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By Lava98

160K 5.8K 5.2K

Bakugo Kaida. She's the twin sister of Bakugo Katsuki. Same quirk. Same look. Same attitude. Same story... bu... More

1.) UA Entrance Exam
2.) First Day at UA
3.) Battle Trial
4.) Introducing the League of Villains
5.) No School
6.) Training for the Sports Festival
7.) Sports Festival (Part 1 of 2)
8.) Sports Festival (Part 2 of 2)
9.) Connected in More Ways than One
10.) Hero Names and Internship Choices
12.) Welcome Back
13.) Final Exams
14.) The Shopping Mall Craze
15.) Camp (Part 1 of 3)
16.) Camp (Part 2 of 3)
17.) Camp (Part 3 of 3)
18.) Saved After Three Days with Villains
19.) Dorms and a New Friend
20.) Provisional Licenses and the Battle of Childhood 'Friends'
21.) Mirio vs Kaida
22.) Split Personalities
23.) Opening Up
Extra: Kaida x (fem) reader
24.) Slow and Unsteady
25.) Second Internship Second Hero

11.) Internships and Stain

5.9K 232 299
By Lava98


For the past six hours, Endeavor has been training Kaida and Shoto to better control their explosions/fire. The three are in one of his agency locations. This is the one located in Hosu City. Endeavor told them that they're here for him to find the hero killer.

He's been having them send out a big blast then controlling it to become small again. It hasn't been working too well.

"Dammit!" Kaida screams, becoming increasingly frustrated.


"No! I'm fucking done! I'm tired, hungry, and wanna do something different! This obviously isn't fucking working!"

Endeavor's eyes narrow. "Again."

"I need a fucking break!"

"You can take a break when you begin to make progress."

"Bakubabe, you should calm down," Shoto says.

"I am calm!" she barks then sighs, slumping to the floor. She lays on her back, arms spread out. She focuses her breathing and slows her heart rate down.

The two Todoroki's watch her curiously.

"Get up girl. I said no resting."

She ignores him, focusing on the palms of her hands and its sweat. She releases a big blast and pulls it back to her as much as she can. It works but only a little but enough for Endeavor to notice.

"Fucking finally."

"Good, the two of you can go take a two hour break. Eat, shower, and get your hero suits on, we're going out on patrol," Endeavor says, swiftly exiting the room. "I'll be in my office doing some paperwork." The door shuts behind him, leaving the two teens alone.

"Call me Kaida."


"Bakubabe doesn't sound right coming out of your mouth. Not that I like that annoying fucking nickname."

"Then call me Shoto."

"Don't think I'm gonna call you anything other than icyhot. I need food."

He nods and follows behind her to the cafeteria.


"Shoto, Hypernova! There's trouble ahead!" Endeavor shouts, running with a sidekick and the two interns behind him. "I'll show you what it means to be a hero."

It's the next day, nighttime. Patrol time, and something exploded nearby. Now they're on their way there.

Shoto's phone buzzes, and he pulls it out to look at it. He stops in place, looking at who messaged him.

Kaida takes a peek at her own phone. "Deku?"

"Dammit!" Endeavor shouts, turning to them.

"All he sent was his location..." Shoto mumbles.

"You should be watching me!" Endeavor shouts at them.

Shoto immediately turns and rushes off. Kaida sighs, following behind him and ignoring Endeavor's shouts of protests.

"Dammit Deku."

"Where the hell are you going?!"

"An alleyway on 10 Echo Street," Shoto replies. "If you finish what you're doing or see pros, send them there. We're leaving you here to take care of this trouble. I'm sure you can handle it yourself."

"If this is some stupid fucking thing and him not being in danger, I'm gonna blow him up," Kaida growls as they run.

Endeavor doesn't pursue them.

"He's likely in trouble. Only Midoriya would send something as vague as that for help."

"Oh, so you know him all of a sudden?" Kaida scoffs.

They continue to run, getting into the alleyway.

"Get away!" Izuku screams.

Shoto immediately blasts a stream of fire at the villain who was about to stab straight through Iida. The villain jumps back out of the way, mumbling to himself in annoyance.

"Midoriya, you need to give more detail in times like this," Shoto says, holding up his phone.

"Yeah, you fucking nerd. You're lucky we got here on time otherwise glasses here would be dead," Kaida spits.

"You two..." Iida shakily says. "Bakugo, Todoroki..."

"How'd you guys get here? Hold on... you're using your left side?" Deku says surprised.

