Hero of the Story || James Po...

Autorstwa kim_camaro

816K 29.8K 14.4K

[Complete] Maybe, fate didn't want Hermione Granger to run away. Maybe, fate wanted Hermione Granger to chang... Wiฤ™cej

synopsis & forewarning
main cast
prologue | you taught me the courage of stars
1 | our universe was brought to life - part i
2 | our universe was brought to life - part ii
3 | it seems they have been chosen
5 | i want to disappear and just start over
6 | life is not meant to be wasted
7 | i'll teach you everything i know
8 | now hold on, let me finish
9 | we'll tell our stories on these walls
10 | i don't want your wicked love
11 | forgiveness is a lesson he cursed you to learn
12 | the sunlight shines a little brighter
13 | it's the fireworks when two souls collide
14 | no doubt in my mind where you belong
15 | i love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me
16 | it starts with a feeling
17 | sweetheart, you look a little tired
18 | you take more than just my sanity
19 | my memory is cruel
20 | and suddenly i see you
21 | you plus me is bad news
22 | you can make me wait forever
23 | surely someone will reach out a hand
24 | a brute force with the sweetest disguise
25 | fall in love in a single touch
26 | it starts with our eyes well acquainted in the dark
27 | something always brings me back to you
28 | i'll show you good, restore your faith
29 | where there is light, a shadow appears
30 | it was a pretty good bad idea, wasn't it though?
31 | outside the world seems a violent place
32 | i miss you in the morning and in the evening rain
33 | i'm not going anywhere, love
34 | be the light in the dark of this danger - part i
35 | be the light in the dark of this danger - part ii
36 | we left our date of birth and our history behind
37 | we will call this place our home
38 | became the heirloom of the heaviness we've known
39 | we were amateurs at war - part i
40 | we were amateurs at war - part ii
41 | in the middle of it all, it's nobody's fault
42 | they've seen things that you never quite say
43 | who knows how long i've loved you
44 | the story needs some mending and a better happy ending
45 | you're the universe i'm helpless in
46 | but still they lead me back to the long winding road
47 | we did not give up on love today
48 | some truths we wish we could hide
49 | i will love you with every single thing i have
50 | the world is brighter than the sun now that you are here
51 | the tide is brave, but always retreats
52 | strength means blessed with an enemy
53 | oh god, i'm so tired of being afraid
54 | salvation is coming in the morning
55 | and darkness will be rewritten
epilogue | how rare and beautiful it is that we exist
extra 1 | this brilliant light is brighter than we've known
extra 2 | the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes - part i
extra 3 | the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes - part ii
extra 4 | darkness exists to make light truly count

4 | and so here we go bluebird

15.8K 548 357
Autorstwa kim_camaro


and so here we go bluebird

(Bluebird by Sara Bareilles)


September 1, 1972

Hermione smiled sadly at her mother who was trying her very best not to cry. Anya had been fussing over Peter for ages now, mothering him about the importance of studying and avoiding detentions. Peter's face had been red ever since they had gone through the barrier between Platforms Nine and Ten and had been loudly complaining to Anya that he knew how to properly take care of himself.

"Why can't you nag Hermione instead?" he whined, shying away from her hands as she tried to tame his hair.

Anya darkly glared at her firstborn. "I'm not worried for Hermione," she explained. "Your sister's proven to be quite responsible and bright. I'm sure she's not the one who's going to give me a headache this year, young man."

Peter glanced over at Hermione with a pleading look on his face. Deciding that her poor brother had had enough, she sauntered towards Anya and wrapped her arms around her tiny waist. This stopped her fussing altogether, and their mother finally let her tears fall.

The older witch wrapped her arms around Hermione's shoulders and sagged against her. "I'm going to miss you both so much," she sniffed. "Home will not be the same without you."

Her brother looked uncomfortable with their mother's display of emotions, but was sensitive enough to pat her on her back for comfort.

Anya sniffed and chuckled, haphazardly wiping her tears away, before pulling completely from Hermione's hug. "You're going to make me proud, I'm sure of it," she declared with a shaky smile on her face. She glanced at Peter and lightly glared. "Yes, even you, Peter. So be sure to study diligently and stay away from pranking, all right?"

"I'm sure that's not going to happen," Hermione said with a teasing grin.

Peter rolled his eyes. "Hermione will be there with me, Mum. She'll do the nagging for you," he shot back.

Anya sighed and pinched his cheek. "Insolent boy," she replied tenderly.

