The Moonlit Series

By GalacticTRex

107K 3.7K 507

Book One: Lord Nerd (Logan Anderson) Book Two: So This Is Why We Kissed (Shelby Anderson) Book 2.5: What You... More

Lord Nerd
Chapter One: Happy Birthday Nerd
Chapter Two: Run for the Hills
Chapter Three: What Did You Say?
Chapter Four: Rogue Conversation
Chapter Five: She is What?
Chapter Six: Running with the Wolves
Chapter Seven: Shuffling Papers
Chapter Eight: A Cheesy Smile
Chapter Nine: Dinner at My Place
Chapter Ten: Elvis Has Left the Building
Chapter Eleven: A Walk in the Park
Chapter Twelve: What Happened in the Hallway
Chapter Thirteen: The Thing About Friends
Chapter Fourteen: With the Help of King Henry VIII
Chapter Fifteen: The Forest
Chapter Sixteen: Sugar
Chapter Seventeen: My Milkshake
Chapter Eighteen: I'm Yelling "Timber!"
Chapter Nineteen: Facts Can't Always Help You
Chapter Twenty: Daric + Red Star = Running
Chapter Twenty-One: Charging into Battle
Chapter Twenty-Two: When Your Feet Take Control
Chapter Twenty-Three: Like Archimedes and the Bathtub
Ad: What's Next?
Chapter Twenty-Four: How to Get Out of the Closet
Chapter Twenty-Five: Black and White
Chapter Twenty-Six: It's an Alpha/Beta Conversation & I Gamma Do Whatever I Want
Bonus Chapter: Amanda's POV
FUN FACTS!!!! (4)
So This Is Why We Kissed
One: Shelby
Two: Carter
Three: Shelby
Four: Carter
Five: Shelby
Six: Carter
Seven: Shelby
Eight: Carter
Nine: Shelby
Ten: Carter+
Eleven: Shelby
Twelve: Carter
Thirteen: Shelby+
Fourteen: Carter
Fifteen: Shelby
Fun Facts!!! (2)
what you don't see
C H A P T E R | O N E
C H A P T E R | T W O
C H A P T E R | T H R E E
C H A P T E R | F O U R
C H A P T E R | F I V E
Dare You To Love Me
Prologue: The Wedding
Chpt. 1: Pine Needles and Lavender
Chpt. 2: Punched. Again.
Chpt. 3: Save It for the Morning After
Chpt. 4: Remember What Happened
Chpt. 5: What Do You Think?
Chpt. 6: Patrol With the Most
Chpt. 7: I Got Your Solution Right Here
Chpt. 8: Ask Logan
Chpt. 9: Together
Chpt. 10: Sun Kissed Jealousy
Chpt. 11: Mi Casa es Su Casa
Chpt. 12: Dinner for Two
Chpt. 13: Journal Like a Pro
Chpt. 14: Bubble Baths Aren't Always Romantic
Chpt. 15: This is Dizzying
Chpt. 16: Everything Will Be Okay
FUN FACTS!!!! (1)

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Pack Meet Luna Luna Meet Pack

3.3K 104 11
By GalacticTRex

A/N: Comment on anything for any reason, good, bad, random!

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~


After the battle, it took a few days for everything to cool down. Everyone is still on high alert of course—there is no way this is over yet. However, it isn't as bad as the days immediately following that night. Everyone was jumping at shadows, few people left the house more than necessary, and mates stayed glued together—Amanda and I included.

By Thursday, our pack once again felt stable enough for me to bring something up with Dad, Amanda meeting the pack. It would include an introduction with some words being said followed by a party so the pack can meet their future Luna.

We planned to do it today, Saturday. Mom wasn't our biggest fan when she heard that she would be putting this together in two days. With the help of some of the other pack members, they were able to get everything ready. All they have to do now it put up the finishing touches to the back yard of the pack house—where everything will be held. It is only morning, and we planned to hold the introduction at 3:00, so there is still plenty of time.

I meet Amanda down stairs and heated some toaster strudels up for us. We then went into the living room and turned on Zoey 101.

"I haven't seen this show in forever." I sigh.

Amanda smiles and shrugs. "I watch it every once in a while. It's pretty good."

I chuckle. "Yeah, it is. What makes it better is that there is not a laugh track."

"Oh, I hate those. They always laugh at the dumb stuff."

I laugh. "You seem really bent out of shape about that."

Amanda pours. "I am. It messes up funny shows by making them annoying."

"Ah, don't be sad." I peck her lips.

Amanda rolls her eyes and turns back to the TV.