"How'd we get here? Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out. Next time try to send more than just your specific location. But you're not one to send cryptic messages without a reason, are you?" Shoto says, getting into an attack position. He spreads out a stream of ice along the ground towards the hero killer. He dodges. Shoto lifts the ice to have the three downed slide behind the two. "So I figured you were in trouble and needed help. Everything's okay, the pros will be here any minute!"

Kaida and him rush forward blasting out their fire power.


"You're just what they said you were, but you won't be taking any more lives. Hero killer," Shoto growls.

"Todoroki! Kaichan! You can't let that guy get your blood. I think he controls his enemies actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us!" Deku warns.

"He ingests blood to keep people from moving. That explains the blades," Shoto says.

"All we have to do is keep our distance!" Kaida grins. "Easy enough!" She moves quickly, dodging and grabbing the blades that Stain threw at the two of them. "You're fast. This'll be a fun challenge!" She sends a strong blast straight in his face as he comes rushing at the two.

He doesn't dodge in time and gets a face full of heat, propelling him back.

"Just stop it..." Iida grunts. "Why are you doing this? His fight is with me... I inherited my brother's name... I'm the one who should stop him. The hero killer is mine!"

"You're Ingenium now? Strange, The Ingenium I knew before didn't have that look on his face," Shoto says while he repeatedly sends off fire and ice while Kaida sends off explosions in between.

Kaida blocks out the rest of their conversation and moves in. She dodges his constant throwing of knifes, making her wonder where all they're coming from. She makes a face of disgust as she catches one of the knives and lodges it in his right shoulder, coating it with her sweat. He grunts in pain before returning the favor on her upper right arm, twisting it.

"Ow! Fucker!" she yells, moving to land behind Shoto.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sending a blast of ice out.

"He managed to get a knife lodged into my arm. I'll be fine. I've had worse injuries." She pulls out the knife, tucking it into her pocket and switching it for some wrap. She tightly wraps her arm up and puts what is leftover back in her pocket.

Stain easily slices through all the ice. "Blocked your own field of vision against an opponent who's faster than you. Rookie mistake."

"Come get us then!" Shoto growls.

Kaida moves fast and blasts the two knives coming toward his arm from getting him. "Not fast enough it seems."

Stain moves during the distraction, heading back to kill the downed pro that's still frozen on the ground.

Deku comes from no where and pulls Stain away from ever reaching the pro. "I'm not sure why, but I'm able to move now!" Deku shouts.

"So he has a time limit," Shoto says.

"No, he should've been the last one to be free," the pro weakly speaks. "I still can't move a muscle."

"Either it gets weaker the more he does it or–"

"Midoriya dodge!" Shoto shouts, blasting a stream of ice as Deku jumps to the side.

Deku moves back behind Shoto and Kaida, coughing. "He swallows a person's blood to freeze them, but I was the one freed first. I've got three different guesses why. Kaichan already guessed one. The amount ingested could play along to how it works, or from a person's blood type."

"If it's the last one... my blood type is B..." the pro says.

"I'm A," Iida grunts.

"So you figured it out?" Stain grins. "Very impressive."

"It doesn't really help us that much to know how his quirk works though," Deku says.

"I thought we could hurry and carry those two out of here, but it's no good. He's too good. He can dodge ice and fire. I'd have to leave myself unguarded. Our best option is to hold until the pros arrive and avoid close combat."

"No, they've lost too much blood. I'll distract him while you two support me from behind," Deku says, pink lines racing across his skin as small bits of green lightning surround him. "Sound like a plan?"

"Are you stupid?! You barely have control over your quirk in the first place," Kaida fusses with him, sending off another explosion toward the villain to keep him at bay.

"I've got better control over it now. Enough that I know my limits and won't break my bones anymore."

"You want us to take a pretty big risk," Shoto says, glaring at Stain ahead of them. "Okay. We can protect them."

"Three against one, huh? This fight won't be easy," Stain voices.

Deku springs forward and bounces around the alleyway against the buildings and everywhere. Kaida and Shoto are able to shoot once Stain tries to make a hit on Deku.

"Icyhot, the knife I lodged in his shoulder, do you see it?" Kaida asks.

"I do."

"Aim for it," she says. "I coated it in my sweat. If your fire hits it, it should create a reaction and blow his shoulder out."


"I'm going in to wipe more sweat on him to set off a bigger reaction," Kaida says, blasting forward.

"Good idea. Be careful."

