innocent | HHJ + SRJ

By baerose_

46.1K 2.7K 579

" are you telling me that you're interested with my twin bro? " in which ryujin found herself into her best f... More



543 44 4
By baerose_


S H I N  R Y U J I N

it's sunday. chaeyeon's day in hyunjin's weekly schedule. i huffed and turn on my bed, ending up laying on my stomach. i stared at my phone and reread the conversation hyunjin and i had yesterday.

hwang hyunjin
hey ryujin, you up?

shin ryujin
yep! why?

hwang hyunjin
i'm busy right now
so i can't take you out

shin ryujin
don't apologize
it's fine! 😁
see ya on monday!

hwang hyunjin

i pursed my lower lip and reread it more. ugh! i am hyunjin deprieved at the moment and it's frustrating! after the jungseo incident he started warming up to me and i freaking loved it! too bad it only lasted for such a short time.

a groan left my lips and i throw my phone to the other side of my room. ugh! i'm such an idiot to even think that he might feel the same way! i glance at where my phone landed and saw it landed at the pillow i threw earlier. good.

i lazily pushed myself off of my bed and grab my phone from the pillow. then i jump back to my bed to reread the message once more. why does his replies look shady? as if he's lying... ugh! he didn't even use any emojis! i pressed hyunjin's contact and then his picture. he looks so good here.

" what are you doing right now? are you enjoying your date with chaeyeon? " i asked under my breath as i stare at hyunjin's picture.

where could they be? should i ask yeji if she has any clue? i just want to see hyunjin! this is so bad. day after day, instead of my feelings for him decreasing because of all the chaeyeon stuff hyunjin has been saying, i just end up liking him more. this is so wrong, what's the problem with me? ugh.

i drop my phone beside me and closed my eyes. what should i do now? i'm so bored. jeongin's busy with his family, yeji is still grumpy, jisu's on a date with some guy, yuna's spending time with her mom and i don't know what's up with chaeryoung. should i check up on her and maybe hang out? ugh, no. i'll just end up asking her to accompany me spy on hyunjin and her sister. maybe i should just sleep...

but i'm not sleepy at all!

i let out a groan and get up from my bed. i started dressing up choosing a white tank top and a dark denim high waisted pants. i stand in front of my bed as i look at the jackets and flannels i laid there to choose one. i tilt my head slightly to the side as i hum. it's not like i'm gonna see someone so...

" whatever " i murmurred and grab the denim jacket with the closest shade with the pants i'm wearing.

when i went down the stairs, i heard a group of people laughing in the living room. do we have guests? are mom's friends here? i didn't know. i run my fingers through my hair, taming it to look presentable in front of my mom's friends. i have to greet them and besides, they're pretty nice too. with a smile on my lips i made my way towards them.

" eomma! " i called and skip towards her. she stopped laughing for a second to turn to me, opening her arms as i land on them.

" i didn't know your friends are here " i said with my lips pursed. she scoot and gave me space to sit on the couch she's on.

" well you're pretty busy sulking, so we decided to not disturb you dear " one of mom's friends, uncle juno, said. because of what he said, they all started chuckling, making me pout even more.

" it's nice to see you too uncle juno " i told him, the pout on my lips slowly turning into a grin. i pulled away from mom and was about to go and hug uncle juno, but something caught my attention.

i stopped walking and met eye to eye with the guy sitting beside uncle juno. he sat there casually, pretty unbothered by the fact that he's actually in my house.

" eh!? " i shrieked with my eyes wide while i point at him.

" hi " he greeted casually, again, though there's a hint of pink on his cheeks. probably because of embarrassment from the attention that's directed to him right now.

" kim seungmin? what are you doing here? "


" tada! "

i stood there awkwardly with my lips pressed together in a thin line. seungmin and i stand in front of the arcade where hyunjin and i came to before. i tried to smile as i glance at him while he has a straight face on.

earlier, i found out he's uncle juno's nephew. he tagged along with uncle juno earlier since, according to him, he's done with his sister. i wonder, what must the "nice and adorable" ms. seomin have done to piss off her dear baby brother? maybe she bought him tons of puppy stuff to mock his "puppy-ness"? probably.

" can you remind me again why am i here? " he asked after he let out a louder than usual sigh.

