Jeongmin Oneshots

By completelyoongified

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Short stories about Jimin and Jeongyeon :) More

Author's Note
Special Chapter
Author's Note


1.2K 60 32
By completelyoongified

Dare (Part 2)

Bangtwice Special

He is going to be her partner for the entire week. The idea had been in her mind all day long and she was continuously persuading herself it's only a variety show—they are only doing it for the show, for the viewers, for the public. She had conditioned herself it will be alright and its fun filled with games. And besides, the two groups had grown fond of each other ever since. Giving unending support. Pretty much close friends.

But something didn't feel right.

Jeongyeon doesn't hate him, she can't find any reasons to do so. She doesn't loathe him either. He is a good friend, a hard-working member and a very talented idol. There's no reason to despise him. But it felt so much different.

Maybe, because of the fans. Ever since the news about the variety show came up, their ship 'Jeongmin' had been the talk of the town. Not that she was distraught about it. It's just... the pressure. The pressure to do right, to give satisfaction to the viewers and keep the act going. Maybe, she's just overthinking. She needed to loosen up and it's a show, she doesn't have to pretend and cover.

Just be herself. As always.

Jin's laughter echoed throughout the living room. They were all laughing, exchanging stories and jokes but his voice was the most prominent one. Followed by Jihyo, Sana, Jimin, J-hope, Dahyun, and Nayeon. Both of the group's talkative members.

"Here. Here." Jin was trying hard not to laugh further more as he was throwing his own made punch lines.

"What do you call a fake noodle?"

"Ah. I know!" Dahyun raised her arm in delight, almost catching everyone's attention. "Jajangmyun."

"No." Jin said, still smiling widely. "Anyone else?"

"Spaghetti." Jungkook answered confidently. It was the first thing that came into his mind.

"No. How come none of you can answer this right? It's so easy!"

Jihyo snickered a competitive smile, called him with his name and was ready to bargain.

"If I get this right, oppa, might as well treat me with a drink? Ice coffee will do."

The living room were filled cooes and howls from the other members. For Twice, it wasn't new anymore, Jihyo is one of the competitive members when it comes to playing simple games together with Nayeon. She was sure she is getting it right.

"Confidence." Taehyung mimicked loudly getting chuckles from everyone.

"Might as well treat you with pork belly, if you want."

Another scowl of cooes came rushing in.

"Call!" Jihyo accepted. "The answer is no other than impasta."

"Correct!" Jin waved his hand in the air, pretty much looking like an MC at the moment. "Get it? Fake noodle? Impasta. Just like an impostor."

Continuous awes were released from the members. They were having so much fun and it was only the first night they are together. Imagine the six days left, it would be pure chaos. The staff had given them ample amount of time to rest since it wasn't easy to accomplish missions and tasks in one day. And it's the start, surely, they would be doing much as the days passes. Still, they had informed them, a mission will be given first thing in the morning in able to prepare them for the day.

"Yey!" Momo joyfully cheered. "Jin-oppa will be buying us treats! Kamsahmnida."

It sounded a playful sarcasm. And, suddenly, all of Twice members were cheering and howling in delight. Raised their arms in thin air. Squeaky smiles were plastered on their lips. Nayeon even started counting fingers of what they want him to buy for them.

"I was only going to treat Jihyo!" The eldest retorted.

"So unfair. Might as well give a treat to your own group too." Yoongi, who were in an idle state, laying cozily at the sofa, teased with a grin.

Now, all of the members of BTS were endlessly howling and they even started pushing Jin out of the frame, foolishly tormenting him at the moment. He heaved a deep breath, obviously, surrendering himself in. His funny stature made Mina and Chaeyoung burst out into stiffs of laughter.

"Don't worry oppa," Tzuyu's soft voice garnered everyone's attention. "Your money is safe with us."

Buzzing giggles erupted. Jeongyeon were laughing her butt off and even had a hard time breathing. This was so fun, she thought in her mind. She was slowly getting the hang of it ever since she was partnered with Jimin. At times go unnoticed, they unintentionally exchange stares and would go in their separate ways. They even have several similar reactions during their stay in the living room. It might not be that bad after all.

"That's a good one, Tzuyu-ssi!" J-hope complimented and was into the sudden drop of joke. They both high-fived in thin air and exchanged cheeky smiles.