While Deku distracts him from the front, Kaida moves from the back, wiping sweat along any part of his body that she's able to quickly touch before he moves to slice at her. The two teens fluidly move together as if they've been doing it all their lives.

"Now icyhot!" Kaida shouts.

Deku grabs her but not before Stain slices down. He misses them, but Kaida's hair gets chopped. Deku quickly moves them out of the way of Shoto's blast of fire which completely encases Stain. A giant explosion follows, harshly smashing Stain against the nearest wall. Deku lands and sets down Kaida near Shoto. Iida is finally able to move. Deku and Iida race down the alleyway, smashing their powered up attacks across Stain's face and stomach for the finishing blow.

The hero killer has been defeated.

"Let's restrain him and get him to the street. Maybe we should find some rope," Shoto says.

"And take all the weapons off of him," Deku says.

"Good idea," Shoto replies.

"I really hope he doesn't have any up his ass." She feels her hair. "Fucking bastard! Now my hair is the same length as my brother's!" She sighs. "At least my hair grows quickly... Ugh..."

"Are you okay?" Deku asks the pro who responds he's fine.

They begin stripping all the weapons from Stain, neatly placing them down.

"Deku, you can't fucking walk, can you?" Kaida huffs, eyeing his shaking form.

"No, I-I'm fine. I can walk," he stutters, taking a step forward and crumpling to the ground.

Iida and Shoto deal with wrapping up the hero killer.

"Dumbass," Kaida picks him up on her back. "Don't let me helping you go to your head. This is a one time thing. You hear?"

"Okay, Kaichan..." he mutters, slumping against her back.

"I have to apologize, I'm supposed to be a pro, but I was useless back there," the pro apologizes to them.

"No, I don't think any one person could take the hero killer on with that weird quirk of his," Deku mumbles just loud enough. "He's too strong."

"The four of us barely won against him, and even then it was because of his own mistakes. He was getting riled up and desperate about Midoriya's quick recovery time."

"Right, let's get him to the police as fast as we can," the pro says.

A grunt of annoyance is heard, making them look up. "What're you doing here boy?!" a short old man huffs from across the street.

"Gran Torino!" Deku exclaims. "I was only–"

The old man seems to disappear than reappear beside them in half a second, kicking Deku in the face with enough force to hurt but not move him. "I thought I told you to stay on the bullet train!"

"Who's this?" Kaida and Shoto ask.

"Gran Torino... the hero I'm interning with..." Deku mumbles exasperatedly. "I don't get it, how'd you find us?"

"I was told to come here by someone else," he huffs as clouds of frustration puff out his head. "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm glad that you're not dead at least."

"Me too... and I'm sorry," Deku sighs.

"Tuh," Gran Torino scoffs.

"Around the corner!" a woman's voice shouts.

"Who's that?" Deku mutters.

Everyone looks up to see a group a pro heroes make their way around the corner.

"Endeavor told us there was a request for help here, but..."


"Your injuries look bad... I'll call the ambulance right away."

One gasps. "Hey, look."

The woman gasps. "Is that... hero killer!"

"I'll get the police on the line!"

The heroes all move, trying to help any injuries they currently can. Iida moves up to his three classmates and bows, apologizing for them getting injured and his stupidity of seeking out the hero killer in anger. Iida tears up which in turn also makes Deku tear up. Kaida rolls her eyes at the whole thing.

"Hey, pull yourself together, you're the class rep," Shoto chastises.

Kaida smirks at that. They've been hanging out together too much.

After that, a winged nomu comes flying around the corner and snatches up Deku from Kaida's back before anyone can react. Stain awakens, pulling a knife from who knows where and taking the nomu down. His masks falls. Endeavor shows up. Stain makes a speech, radiating an aura that everyone was scared so much even Endeavor stepped back, before passing out while standing up. Shoto and Iida fall to the ground to catch their breath. Kaida remains standing and breathes, not knowing she was holding it.

After that, the teens were taken to the hospital. They end up all being in the same room as all the others were filled for anyone who was injured during the fight against the nomus. They get healed and wrapped up before they all go to sleep.

Kaida remains awake. The three boys have fallen asleep. She has to deal with her brother.

"You dumbass! You never should've been there! You know how much trouble you're in now that you used your quirk without a license! You may never be able to be a hero now!"

"I know. I know. Calm down. I'm not that worried. They told us they're going to try to resolve it, but there's no promises."

"No shit!"

"Katsu, I've had a long day, so I need to sleep."

He sighs. "Are you... okay?"