She shooed them away when the train whistle filled the bustling train station. "I love you both," she exclaimed once both Hermione and Peter were on the train. As the train departed, they wildly waved their hands in goodbye until they weren't able to see Anya anymore.

"I'm going to find James and the others," Peter said for his goodbye. But then, he paused and reluctantly looked back at Hermione. "Well... if you want to come..."

"And spend my first time riding the Hogwarts train with a bunch of smelly boys?" Hermione said, cutting him off. She wrinkled her nose. "No thanks."

Peter rolled his eyes. "We're not smelly."

"Your laundry basket begs to differ, though."

He pinched her side with an incredulous smile. "Idiot," he said. He grasped the handle of his trunk and looked thoughtful for a moment. "If you ever need anything, Hermione. Anything. Don't hesitate to come to me for help, yeah?"

"I'll keep that in mind, Petey," she said with a brilliant smile.

He bid his goodbye and went away to search for his friends.

Now that Hermione was alone, she felt a tad nervous as she tried to search for an empty compartment. Unfamiliar faces greeted her eyes, and she was too uncomfortable to share a carriage ride with people she didn't know. Hermione was intent on finding an empty compartment and was only able to find one when she'd reached a compartment at the back of the train.

She pulled her trunk inside and sat on one of the benches.

For a moment, Hermione blinked into space, at a loss of what to do. It felt terribly surreal to be going back to Hogwarts – for the first time, so to speak. The last time she'd ridden the Hogwarts Express was when they left for summer after sixth year, entirely knowing it would be their last ride before they ventured out to search for the horcruxes. It still saddened Hermione that she wasn't able to attend their seventh year, to become a Head Girl, and to graduate at the top of her class. But then, at that time, thinking about grades and prestigious positions were silly when they had a bigger problem to address.

Now that she had a chance for a do-over, Hermione promised herself she would solely focus on studying. She wouldn't hang out with ridiculous boys with equally ridiculous thirsts for ridiculous adventures.

Resolute, she opened her trunk and pulled out her copy of Hogwarts: A History and started to quietly read.

Her moment of solitude was suddenly disturbed when her compartment door opened. Hermione lifted her blue eyes in surprise and was greeted with emerald eyes that haunted her dreams daily.

"Oh, hello," the girl with the fiery red hair greeted. "Terribly sorry for bothering you, but you see the other compartments are already full. I was hoping we can share this one with you?"

Hermione blinked her owlish eyes and glanced at the sullen boy hovering behind the girl. Although several years younger, her previous Potions professor's face was unmistakable. There were still dark shadows under his eyes, most likely from spending too much time brewing potions during ungodly hours, and his hair was still a tad greasy. The young Severus Snape narrowed his black eyes at her staring.

"Um... you're a first year, aren't you?" Lily Potter – no, Evans – said, prompting Hermione's eyes to land back on her. Lily's wide smile faltered when Hermione continued to merely stare. "It's... it's all right. We're second years, you see, but we're not going to bite."

Her smile became full blown once more at her joke, but Hermione still continued to stare. Seeing James Potter for the first time had been easier, because although he looked exactly like her Harry Potter, his eyes were hazel and he didn't act like Harry.

But Lily... Lily had Harry's eyes, and Harry's warmth, and Harry's humour, and it almost hurt Hermione's heart just looking at the young girl.

"Come on, Lily," Snape suddenly snapped. "I don't think this idiot wants us to be here."

"Sev!" Lily admonished with a light glare. "Don't be such a sourpuss. She's clearly terrified of us."

The redhead kindly smiled at Hermione again. "I'm sorry, we've really looked throughout the whole train but there are no more seats." Lily didn't wait for Hermione to talk and invited herself inside. She placed her trunk beside Hermione's and slid beside the brunette. "We're really not that terrifying, honestly. Although" – she jutted a thumb towards the frowning boy – "that bloke can be batty sometimes, but he's not that bad either."

Snape loudly sighed and went inside, closing the door behind him. He sat opposite the two girls and crossed his arms across his chest.

"Um..." Lily leaned over and looked at the book placed on Hermione's lap. "Oh! Hogwarts: A History!" She grinned once more. "I didn't know people still read that. You know what? I think I was the only one in my year who read that before coming to school. Honestly, I don't understand why they think it's such a bore to read. It's filled with fantastic facts about Hogwarts after all. I think I read it twice over the summer before school started."

"This is my third time reading it," Hermione suddenly blurted out.

