Briar Rose - Taekook

XxghostinxX tarafından

612K 38.6K 18.9K

❝But why am I here?❞ -JJK ❝Because the Master wants you to be❞ ❝But why?❞- JJK ❝Because you're his soulmate... Daha Fazla

Main Characters
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 {M}
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
Epilogue 3

Chapter 4

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XxghostinxX tarafından

Omg guys more than a 100 reads already?? TYSM!!! :)

IV: Jungkook 

When I was eight years old, my parents and I had taken a tour of Buckingham Palace. With all of its towering pillars and exquisite paintings, I remember thinking that it was the largest and most lavishly built thing in the world.

In the human world, it probably was.

But it was nothing compared to Armad Castle.

The castle itself was massive, with beautiful stained glass windows reflecting in the bright moonlight from outside. Many obsidian statues lined the hallways, and their eyes seemed to follow me as we walked. Almost everything was in some shade of black. Black marble pillars, high domed ceilings, even the paintings had black backgrounds.

"What's up with all this black?" I asked Jimin, who was leading the way through the numerous twisting hallways.

"Huh?" He looked around, as if he hadn't really thought of it. "Well, I suppose it's because vampires are naturally weak to light. Staring at pastel and light colors can make us dizzy if we look at them for too long."

"So the rumors are true?"

Jimin looked at me quizzically. "What rumors?"

"That if you guys go out into the sunlight, you automatically burst into flames?"

Jimin grimaced. "Uh no. We start to feel a bit weak, yes, but we're not going to die simply because we stood outside during the daytime. Though of course, many vampires still prefer the night. Daylight is too harsh for us to do any meaningful work."

"Work?" I repeated. "What work?" Jimin was about to reply, when Baekhyun cleared his throat loudly from the back. "If you two wouldn't mind, we're getting closer to the throne room, and I don't exactly think the King should be disturbed with all your talking. And Jimin, I would be more careful at telling humans our secrets, if I were you."

Jimin rolled his eyes. "He's not just any human, Baekhyun. We can trust him." Baekhyun shook his head. "No, you can trust him. I still have my doubts about this one." He stared at me through narrowed eyes. I frowned, and looked away.

Jimin leaned in closer to me and whispered, "Sorry about Baekhyun. He's more prickly than a hedgehog at the moment, but he's not usually this bad-tempered. He's actually pretty nice once you get to know him."

"You would be prickly too, if you've been doing this job for more than 300 years," Baekhyun retorted, overhearing. "Honestly Jimin! I would have at least expected you to understand." He shook his head in mock sadness.

"300 years?" My eyes grew wide. "Exactly how old are you two?"

Jimin started counting on his fingers. "I think that I'm about 350 years old. And Baekie here is even older than that!" My head spun. "You guys don't know your exact age?"

Jimin shrugged. "Well, when you live almost indefinitely, the years start blurring after the first 100. I can always check the records to find out my real age, so I don't really think about it too much. Besides," he flicked an invisible speck of lint off his immaculate tunic. "What good would it do to be constantly obsessing on how old you are?"

"You guys live forever?" I almost couldn't believe my ears. 

"Well not forever, strictly speaking. It's just that we haven't found any vampire to die of old age yet. All the deaths are either from battle wounds or unfortunate circumstances."

"Unfortunate circumstances." I echoed. Something told me that it would be smart to avoid that topic entirely.

While I was busy trying to think of another conversation starter, we stopped in front of a pair of large gold double set doors at the end of the hall, and my eyes grew wide. It was probably one of the most intricately carved doors I had ever seen, with graphic designs depicting the Sirius Clan's victories and captured enemies of war. Golden blood dripped from wounds of their rivals, while they were on their knees, pleading for mercy. The whole door seemed to tell a story of an epic battle, starting in the upper right hand corner, and working its way down to the bottom. In the middle was a large lion head knocker, fangs open in a ferocious growl.