"Just a cut. I've suffered worse, so I'll be okay. Goodnight, we'll talk more later, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. You're going to tell me everything that happens tomorrow. Got that?"

"I will."

"Good," he huffs. "...miss you."

"I miss you too, hard ass," she smiles. "Love you."

"Love you too."

She hangs up, placing her phone on the table beside her. She snuggles down into the cot and immediately passes out.


The next day, the four are woken up and healed some more. Iida's arms end up both being in a sling. Kaida, Deku, and Shoto end up just wrapped in some bandages. All of them were made to change in patient gowns once they arrived.

Kaida is annoyed with hers though. The top is too tight on her chest, and if she was given the next size up, it would slip off her. She constantly has a blanket covering her chest as she isn't wearing a bra either. She hates not wearing at least a sports bra or something padded. She hates cloth rubbing against her nipples and especially when they show through the shirt. Fucking disgusting and it makes them feel like they're rug burned. Nipples are weird.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Shoto asks.

"No, not really."

"I figured. Me neither."

"Thinking about that fight now... we did something pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I agree."

"After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle we're even alive. With my leg messed up, I'm an easy target. He could've killed me if he really wanted to."

Kaida listens in but isn't really paying attention as she plays games on her phone.

"Yeah, seems to me he let us live on purpose," Shoto says. "I'm impressed by you though, Iida. He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall."

"That's not true," Iida says, looking down. "I was..."

The door to the room opens and in enters Gran Torino and whatever the name of the pro Iida was interning with is called.

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake?" Gran Torino speaks.

"Gran Torino!" Deku grins.

"And Manuel too," Iida says.

"Idiot!" Gran Torino huffs at Deku. "I could yell at you for hours right now."

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"But before I do, you've got a visitor," he says, looking to the door where a large man with a dog head enters. "This is Hosu's chief of police, Tsuragamae Kenji."

Iida and Shoto stand up in respect. Kaida rolls her eyes and keeps sitting but puts her phone down to give him her full attention. Deku freaks out and moves to try to stand.

"No please, stay seated. Woof."

Kaida chuckles quietly to herself. "Hah, woof."

"So you're the UA students who brought down the hero killer?" the dog man states.

"We are," Shoto replies.

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now, he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here's a lesson you should've already learned. When quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. We decided we wouldn't use quirks as weapons."

"Which is fucking stupid..." Kaida grumbles mainly to herself though the police chief heard it as he does have good hearing.

He ignores it though. "That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't. If they were licensed of course, woof." He goes on to explain more about quirks and licenses and how they're in severe trouble even if it was of a good heart, making Kaida grow increasingly annoyed.

She's not the only one to get annoyed.

"Now wait a minute!" Shoto growls. "If Iida had not stepped in, Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya–"

"Todoroki..." Iida murmurs.

"-both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the hero killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should've just stood by and watched people die?"

"Calm down!" Midoriya squeaks, holding up a hand.

"So it's okay to break the law?" the chief presses. "As long as it goes your way?"

Todoroki lightly gasps then snarls, glaring. "But sir. Isn't it a hero's job to save people?!"

Kaida blinks. This is the most emotion she's ever seen on him.

"This is why you're not a full fledged pro yet," the chief says. "It's obvious UA and Endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough. What a shame."

"You damn mutt!" Shoto growls, stomping forward.

Kaida laughs. She couldn't have said it better herself.

"Todoroki listen! He's right!" Iida shouts, trying to stop him.

"Stop there kid, you wanna hear him out till the end," Gran Torino says, holding up a hand.

"What I've said is the official stance of the police department. But... any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. If it did you'd probably be applauded by citizens everywhere, but there's no way you'd escape from being reprimanded. On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Stain's burns would support the story completely, and we could pretend you weren't involved. Woof. Thankfully there were few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It would mean no one would know about you though. You'd receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours. Personally, I know where I stand." He puts a thumb up, sticking out his tongue playfully. "I don't wanna damage any promising young careers. Not for a mistake like this."

Kaida returns to her phone, not needing to really hear anymore.

"You know... you could've started with that..." Shoto says a bit embarrassed.

After they leave, Kaida grins, leaning back on her bed.

"Not gonna lie icyhot, that was pretty hot."

"I don't understand what you mean?"

"I mean when you called him a mutt. It was attractive."


She laughs. "I think I'm rubbing off on you."

"You're rubbing me off?"

Iida and Deku's faces explode in embarrassment.

"That's not what she means!" Deku squeaks.