Lily's eyes widened with her answer. Across from them, Severus snorted. "Ah, so she talks after all," he said with a bemused smirk.

The redhead sent him a reproachful glare but didn't humour him with a reply. Instead, she looked back at Hermione and grinned once more. "Your third time? Really? Wow, okay, hi I'm Lily Evans and I think we're going to get along swimmingly." She then offered her hand for a handshake.

Hermione reluctantly glanced at her proffered hand before grasping it lightly and giving it a slight shake. "Hermione Pettigrew," she murmured.

"Pettigrew?" Snape suddenly thundered. He made a face. "You're not related to Peter Pettigrew, are you?"

"Well, he's my older brother so—"

The Slytherin loudly groaned and frowned at Lily. "Of all the carriages you choose, you went and got a free one with that stupid Gryffindor's sister."

"And that rude boy is Severus Snape. Don't mind him, really, he's not that rude all the time." Lily gave him another scathing glare until Severus scowled and looked away.

Hermione nervously scratched her nose and briefly glanced at the sour Slytherin across from her. "Er, hi," she said.

Mentally, Hermione was smacking herself to get a grip. Although she practically knew these two people, they didn't know her. Both were just twelve-year-olds without the burden of a great war on their shoulders. Hermione just had to compose herself and start talking coherently; else, Severus's initial impression of her as an idiot might stick until Hermione reached her seventh year.

"I didn't know Peter Pettigrew has a sister," Lily quipped. "But now I can see the resemblance. You have the same shade of hair and the blue eyes."

Hermione had to bite her tongue to stop herself from blurting out that Lily had Harry Potter's eyes. 'Yes, okay, definitely an idiot, Hermione,' she told herself.

"I'm sure my brother was too busy wreaking havoc all over Hogwarts with his annoying friends, than to tell the whole school about me," the brunette answered.

Lily's eyes momentarily widened at her joke, then she burst out into a loud, lovely laugh. Even Snape looked highly amused at her words.

"Yes, okay, I think we are definitely going to get along swimmingly," Lily reiterated, the wide grin still on her face.

The rest of the carriage ride was less awkward and Hermione found herself easily communicating with Lily—if she didn't stare too long at her green eyes.

It amused her immensely how Harry's mother was a huge chatterbox. She never really knew much about Lily Potter, except that her love for Harry had saved him from Voldemort's Avada—and by extension, the whole Wizarding World. Both Sirius and Remus spoke about her with fondness and reverence, and so it disoriented Hermione a bit at how the girl never ran out of words to say. It was mighty amusing, though, and Hermione did believe she'd get along with her.

The young Severus Snape was just as sullen as his older counterpart. Although this boy was more annoyed most of the time, there wasn't any hint of grief or harshness in his eyes. She knew from Harry that he loved Lily Potter with his whole heart, willingly risking his life by becoming a double agent just to secretly protect her son, and it had admittedly painted him into a different light. Still, she couldn't entirely forgive him for bullying children. Neville's boggart was their Potions Master, for Merlin's sake. Although his intentions were perhaps noble, his attitude was still atrocious.

But this Slytherin was marginally better, lighter, even, and right now she could see the admiration in his black eyes when he would indulge Lily and listen to her endless chattering.

While Lily continued enumerating her adventurous summer with her cranky sister, Petunia, Hermione glanced down at her hands and was surprised they were clenched into tight fists. Lily was lovely and Severus wasn't all that bad right now, at least. Hermione wondered if she'd be able to look away when they finally met their end.

Such harrowing thoughts left her mind completely when their carriage door was suddenly slid open. Before any of the three could react, two dungbombs were suddenly thrown inside their carriage. A soft 'boom' was heard and smoke with the putrid smell of faeces filled their carriage. Hermione gagged, instantly pinching her nose to keep the smell away.

Raucous laughter from outside rang in their small compartment. The lovely Lily suddenly grew thunderous as she jumped off from her seat and magicked the smoke and smell away. Severus also stood up from his seat, equally enraged, and was now clutching his wand in his right hand.

"Good one, Jamesy-boy!"

Hermione's eyes narrowed when she spied the rowdy Gryffindors, her brother included.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Lily loudly shrieked, threateningly waving her wand. Hermione would have found it amusing how the four boys slightly cowered upon seeing Lily, but she too was too enraged with their stupid prank.

"Aww, Lils, come on, it was funny," James Potter insisted with his stupid, stupid lopsided grin.

