Love For A Spider | Sanders S...

By HarperIsGonee

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There are not just humans in the world. Humans and.. the others. The others are many different creatures of a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Halloween Special
Chapter Twenty-One
Christmas Special
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Six

886 50 17
By HarperIsGonee

Virgil swore it was going insane. Anytime it was away from Patton, it wouldn't be able to think of anything but him. Not a good thing in school.

Virgil was about to flip it's desk and run out of the room to where Patton is.

It can't just straight up ask him, "Hey can I like, bite you so you'd be mine forever?" That isn't how humans work.

Humans need to build up trust, they don't have an animal in them telling them this and that. So Patton has to fall in love with it before it can do anything.

But how? How can it get a human to love a creature?

It hasn't heard of many humans falling in love with a creature. Not any, actually..

Ugh, why must it's spider part choose a human boy?

The bell finally rang, and Virgil shot up, being the first out of the door. It tried find Patton's scent, which was easier than expected. It's like its mind is obsessed with the boy!


Ok, maybe it is.

But that isn't important right now! It has to get to Patton. Virgil followed the smell of cookies and lavender. Weird combination, but it's a nice scent.

Virgil eventually found Patton walking alone. He was looking around, as if he was looking for someone.

Virgil hissed at the thought of Patton wanting to find someone other than it, but Patton eventually saw it, and smiled the warmest smile ever.

Holy fuck, he's adorable.

Patton ran up to it, "Hey Virgil! I was just looking for you. We should head to our next class." Patton grabbed its hand, dragging it along.

Virgil blushed a red, stumbling until it was able to keep up. It felt so.. right to be holding his hand. Virgil swore it isn't that obsessed with the guy.

It expected Patton to let go of it's hand when they arrived in class, but he didn't. It was last period, so all four of them had class together. Roman was talking to the teacher with the biggest grin, Logan reading a book.

Patton let go of it's hand when he sat at his desk, Virgil sitting in its, in front of Patton. Logan looked up, but quickly looked down when they looked at the spider. Virgil was confused, but didn't think to much of it.

Roman skipped back to his seat, "Ah, you're both here!" he tried to smile normally, but he couldn't stop grinning. He sat behind Logan.

Patton smiled, "Yep! What were you talking about with the teacher?" he asked. Roman shrugged, Logan pushing their face into the book to avoid looking at them.

Roman obviously told Logan, Roman always tells Logan everything. Patton was more curious than ever, but before he could press it further, the teacher clapped his hands.

"Quite!" he grumbled. The teacher was an older man with pale skin, black with gray bits in his hair and a beard. He's always so tired, if the bags under his eyes had anything to say.

"We are going to be learning something a little different." The teacher, whose name is Mr. Scott, turned to the big screen, tapping it twice and a picture came on.

The creatures in the room all perked up, a few humans too. It had 'Creatures Instinct' written on the first page.

Virgil felt one of it spider legs twitch, feeling the need to climb and web stuff. Mostly climb. This was its instincts, right?

Mr. Scott looked back at the class, "We are going to learn about different types of creature instincts. First we'll start with the tiger."

Everyone was seemingly more interested in how most tiger creatures act. Mr. Scott went on to a few other creatures before he moved on to spider creatures.

Virgil felt eyes on it.

"The spider creature," Mr. Scott began, "They are slowly becoming rare to find, the only one we have in out town is Virgil." Mr. Scott motioned to it.

"Spider creature can be multiple types of spiders. They always have more than two eyes, spider legs, the ability to create webs, and fangs. Some fangs have venom in it."

"They normally feel the need to climb and web things, normally. They can be as dangerous as any other creature, or human."

"Spiders are also one of the few creatures that feel the need to have a mate when their spider part feels a bond with someone."

Virgil perked up at that, curious about this part.

Mr. Scott sighed, "When they find someone that they want as a mate, they'll feel protective over them. They'll want to always hold them, be around them, things like that."

"They would want to bite them, marking them. If the other wishes to be mark, they'll let them, otherwise what I'm about to tell you doesn't work."

"When a spider bites the other, they'll send a certain type of venom, not one that is poisonous, but one that will have a few affects on the other."

"The other will then start to feel the need to always be by the spider, wanting to be taken care of by them, and will feel incredibly upset if not around them. When spiders are away, they normally would leave something of their to their new mate so the other won't be as upset."

"It will affects the spider too. The spider will feel even more protective, the bite from the other telling other creatures who they belong to. If a spider is gone from their mate for too long, they'll do what most creatures do who needs mates and go crazy. They might lash out at everyone, get depressed, not able to sleep, basically just a bunch of mood swings."

"That's all for now on spider creatures. Now, we'll talk about frog creatures." Mr. Scott moved on to the next creature.

Virgil blinked. Woah, that's alot to take in. So when- IF Virgil marks Patton, it'll affect the boy?

Virgil looked back to see Patton staring right at it. He immediately looked away when Virgil looked at him.

Virgil turned back around. It looked at Mr. Scott. Then a question came to mind that made it shudder.

What if the creature is rejected by the person they want to have as a mate..?

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