It was beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

Jimin took a deep breath, and moved his hand to grip the ring protruding from the mouth of the brass lion knocker. But before he could even touch it, a gruff voice rang out, amplified because of the enormity of the hall.

"Okay, okay, get your filthy hands off me, vampire. I can open and close as I please, you know. I don't need you to help me." With a start, I realized that the knocker was speaking, shaking his golden mane as he growled.

I screamed and fell backwards, landing squarely on my butt. It was a pretty undignified way to fall, but I couldn't care less. Seriously, was nothing normal in the vampire world?

"And there he goes," Baekhyun muttered, reaching a hand out to help me up. "Every single time we introduce someone to Cassius, it's always the same reaction. Scream, fall backwards, then scream again."

"T-the lion! He talked!" I gasped. Baekhyun stared at me as if I had lost my mind. "How very observant of you," he said dryly. "No one has ever pointed that out before." I scowled at him. "But who's Cassius?"

"Why, me of course." The lion's golden eyes gleamed, and I gulped. "A newcomer I see? Well, Cassius Brontarius at your service, sir! But what's this?" His nose sniffed the air keenly, and his eyes widened almost comically. "A human?" He turned to stare at Jimin. "Sir Park, you brought a human into our midst? How could you be so naive? Quick, get him out! Out I say! Out!"

Jimin stifled a sigh, rubbing his temples tiredly. "Calm down Cassius. He's allowed to be here. Taehyung's orders." He stared at the lion, annoyance snapping through his eyes. "And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Jimin, not Sir Park? It makes me feel old."

"You are old," Baekhyun muttered under his breath, earning a death stare from Jimin.

Cassius still glared at me through narrowed eyes. "Well, I'm sorry to say, but I still don't trust you, human. Let one of your species get in here, and soon the rest will be gathering at the castle gates in their masses!"

I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by Baekhyun's tense voice. "Yes, well that's all very nice, but if you would excuse us, we need to get into the throne room. Important matters await us."

Cassius shook his massive head, the knocker in his mouth jingling. "Sorry, no can do. Taehyung specifically told me not to let anyone in. He's in a beastly mood, he is." Jimin's expression soured. "More trouble at the eastern border?"

"Yes," Cassius sighed. "Those Shadow Valley fools have no idea when to give up. We're holding off pretty well for now, but they're gathering more troops as we speak. The King himself went to inspect the boundaries today. And judging from his expression, he didn't like what he saw."

Who's Taehyung? I wanted to ask, but everyone looked so serious and grave, that I felt like I shouldn't interrupt. Even Jimin's normally lighthearted silver eyes were flickering with tension.

"If this continues, there's going to be a full-fledged war," Baekhyun commented, eyes ever so subtly glancing in my direction. "Shadow Valley was never the type to give up so easily."

"Well, let's hope that it never comes to that," Jimin's mellow voice added. "But right now, we have much more important matters to discuss."

Turning back to the lion, his voice hardened. "Cassius, please let us in. I'm sure that Taehyung wouldn't mind this interruption. It's something he has been waiting more than 300 years for after all." His words held a meaning that I couldn't understand, but it seemed that everyone else in the hall did.

Cassius drew in a sharp breath. "You mean..." he gaped shamelessly at me. "He's the one?" Jimin nodded. "B-but he's human!" The lion gasped. "How could he be the one we've been looking for all along?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "All we know is that he is, no matter how impossible it may seem."

"Wait a moment," I said desperately, cutting off their conversation. "None of you have explained what exactly I'm here for! If I play such a big role in whatever you're talking about, surely I have the right to know what in the world is happening?"

Jimin smiled at me, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Patience, Jungkook. That's why we've brought you here. All your questions will be answered as soon as we walk through this door."

"Then what are we waiting for?" I asked, striding up to the door and pressing a hand against it. "Let's go in!"

"Ah, wait!" Jimin cried. "We still need permission." He looked at Cassius pointedly, and the lion sighed. "Very well. If he is the one, then who am I to stop you? Go right in. But don't blame me if the King kicks you out as soon as you set foot in the throne room."