"If you're the one who threw the stupid dungbombs, maybe," Hermione snarled from behind Lily.

The Gryffindor boys seemed to realise that it wasn't only Lily and Severus inside the compartment and looked at Hermione with wide eyes.

"Hermione!" Peter exclaimed, paling at the sight of his sister. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I was sitting here," Hermione shot back, cheeks reddening. "Talking with my friends. Then you suddenly ruined it with your ridiculous prank."

Lily seemed pleased with how Hermione addressed them. Even Severus quirked an eyebrow.

"You are friends with Snivellus?" Sirius asked with incredulity, scrunching his nose as if he could still smell the dungbombs.

Hermione lifted her chin and stared them down. "So what if I am?" she snapped. She never really found the fun of pranking someone just to get a laugh. Although she dearly loved the Weasley twins, their pranks sometimes bordered on atrociousness. Well, the spectacle they threw during her fifth year was a wonderful exception, of course. And oh how some of the joke items they'd invented had been incredibly helpful prior to their horcrux hunt.

But still. Ridiculous boys who thought they were a riot for pulling pranks to oblivious persons just for the fun of it were stupid and annoying.

James narrowed his eyes and turned to Peter. "Your sister's no fun," he complained.

Peter paled and threw a dark glare at Hermione. The brunette did not appreciate Peter's accusatory look and threw her own glare at him in return.

"Piss off, Potter," Severus then snarled, speaking for the first time.

"Shut up, Snape," Sirius harshly cried, pulling out his wand to point at the Slytherin.

Hermione held her breath when Severus also pointed his wand at the Gryffindor. Internally groaning, she cursed her brother for spending time with bullies when all she wanted was for this year to pass by smoothly. So much for wanting to study in peace.

"Quit it," Remus hissed under his breath, desperately clutching onto Sirius' hovering hand. "We're not even in Hogwarts yet but you're already trying to get us into detention."

Mercifully, Sirius lowered his wand. Snape still hadn't lowered his, but Lily stepped directly in front of his wand tip to stop him from throwing a hex despite Sirius' obvious retreat.

"Let's just go," Remus insisted. "We already threw the dungbombs and they're obviously annoyed. We had our fun."

Both James and Sirius still glowered at Snape. Then, the Black heir looked at Hermione and frowned. "You really shouldn't hang out with a snake like him, kitten," he admonished.

"My name is 'Hermione'!" she exclaimed.

James rolled his eyes and motioned for them to follow him, finally leaving the three alone.

Once Lily loudly slid the door shut, she rounded on the other two with blazing eyes. "Those... those berks!" she exclaimed. Her red hair almost crackled with energy and Hermione swore it looked aflame. "I really don't know why they're still picking on you, Sev."

"They're a bunch of idiots," he snarled, plopping down on his seat and crossing his arms petulantly. "What do you expect, Lily?"

The older witch glanced apologetically at Hermione. "I'm sorry," she said, reaching forward to squeeze her arm. "We're still on the train – and it's your first ride too – but you've been pulled into this ridiculous school rivalry between my best friend and those dolts."

Snape snorted, but didn't offer a response.

Hermione sighed and her fingers itched to rub the bridge of her nose. "It's all right," she said as she sat back down on the seats. "I grew up with a ridiculous brother for eleven years. I've had worse days."

Lily smiled prettily at Hermione, thoroughly relieved that she didn't blame them for her horrible first train ride. "I always wanted a brother," she confessed, sitting back down beside Hermione. "My sister's such a bummer – she's overbearing, seriously – so I thought a brother would have been nice, you know."

The brunette snorted. "You're lucky, that's what you are," was her reply.


She'd done this once, all right, but Hermione still couldn't stop her giddiness.

The boat ride was amazing, and she couldn't suppress her tears when Hogwarts finally came into view. Her last memory of Hogwarts was full of pain and grief, and she had been unable to watch as her home crumbled right before her eyes. She was glad at least that she was able to see it in its former glory once more.

Hermione stumbled out of the rickety boat and quickly trailed behind the towering form of Hagrid. She was stupidly grinning at his back as he called the first years into order, disbelieving that Hagrid looked the same the last time she had seen him.

Hagrid brought them into the castle and collective gasps of wonder from the other first years permeated the silent walls. The gatekeeper heartily laughed and bid them goodbye, before sauntering inside the Great Hall. Hermione was able to peak into the small slit of space separating them from the other older students, and she was able to briefly hear the loud merriment inside.

