The One Where All The Knights...

By Sunflowerseed090

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Instead of Guinevere, Arthur falls in love with a female version of Merlin. The problem is that he wasn't the... More

First Thing's First
Competition and Jealousy
Lancelot (Again)
(Almost) All of Them
Interlude - Gwen and Morgana Talk About Boys
All of Them
Interlude - The Knights of the Round Table Talk About Girls
Get Your Tissues Ready
Interlude - Mourning and Distraction
Sword in the Stone (1/2)
Sword in the Stone (2/2)
Mordred (Again)
Interlude - The Knights of the Round Table Are Jealous... of Each Other
Uther Does Not Ship
Elyan (Again)
Interlude - Merlin's Thoughts on the Boys, + Morgana Learning Magic
All Good Things...
...Must Come to an End
War Preparations
Diamond of the Day

Gwaine (Again)

3.9K 88 134
By Sunflowerseed090

"Arthur!" Morgana cried, shooting into an upright position. She ran a hand through her long, wavy and slightly messy hair. "No, no, no, no, no!" Wrapping a robe around her nightdress, she walked quickly to the doors of her chambers and opened it.

"My lady?" the knight that was guarding her door asked.

"Get me Merlin."

"Lady Morgana?"


"Yes, my lady." The knight bowed and ran to complete his task. 

Morgana paced her room, guilt building up in her stomach and tears threatening to fall. She clasped her hands together in worry. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, causing Morgana, who had been lost in her thoughts, to jump. Merlin poked her head into the room. "Morgana?"

Morgana grabbed Merlin and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind her. "Oh, Merlin. Something terrible has happened!"

"What is it?"

"This old woman gave me a bracelet after I helped her in the market and she told me that it would bring good fortune to the wearer, but it was much too big for me, so I never wore it!"

Merlin was confused. "I don't see how this is an issue."

"I gave it to Arthur to wear on his quest because I knew that it would be dangerous and he could use all the fortune he could get!"

"That's good isn't i-"

"No! I had a vision, Merlin! The woman lied to me! Arthur's going to die and it's all my fault!" Morgana burst into tears, covering her face with her hands. Merlin immediately wrapped her arms around her friend to try and give whatever comfort she possibly could.

"What does the bracelet do, Morgana?"

"It takes away the strength of the wearer," Morgana said in between sobs. "Arthur will not be able to complete his quest unless the bracelet is removed. Oh, Merlin. I didn't know, I didn't-"

"Shh, it will be okay, Morgana. I will find Arthur and retrieve the bracelet. I promise." Morgana nodded, not trusting herself to speak. "Arthur will be alright."

"Thank you," Morgana whispered.

"It's my duty."


The first thing Merlin did was... well, get dressed. She was wearing her night dress and that simply would not do. A pair of trousers, a blue shirt, red neckerchief and jacket was much more sufficient. She was going on a rescue mission, after all, and dresses tend to get in the way.

The second thing Merlin did was wake Gaius to tell him what she was doing so that he would not worry. That is to say, the old man would worry either way, but at least he would know what she was doing. Merlin decided that that was a mistake after Gaius made her promise that she would not go alone. 

Merlin knew just the person to accompany her, and if she was right, he was on the way to her destination anyways.


Merlin tied her horse to a pole and walked into a tavern. This was the third Mercian tavern that she tried and she really hoped that he would be there. Sure enough, there he was, being slammed across the bar. "Hello, Gwaine," Merlin said, walking towards him.

"Ah, Merlin!" he said, visibly brightening. "How are you!"

"Give me my money!" The man who had shoved Gwaine snarled.

Merlin and Gwaine exchanged a look and then ran out of the tavern and into the town. Merlin glanced behind her to see the man and two of his buddies chasing after them. "Run!" she exclaimed.

The duo ran to a set of stairs and followed it up to the roof of a building. "Remind me what you're doing here?" Gwaine panted.

"Arthur's in trouble. I need your help."

"What kind of trouble!"

"There!" the man interrupted, pointing at Gwaine. He and his group proceeded to climb the stairs to seize Gwaine.

"He's gone to the Perilous Lands!"

"What, are you serious?"

"Unfortunately." They stopped running when they reached a dead end. They looked back to see that the three men had caught up with them. Merlin and Gwaine climbed onto the wall. 

"All right, go for the horses," Gwaine told Merlin, looking at Merlin's horse and another poor soul's horse that had been recently tied up.

"You have got to be joking."

Gwaine shrugged and threw Merlin over the edge, onto a haystack, and then jumped off. They ran to the horses, climbed on and rode away as fast as they could. Gwaine's triumphant laughter echoed through the street.


After a few hours of riding, Merlin asked, "why were those men so angry?"

