Have you ever had one those d...

By purplepenny

1.8K 29 25

A young college student, Carrie gets a taste of the vampire world. It is not all loving sparkling creatures t... More

working title- Have you ever had one of those days?
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-2
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-3
have you ever had one of those days? ch-4
Have you ever had one of those days ch-5
have you ever had one of those days ch-7
Have you ever had one of those days ch-8
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-9
Have you ever had one of those days? ch-10

have you ever had one of those days? ch-6

132 2 1
By purplepenny

Have you ever had one of those days? Ch-6

The room was empty when I awoke and I felt so alone now. My heart ached as the desperation filled my body. Where was Ariel? Her scent hung to the air as if it were a perfume. I missed her so much she was my creator. Never had such a void been apart of me. My head was much clearer now though. It was as if I had been in a fog and suddenly it cleared allowing me to see with such clarity. The past few days had not been a dream. I was a vampire and I liked it. Now my body felt so alive and powerful. No longer would I be that mousy little girl who longed for attention; going through the motions of a normal life to please those around myself. My once limp hair stood bouncy and shiny as if it had been styled and my skin although pale was flawless. Twisting my head I allowed it to dance around my face as I giggled like a child. Now I was a beautiful creature who took what she wanted. Right now I wanted food. Running my tongue across the sharp points of my fangs they felt so amazing.

My hearing was tuned into a drumming sound from the other room. Thump...thump...thump...Sliding out of the bed I went to investigate what called me. The living room was almost dark with only a small lamp on in the corner. My sight was surprisingly clear though. The thumping continued to thud in my ears calling me to it. Moving noiselessly to a door to the far right I twisted the knob and slowly opened it.

 Todd lay asleep in a bed. His chest rose and fell as his heart beat in a pleasant rhythm. It was almost a song to my ears. Moving closer to the bed I could now smell him. First his spicy cologne filled my sensitive nose but it was quickly replaced by the scent of his blood. So sweet and intoxicating he was. As a man he was attractive with ashy blonde hair and a well built body but as food he was mind blowing. Hunger gnawed at my stomach as my fangs extended into long sharp points; grabbing his curly hair I latched my fangs into his neck. He was amazing. My mind filled with pleasure as I sucked at his vain. He kicked and fought trying to pull me away from him now. I was so strong now he had no chance of escaping. The more he struggled the faster his heart raced urging me to take more.

"Carrie, stop! You have to stop...Ariel will be angry..."

His last words caused me to break my hold on him. Ariel was my master and I wanted to please her. Todd pushed away grasping the bed post for support while pressing on his neck to slow the bleeding.  His breathing was labored now as he tried to speak.

"You have to lick the bite to seal it....can you do that without killing me?"

Fear drifted off of him and it was exciting to me. He needed to stop the bleeding though. Pulling my eyes from the blood oozing out around his hand I looked into his eyes. They were pale blue now and plead with me to help. Remembering how I had helped people before I was this creature caused a pang of guilt. Ariel had come to me for help calling this an addiction. Slowly I moved to close the puncture marks that still seeped that sweet red liquid.

Todd had been weak after my attack but my hunger was satisfied for the moment. He moved around the small kitchen preparing a meal for him self. The beat of his heart was low and his breathing was mesmerizing. Pouring a glass of juice he looked at me tensely.

"I am not for your snacking Carrie." His voice was low but I heard it loud and clear. The anger was just below the surface threatening to bubble over. How dare he treat me with this disrespect? "I belong to Ariel." Now that hint of sadness returned to him.

"What are you for if not food?" I recalled how he had lured the blonde here for Richard. Stopping as he took a bite of scrambled eggs, he replyed.

"I help Ariel and she needs me."

"So you get her food?"

He spoke harshly, "Yeah I get stupid ass people to give themselves to her among other things." before he slowly raises the glass to his lips drinking its contents. The movements in his neck were teasing me as he drank.

"She feeds from you as well." The bite marks on his neck and wrist were plain to see.

"What she wants she gets. You should know that."  I knew he would give her anything; blood, his life, but especially his heart. She had drawn him into her web of seduction.

"Why doesn't she turn you?"

Angrily he stood grabbing his plate and tossing it to the sink. The muscle in his jaw twitched slightly. "They are not allowed to turn people without the family's consent."

She had turned me though. Was that why he hated me? Why did they allow her to change me? I looked into his eyes searching for an answer. Suddenly emotions flooded me, love, lust, heartache, pain, need, want, confusion, sadness...