Her heart raced at the thought of attending Hogwarts again and she grinned at the boy standing beside her, equally mesmerised himself.

Professor McGonagall then approached the first years and told them the instructions on how to be Sorted. Hermione softly laughed when she heard sighs of relief from the students when they discovered that a Sorting Hat would place them into their respective houses. No doubt they had heard terrifying rumours about the Sorting from the older students, and had been most likely dreading it.

The Deputy Headmistress' speech was almost the same as the one the 'old' Hermione Granger had heard the first time she had come to Hogwarts. By the time McGonagall was finished, Hermione's eyes had widened beyond belief. The older witch commanded them to fall into a straight line before beckoning them to follow inside the Great Hall.

The merriment she'd heard became full blast when the first years finally came inside. Hermione's cheeks were flushed with excitement and embarrassment, aware how the older students were eyeing the first years with interest in their eyes. She caught Peter's wink when she passed by their table and she grinned, momentarily forgetting how he and his friends had been prats back on the Hogwarts Express.

The Sorting Hat sat on an old stool at the very front. McGonagall then pulled out a scroll from her robe pockets and started to call out the names of the students.

Hermione recognised some of the names being called out and tried to see their resemblance with their future children.

"Black, Regulus."

A hush fell in the Great Hall as a boy that looked exactly like Sirius strutted proudly towards the small stool. The only difference he had to Sirius maybe was that little smirk on his face that was strangely reminiscent of the bully Draco Malfoy.

Hermione briefly glanced at his older brother at the Gryffindor table and it was obvious that Sirius was more nervous for his brother's Sorting than Regulus himself.

Professor McGonagall then placed the Hat on top of Regulus' perfectly styled hair and not even a few seconds had passed when the Sorting Hat blurted a proud "SLYTHERIN!"

Sirius's loud wailing was left unheard amidst the boisterous clapping of the Slytherin House. There was unmistakable relief on the young boy's face as he slid down from the stool and proudly strolled towards his new house. It didn't escape Hermione's notice, however, how the little boy threw a hasty glance at the Gryffindor table, where Sirius was lamenting over his brother's Sorting, and saw the regret in his eyes. But it was soon gone, and the youngest Black was welcomed warmly by his new Housemates.

Hermione returned her attention to the Sorting and before she knew it, her name had been called.

"Pettigrew, Hermione!" Professor McGonagall sternly shouted.

Nerves racked her body as Hermione slowly approached the stool. Before Professor McGonagall lowered the Hat over her head, she was able to see Peter gesturing a thumb's up for good luck. Then, her vision was completely blocked as the brim of the oversized hat completely covered her eyes and perched on the bridge of her nose.

"Hmm... curious, very curious," the Hat whispered in her mind. "You are a tricky little girl now, Miss Pettigrew, aren't you?"

"What do you mean?" Hermione nervously asked.

"I see... I see proud ambition in your heart. Perhaps you'd be better suited in Slytherin?" it suggested, but then it started tutting and if Hermione could describe its actions, she'd reckon it was trying to shake its head. "No, no, Slytherin will not bring out the best in you. Hmm... I feel deep bravery and loyalty within you. A ferocious lion, I'm sure you will be. Perhaps Gryffindor?"

Hermione mentally sighed. "I'm not brave," she pointed out. "Not anymore, I don't think."

"And why do you say that?" the Sorting Hat asked, surprised.

"I – well – it's complicated," she tried to explain. "I ran away, you see. It's – just – no, no, I don't think I am brave anymore."

Hermione could feel her cheeks heating up in embarrassment, realising she had almost poured out her heart to an enchanted Hat.

"Hmm... but then I see such knowledge, so vast and deep, more so than other children your age," the Hat continued. "Maybe you are suited more in Ravenclaw after all."

"You did consider putting me to Ravenclaw before, you know," she thought with a small smile on her face.

"I beg your pardon?" the Hat asked, quite confused.

"Never mind that," she quickly added.

"Well, in that case, I think I will place you in – RAVENCLAW!"

The Sorting Hat was immediately removed from her head and Hermione's eyes took a few seconds to readjust with the sudden onslaught of bright lights. The Ravenclaws were clapping enthusiastically for their new housemate and Hermione, with a dazed grin on her face, jumped down from the stool and ran quickly towards her new House.

"Blimey, I think that was the longest Hatstall since, I dunno, forever!" a Ravenclaw girl, with brown hair and grey eyes exclaimed as Hermione sat down.

