Jeweled dolls of Durin

Galing kay lunawolf8074

34.8K 1K 247

Bofur meets a young dwarf girl who will not only change his life but the line of Durin permanently ..for good... Higit pa

prelude or authors note
trouble with dwarflings [G]
aprentice / only time [ pg]
the ring [pg]
love { pg-13}
Healing of the heart [ mature]
wedding [mature]
Broken promises (pg)
quest and discoveries [ pg ]
trolls and rivendell [pg ]
goblins [ pg-13]
beorn / spiders [pg-13]
elves/barrel [pg-13]
lake-town [pg-13]
dreams and pleas [mature]
Death comes this way
my love is strong (mature content/language)
Is there honor within you
of orcs and thieves
The battle within
To war!
Battle at Ravenhill
when bofur ran
the price of arrogance
Tears of goodbye
Back to the beginning
New Generation
Old & New Friends
Home is where the heart is
Coming home

revelations and beginnings [pg]

1.9K 51 3
Galing kay lunawolf8074

Tia and master Grieg traveled along the road towards ered luin stopping only when necessary ..very little spoken between them so her mind was able to think about all that had transpired during her departure and the past. Remembering the times she spent with bofur, her family, bofurs workshop, the song he sung in her ear before she left, the packet of letters her father gave to her to open each day while on the road, bofurs eyes with tears in them... Bofur? why was all her thoughts keep turning back to him and why was she still smelling his scent as if he was standing right there? Her heart ached for some reason and as she reached up to touch it she felt the rose pendent that he had carved for her and the scent got stronger. Of course the rose would hold his smell .. the pipe weed he smoked and the warm smell of wood being carved ..that was his smell that made her feel safe and comforted her all these years. She knew thru the upcoming years whenever her heart would ache she would just hold the rose to her nose and the smell of him would ease her pain .

Master grieg came up beside her while she was lost in thought " Are you ok my seem to be thinking hard on something" his eyes showed a hint of worry that maybe he was making her an apprentice too soon for one so young. he knew he had to leave to go to another city to apply his trade and he didnt know how long he would be gone..he couldnt leave her to become someone elses he decided to start it earlier than planned.

"im ok master..was just thinking about my family and friends." she shook her head to clear her thoughts of back home. "master why ered luin and why did we have to leave so soon if i may ask" she queried of him hoping he wouldnt take insult and answer.

" first lesson my young protege... every master at some point must go to a new city to apply his trade for awhile so as to better the clan and reputation. i got a letter from an old friend who says there is a need for a master jeweler in a remote city and to help a clan of dwarves who live in exhile from thier home." he saw the question of how this had happened in her eyes. " long ago in erebor under the lonely mountain lived a king whos home was taken from him by a fire drake from the north and drove his people into exile . it is in ered luin that they have settled now and we are on our way to help them to rebuild our clan." he saw her eyes widen at his words..then she relized he said our clan and her eyes snapped to his . he started to chuckle at her expression" yes .. my part of this clan too." this gave her more to think about on thier journey " any way lass didnt i see some letters from family that could be read?" she suddenly rememberd the letters and he softly laughed at her sudden excitement. she pulled out the letters and saw on the front of one DAY 1.

My dearest daughter,

im writing to you hoping you are not too sad over our seperation from each other. know that as you travel we all miss you and love you very much but we know you are about to have a fantastic adventure that is waiting to be lived. that is why what im about to tell you leaves me with a heavy heart to say this..especially in a letter when i couldnt say it to your face. your father isnt as brave as he wished on this subject, so i hope in time you will forgive me for what im about to say as you journey to ered liun. I have never told you this...but you are not of my and tohlm are adopted. Your brother knows but I forbade him to tell you till I felt you were old enough."

Tia rode in shock at the words on the doesn't make sense she thought. She read those words again..adopted..tohlm knew and never once told her. She folded the letter back up without reading the rest on the page..she couldn't handle anymore right now. First she had to leave family( could they even be called family after this) and friends ( more like one friend..Bofur)journey to a unknown place with a unknown master ..and now to find out she not part of a family she thought she was. Tears started to cloud her vision and her body doubled over as if someone had punched her. Master Grieg heard a sob behind him and when he gazed back he saw his protege doubled over in her saddle. He stopped his mount quickly.

" Tia ..are you hurt..what happened?" All she could do was shake her head and cry . When he suddenly grabbed her to check her over for wounds or anything she started to scream in rage.