" oh come on puppy seung! of course it's because you're my new bestie and we're gonna have fun! " i said, trying to lighten up the mood.

i was actually planning to go here on my own but seems like seungmin and i are fated to meet today, i literally found him in my own house. seungmin gave me an unsatisfied look after what i said making me purse my lips and think of a better thing to say.

" this is actually where hyunjin took me for our first date and i just want to relive the memories " i explained with my lips still pursed. i focussed my eyes in front of me and tried to avoid his stares as much as possible.

" so why am i here? " seungmin asked again.

just by hearing his tone, my knees starts to shake a little. ugh, he's so mean. why did i even force him to go with me? i should've forced jisu to leave her date and come with me instead.

i cautiously turn to look at him, and was greeted by his bored, but sharp, eyes. " if you want to relive your memories then you should have gone with hyunjin " he added as he dig his hands in his pockets.

i huffed and slightly furrowed my eyebrows. " but he's with chaeyeon " i replied.

i looked down and focussed my eyes on my feet. i started fiddling with my fingers to add more spice to my "i'm sad so please be nice to me" act. i know seungmin is still my friend so i hope this works on him.

he let out a long sigh and then there was silence again. ugh, a little more, let's wait more. i tried to peek by slowly raising my head. seungmin clicked his tongue and crossed his arms over his chest.

" you better keep your promise and buy me pudding after this, you miserable creature " seungmin muttered, and gladly i was able to hear it. he started walking towards the arcade while i was left here standing alone with a huge grin on my face.

" wait for me puppy seung! " i called for him and started skipping towards him.

" don't call me that! " he turned to look at me and hissed silently. i slowed my pace when i'm finally standing beside him. i frown and pushed my hair off of my shoulder.

" then what am i suppose to call you? seungmin oppa? no way! " i stated then faked a shiver. he stopped walking so i stopped too. he hummed and then turned to look at me.

" actually, that's better " he said to which i frowned to.

" no! " i pushed and this time i really shivered at the thought. only changbin oppa deserves to be called oppa for me.


i am such a loser. i watched as the claw rise up, empty like my wallet at the moment. i huffed my cheeks and turned to seungmin who has his arms crossed over his chest beside me. his eyes left the claw machine and met mine. when they did, i smiled at him.

" that's my last coin " i said in a small voice.

ugh! it's so embarrassing! earlier i told him i am the claw machine queen but after tons of coins, i still haven't won anything! today is not my day, why? tsk!

" i guess we're gonna go home now " i told him then let out a sigh. ugh, this is one of the worst days i had. but on the bright side, at least seungmin didn't rub it on my face that i suck at claw machine.

i started walking and heard him follow behind me. now i'm going to go back home... agh! i'll be bored as hell again! why is this day so boring, really? i huffed and was about to continue walking when i heard seungmin let out an obvious sigh. i turned around and looked at him with my eyebrows slightly raised.

" here " he said as he fished a bill out of his pocket then slightly slap his hand, with the bill, on my forehead. i flinched a little, blinking my eyes continuously, confused at what is happening.

seungmin pulled his hand away from my forehead, causing the bill to fall down. good thing i have pretty good reflex, so even before the money can fall to the floor i was able to catch it. i look down to my closed fist and slowly opened it, getting a view of seungmin's money. i raised my head and saw the said guy with his arms crossed over his chest.

" go and exchange that for more coins so you can play again " he said then shrug his shoulders.

what? i stood there with my mouth slightly agape. is he treating me? slowly, the side of my lips twitch into a grin. he's such a tsundere, he looks like he doesn't care but he actually does.

" thanks seungmin oppa! " i beamed then pat his left shoulder before skipping back towards the arcade.


a squeal literally left my lips when i saw the chopper stuff toy fall in the hole. oh gosh! finally! i was planning to go back to the claw machine i was playing earlier but then i saw this chopper claw machine. i don't really remember how the anime goes but i know the characters and chopper is definitely my favorite! a series of excited squeals left my lips as i squat down to get the chopper stuff toy. i stand back up and stared at the cute human-reindeer doctor in my hands. finally! claw machine queen is back!

i turned around with a wide smile on my lips only to find no one. what? where's that puppy? the smile on my lips faded as i roam my eyes around to look for that lost puppy. aish, where did he go now?

i walk through the small crowd of kids, hugging chopper closer to my chest. i went deeper in the arcade and tried my best to look for the lost puppy. ugh, it's a mistake that i asked him to hold my phone for me. now how am i gonna find him?

since i can't see him in here, i decided to go outside. he might be there. he probably got hot and irritated inside since there's a lot of people. when i neared the entrance there i saw him standing beside the robot standee. i jumped and waved my hand to catch his attention, to which he fortunately noticed. i skipped towards him, excited to tell him about how i got a chopper stuff toy.