Hermione blushed. "What? Really? How long was it?" she asked. She had been a Hatstall in her previous life too, and she didn't expect to be one in this lifetime too.

"Hmm, maybe five or six minutes," the pretty girl said with a grin.

Hermione sheepishly smiled. "Well, the Hat did say I was a 'tricky little girl'," she said, and then laughed.

The other girl also laughed, then offered her hand. "Hi, I'm Dorothy Boot. First year, like you." She then pointed at the girl sitting beside her with silky, black hair and brown eyes. "That's Michelle Corner, also first year." The girl smiled and Hermione's eyes widened, finally seeing her resemblance with the future Michael Corner.

Dorothy then pointed at the last girl sitting beside Michelle. The girl had blonde hair and grey eyes, and she gave Hermione a toothy grin when she caught her looking. "And that's Alexandrea Goldstein."

The blonde snorted. "Please, Alex will do just fine," she quipped. "Only my mother uses my whole name, and she almost always uses it when she's pissed."

Hermione laughed and nodded. "All right," she said. "Hi, I'm Hermione Pettigrew."

Michelle leaned a little closer to Hermione and threw a quick glance over at the Gryffindor table. "You're not related to Peter Pettigrew, are you?" she asked, interest in her eyes.

"Unfortunately, he's my older brother," Hermione said with an overdramatic sigh. Dorothy grinned at her melodrama but didn't say anything. "Wait, you know my brother?"

Michelle nodded her head. "I have an older brother – he's in second year – and he's in Gryffindor, too. Said Peter Pettigrew and his other friends were bloody wicked," she gushed out, prompting Alex to snort beside her. "I heard their pranks were legendary."

Hermione wrinkled her nose. "More of a nuisance actually," she corrected. "My mother almost blew her top off when McGonagall sent her a letter about my brother's shenanigans last school year. I had to stop her from sending a Howler to Peter just to save him from further embarrassing himself."

"Really?" Alex asked, hiding a laugh. "Merlin, they sound more of a menace than anything else."

"I think you got that right," Hermione said, laughing herself.


October 25, 1972

"Seriously, Hermione. You're studying on a day like this?"

The brunette grinned and lifted her eyes off her parchment. Lily's green eyes were glistening with amusement as she sauntered closer to the library table which Hermione occupied and pulled out the chair beside her. She then deposited all of her things on top of the table and sat down. Severus, as usual, took the chair opposite Lily's and pulled out his other things to start working on his essay.

"Pot, kettle," she replied and went back to her Charms book.

Lily expelled a deep sigh. "You're still in your first year, Hermione," she explained. "You have to go around and make more friends, explore Hogwarts, and even discover secret places while you can."

"Funny," Severus said with a bemused frown on his face. "You did none of those things when you were a first year, Lily."

"Shut up, Sev, not helping," Lily said, playfully smacking his hand away.

Hermione snickered under her breath, prompting the Slytherin to glare her way. "I like studying, Lily," she explained. "There's plenty of time to make friends."

The Gryffindor frowned and finally dropped the subject.

As they started doing their own homework in peace, Hermione chanced a glance at the redhead beside her, then at the sullen boy across from her, and unwittingly smiled once again. After Hermione was settled in Hogwarts and had started going to her classes, Lily Evans had taken it upon herself to take Hermione under her wing. She insisted that she might need an older girl who would help her with her work or guide her with various things. Lily and Severus had usually studied with her since then, and Hermione would indulge the kind witch by asking various, silly questions, which she knew the answer to anyway. It was worth it upon seeing Lily's delighted face, but both the second years soon discovered that Hermione was a brilliant little thing and had started asking her about things they reckoned she would know the answer to.

Although Hermione had gained a few friends in her new House and year, she found herself spending most of her time with both Lily and Severus. They were wonderful company, and great study buddies too. It made her heart flutter at how Lily would always invite her over to study with her and the Slytherin.

It was a blessing she got Sorted into Ravenclaw, because at least she could steer clear from the rowdy Marauders and other important figures in the coming First Wizarding War, and not get herself too involved with their lives. But every time Lily looked at her with those bright bright bright green eyes of hers, inviting her over to study or to hang out with her and Severus, Hermione found herself unable to decline.

Sometimes, secretly, Hermione fancied herself into thinking that Harry Potter was the one inviting her to study or hang out with—with his bright bright bright green eyes and ridiculous smile.

