The Omega Prince

By SproutsPerson

170K 9.3K 2K

Once a upon a time a king and queen were loved by their people. They were a traditional family, an omega moth... More

The Era of the Eclipse


1.7K 91 10
By SproutsPerson

(A few minutes from the last chapter)

Before names came up the two parents were just staring and holding their newborn twins.

Somehow the one year old knew to be quite without being told.

Hoseok was about to say something when he noticed the older growing increasingly pale. Before he could ask if he was ok though, the older passed out.

( two weeks later)

When Yoongi awoke his throat was dry, his stomach was empty, and his lower part hurt.

Apparently his ears and eyes stopped working for a second because after a few seconds he realized his mate was holding him, crying.

Yoongi: Ho-

He was then interrupted with water being shoved in his face.

Hoseok: drink.. You haven't had water in literal weeks.

Yoongi: what?

His once smooth voice was now ruff from lack of use.

Hoseok:.. I'll explain things when your hydrated.. Hungry?

Yoongi: yeah... Wheres the twins!?

Since he had suddenly sit up pain rushed through his body.

Hoseok had to (gently) push the older back down.

Hoseok: they're ok.. Perfectly healthy and asleep..

Yoongi:k... Hobi? What happened?

Hoseok: to be truthful... We don't know... We all thought we lost you.. Your scent disappeared and you were much paler than usual.. It was terrifying.. Jung-Suk has been scared to come in here.. Pups recognize family from scent after all..and we couldn't feed the twins the way we wanted...

Yoongi: they still don't have names..

Hoseok: well... I was calling then baby girl and baby boy but then I remembered that we were pretty set on the name Hana so that's what I've been calling her... And because I'm kinda uncreative I've been calling the boy August.. Because they were born in August..

Yoongi: can I see them?

Hoseok:of course! I'll tell everyone your awake and go get them.. They were with Jimin while I came to visit..

Yoongi: ok..

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