny, I love you; this you know. But what you don't is that I need you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So dearest Pen, will you make me the happiest man on earth and please marry me..?" He said. He did it, he finally did it. He poured out all his heart and soul into his proposal and asked the girl of his dreams to be his, permanently. Believe it or not, it was very nerve wracking for him because it's one thing to ask someone out while giving a marriage proposal was something totally different. He practiced for weeks....But he finally mastered up all the courage to do it. Not to mention on the best possible day he could. Good job Talon...

But then came the harder part; awaiting her answer...He was pretty confident that she was going to say yes. But the thought of rejection still came to him and he still had deep dark fears about....He bit his lip and tried to suppress the anxiety and he focused everything on what she was going to say, to see whatever reaction she had to his speech...

She failed to form any proper sentences at first; she was still at loss for words......But she knew she had to say something eventually, So she pushed her vocal chords to let out whatever voice was left in her and with the softest of eyes she said....

"Yes, I'll m-marry you Talon..." She said rising from the chair before walking to him "I-I'll be your.....*sniffle* *sniffle*...w-wife"  She said wiping off the remaining tears with her left hand while Talon slipped on the ring on the other, and as soon as he was done she immediately embraced him in the tightest hug she's ever given to anyone.

Immediately the audience around them exploded with applause, joy clearly on their faces and gave loud cheers happy for the two agents.

Talon returned the hug and softened his eyes too "Thank you, Penny. Really Thank you. You have no idea how happy you've made me right now..." He said embracing her even tighter. Today was officially the best day of his life.

Balloons were soon in the air and the DJ started the music and soon the chief's boring office had be a wild party!

Some people started dancing while others went to congratulate the engaged pair.

"Penny! I have no words to talk about how happy I am for you right now! I'm actually speechless for once!" Kayla said tearing up and give her best friend a bone crushing hug.

"Me too Kay....But I'm sure that I can count on you to be the wedding planner right?" She said hugging her back.

"Ofcourse! I actually started planning it as soon as I knew Talon was going to propose to you!" Kayla said giddily like a 5 year old child "Don't worry Pen, I'll make sure it's the most unforgettable day of your life.." She said sighing loudly but happily.

Penny shook her head, Yup, she really has the perfect wedding planner right in front of her.

She hugged her uncle and brain next. Inspector Gadget actually shed a tear while saying his little Penny has grown up so fast...Penny couldn't help but tear up a little too, she loved her Uncle and has lived with him for almost her entire life. It was really hard for both of them to let go...

She found herself next to the chief next.

"You weren't really sick, were you? You were in on this chief?" Penny asked sounding shocked.

"Nope and yes I was. There's nothing more beautiful than two incredible agents coming together to become one. I've known Talon clearly now and I've seen that he really is a good man. I've also seen how he truly loves you. The last time I've seen something like this between agents was your parents....And I'm sure that HQ will be in safe hands with (ironically) the Claw family..." He said.

Penny's eyes widened like saucers "Are you saying what I think your saying?.." Penny said stunned.

"Yes, I'm getting old and this place isn't going to run itself. It's about time I entrust it with someone critical enough to run it. So I'm making you the next head of HQ" He smiled.

Away with formal today, Penny gave him a warm hug in gratitude for everything he's done up until now.

"Thank you chief, for everything...."Penny said sincerely.

"No thank you, for being the exceptional person you are..." He said breaking the hug.

Then she spotted the T-man himself. And quickly asked him if they could go outside so they could be alone.

"How did-? When did? Whaa?- You planned all this...?" Penny said trying to form a sensible sentence.

Talon chuckled "Yeah....and I did a pretty good job at making you oblivious about the whole thing, didn't I?"

"I was CLUELESS when I entered the office! I really thought you were in the restroom! And the proposal it was-"


"More than Awesome..!!" Penny said still taken aback by everything.

"You've finally accepted the fact" He said victoriously.

"But how did you manage to pull all that off! Everyone except me seemed to know about it! And I still don't understand how you were able to enter the room without me noticing? Or were you already in the room??? And how did you hide from-" Penny blabbed until a slender finger was pressed against her lips.

"You don't have to worry about the details, Pen..." He said giving a small smirk "-those don't really matter. But on the contrary, thank you for keeping your promise.." He said taking her hands in his and looking straight into her eyes.

"What promise?"

He leaned in before going on to whisper while still peering deep into in her ocean eyes"...For giving me the best gift I could possibly ever ask" He said pressing his soft lips against hers. And she returned the kiss by wrapping her hands around his neck and he proceeded by putting his arms around her waist. This was when he felt at home; when he with her, nothing else could compare...She was his pretty Penny and now she was his forever. He couldn't believe it; he felt like he was dreaming. Here he was enjoying the warmth that never get's old, no matter how many times he would kiss her. The longing only seemed to increase after each one. But he suppressed such feelings, at least for now...

They were both catching their breaths after the kiss. Both couldn't help smiling goofily at the other. But once their breathing rates were back to normal, Talon held her cheek passionately.

"I love you..." He said almost whispering and looked at her hopelessly.

"I love you too" She said looking back at him. He smiled warmly in response.

"So Penny Brown, are you ready to become a Claw?" He said pressing his nose against hers flirtatiously.

She nodded and and gently pecked his lips against hers.

"I just know you'll be great with the kids.." She said still staring at him.

"No doubt about that-" he chuckled "I do make the best silly noises and faces.." He smirked and she giggled remembering a memory from her younger days..

"And Talon?"

"Yeah Pretty P?.."

"Happy Talenny anniversary💕" She said heartily before they shared a final kiss and walked into the party, hand in hand. Ready to begin the next chapter of life together......

Aww man, I feel like I'm the one whose been engaged after this😩😭😭🔥❤💕💕❣!!!!

Thank you for reading and if you've been here since the beginning and you've made it this far; I appreciate it a lot💜🌸💜🌸💜🌸

This is now the official end of the book and I thank everyone who took time to read this cause this was truly an extraordinary experience!

Please Vote and comment if you like, And I wish you a blessed day and a prosperous life.

Love dropsofrain24❤🐞❤🐞❤🐞❤🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

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