"What are you studying?" Lily asked, glancing over at her Charms book. "Oh, the Levitation Charm?"

Hermione nodded her head. "Professor Flitwick said he'll teach it to us on Halloween so I'm doing some advanced reading," she explained.

The redhead hummed under her breath and once again glanced at the brunette's book. "Remember about proper pronunciation," she pointed out. "Most first years botched up their first try with this spell because they're not saying it properly. Honestly, most say it as Wingardium Le-vio-SA when in fact its—"

"—Le-vi-O-sa," Hermione finished with a grin, at the same time Lily did.

The Gryffindor's eyes widened when Hermione laughed. "I've read it countless times, Lily," she assured. "I'm sure I have the pronunciation embedded in my neurons."

Severus suddenly groaned, prompting Hermione to look over at him in question. "Great, a kindred swot," he grumbled under his breath. "One was enough, honestly."

Hermione sputtered out a laugh when the Slytherin was obviously trying to hide a smile. Lily then caught both of Hermione's hands and with bright, glittering eyes, she proclaimed, "We're going to be best friends forever, Hermione Pettigrew."

Her eyes widened at Lily's earnest declaration, before a large grin grew on her face. "I think that will be wonderful," she said, unable to glance away from Lily's green eyes.

"I think that will be a nightmare," Severus offered.

"Shut up, Severus, no one's talking to you," Lily snapped back.

Hermione laughed at the glare on the Slytherin's face, but Lily was undeterred.

Maybe her life in Hogwarts would be interesting after all.


February 10, 1973


The brunette skidded to a halt as she craned her neck over her shoulder, surprised to see her older brother running to catch up with her. "Peter?" she asked, suddenly worried. "What's wrong?" He never really went out of his way to seek her out. Not that Hermione minded, really. She was busy breezing through her first year, attending each class and attentively listening to her professors. She had been through these lessons before, of course, and admittedly she sometimes got bored with the basic lessons, but the normalcy of it all was refreshing and Hermione soaked it all up like bright, warm sunlight.

She waited until Peter had finally caught up with her and grabbed onto her elbow. "Where are you headed to?" he asked, ignoring her previous question.

"I was about to go to the Black Lake to do some light reading," she said, waving the huge tome in the air for her brother to see.

Peter's eyes almost popped out from their sockets. "You call that light reading?" he asked, incredulous. Upon seeing her eyebrow raise, he rolled his eyes. "Never mind. Don't answer that."

"What's wrong?" she repeated, this time with more urgency.

He blinked his blue eyes at her with an innocent smile on his face. "What? Do I need a decent reason to catch up with my sister?"

Hermione wrinkled her nose. "Now, something's definitely wrong," she pointed out.

Peter boisterously laughed and tugged her towards the Black Lake. They trudged through the Hogwarts grounds with Peter constantly asking her questions about how she was, how her classes were, was she coping brilliantly, and although Hermione knew it wasn't Peter's primary purpose for approaching her today, she indulged him with her honest answers.

By the time they had reached Hermione's favourite tree – a huge, towering oak with long enough branches to give her a cool shade – Peter turned to Hermione with a stern look in his eyes.

"Are you still hanging out with Snivel – Snape?" he asked, quickly correcting his mistake.

Hermione's eyebrows flew up to her hairline. "This is about Severus?" she asked in surprise, holding back a smile when he scowled at how she addressed the Slytherin.

"So you are still hanging out with him," he accused.

She shrugged her shoulders and daintily sat down on the dry grass beneath the huge tree. "So what if I am?" she bit back.

Peter groaned and fell on his knees in front of her. "Hermione, he's a Slytherin," he insisted as if it was reason enough.

"You still believe in that ridiculous House codswallop?" she asked, snorting in disbelief.

"He's slimy and he's a git," Peter continued with a glare. "He's mean and evil, Hermione."

"Oh, are we criticising each other's friends now?" she hotly asked. "Then, okay, your friends are pompous and annoying. They're bullies, for Merlin's sake, Peter. How can you step aside and watch while they reign terror over the other students?"

"They don't 'reign terror'," he vehemently defended with a frown on his face.

"And Severus isn't evil," she shot back.

Peter expelled a loud sigh and slumped forward. "Sirius and James – well, they were raised as proper Purebloods with stuffy traditions and all," he reasoned out. "And, I know they can be right arses and pompous gits, but they really do mean well, Hermione. And... and once you become friends with them, they will swear to have your back."