"We won't," Baekhyun said, tone mirroring the impatience I was feeling. "Come on," he took my hand and stepped in front of the door. When neither of them made a move to open it, I started to reach for the handle.

Suddenly, the door swung open from the inside as if by magic, my fingertips just brushing the golden handles. I jumped back in alarm, and Baekhyun looked at me with amusement.

"There's nothing to be afraid of," he said, in an almost kind tone of voice. "Let's go in."

Timidly stepping in, I scanned my surroundings. At first, all I could see was gathering darkness. It felt like I was blind, and I opened my mouth to ask if Jimin or Baekhyun could see anything.

As quickly as it had appeared, the darkness flashed away in the blink of an eye, and I was left in the most magnificent throne room I had ever seen.

Just like all the other rooms, it was decorated in all shades of black imaginable, with towering obsidian walls trimmed with gold. Dark tiles clicked beneath my feet as I craned my neck to get a better look at the impressive carvings decorating the sky-high dome. But looking down, I almost squeaked in terror.

One side of the hall we were standing in was broken away, its jagged edges making sure that anyone who fell would plummet to their death. I expected to see solid ground beneath the broken edge, but all I could see was nothingness. No ground, no nothing. There was only an inky black void, which swirled and hissed, as if made of smoke. If I fell down there, there would be no one to help me out. I wasn't sure if I could even die by falling, since there was no ground to land on. Then again, I didn't like the thought of falling through the dark void for all of eternity. I shivered and looked away.

Staring ahead, I was met with an even scarier sight than the never-ending blackness, which had me clutching onto Jimin's arm for comfort.

A vampire.

Not just any vampire, but the King of vampires.

And he was staring right at me.

His eyes were darker than the void itself, contrasting effectively with his pearly white fangs. Wavy dark brown hair fell over his forehead, which even I would admit looked deadly attractive on him. He looked about 20 years old, and was wearing a long black robe tied loosely with a gold silk sash, a sharp-looking silver dagger gleaming by his side. Sitting on the throne, he seemed to radiate power and dominance, pitch black eyes boring into mine. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't look away. It was almost as if he was commanding me to keep my eyes trained on just him.

"Stop staring," Baekhyun hissed from my right, effectively bringing me out of my daze. "It's seen as a sign of insolence." Shaking my head a few times to clear the image of those eyes, I looked down.

"Taehyung," Jimin said, stepping forward and bowing. "We bring good news." The man on the throne turned to look at him, an almost pleased expression on his face. He nodded. "Yes, Jimin, I can see that. Thank you." His gaze raked across mine and I felt a shiver go up my spine from those void-like eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook, is that right?" His voice was deep and pleasing to hear, which I wasn't expecting. I was straight up shaking like a leaf, and Jimin looked at me with sympathy in his eyes. "Y-yes, sir. I am." My voice came out squeaky, and I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

Taehyung chuckled, a rich, low laugh, which had me relaxing slightly. If I had made him laugh, then surely I wouldn't be killed... right? But Baekhyun's expression said otherwise.

"Very well. Thank you Jimin, Baekhyun, for bringing him here. But now, I would like to talk to him alone for awhile. So if you two could please show yourselves out..."

"Of course," Baekhyun said quickly, flashing me a look that said Good luck. I felt my heart thump in my chest. If Baekhyun was wishing me luck, I didn't know if I was going to come out alive.

Jimin nodded, and walked out of the throne room with Baekhyun, smiling at me as he went by. No! I wanted to cry. Don't leave me alone with him! But before I could voice my fears, the two rippled and vanished in the middle of the hall, almost as if passing through an invisible barrier. I stared after them helplessly.

"So," I heard the deep commanding voice of the King. Turning my attention back to the man sitting on the throne, I was met with unmoving black orbs staring into mine. "Let us talk."

What the throne room looks like:

Also what Cassius looks like:

Until next time! - xghostin'x

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