Sugar. Why not?

By SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... More

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Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart

Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting

272 15 5
By SarahCraik5

Patrick's POV

A letter to testify against Nadia. A way for me to ensure that she gets put away for a long time. Fuck yes!

A way to ensure she can never get near Sofia again. Or anyone for that matter. Double fuck yes!

For the first time in two weeks my face breaks into a smile. A crazed psychopathic smile. I can finally make her pay for hurting the most important person in my life. Okay so she may not be in my life anymore psychically but she will always be the most important person to me.

I also know that this court date and all of the accusations will eventually make any of the contracts she's signed null and void. She can't own the company with a criminal record.

Therefore very soon, no one will. It's irrelevant to me of course. I don't care who owns the company next. Okay, I care a little bit. I want Jack to be okay. I want all of the employees to have better management and the thought that this can now happen has a little bit of joy sliding through the dark cloud above my head.

It evaporates as quickly as it appears, eaten up by other thoughts. If I have this letter then so does Sofia. She's going to have to face Nadia all over again.

It's not fucking fair!

Maybe I could be enough to prove that Nadia is guilty? Maybe they won't ask Sofia to take the stand.

Except that outcome is inevitable. She will have to do it. She will have to once again feel pain because of Nadia.

We're apart so that she's safe yet it seems I can't protect her from everything like I very much want to.

"Shit!" I yell and tug on my hair with my free hand. What can I do? How can I stop this??

Even as I ask myself these questions I know that I can't. I can't save her from this.

There's something else too.

We're both going to court. We're going to be in the same room.

My heart immediately flies at the thought, my breathing becoming sharp.

God I want to see her. Once again that's selfish but this time there's nothing I can do. We both need to testify to ensure Nadia gets put away.

I'll keep my distance. I'll try to make it as painless as possible. I'm sure she's still angry at me and I don't blame her. I pushed her away.

Sofia's PoV

~Three Weeks After Leaving- Court Date~

I may be a full grown woman but that doesn't mean that I don't need moral support. Which is why as I travel back to Chicago, my Mom sits next to me.

She told me that I didn't have to do this. That I could let the court know it was too hard for me but how could I not go? The only thing that I have left right now is putting that bitch in jail for a long time. She deserves it and I don't want her to hurt anyone else in the future.

Dressed in the only partially formal dress I have with matching baby pink pumps, I feel as though it's some kind of armour. It makes me look more confident than I feel. My insides churn as time ticks on, brining me closer to the city I left. Closer to a certain person that I never thought I'd get to see again.

My fists clench as my hands rest on my thighs and I look out of the train window. The lack of pain shooting up my arm reminds me of how I've healed.

My ribs only twinge now and then while my wrist is basically back to normal. Any bruising on my face and stomach is barely visible and I feel a lot stronger all round. Well not so much on the emotional side.

Inside my head is a whole other story with one person in the spotlight.


If I think about him too long I cry. Which always happens because I'm never able to remove him from my thoughts.

I've tried really hard not to think about the fact that he's going to be here today. Well I assume he's going to be. What would I prefer? Not seeing him? Honestly I'm not sure what would be more beneficial.

For some reason I think I'd be disappointed if he didn't show up for this. She's hurt him just as must as she's hurt me so a no show would really tear me apart.

I just hope that I can get through this trial without bursting into tears. It's not going to be easy especially when I'll have to look at Nadia's no doubt smug face. Maybe she's less smug now I guess? Maybe not.

For the rest of the train journey my Mom tries to encourage me to eat. Only I simply can't stomach any food. I feel sick already and when I stand as the train arrives at the station, my legs wobble.

I can do this!

I have to!

"You okay?" She asks as we become engulfed by the crowds of other people exiting the train.

"I won't lie and say yes but I will be" I confess as she puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

One foot in front of the other. That's all I can do. In fact that's all I can tell myself over and over as we hail a cab to take us to the court.

I don't say a word as I get inside the far too hot interior. The cab driver asks where we need to go and my Mom has to answer. Becoming mute is not what I need right now.

A bead of sweat forms on my forehead and trickles down the side of my face. Is it actually hot or am I just nervous?

Pressing my head against the cold window, I close my eyes. Just breath. All you gotta do is tell your story. Let the world know how much of a horrible person she is and it'll all be okay.

You have done nothing wrong. She can't hurt you anymore!

My Mom nudges me gently and my eyes wrench open.

If I thought I was somehow keeping myself under control, well I was lying to myself because the cab journey is too short. The grandeur of the court building comes into view and I want to throw up.

As the vehicle stops, I try to pull myself together. It doesn't really work.

My hand reaches for the door handle to help me escape out of this hot box only it freezes as my eyes latch onto something that distracts me.

The sight doesn't just distract me, it has my breathing stop and my blood pumping in my ears.

The man that has been filling my every waking thought and my dreams gets out of his car across the street. 