" seungmin oppa! "

" oh! it's seungmin-ie! "

i stopped before him and raised the chopper stuff toy, showing it to his face. " i told you i am the claw machine queen! " i snickered. i hugged the chopper stuff toy again and watched his reaction. only, he wasn't even looking at me.

" oh, hey you guys " he said. with confusion in my eyes, i followed his field of vision.

there i saw four girls. i recognize them all though i do not know all of their names. i know they go to the same school as we do and they are the same year as seungmin.

" eunji eonni! hi! " i greeted one of them. it's han eunji, she's in the dance club too and damn she dance well. she beamed at me and waved back.

" seungmin-ie! what are you doing here? " one of them said as she took a step closer towards seungmin. i know her but i don't know her name, she's the girl with hyunjin when he first gave me the flowers. i also know that she's the daughter of the owner of the jo's flower shop.

" uhm, just hanging out " seungmin replied and then pointed his thumb on me. the girl turned to me with a really big smile.

" oh i see! you're hanging out with hyunjin's girlfriend in a weekend! " the girl stated with a smile so genuine it kind of resembles chaeyeon's smile.

seungmin nodded to this and then the other girls came into the conversation. i don't really have anything to say so i stayed silent there with a small smile on my lips. but something is bothering me though. that girl, i thought she's smiling like chaeyeon but no.

that smile, i know that smile. i always do that smile. i do that whenever i am talking to hyunjin about chaeyeon or when i am with hyunjin and chaeyeon. i do that smile when i am faking things. i do that smile when i am with someone i don't really like. so does this mean she dislike me? what? i don't even know her.

" it's almost past this girl's nap time, we gotta go " seungmin said while pointing at me. i turned to him with furrowed eyebrows as the other girls let out a small laugh.

" what are you saying, i don't have any specific nap time " i huffed and glared at him. eunji eonni laughed and then engulf me in a warm hug.

" what he meant is that he doesn't want to talk to us anymore " she said and then laughed again.

" and besides, who sleeps at four in the afternoon? " one of the girls, a tall one, asked and then laughed again.

i turned to seungmin and he looks normal though, his ears are so red. his way of ending a conversation sucks. there are a lot of ways on how to say goodbye, pssh.

" ugh, well you know it now! i wanna go home, let us go! " seungmin whined then clicked his tongue at the end making eunji eonni laugh more.

" fine! go home! " eunji eonni let go of me and then playfully pushed us away with a laugh. i let out a snicker as well and waved goodbye to them, bowing politely too.

" bye! see you tomorrow seungmin-ie! " the flower girl said and then turned to me with that smile again. " you too hyunjin's girlfriend! "

after that seungmin and i are now walking away from them. when i am sure we are already far enough, i decided to speak up.

" what's the name of the girl who calls you 'seungmin-ie'? " i asked him, while hugging chopper closer to me. seungmin raised his head from his phone and then hummed.

" that's serim " he said then went back to look down on his phone. i looked at him and hesitated at first but then i let it out.

" i feel like she don't like me "

" she's nice isn't she? "

oh shoot! the two of us stopped walking and then seungmin raised his head to look at me with confused eyes. he locked his phone then put it in his pocket before fully turning his body to face me.

" what do you mean? she's a nice person " seungmin asked, laughing lightly because of what i said. i scratched the side of my neck and then shifted on my footing.

" yeah she seems nice but the way she smiled at me... i know that kind of smile, i smile like that when i fake myself " i told him. when i look at his eyes he looked at me like i'm an idiot.

" you're overthinking ryujin, i swear that girl is like the nicest girl you'll ever know " he said but i was still hesitant. but instead of explaining it more, i just let out a laugh.

" you're right, maybe i am " i said and then started walking again with him.

" do you wanna eat? " i asked him since i am pretty hungry too. he smirked at me wickedly.

" glad you didn't forget about the pudding " he stated before walking ahead of me. oh yeah right! i almost forgot that! i have to buy him one


hello, i'm sorry i've been busy(still busy tho) 😁 so as a special gift, there will be another chapter! hope y'all like this chapter and don't forget to give love to this story! 😄💛

~ Bae Rose⚘

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