Only after a minute or two, when the laughter ceased down, a loud echo of a horn similar than that of what had been played in the speaker a couple of times came busting in throughout the corners of house. Confusion were painted on their faces. They were expecting no relay of mission at the remaining time of the night since the last task they had—which is the cooking competition had ended hours ago. And the staff clarified they wouldn't be giving anymore missions, not until tomorrow.

All gazes fell at a certain part, just only in front of everyone, waiting for further instructions.

"Everyone must be tired already?" The voice in the speaker announced.

All of the members of both groups answered 'yes' in unison.

"Since it's nearly evening, we have prepared eight bedrooms in the entire house. Some of you might have seen it this morning when roaming around the vicinity. Some of you might not." The voice paused for a while and continued.

Only when they realized they haven't arranged anything at the moment. They haven't thought of the sequence of their own rooms or even who they are going to sleep with. Their baggage was remained untouched until now and was arranged by the staffs in a neatly order. They were so immersed by each other's presence that no one of them initiated anything in return. No one. It was only then realization struck them.

"Today, we are going to stick with the new pairing. Together with your partner," Once the announcement continued further on, pairs of glances exchanged, communicating with their eyes.

"We are giving you one minute to pick the room you desire. First come, first serve." There was a short pause. "The timer starts... now."

Everyone leaped through their feet and in an instant, were paired up. Sana and Taehyung turned their way through the flight of stairs heading to the west wing. Namjoon and Chaeyoung skidded to the hallway of the same floor, to the left and were welcomed by numerous bedroom doors. They were followed by Yoongi and Jihyo, and lastly Hoseok and Momo.

"Jeongyeon. Here!" Jimin softly called her, breaking her train of thoughts.

As obedient as she is, she followed. Almost everyone was in a hurried state and occupied the rooms on the floor they are right now. There wouldn't be any left for them.

Jimin lead their way and she was trailing behind him silently, without any objections. This time, they headed at the opposite wing, managed to climb the flight of stairs, into a hallway and another set of stairs—shorter this time. They were welcomed by a sliding door and Jeongyeon was slightly caught off-guard. It was, as if, it perfectly fit themselves inside—not that small but also not that huge.

He slid the door open and turned on the light button located near the doorframe. The lights peered brightly and she was in a complete awe.

Jimin heard her breathe a sound of surprise. Jeongyeon gazed around the room with her eyes twinkling, only when she realizes it was part of the attic, or the attic itself.

"It's so wonderful." She said and roamed around the room.

There was a large paned window that views the trees outside. It was dark. Beside it was a queen-sized bed and at the foot part was a cozy sofa stuffed with blankets. Though the flooring is made up of wood, it gives a different vibe—warm... snuggly. To her surprise, a piano was sitting at the entrance of the door and carpets were spewed over.

She never thought it was this spacious.

"How come you know this place?" Jeongyeon asked and searched around, only to be greeted by him, standing and watching her with that genuine smile of his. Still unmoved the moment they entered the room.

"I took a quick stroll this morning. Everybody seems to be busy enjoying the view outside," Jimin came to a stop, took a step forward. "So, I wandered in and this is where it brought me."

Jeongyeon nodded slowly, tearing her gaze away. She doesn't really remember much of what happened during their arrival at this place. All she knows is that they have gone their ways separately, some were inside the vicinity, cozying in. Some were outside, skipping stones on the lake and she was one of them. She wasn't really paying attention to him not until she became his partner.

"I see." Jeongyeon mused, rushed onto the bed and plunged herself in. "It's fantastic!"

Her enthusiastic reaction sent an optimistic feeling to Jimin. He was quite relieved and joyed she find the place beautiful. There wasn't any discomfort in her expressions. She wasn't forced to go with the flow or even to like his trance of ideas. It all came naturally.

"Take a look at this." He beamed, neared her at the bed and pressed a button beside the night table.

A slight sound of movement came at the ceiling, just above them. Slowly, the wooden plank slid open, revealing a glass window enough to have a good peek. The stars boomed in numbers and both of them raised their heads, eyeing through the paned window.

"You can always see the stars before you sleep." Jimin said softly, being amazed of what he had shown her.

Jeongyeon remained agape once again. He never fails to amaze her.