He stops for a moment to frown at his phone and it gives me a chance to devour every ounce of him. He's dressed in a crisp navy suit, his hair unruly and his beard is full. With a shake of his head he crosses the road and passes in front of our cab. He looks so confident, completely unfazed by the reason he's here.

Completely unfazed by the end of our relationship too by the looks of it.

My eyes automatically form a glare as he begins to walk up the steps to the large entryway doors. I'm about to get out of the car just to curse at his nonchalance but then he stops his ascent.

In a few quick movements he's leaning a hand against the wall by the door. He bows his head as if he's going to be sick. Now it's me who's frowning and wondering what just happened to him. Is he really going to be sick?

His hand runs down his face before he loosens the tie around his neck.

"Sofia? We're here" I hear my Mom inform me as if she thinks I'm completely unaware of my surroundings. I don't blame her. I'm as still as a statue, staring out the window.

I must look a little mad.

My attention never leaves Patrick's rigid form as he stands back up straight and runs both hands through his hair. He takes a deep breath before shoving his hands in his pockets.

I guess I was wrong. He is very much struggling. Why do I want to take away that struggle so much? After he pushed me away? After he gave us up?

I don't know what to do, I'm trapped gazing at him like a love sick fool. I should be angry. Yet the only emotion I feel is crushing need. Need to be with him. To be next to the person that my soul has chosen as it's other half.

I miss him so fucking much. Yet we won't ever be together. How unfair is that?!

My eyes don't leave him until he disappears through the front doors of the building. Immediately I want to see him again.

Which I think is the only reason I'm finally able to exit the cab.

My Mom follows suit and I can tell she's staring at me as we cross the road. She's probably wondering how my mood changed so quick. I guess it's hard to focus on the terrifying events to come when I'm so clearly still in love and obsessed.

I can't afford to be love sick right now though.

Which is why I try my best not search for him when we enter the court foyer. It's a ridiculous thing for me to try and achieve because I'm naturally drawn to him.

My eyes snap to his nervous looking form as he sits on one of the plush benches outside the actual court room.

There's lots of people milling around but I don't notice any of them.

Really I should be going over the exact words that I need to say. I should be recalling all of the shit Nadia put me through so I don't miss a thing but my mind is foggy because of this man.

"Now I get why you pretty much ran here. You knew he'd be here though right?" My Mom asks softly as if she's worried I'll have a breakdown or start yelling.

"Yes I assumed he would be. He's just as much a part of this as I am. In fact probably more so. He's the one she really wanted to hurt" I explain, blinking back a sudden wave of sadness. I hate that this is where thing are now. That we aren't fighting this together.

He vowed to keep me safe and this is his way of doing so. Or maybe he just wanted a fresh start without me?

Snapping my gaze away from him with a lot of difficulty, I focus on why I'm actually here. It's going to be tough to sit on the sidelines and listen to someone trying to defend Nadia. It's going to be more difficult hearing her lie through her teeth.

"Come on, you gotta sign in" my Mom prompts, tugging me in the direction of a booth with perplex glass on the front. The man that sits behind it looks pissed at the world and his serious expression makes me nervous.

He asks mundane typical questions and I answer as if I'm on autopilot. All the while my head whirls with far too much information. Far too many thoughts.

I'm not sure that I can comprehend how important my role in today is. If I think about it too much then I'll go insane.

The fact of the matter is, most of the charges that are being held against Nadia today are crimes she committed...against me. Blackmail, kidnap, assault. One count of blackmail against Patrick is also on that list. Which pisses me off because she should also be getting charged with stealing a whole fucking company! Oh and in general harassing Patrick for months!

My fists ball at my sides as I become angry at the things she did to him and not me. My Mom is talking again but I can't take it in this time.

My breathing is far too deep, my body far too rigid. My eyes scan the area around me once I'm done signing in, trying to grasp at something that will make me feel better.

Naturally there's only one thing I want to see. So of course I end up staring back at Patrick who is now standing a few metres away, his gaze looking right back at me.


With his eyes firmly taking me in, his face is a mixture of shock and pain. Exactly how I'm feeling. How crazy is it that not so long ago we were closer than ever and now it feels like we're strangers.

Still his warm struggled gaze is familiar and the world falls away around me. He opens his mouth as if he's going to say something and I'm desperate to hear it. What will he say? Am I ready to hear his voice? My body tenses as if preparing to take every word in.

"Court is in order!" Is the next thing that fills my ears and disappointment leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. My head snaps to the formally dressed man that the words came from and I want curse him out for ruining Patrick and I's possible moment.

Quickly I glance back at Patrick but he's now focused on the man too.

Now all I can do is wonder what he was going to say. Was it nice? Mean? Completely heart wrenching?

As people start to file into the court room, Patrick included, I realise that it's very possibly I'll never know what he was going to say. Or ever have him speak to me directly ever again.

And that...that kills me.

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