Her ire simmered down as she reached out and held his hand. "And Severus isn't evil, Peter," she said. "Sure, he's sullen all the time and he's not exactly sunshine and rainbows, but he's not all bad. He tries to help me with some of my Potions work and you know how he's a prodigy with it."

He gave her a pointed glance. "So it's safe to assume you're not going to listen to me?" he asked, a hint of a smile on his face despite his exasperated glance.

"Since when do I listen to you?" she asked with a snort.

Peter sighed once more and squeezed her hand. "James and Sirius with Snape – they're not really the best of mates, you know. Got off on the wrong foot even before they all got off the Hogwarts Express and were properly Sorted. So, the victim of most of their elaborate pranks is Snape. I just worry because you spend most of your time with him and you might get caught in the crossfire."

"That's very sweet of you, Peter, but don't you think it will be better if you just tell your friends to back the hell off?" Hermione asked with a smile.

He sheepishly grinned in return. "Sirius and James are mighty stubborn once they set their mind to it," he explained, his tone apologetic. "It will be hard to keep them from bothering Snape."

"You can stand up to your friends once in a while, you know," she offered. "Lily does it to Sev all the time when he's being a berk. Which is, mind you, always."

"Language," Peter admonished with a small smirk on his face.

"Lily's starting to rub off of me," she laughed. "But seriously, Petey, Sirius and James – you can't just put them on a pedestal and do whatever they say, follow them wherever they go."

His cheeks coloured and he looked away. "You – well – you don't understand, Hermione," he insisted, now with a stubborn pout on his face. "We grew up in our neighbourhood labelled as freaks by the other children. At least with my friends... I feel like I truly belong, you know?"

Hermione grew sombre with his words and thought about Lily and Severus. Their wholehearted acceptance almost blew Hermione away because she herself struggled with making friends. Harry and Ron didn't become her friends immediately, after all. It literally took a near-death experience for them to forge a colossal bond. But with Lily and Severus... the first time they had met her on the Hogwarts Express, Lily – and by default Severus - had already decided they wanted to make Hermione their friend. It was a lovely feeling to belong immediately, without trying to prove herself too much.

"I'm glad you feel that way, Petey," Hermione said, reaching forward to squeeze his arm. "Just... just don't do anything you think is stupid if they tell you to, yeah?"

She frowned when Peter coloured once more and was unable to look into Hermione's eyes. Silently, she observed her brother and noticed the dark bags under his eyes and how his skin had grown sallower since the last time she'd seen him. She tried to rack her brain for any memory of what had happened during the Marauder's second year.

"You look tired," she pointed out, narrowing her eyes suspiciously when he paled.

"Second year is hard," he pointed out a little too quickly. "Not everybody is blessed with your brains, Hermione."

And then, it clicked.

During their second year, the Marauders discovered that Remus Lupin was a werewolf. If Hermione's deductions were correct, they were already trying to come up with the difficult plan of learning how to become Animagi.

Hermione smiled and shook her head. Although they were frightful bullies, she thought it was lovely how they were willing to do everything just to make Remus feel he wasn't alone.

"Just be careful, Peter, okay?" she asked, squeezing his arm once again. "Maybe this time I won't be able to stop Mum from sending you a Howler if she discovered you did something stupid again."

He threw her a lazy grin and shrugged his shoulders. "I'll try my best, but really, Hermione, no promises," he said.

This made her laugh, in spite of herself. "Berk," she murmured under her breath.

"Language!" he laughingly exclaimed.


A/N: Next chapter will be Hermione's second year already. I've only decided to write a chapter about her first year because honestly, it's pretty uneventful and I don't really plan for anything big to happen this year.

So, I've finally introduced Lily and Severus! The latter was easier to write because he's basically one of the main characters in the series. Lily, on the other hand, is like James. I based her characterisation on how Slughorn described her ("vivacious") and how she was popular among her peers. I think being a chatterbox really suits her well hahaha. Also, one of my dealbreakers for James/Hermione fanfics is Lily bashing (unless this plot device is used properly and her attitude was explained). I can't wrap my head around an 'evil, bitchy Lily' because her love basically saved the whole Wizarding World by sacrificing herself selflessly for her son. I think it's just a bit OOC but oh well, to each his own hahaha. So if you expect this fic will be unkind to Lily, then I'm sorry for bursting your bubble :( I'm sure there are a lot of fanfics out there that has Lily bashing.

P.S. Follow me on tumblr! (kimmy-writes)

Czytaj Dalej

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