"You are coming with us!" Shelby announces a little while later.

She walks in with three girls from school (and the pack) and Mikena.

"Who's going with you and why?" I raise a brow at her.

"Amanda of course!" She tells me like I'm dumb. "We need to get her a dress for this afternoon."

"I was just going to wear a dress I already have." Amanda tries to explain.

"Come on!" Willow, one of Shelby's friends, grabs her wrist and pulls her up. "We only have five hours to buy a dress and get you ready!"

"Then why are we rushing?" Amanda asks.

Shelby and Willow scuff.

"I don't really get it either." Johanna (Anna), another of the girls Shelby brought along, whispers to Amanda.

Willow gasps. "Ann! You said you understood my ways!"

Anna laughs. "I do, just not this."

"Guys, times ticking!" Becca, Shelby's third friend, whines. "And we were all going to get a new dress. We barely have enough time as it is!"

"Then let's go girls!" Shelby announces.

Amanda turns to me with a pleading face. I know my sister, and because of that, I know I will not be able to get Amanda out of this.

"Hey, I'll go with you guys." I stand and walk to stand by Amanda.

"Nope big brother." Mikena says from her perch on Shelby's hip. "Girls' day."

My jaw drops, and I look to Shelby. She just laughs at me and begins to ushers everyone out.

"Don't worry Logan." Anna says to be before she leave. "I'll be miserable with Amanda."


It is 2:48, and I still have yet to see my mate since she was taken away to go shopping. They came back an hour or so ago, but they went to the pack house. Shelby sent me a text that they took over an empty room and would be getting ready there.

I just finished getting ready here and was about to make my way to the pack house for my mate and the ceremony. We didn't have dress formally. Most people still dress nicely for these type of things. Even still, it isn't that much. Actually, I am most likely over dressed. I am in navy dress pants with a light pink button-up. I put on a navy bow tie with a sailboat print and a slim forest green blazer. However, I am wearing white high top Converse to try and make it a little more casual.

I run a hand through my hair as I opened the front door to the pack house. A few people were rushing outside to the backyard where I should be heading with my mate. I huff as I enter a hallway with bedrooms.

"Oof!" I run into Anna.

"I'm sorry!" I exclaim. "I wasn't looking where I was going."

"You're fine." She laughs. "I was day dreaming really."

"I was looking for Amanda. . ."

"Oh, of course you were! They're in the last room on the left." She looks behind her. "But you didn't hear it from me." she whispers with a smile.

I give her a wink. "I haven't seen you since this morning."

I walk down the hallway and start to inhale the scent of rain and indescribable flowers. Amanda. When I am one door away, Willow and Becca leave the room. They are laughing, but when they see me, they sober up pretty quickly.

"Hey, Logan." Willow swallows. "Amanda is-"

"-in there, and I'm going to see my mate." I state walking around them and to the door.

I open the door to be greeted by Mikena running at me.

"Hey Logi!" She beams.

She begins to giggle as I lift her up and place her on my hip. "Hey Squirt. Do you know if Amanda is in here?"

"Logan?" I hear Amanda call. She soon runs out of the bathroom, Shelby chasing after her with a can of hair spray.

"Hey! I wasn't done!" Shelby shouts.

"You put enough in my hair! I'll be fine." Amanda scolds before turning to me. "It's great to see you. It means I'm done with her pampering. Ble!"

It's then that I notice what Amanda is dressed in. They seem to have over dressed her a bit. At least we will be slightly over dressed together. She is clad in a blush colored dress with long sleeves and a skater skirt ending just past half way down her thigh. There is a little black tool hanging out from the bottom of the skirt. A black strip runs around the skirt a few inches from the bottom. Lastly, the dress has a black belt with a bow. She has on thin black tights and black Mary Jane heels with a bow on the strap. Her hair is done in two waterfall braids that I guess meet in the back. Finally, her make up is light, just enough to bring out her natural beauty.

I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." Amanda and Shelby say together.

I glare at Shelby. "Shouldn't you be outside by now?"

Shelby smiles sheepishly as she takes Mikena from me and walks out.

I peck her lips. "Ready for this."

Amanda takes a deep breath. "I guess so."

I hold my elbow out so she can wrap her arm in mine. "Shall we My Lady?"

She takes my arm with a smile. "We shall My Lord."

We laugh as we exit the room and to the backyard, ready to introduce Amanda to the pack. We wait off to the side of the porch as Dad says his preamble.

Once he finishes, the pack claps as we step in front of them.