"It's always that way with gambling," Gwaine told her. "You make a man a fool, he calls you a thief. How'd you find me?"

"Wasn't easy. I've been in almost every tavern in Angard."

"So have I."

Merlin laughed. Knowing Gwaine, he probably had.

They stopped at the top of a hill that overlooked a barren valley. The only thing there was dirt and a huge tower. "This is it," Gwaine said. "The Perilous Lands."

"Doesn't look too friendly," Merlin commented.

"That's because it's not. Believe me, it's wretched."

"How do you know? You've never been there."

"I've traveled to many places, Merlin."

"Not the Perilous Lands, I know that."


"There aren't any taverns!"

"I told you it was wretched!" Gwaine chuckled.

Knowing that the horses would not be of much use in the Perilous Lands, Merlin and Gwaine tied them up to a tree. At the bottom of the hill was a bridge. Gwaine went to scout the surrounding area, and Merlin walked right up to it.

Out of no where, a short man- like, very, very short- appeared in front of the bridge. "So, Magic has arrived."

"What?" Merlin asked, getting into a defensive position.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. Your presence is essential if Arthur is to succeed on his quest."

"How do you know Arthur? Who are you?"

"I am Gettir, the Keeper of the Bridge. I only wish to see the Fisher King's land restored and prosperity reign again. Until your mission is complete, this cannot happen."

"It's not my mission," Merlin protested. "It's Arthur's."

"That's what you choose to believe. It is no coincidence that Arthur chose this path and you chose to follow him."

Gwaine walked up behind Merlin and drew his sword. "Who is he?" Gwaine demanded.

Gettir turned Gwaine's sword into a large bouquet of yellow flowers. "Ah, finally! Strength has arrived. The trio is complete. I mean no harm to either of you, and I'd thank you to mean no harm in return."

"Where's my sword?"

"It will return to you as soon as you cross the bridge," Gettir assured him. Gwaine grimaced, but crossed. Merlin started to follow Gwaine, but was stopped by Gettir. "The Fisher King has waited long for this day. Do not deny him  what he wishes, and remember, nothing is as it seems."


Gwaine and Merlin continued to walk until nightfall. They would have continued their trek, but it was a cloudy night, meaning that there were no stars to guide them. They decided that it would be best to rest for the night. Gwaine built a fire and the two of them sat next to each other, basking in it's warmth. A roar sounded in the distance. "What was that?" Merlin whispered.

"Pheasant," Gwaine said.


"Very big one." Despite his assurances, Gwaine picked up his sword.

"You can turn back if you want."

"Heh. I'm not scared of pheasants."

"Why do you want to do this?"

"Same reason as you: to help someone that I care about."

"Arthur's lucky to have us."

"Not Arthur."

Merlin felt her cheeks flush. "I'd do the same for you."

"I know." Merlin jumped as several more roars sounded. "They sound like three pheasants."

"At least."


As soon as the sun rose, Gwaine and Arthur continued on the path to the Dark Tower- home of the Fisher King. "There it is," Merlin said, slightly in awe.

"What's that in the sky? They're not birds." Gwaine pointed to the dark figured flying around the tower.

"I've never seen creatures like that."

"It's like they're hunting something."

A flash of light caught Merlin's eye. "What was that?"



Merlin and Gwaine approached the Dark Tower. They paused at the sight of the creatures. "I should have known," Gwaine said, cursing himself.

"Wyverns. Distant cousins of the dragon. They're creatures of magic, so be careful."

Once inside, Merlin and Gwaine split up in order to cover more ground. When Merlin found Arthur, he was passed out in the corner of a room. She ran to him and was about to remove the cursed bracelet, but a pair of wyverns barged into the room. Standing up, Merlin yelled at the creatures in dragon-tongue, scolding them for trying to kill an innocent man. They bowed their heads and retreated. With a huff, Merlin turned back to Arthur, knelt down, removed the bracelet and slipped it into her jacket pocket.

Arthur woke up with a jolt. He blinked the bleariness out of his eyes, only to see Merlin kneeling over him. Wow, Arthur thought. That was the closest that Merlin had ever been to him, and he could not help but notice the golden flecks in her stunning sapphire eyes. She was just close enough to kiss... Arthur's ears turned red at the thought. "What the Hades are you doing here?" Arthur demanded, ignoring his previous thoughts.

Merlin rolled her eyes as she stood up. "Why can you never just say thanks?"

"Thanks?! For what? Ruining the quest?"

"Well it's a good thing I was here, otherwise you'd be wyvern fodder."

"How many times do I have to get it into your head? I am supposed to be doing this alOne!" Suddenly, a roar sounded through the room as a wyvern burst through the door. Before Merlin could do anything, a sword pierced through it's chest. The creature fell to the ground, revealing Gwaine. "Great," Arthur groaned. "This just keeps getting better and better. Are Gwen and Morgana here too? Are we going to be having a surprise party?"