"Stop that!" Todd screamed out in pain. "Stay the hell out of my mind!"

I had been in his head looking at his feelings. He was so lonely before Ariel had saved him from him self. A part of me that still felt human recalled that people would often form attachments to others in desperation. The animal that I was becoming told me that she used her mind control to lure him in and decided he made a good pet.

"Where is Ariel?" just saying her name made me long to be by her side.

"Richard took her out tonight. They will return before dawn for you to feed."

"How many more are they like her? Like me?"

"There is only one Ariel; no one is anything like her." His eyes filled with admiration for our master.

"How many vampires are there?"

"I don't know." He shook his head slightly before continuing. "I have seen a few here. She can answer your questions..." With that he turned to leave the room.

"Wait!" I had so many unanswered questions. "What am I to do?"

"Rest Carrie you are still weak. Ariel will return and help you."

In the wee hours of the morning I snapped to attention. The sound of foot steps coming through the building caught my attention but the seductive dance of two hearts beatings drawled me. Ariel's voice called out into my mind, "I have brought you something sweet."

The door flew open to the group. In walked Richard with a young girl who hung to his arm. She kissed him deeply before speaking into his ear. Though it was meant as a whisper I heard it plainly, "Come on Rich let me show you a good time." Richard did not look too excited but moved towards the bedroom. Ariel came in tossing her bag to the couch. She was glowing; her eyes were full of energy. As usual she was dressed in skimpy clothing and the man with her was mesmerized by her. He hung to her body as he kissed her neck. It was Mathew. He looked up and noticed me and gave a huge grin.


Ariel moved to close the door before returning to his side. "I thought you might enjoy seeing Mathew." Her eyes smiled as she spoke sweetly.

Mathew had been a student with me at the college for three years. We had worked in the same clinic for over a year and attended a lot of the same classes. Could I really drink from him? His voice called out to me.

"I just happened to run into your friend at Swift's bar tonight."

"How lucky that was for you." A nervous energy filled me as I pictured him struggling for life. It turned me on.

"Why don't you put some music on and we'll get some drinks?" Ariel coaxed him. He quickly agreed and moved to the player. She glided to the open kitchen pulling me with her. "Have you missed me much?" A smile curled her lips up as she spoke. "You have I can tell."

She was happy with me needing her so much. That brought a smile to my own face. "Is he for me Ariel?" Desperation filled my voice as I plead for my dinner. Her laughter echoed in the room.

"Yes but I am not going to help you, Carrie you must learn how to do this."  Turning she walked to Mathew holding up a glass filled with whiskey. "I'll leave you with Carrie for a moment so I can change." Her eyes fluttered seductively before she kisses him. "Hurry back sexy..."

I was jealous. I don't know if it was from him touching her or her touching my food but it filled me. Moving towards him I tried to devise a plan but all I could think about was the sound of his heart. It was so loud. My fangs slipped out uncontrollably causing my lip to bleed slightly. His back was turned to me as he fussed with the music. Emotions played with me first guilt then fear. Then it all came clear to me.


"Hmm, it really is odd finding you here Carrie. You are always saying we shouldn't get involved with the patients." His back still was turned to me.

"Mathew, you really shouldn't call people nut jobs. That pisses me off!"

"What the hell are you talking about...?"

I cut his words off as I leapt onto his back. Using his fear and my anger I brought him to the ground. He thumped the wooden floor as he fell splitting his head open. His eyes wide with surprise as I straddled his body. My own were glaring red and my fangs hung sharp. The sight of his blood sent me into frenzy; grabbing his head between my hands as I bent to taste. It was indescribable. His screams and frantic movements sped his heart up to a hammering beat. Unable to stop myself I ripped into his neck. All sounds faded away except his heart. Thump...thump...thump... Then as it neared stopping I released him; his body slid to the floor silently.

Blood ran down my chin and covered my hands. Stepping back I realized what I had done. I had just killed a person. Panic and emotions flooded my body; dropping to the floor as I began to sob. Regret, shame, sorrow all washed over me as I looked into Mathew's blank eyes. How could I continue to do this? The blood was like a drug pumping through my body. It was both intoxicating and repulsive at the same time. I longed for it but hated myself for needing it. What was I? How could god allow such creatures to exist?

Ariel stood behind me silently stroking my back now. Her voice invaded my thoughts. "The first one is always the hardest. Don't worry child soon you will not feel anything." The comforting fog came back to my mind as she pulled me to my feet.

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