Genie and Me (Tom Hiddleston...

Da Poly007

1.7K 40 43

*Sorry, I can't leave my sweet Bobby out of mind and story. So, changing my plot a li'l bit* Samantha came... Altro

Genie and Me... (A Tom Hiddleston Fan Fiction)
Walk all over me! (Hugh Jackman)
The not so significant other (Robert Downey Jr)
The unimaginable (Tom)
Limited Edition! (Tom)
And who might you be? (Tom, Hugh Jackman and Robert Downey Jr.)
Thief in the Fridge (Tom Hiddleston and Robert Downey Jr.)
The Past Story (Tom and Robert)
My Wishes? (Tom Hiddleston)
Genie Goes on Field Trip (Tom & Robert)

Magic and other issues (Tom)

146 3 1
Da Poly007

The day light flooded her room from the windows. She slightly moved, turning on her side. Her body ached, a frown flashed on her face instantly. She slowly slid up in sitting position. She could feel an unknown burden over her chest making it uneasy for her to feel the early morning bliss. She rubbed off the remaining sleep from her eyes and yawned but her yawn got caught in her throat when she recalled the last night events. Her eyes shot wide when she recalled that last night she brought a genie with her, she quickly got off from the bed and rushed out of her room. But the moment she got out of her room she tripped and fell on her face.

“Oww!” She grunted but her eyes swelled when she realized that she tripped over a guy, who slept peacefully on the floor. She slowly sat up while having her eyes fixed on the sleeping form of the guy. She looked closely as the guy looked uncomfortable sleeping on the cold floor; he groaned and hugged himself while burying his knees deep in his stomach. She felt bad for the guy. Why was he sleeping on the floor anyways? She thought. Suddenly she saw the guy moving, he slowly opened his eyes. At first he smiled widely to see her face but then suddenly he quickly got up, sitting upright on his spot, looking petrified to see her.

“I’m sorry, master!” He rubbed his eyes while looking totally embarrassed, “I dozed off, I’m so sorry! I wasn’t supposed to sleep.” He spoke in quickly got up and stretched his back, making a bone cracking sound.

"Why weren’t you supposed to sleep?" She asked him as he stretched his back, making cracking sounds. Poor chap, slept on the floor the entire night.

"You never told me to..." He again cracked his neck, making another sound. My eyes swelled to hear him. She instantly turned to face him while he was about to crack his knuckles.

"What do you mean I never told you to?" What was he supposed to mean? She thought.

"I don't go to sleep or do anything unless you tell me to, your floor is... Ahh, hard!" He complained stretching his back one more time.

"Its floor, it is supposed to be hard! And why did you sleep here? You could have taken the couch..." She was feeling bad for him already.

"No, I told you I cannot sleep until you tell me to. I tried to stay awake but I think I..." Before he could further explain, she cut him off.

“You mean you need my permission to even sleep?” she looked at him totally shocked to hear such statement.

“Yes!” He looked better now that he had popped every single bone in his body.

“Ok?! Can we change the rules a bit here?”

“Like…?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Like… you can go sleep when you feel sleepy without asking for any permission.” She smiled and crossed her arms on her chest.

“Are you saying that I can sleep whenever I feel like?” He confusedly looked at her, not believing a word out of her mouth.

“Yes?! Why is that so hard to believe?” Samantha brought out the coffee beans. “You want coffee?” She casually asked him but to her surprise her offer surprised him even more.

“You asking me for coffee?” He sounded even more confused.

“Yeah?! You don’t like coffee?” She forwarded a mug of coffee to Genie but raised an eyebrow when the guy just looked at it with disbelief. He took the mug with both hands still disbelief flashing over his expressions.

“Wow?! Thanks. I guess you are not like my other masters.” He took a sip of the coffee and his eyes swelled with ecstasy to taste it.

“Why? What were they like?” Sam just got out of the kitchen with her coffee.

“They were… different.” Genie just followed, being totally lost in the coffee.

“Different?! How?” Sam again asked while sitting herself on sofa.

“You really want to know?” He pounded on the coffee table with his eyes fixed on his coffee mug, making Sam roll eyes.

“Yeah, why not? Where’s today’s newspaper?” Sam said with her hands shuffling the newspaper’s heap on the coffee table.

“You want newspaper?”

“Mhm… yeah!?” She spoke as she kept tossing and flipping the newspapers to find the newspaper.

Genie just smiled to himself and snapped his fingers and within seconds the coffee table was heaped-up with dozens of newspaper, making Samantha flinch back in shock.

“Wha… What did you do? How did you…” Sam just jumped back in shock to see her table full of newspapers.

“You said you wanted newspapers.” He smiled sincerely at her.

Samantha looked at him surprised and then at the table full of newspapers. For a moment she had forgotten that he had magical powers. She rubbed her face in frustration and groaned, making Genie get confused by her behavior.

“Did I do something wrong?” He asked while raising an eyebrow, making her look at him.

“Umm… no… actually, I don’t read Spanish and Bulgarian… oh and here, Chinese?” She showed him the newspapers while pointing out the newspapers sarcastically.

“I can make you read them?” with that he was about to snap his finger but Sam just held his hand, stopping him from doing another foolish magic.

“No. Don’t. Umm, Listen…”

“Genie!” he completed her sentences.

“Yes, listen, Genie. Last night, before I bumped into you, I lost my job. Actually I didn’t lose it but I just left that job. So, I was thinking maybe you could give me some time alone? Like some alone time to think what I can do to keep my life running?”

Genie opened his mouth to say something….

“No, not magic!”

He stood looking at her, blinking his big blue eyes at her while she sat on sofa. She bit her nails while Genie just stood there and looked at her with all the innocence one can have. Minutes passed, Samantha still sat there holding her head in her hands while Genie meanwhile played with the hem of his night suit.

“Okay, I have nothing. My life is over, practically. I’m married to a gay; I dated a scum, lost my job. Nothing can get worse than this…”

Before she could continue her rant about her misery, the door bell rang making Genie jump in fear.

“What was that?” He quickly asked. His widened and fearful face expression made Sam chuckle.

“That’s door bell.” She walked towards the door and he followed her, still walked an inch behind her. Finally his fear ended when she opened the door.

“Milo, where were you?”

Genie looked at Sam as she got down bending her knees to match the level of the kid that was standing on the door holding a newspaper.

“My cycle broke. I’m sorry I’m late, here’s your newspaper.”

“Aww! Thank you so much, Milo!” Sam cooed and hugged the kid, making Genie raise an eyebrow. He suspiciously looked at the kid and Sam. He saw her ruffling his hair, pinching his cheeks at his cuteness while the kid just blushed and smiled at her.

“Master, I’m getting very bizarre vibes from this kid.” After a couple of seconds, Genie got down and whispered to Sam.

“What?” Sam turned her head to face Genie with a confused expression.

“Yea, strange feelings… Something like…” He snapped his fingers and next Sam knew the kid has turned to a dog!

She flinched back and fell on her bum to see a honey brown beagle standing on her porch, her eyes widened as she looked at the dog and then at Genie who looked amused to see the dog.

Sam looked petrified while the dog barked and Genie chuckled.

“What the heck have I gotten myself into?” She thought.

Heyyyy! As I told you earlier that there will be slow updates for this book. I was supposed to update it last Sunday but due to some reason I couldn’t. sorry, if you are angry with me. I really never wish to upset my readers.

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