"There's more wyverns on their way. We need to get out of here," Gwaine said, looking at Merlin.

"I'm not leaving without the trident." Arthur stood up and walked out the door. "It was the whole point of this quest," he grumbled.

"Do you want us to help you?" Merlin called sarcastically. "Or do you want to do this alOne?"


Merlin smiled at Arthur's frustration and followed him to the stairway with Gwaine close behind her. "Do you know where the trident is?" Merlin asked.

"If I did, there wouldn't be a problem, would there?" Arthur responded.

"Any clues you can give us?"

"This is a quest, Merlin. Not a treasure hunt."

"Well it sort of is a-"



How many stairs can one tower have? Merlin wondered. She stopped at a doorway and peered through. "Look at this. It's a throne room!"

Arthur and Gwaine came back down the stairs. "If the trident's going to be anywhere..." Arthur trailed off.

Merlin stepped into the room. Unfortunately, the stone that she stepped on triggered a booby trap. Above her, a trap door began to lower at a frightening speed. Before she could do anything, a panicked Gwaine pushed Merlin into the room. 

Merlin pressed her ear against the door. "Gwaine?! Arthur?!" It was no use. Merlin turned from the door and walked towards the throne.

"So, Emrys, you are here at last," came a weak voice. There, sitting on the throne, was the Fisher King, covered in wrinkles and cobwebs.

Merlin bowed her head. "So, you're still alive."

"For now."

On the other side of the door, across the room, the sound of crumbling stone could be heard. "That would be-"

"Your friends, Courage and Strength. I know. Without their help, you would not be here."

Merlin remembered the words of Gettir. "What is it you want?"

The Fisher King sighed. "I want an end to my suffering."

Merlin immediately understood. "You want to die," she whispered.

"I have waited all these years for the arrival of a new time. The time of the Once and Future King."

"I've heard these words before."

"And you will hear them again. That time is dawning, and my time is finally at an end. This is why you were brought here. For this is not Arthur's quest. It is yours. Arthur thinks the prize is the trident." The Fisher King allowed said item to fall to the floor. "But the real prize is something far greater." A glass vial appeared in his hand. 

"What is it?"

"Water from the Lake of Avalon. I've kept it safe all these years, waiting for the right person to claim it. That person is you, Emrys. You are the one chosen."

"What are you talking about?"

"Albion's time is near. In it's dark hour you must be strong, for you alone can save her. Your powers are great, but you will need help, and that is what I am giving you.  When all is lost, it will show you the way." The Fisher King held out the vial to Merlin, who accepted it and held it reverently.

"Thank you," Merlin said, in awe.

"I have given you a gift. Now you must give me one in return."

"But I have nothing to give."

Slowly, the Fisher King stood up to his full height. "I believe you do."

Merlin, realizing what he meant, pulled the bracelet out of her pocket. "If I give this to you, you will die."

The Fisher King nodded and held his arm out. Merlin dropped to her knees and placed the bracelet onto his wrist. Then he disappeared in a gust of wind. Merlin bowed her head in respect. "Thank you," a voice whispered.

With a sigh, Merlin stood up. As if on cue, Arthur and Gwaine figured out how to partially lift up the trap door. Arthur rolled under it. "Merlin!" Arthur said, relieved she was alright. He patted her on the shoulder and walked past her to the throne. 

Gwaine, on the other hand, crawled under the door. He pulled Merlin into a quick hug. "You alright?"

Merlin just nodded.

"Hey! Look what I found!" Arthur exclaimed, holding up the cobweb covered trident. "Now let's get out of this place."


The trio rode back to Camelot, stopping just outside of it's border. "By Uther's decree, I can go no further," Gwaine said.

"I'm sorry, Gwaine," Arthur apologized. "There's nothing I can do to change that. But one day, when I am king..."

"I'll look forward to it."

The two men nodded at each other. Then Arthur rode off towards the citadel. Merlin stayed back. "Where will you go this time?" Merlin asked.

Gwaine licked his finger and stuck it in the air. "I think I'll ride... South."

"You can't keep living like this."

"Aye, but it's fun trying."

Merlin shook her head fondly. "Goodbye Gwaine."

Gwaine grinned. "Goodbye Princess Cassandra." As quick as he could, Gwaine kissed Merlin's cheek and rode off with a triumphant laugh.

Merlin was too stunned to do anything. 

So, in case you're wondering why I made Morgana good... This is totally generalizing, but girls tend to be more in tune to other's feelings and I think that our female version might have noticed that Morgana, above all else, was scared, so her first impulse was to help her. Plus, since Morgana saw Merlin do magic, she knows that she's not alone.

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