"Hello Silver Moon Pack members." I greet the large body of people watching me. "You know, it's funny to think that just a few short months ago, I thought there would have been no why I would but up here today. There are two reasons for that. The first being that I thought you all would rather me not be the next Alpha. The second being that I never thought I would have the pleasure of my mate actually accepting me, the biggest nerd you will ever find. The fact is that teen age years suck, and they really do a number on your brain." A few people laugh at my attempt at humor. Thanks, I guess.

"Now that that is out of the way, I would like to introduce you to my amazing mate. She was the one to help me out of my foremention problem. She helped show me that giving up is never an option and that, if you opened your eyes, the world tends to not be against you. It is generally just you stopping yourself. I suggest some of you lot to listen to that wisdom. So, please, give a warm welcome to your future Luna, my mate, Amanda Matthews."

They cheer and clap as Amanda steps to the center of the porch.

She clears her throat. "Um, hi guys. I wasn't exactly blessed with the ability to just speak in public. I tend to just spit out words." A few chuckles wafted through the crowd. "So, I prepared a five minute speech. Which is clearly too long. But, it's good to be over prepared." She extends her hands out and looks down at her dress. "Or over dressed if you're Shelby. Thank you for the outfit Shelby and the gang." Shelby shows her a thumbs up and again the crowd chuckles. It warms my heart, and I beam with pride as I look at her. Though they have yet to really meet her, they have already warmed up to her.

"So, onto the high lights of my speech. First, I would like to make it known that I am a halfie and have not actually been a part of a pack. I was going to elaborate on that, but I don't want to take to long, so you can just ask me about that later. I don't know all the ins and outs of being in a pack let along helping to run it. But, I have a study packet and a final test coming up soon in my Luna 101 class, so you have nothing to worry about. I will be prepared. One thing I do know is that the Luna is like a motherly figure." She turns to me. "Right?" I nod, and she turns back to the pack. "So, if you have a problem that you don't want to trouble Luna Gwen with, please feel free to come and talk to me.

"Now, I am excited to get to meet you all." She finishes, and I can't help but wrap an arm around her and plant a kiss on her temple.

I pack cheers and claps as we step down.

"You did an awesome job." I whisper to her.

"Why thank you." She grins at me.

"Of course." I peck her lips. "Now, let's go mingle so everyone can get to know you. And, I do mean the both of us. I'm not leaving your side when you look so adorable and beautiful. There are too many unmated males here."

Amanda chuckles. "So I see your possessiveness is finally coming out all the way."


The party went on until around 8:00. Along time, I know, but the whole pack doesn't tend to get all together often—there is no shortage of many small gatherings. The only reason it ended then was because half of the parents had to get their younger children to bed.

When we got home, Amanda and I retired to my bedroom to watch a movie. We finished one, and started another. Curled to my side, Amanda sighs and closes her eyes. I am hesitant to wrap my arms tighter around her.

"It's getting late, and you're about to fall asleep." I whisper as I brush my hand over her hair. "Do you want me to take you to your room?"

Amanda's only response is a sigh as she snuggles further against my side. I can't stop the smile that appears on my lips. I lay back and bring the covers over us.

I don't know why I was afraid of the mate bond. It didn't make me fall in love with this gorgeous person in my arms. I would have fallen for her without it. I would have fallen in love with her magical smile, her wonderful eyes, her magnificent lips, her perfect size, her amazing intelligence, her unshakable confidence, her indubitable faith in me. It just makes the whole thing impossibly better with its pull, sparks, and tingles.

Above all, I know that to be with the person you love doesn't mean you have to change for them. It means that they change you for the better. The person you have wished to be before you met them. The you you thought couldn't exist.

I tighten my arms around her, my mate, my Amanda. I kiss the top of her head. "I love you." I whisper.

Amanda tightens her hold on my waist. "I love you." She mumbles back into my chest.

With that, I close my eyes and fall into the most blissful sleep of my life.

-~-The End, Finem, het Einde, Крај, Конец, End, la Fin, y Diwedd, son, Slutet, el Fin, koniec, Sfârșitul, o Fim, Koniec, The End, Fine, an Deireadh, The End, Το τέλος, Das Ende, O Fin-~-

(A/N: I used Google Translate for those, so don't be shocked if some are wrong.)


A/N: Oh my gosh! That's the end! Okay, so there is one more chapter in Amanda's POV, but it's private. Why not? It's my story.

Any advice, complains, or questions? Leave them here! I promise I will read them and answer questions or explain and clear up confusion.

Vote if you like the chapter, story, or if you want to be Albert the Confused Manatee.

~Pip Pip Da Doodly Doo~

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