" Bastard! Why!..why didn't he tell me this..why did it have to be a letter!" Grieg looked worried at seeing her like this. Upon hearing mention of letter he demanded to see it.." as your master I demand to see it ..anything that concerns with my apprentice is my business. So hand it over now" the stern look on his face brooked no argument from her and as she sat there seething over what she read he scanned the letter. His expression upon reading it was all it took to calm her anger down..his face became red and his eyes shown with fury." How dare he do this. I swear here and now ..He's no father to you! " his voice rose in volume till it boomed thru the forest scaring birds in its wake. After a few moments of breathing he finally calmed down enough and saw Tias arms wrapped around her waist and tears falling unhindered down her cheeks. Last of his anger evaporated at the sight and he gathered the young girl into his arms as she sobbed all her grief and sorrow into his shoulder . " will be ok lass...don't you cry anymore. Think on this..were starting a new life now. No need to look back anymore." He tried to give her strength with his words but as he started his mount forward he barely heard her say one word " Bofur" a whisper torn from her heart. He took her reins to help guide her mount with his towards their new home. As evening approached he found the inn they would stay at for the evening and got them room and meal.

It was the middle of night, master grieg was snoring ..very loudly..and tia found she couldn't sleep thru it so her mind replayed the words from the letter over again. Suddenly she remembered there was more written down..maybe he would explain why he did it. She quietly went over to her pack , retrieved the letter and went over to the window to read by the light of the moon so as not to disturb her master.

" I know you probly will not forgive me but I hope you will (never she thought) in time. If you want to know the truth then open the letter labeled DAY 2" tia moved over to her pack and pulled out the letters sifting till she found the second one and taking a deep breath she began reading.

"It was 20 years ago , Durins Day, when I found you and tohlm. I was traveling back home to the blue mountains from gondamon in Ered Luin where I had just lost my beloved wife Adi and child to childbirthing complications. I wanted to return home to where I could mourn with my family over my loss of someone who was my one love and I didn't want to wait till after Durins day. I was walking thru the forest near duillond when I heard a womans scream and a child cry out mama. As I ran towards the screaming I heard the roar of goblins and the clashing of metal..I knew whoever she was she was fighting for her and her childs life so I hurried to her. That's when I saw her..a tall dwarven woman who was heavy with child standing over a boy fighting the goblins with a sword ,that were circling her. She was already wounded greatly and yet she kept fighting. I rushed to her side and fought off the goblins, but it was already too late..the goblin she was battling stabbed her thru and she fell dying before me. I killed him before he could finish her or the boy off and when I turned to her she grabbed my hand and begged me to save her baby. I had to cut you out of her to save you and as she laid there dying she made me promise to watch over you both and protect you. She asked me to take this ring ,that I have enclosed in this letter, and find her family to bring you both to them. " Tia looked in the envelope that the letter was in and found a silver ring with a dwarven rune upon it . Tia went back to reading the letter. "Instead I took both you and the boy to a healer ,truely meaning to take you both to find your family, but he was too wounded and was in need of a healer desperately which was in Duillond near the shire. I took you both there and showed the ring to the healer..he didn't know anything about one seemed to. So I decided to take you both home with me to the blue mountains. My family thought you were my daughter since she died in childbirth and Tohlm was my son that I never told them about. I took the easy road and let them believe this and I raised you both as my own from then on. Tia ..having you both in my life gave me a reason to keep going keep living. While I may have saved you both from the orcs saved me and showed me how to face each day with a smile. Thank you." Suddenly the words started to blur before her and when she touched her cheeks they were wet from tears that she didn't realize were falling.

"No...thank you. " she looked up towards the moon as she spoke softly out loud " I don't know when I will be able to forgive but someday I will." After a moment of collecting herself she looked back at the letter and read the rest of it.

"Well since you are heading into Ered Luin again I figure maybe you can find out who this ring belong to and maybe you would be able to do what I was unable to do..find your family. All I could find out was no one in Duillond knew anything of this ring or the family..maybe in Gondamon or Noglond you will find the answers. Goodluck and may Mahal watch over you"

With all my love,


That night Tias dreams were invaded by goblins chasing her and a little boy who would not stop screaming. She woke up to screams in her room and burning hands on her shoulders shaking her violently. She tried to fight the goblins off but they wouldn't stop shaking her and screaming her name. Tia realized it was not goblins shaking her but her master and the screams were hers. After realizing this she stopped screaming and just collapsed into Griegs arms crying. Eventually she fell back asleep ...but the goblins came again for her. This time she was fighting with a sword trying to hold them off when suddenly she slipped and lost her sword. As she saw the sword coming down to kill her she closed her eyes waiting for the blow..but there was only the sound of metal on metal. She opened her eyes and saw a ax blocking the sword from reaching her. She tried to see her savior but the sunlight was shining in her eyes and all she saw was his sillouette. In an instant he dispatched the goblin by removing its head from its body and as he stood there strong and proud . the man turned around holding out his hand to help her up and a familiar scent tantalized her was the smell of pipe weed and wood. "My Tia rose ..I'm and forever." She placed her hand in his and suddenly she felt his arms wrapping around her..a sense of calm washing over her and she knew as long as she was here she would be safe. She felt his hand on the back of her head stroking her hair tenderly as he held her close breathing in his scent that was his alone and before she could stop it a single name slipped from her lips on a sigh..Bofur. his name was like a talisman..chasing away the nightmares from her dreams and wrapping her up in a cacoon of warmth and safety. While tia slept and dreamed she brought the doll, Bofur had givin her as a child ,closer to her face smelling the scent of home and its creator.