"Well," She hummed and stared at him. "You can look at the stars before you sleep tonight too."

Jimin stood up and distanced away, unfolding the blankets.

"I'll sleep at the sofa." He said gently, reminding her. He seated and watched her taking up the space on the bed.

"Isn't that unfair," He was slightly taken a back of her retort. "It doesn't automatically mean that a woman has to take the bed and you take the sofa. It just sounded truly unfair."

Jeongyeon's eyes lit up for moment. She faced him with a glowed expression.

"Why don't we play rock, paper, scissors and see who's gonna get between the two."

Jimin hadn't produce any reply yet if he agrees or not but she came walking towards him, with her hand in the air. She gave a signal and they began shuffling their hands at the same time together. Jimin showed a stone and Jeongyeon was scissors.

"I'll get the sofa this time." She said without any doubt, taking his place instead. She pretty much sounded happier than before.

"I'll stop you there, Yoo." Jimin faltered and flashed a grin, placed his arm towards, skidding her to a stop.

This girl is something else, he thought at the back of his mind.

"Either I lost or won the game, you're sleeping on the bed and nothing's going to change my mind." His voice sounded low this time.

Jimin doesn't want to scare her or force his own decision to her. He wanted to be a gentleman and even how much discomforting the sofa looks; he wouldn't let her sleep in a such kind of state. Besides, he is fine either way. As long as they have a decent room to stay in for the rest of the days.

"You can sleep on the bed with me, if you like? Just tell me any time."

Jimin bore a stare at her and softly nodded in return.

There was a knock on the door and one of the staffs, together with their baggage, welcomed them. Jeongyeon and Jimin hurried away, constantly giving gratitude of how much effort the staff had done to stop by and directly give their baggage right at their doorstep. Once done, they began fixing their things and they would sometimes compare some of their belongings and crack a laughter because of it.

The aura had lightened up so much and they never thought they would feel so comfortable with each other's presence.

The door slid halfway.

"Woah. Look at this!"

Jin's voice echoed at the background and both paused at their own tracks. There was also Nayeon, taking a peek of the room.

"This is wonderful." She complimented. "It's pretty much spacious than the rest."

Jeongyeon quirked a sweet smile, kneading the creases of the bedsheet.

"Thanks to Jimin." She pronounced proudly.

And there came Jungkook and Tzuyu who were also flabbergasted. The rooms of the two pairs were just a floor down and they never thought there was still a room just a floor above them. Perhaps, they were quite joyed about how things are going. They were beaming with excitement of their own accommodations.

The speaker came into life once again. This time, it wasn't about a mission or a task. Rather, just a simple instruction of the staff asking them to head outside. They will be having bonfire and everyone is encouraged to join.

A simple get together. No cameras involve.

In a couple of minutes, almost everyone was exiting through the main door. Jeongyeon and Jimin came in last and the view was mesmerizing. There was a lit bonfire at the center, just in front of the lake house overviewing the lake and chairs were arranged in a wide circle. The reflection of the moon thrived on the surface of the lake. It was majestic. The others had occupied the seats and were cocooned in thick coats and jacket because of the cold weather but the fire just gave enough warmth.

Jimin and Jeongyeon was seated together.

Hoseok walked over at the center, bended down placing an empty bottle of soda on the ground.

"As Mina requested," He announced, his lips curved at both ends. "We'll be playing spin the bottle."

Everyone cheered. Excitement was evident on their faces.

"Please, do the honor." Hoseok waved his arms at her and slightly bowed, garnering soft chuckles from her.

Mina did what she has to do, spun the bottle at a medium speed and went back to her seat. While waiting for it to stop, all of the members sing a little song—a nursery rhyme to be exact. Some were swaying their hands in the air. Some were focused on the spinning bottle, praying they wouldn't get a chance to be chosen.

Carefully, the bottle began to slow down.

"Omo." Sana chirped, her eyes gleams. "It's gonna be Jungkook."

"Aniyo." Dahyun interrupted. "It's going for Yoongi-oppa."

They patiently waited.

And waited.

All eyes were on the bottle, skidding smoothly to a stop.

A loud teasing hiss escaped his lips. Adding to the tension.

"Aigo." Taehyung hummed in a funny tone. "Jiminssi!"

It stopped.

"Our first pair." Nayeon teased with her eyes as the other loudly reacted with low howls and giggles. Jeongyeon only rolled her eyes in return.

"Before anything else," Namjoon reminded, the noise ceased low. "Whomever is chosen, the pair should do the task together, might it be a truth or a dare. And the pair who is going to challenge the chosen ones should be pointed by the end of the bottle."

It was Yoongi and Jihyo.

Jimin and Jeongyeon hadn't expected to be the first pair to play the game. It was a surprise. They hadn't much thought of it, not until now. What kind of questions do they need to answer if they pick truth? Are they going to get personal? Sure, everybody knew it is a personal matter and wouldn't divulge any further. What if its dare? Are they going to let them perform in front of everybody? Or maybe, sing. They're both in the vocal line.

"Truth or dare?" Yoongi started, his hands on his chin with a serious look on his face.

Jimin squinted his eyes. Geez, he's having to no good, he thought.

Jimin and Jeongyeon shared gazes shortly, deciding whether what to choose in between. Jeongyeon mouthed dare and Jimin automatically got the idea.

"Dare." The younger said.

Yoongi smiled cheekily. Everyone grew curious of it.

"We have agreed earlier, Jihyo and I," He pointed his fingers back and forth. "We dare you to do seven minutes in heaven."

"What is that?" Tzuyu asked.

"Just a simple game." Jihyo answered this time, paying a look to the pair at the other side. "They we'll be staying in a room for seven minutes, only the two of them, with the lights turned off. That's all."

A prolonged cooed echoed the air. They were happily teasing them. Especially Momo, Dahyun, Taehyung, Hoseok, Jin and Nayeon were the ones buying it. The others were laughing, hoping something great happens if they get back.

"Okay." Jeongyeon accepted and even started heading inside the house.

Jimin, Jihyo and Yoongi were at her trail. This time, they had chosen the closest room to begin with, which belongs to Mina and Dahyun. It was located just a few steps near the living room. They had entered and it was smaller than that of theirs—not that small, it was cozy and comfortable enough.

Jimin and Jeongyeon occupied the center aisle, they hadn't uttered any words. The two were at the doorframe, both with a cheeky grin. Jihyo then forward a step.

"We'll be back after seven minutes." She reminded. "We're watching you so don't cheat." Turned off the lights and closed the door slowly.

It was pitch black. There's no light peering in. Even just a slight flick of light from the lampposts outside or a nightlight. Nothing. Jeongyeon guided herself, using her hands as a support. She was touching the walls, trying figure out where part she is. At the latter corner, there was a chair and she sat comfortably, minding where is Jimin at the moment. He might be at the bed or at the couch near the television.

"Let's just sleep." He said in a jokingly way. His voice resonated.

Jeongyeon squinted her eyes, getting a clearer vision only then she saw him—his silhouette at the couch. She was right.

She smiled.

"This is longer than I expected."

Silence seeped in for a moment.


Her name being called sent an unfamiliar feeling to her. She wasn't used to it. But it gave her comfort and security. Jeongyeon was slightly caught off-guard. What was she thinking? She swayed her thoughts away and looked at his direction.


"What do you plan to do after?"

"After what?"

"After this." Jimin pointed, gazed at her even though he knew they can't see each other's faces clearly. "After being an idol. Some point in our life, there are things that we need to let go. We can't live like this forever."

Jeongyeon nodded softly, getting the idea. She had asked herself the same question over and over already, now that time seems to pass so quickly. Of course, Jimin had also thought of it for a while now. In the right time, they'll be all enlisting to the military and might even leave their own career for two years.

"I have been actually thinking about it lately." Jeongyeon started. "I wanted to raise a rescue center for animals. Whatever it is. Also, I dream of getting into a modelling career because I have dreamt of it a long time now but I know it's a stretch. So, I thought to myself, why not live a simple life. And I think, that is what we wanted, a simple living."

Jimin genuinely smiled at her answer. She never fails to amaze him in any way. She answers humbly but had a great point. Always.

"Modelling fits you perfectly."

Jeongyeon was greatly astonished—her lips slowly curved at both ends.

"How about you? What do you want to do in life?"

A sweet giggle filled the air. Jimin sniffed a breath before answering her questions.