It took master Grieg and her several weeks before the fortress of Ringdale came into view and as she sat upon her pony she breathed out a nervous sigh. Beyond those walls was her destination to her new home and possible answers to questions she had of her past.

" well Tia we are almost there." Grieg said while turning in his saddle to look at her as the ponies made thier way towards some very tall gates gaurded by some fierce looking dwarves.

"Master.. i never asked you but what city are we heading to?" She gazed at the gates and dwarves as they got closer.

" were heading to Gondalond. Its thru these gates then over the low lands and then we will be there. Im thinking we can stay here for the night and then in the morning we will make the final part of our journey." there was excitement in his eyes at the prospect of getting to see his friend and finally getting on with setting up his craft again. they finally reached the gate and the dwarves stepped out to stop them from passing.

" what brings you here master dwarf?" one of them said gruffly.

" I am master Grieg from the blue mountains and this is my apprentice Tia..we have business in Gondalond ." Grieg said briskly to the guard. the guard nodded his head once at them .

" that be fine master but i cant let you pass.. it is getting to late and there be goblins who come out at night. you can stay here in the barracks then in the morn we will give you a escort for along the way." his tone brooked no argument from either of them.

" thank you sir. it would be most appreciated." the two guards held the riegns as Tia and Grieg dismounted and another dwarf stepped out of the shadows to guide them inside. That night they ate a meager meal and went to bed early. Tia didnt fall asleep as quickly as her master did so her mind went back to thinking about some of the things along the road. She read the letters but didnt tell her master what they said or about the ring that her father had givin to her. she figured there was a reason why he kept it secret so until she found out more about it then so would she. the following evening saw them both finally at thier destination. Master Grieg knocked on the door and this ederly dwarf threw the door open , grabbing Griegs shoulders and knocking heads with each other in greeting and laughter. It was a good night full of talk and laughter mixed with lots of food and ale..except for Tia, as she was too young for such drink.


Bofur wandered the halls in the evenings unable to sleep most nights. Evertime he tried to sleep he saw only her face and it awakened his pain again. "So this is what it feels like when you find your men andr torak (my other soul)." he thought..." a sense of emptiness every day.. not feeling whole joy ...just endless days . Since she left i dont even feel the joy i would get making a toys anymore.. " Bofurs brother Bomber and cousin Bifur noticed that he wasnt himself anymore. You never saw Bofur without a smile..always laughing over something with his pipe in hand or over a tank of ale. Now he doesnt laugh was like he was dying and they couldnt figure out the why. He used to always play his clarinet or sing but now dust was collecting on it and not a single tune could be heard. they asked him what was up but all he ever did was sigh and say im fine. Finally one day his mother,Beryl ,who had been watching him for awhile ,had enough. She had her husband ,Rahfur, go and bring bofur to her for dinner that night.

Bofur had just made it to his quarters when there was a knock at his door and when he opened it there stood his father.

"Son , your mother wants to see come on its almost dinner time" his expression didn't leave any room for argument so bofur put his hat on and walked beside him back to the family dwelling. As soon as they entered the room he saw his mother standing there looking stern as she ever.

"Sit down mister. Were having a talk" bofur was about to open his mouth to say something, but her tone stopped him right there." There is something wrong and your going to talk."

"I'm f-" he tried to say but she cut him off.

"I didn't stay in labor for hours screaming and sweating or sitting up worrying about if you were warm enough,getting enough to eat, working my fingers to the bone everyday just to hear just fine outta you. You havnt been eating enough ,you mope around, your brother says you dont sing or play music anymore.So start talking ..what's going on." The look on her face said it all..she wasn't going to let it go till he told her the truth.

"Son ..I would give in to her..I've learned happy wife= happy home and I'm not about to let that happen me boy." Bofur saw he wasn't going to win so he finally confessed.

"I've found andr torak." His mother started to smile but she saw there was more." Well...and" she said. "She just got an apprenticeship and..I had to let her go." His face showed his grief and misery then.

"Well..does she know how you feel..have you told her you love her?" When she saw him shake his head she threw up her hands in exasperation." Of all things! How is a girl supposed to know if you don't say something..seriously..don't be a idiot. Go tell her finally."