"I always wanted to have a dance studio. Not for myself." He explained further. "I wanted to help somebody reach their dreams just like how I reach mine."

Jeongyeon took a while to utter a response. She needed a little courage.

"I think you'll be a great dance instructor."

Jimin softly smiled. A simple endearment made him flutter.

"I do not mind, actually." He continued, getting her full attention once again. "As long as there are people who support me in everything I pursue to do, I will take the chance to make a difference. Even just one. Just one person who believes in me."

Jeongyeon was full of awe. If only he could hear what he was saying at the moment. If only he could understand everything he just said.

She slowly nodded and pursed her lips. Wrapped her arms around her knees and cocooned herself on the seat.

"I believe in you."

The words rushed out her lips without her knowing.

A stretch of silence gapped between them.

Jeongyeon swallowed constantly, regretting the choice of words she used. The air suddenly felt warm and she was sweating under her clothing. What is happening to her? She isn't normally like this. Especially now, with the company of Jimin. Her heart was racing and it felt like eternity. Like an hour waiting for them to arrive, open the lights and let the game come to an end. Jeongyeon calmly waited, few more minutes.

Few more.

No one still had uttered a word.

"We've been staying here longer than seven minutes." Jeongyeon said in a haste voice, still recovering from what happened a while ago. "They're playing with us. I'm turning the lights on."

She stuttered at the last words but manage to end it formally.

Jeongyeon was trembling at the moment as she stood up from her seat finding her way in the dark to the light switch just beside the doorframe. She lost her balance and came wobbling in but she gets hold of herself before anything ever happens.

"Let me do it." Jimin volunteered.

"No. It's fine."

Just as hardheaded as he is. Jimin slowly stood up and gazed back at her, he could see her silhouette nearing his direction. She was as if in a race, letting herself take the win with her fast gait and steps. Jimin was about to move when suddenly, Jeongyeon hit her leg through the suit cases at the edge of the bed and tumbled down. But her, expecting to hit the ground, was wrapped around by strong arms on her waist. Catching her in the midst of the fall.

It all came in.

Jimin secured her in his arms. And their faces were pretty much inches apart. He could feel her ragged breathing brushed his cheeks.

The time paused for a moment, like in a fairytale.

"Let me do it this time."

Jimin said sternly and before they could assume their original position, the light was turned on and was greeted by an open door, with Yoongi and Jihyo at the entrance.

Jeongyeon awkwardly strayed herself away. Pinned strands of her hair in her ear.

The two stood side by side, embarrassed and remained uncomfortable of their actions. That doesn't just happen, right? Yoongi and Jihyo were at the same time, flabbergasted. They do not know how to react or come up to a thought of how it all came to this. This. Despite of it, despite the awkwardness in the air, Yoongi and Jihyo exchanged stares and was changed into a wide teasing grin.

"You should had told us earlier if you needed a room by yourselves. We wouldn't disagree." Yoongi said and was smiling from ear to ear.

It took a while for Jimin and Jeongyeon to process. They were awkwardly standing close to each other. Their mouth went agape... it moved—

"We can explain." They said in unison.

Oh gosh, Jeongyeon screamed in her mind.

This is going to be a rough week.


Hello! I miss you all and I'm sorry for being away for like two months. Aigo, yes, yes I know. T.T

But I'm happy that I'm here. And to tell you, More and More is a complete masterpiece! The visuals, the song, the choreography (sorry for being late). Everything was perfect and I was always in awe during their comebacks. Who wouldn't right? :)))

I'm dropping another question, if you don't mind.

Question of the chapter:

What's your greatest realizations during this quarantine?

This just pops in my mind and when I thought of it, there's just so many but I'm just going to say what I want to point out.First, time with my family. I miss them so dearly and hoped, if I had time to be with them when this quarantine/lockdown ends, I wish I would be able to spend my time wisely. Watch movies with them. Cook for them. Even play with them. And at least, this keeps me motivated at some point. Second, love yourself. I know, it is mentally challenging for some of us especially in this current situation. The effect of social media and being alone in your own thoughts is truly difficult. It is tiring but to remind you, we're gonna surpass this and we're going to see better days. Hang in there. I know I trust in you.

Sending my UwUs to all of you.

<3 :3 


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