"I can't. She's left for Ered Liun to be with her master." Bofur sat there staring at his hands clasped before him when suddenly his mothers hands covered his.

"Tell me son... do you love her more than anything." His fathers voiced the question knowing the answer already.

"Yes." With that one word Bofur suddenly knew what he had to do. He got up quickly from the table , shutting the door on his mothers protest and left to go pack. The answer was there the whole time..he knew he couldn't keep going on this way barely living. When a dwarf finds his one and only then he is forever bound to other woman existed for him. Without her he was just an empty shell. Tia was his everything, his light, laughter, his music , his everything..and he wasn't going to just exist anymore. If she couldn't be there with him then he would have to go there to her. As he packed everything he could think he would need there was another knock on his door.

"Bofur..its me Tohlm..can I talk to you please?" Bofur walked over to the door opening it and went back to packing.

"Whats on your mind laddie" as tohlm walked in looking around.

"I was wondering if maybe you would become my master and apprentice me? I decided I want you for my master if you would have me." Bofur started shaking his head before he was done.

"Can't ..I'm leaving in the morn for Ered Liun. I don't know how I will make a living to support me much less another at this wouldn't be right to yah. Sorry ..but I can't" bofur put his hand on the boys shoulder to give some comfort at his refusal.

"I can help..and I'll do whatever it takes..just take me with you. Father will pay you to teach me...please Bofur..if your going let me come to. " tohlm reached into a pocket and pulled out a jeweled brooche." I offer this also to help pay for what we need..just please. I need to be with my sister too. I know that's why your going." He tried to stand tall and more like an adult with confidence that he was going. Bofur looked at the boy and saw a young man before him and he knew he couldn't argue with him.

"Fine if your father agrees and only then ,but know I'm not going to be a easy master to live with and I'm a hard task it?" Tohlm nodded his head. " good..then I'll be by to see your father in a moment"

"Yes sir. I'll make sure you won't regret it." With that he ran out the door to tell his father the news. Bofur sighed and sank on his bed and mahal ..I'm in trouble already.

Sighing he stood up and went to see Ognir about his son. 2 days later saw Bofur, his new apprentice Tohlm, his brother Bombur and cousin Bifur making their way to Ered Luin. His brother Bombur and cousin Bofur were along to help him get situated and established so he could court Tia properly when the time came. Tohlms father was happy that his son was excepted as a toymakers apprentice ...but was a little sad that he too was leaving too. He was going to be alone again..maybe forever if they never forgive him for what he done.

Tohlm was so excited about getting to go on an adventure with a good friend and master that he barely felt able to keep it down but mostly he was going to see his sister again. After she left father told him what he had done , writing the letter instead of telling her to her face. Tohlm was furious at first but after two months he finally calmed down..whats done is done..can't change it back, but he really needed to see her face to make sure she was ok. He knew they were adopted but father swore him to secrecy so she wouldn't feel different or be teased over it. Tohlm was so deep in thought he didn't hear Bofur hang back to walk with him until he spoke.

"What gotcha brains going laddie? You look like something hanging heavy on your mind?" He smiled at his student.

"Well ..sir.." suddenly he didn't know if he should tell him about his and tias secret or not. Tohlm knew he loved her but what if she cared not for him..she wouldn't appreciate everyone knowing , besides they weren't alone right now." I'm just thinking of Tia and how she's getting along. I'm also wondering why you didn't want me to sell my jewel..I could of helped with this trip better sir" Bofur started to laugh.

"Tohlm your my don't worry about these things. Thats my job now. Yours is to learn all you can and maybe one day you will your own apprentice to worry about, but until then leave it to me. Got it"

He laughed " yes sir..I mean master Bofur" Bofur shook his head and went back to riding in silence..thinking about Tia. Would she be doing well, did she miss him, or had she forgotten him.

It took some days to finally reach Ringdale gates, that were being guarded by a pair of hardy looking dwarves sporting shields and axes, and there was a sigh of relief that their journey was coming to an end soon.

One of the dwarves walked over and held the riegns of Bofurs pony so he could talk to them." whats your business and your destination sir?"

"We are heading for Gondamon. Is the roads clear for travel tonight.? We wish to make the city this evening."

The guard looked thoughtful for a moment before answering. " Aye.. they be cleared for now but be warned there are goblins that roam at night in the woods an such. So if yah plan on making it before its too dark then might want to hurry..or you can stay here for the evening and leave out in morn." he suggested.Bofur looked over at the others to see what they thought\..they all nodded thier heads at him.

'"We will keep going ..its still early. Thanks for the advice..we will hurry on." with that they moved on heading for the city and a new adventure.

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