She cackles. "Ew, no, you freak. I'm mean my personality is influencing you, dumbass. Man, someone really needs to teach you metaphors."

"I know what a metaphor is."

"Knowing what it is and knowing what phrases are metaphors are two very different things, Todoroki," Iida sighs.


Another day passes of rest. All day Deku has been contacting every one of their classmates with an excuse of why he sent them his location. Kaida told her brother that she couldn't tell him what happened, but she promised she would once she was home. Shoto and Kaida remain in the room while Iida goes to get tested on his arms to determine what damage will remain.

"I'm surprised your old man hasn't stopped by yet."

"He doesn't care enough to. He knows I'm well, so that's all that matters to him. He's also busy with interviews and whatnot after this whole incident."


Kaida's phone suddenly rings, and she looks to the caller to find Kirishima is trying to facetime her. She rolls her eyes and ignores the call.

"Are you going to answer?" Shoto asks.

"No, it's just an annoyance."

"I see."


The phone begins to ring again and again and again and again. She repeatedly ignores it. Then she gets text messages from him saying that he knows she's ignoring him. Then he gets annoyed when she reads the text but doesn't respond.

"Seems like they really need to talk to you."

She sighs, answering the video call. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Are you okay?! Midoriya mentioned you were injured! What happened?!"

"I'm fine. I just got stabbed... by Stain."

"That's what Midoriya told me! Does it hurt?! Did you get stitches?! Your not going to die, are you?! Ah! Please don't die! I just met my soul–"

"Holy fuck! Shut up! I'm fine! I'm not going to fucking die anytime soon. I'm not a damn porcelain doll."

He sighs in relief. "I'm glad. You're at least acting the same as usual. I got so worried." He gasps. "Ah! Your hair is short! Did Stain cut it?!"

Kaida can't decide whether she likes that he was worried or annoyed. No one has ever really worried for her beside family. It was a strange new feeling.

"Don't you have an internship to get to?" she huffs.

"Ah, crap! That's right! I should be getting back! I managed to get away saying I needed to use the bathroom. I'm glad you're okay. Stay safe! Bye!"

He hangs up, and Kaida sighs. She slumps back into the pillow behind her.

"Was that Kirishima? He seemed really worried about you."

"Just shut up. Don't even fucking mention that."

"Are you dating?"

"Fuck no."

Iida makes that his entrance and returns with his head down, telling them he'll tell them what's going on once Midoriya returns to the room.

Once he does, Iida tells them what's going on with his arms.

Deku holds out his right scarred hand after Iida's explanation. "Iida I feel the same way. Let's get stronger together."

Kaida laughs, quickly taking a picture of Shoto's face.

"I feel kind of bad," Shoto says, breaking the two boys out of whatever trance they were in.

"What?" Deku questions.

He looks at his hand. "Whenever I'm involved... someone's hand gets all messed up. Is something wrong with me? Am I cursed?"

Midoriya, Kaida, and Iida burst out laughing. Kaida's on the way to busting a lung, she's laughing so hard.

"Todoroki! I didn't know you had a sense of humor!" Deku admits.

"This isn't a joke, I'm like the hand crusher or something," he says seriously.

The three laugh harder, and Kaida falls on the floor with tears streaming down her face.

"The hand crusher!" Deku laughs out.

"Oh my fucking god! You dumbass! Ahahaha!"


Kaida and Shoto have returned to his father's agency. They've been training on their own for most of the time, otherwise it's just a sidekick or maybe 30 minutes with Endeavor before he's whisked off to another interview about 'his fight' with Stain.

Shoto grunts in annoyance as his father leaves. "I hate this."

"No kidding," Kaida sighs. "Let's start up a simulation. I'm tired of trying to pull my quirk back."

"Are you sure? You should take it easy or your wound might open."

"I'm fucking fine! It'd be pathetic if I couldn't even handle a stab wound in my arm!"

"Okay," he nods. "Computer, start partner battle simulation level 3."

The room around them disappears and turns into a battlefield. Monsters begin to appear everywhere. The two teenagers begin to blast them, making them disappear once they're hit.

Kaida sighs. "This is more like it!"


The day Kaida was supposed to return home, she was invited by Endeavor to be a guest at the Todoroki residence for dinner and to sleep over, going to school tomorrow with Shoto.

She agrees cause she really wanted to see the big place the Shoto lived. Blackmail material.

If you're interested, I also have other MHA stories. Aizawa, Todoroki, and Shinso are end game for each. Shinso isn't focused on romance though, but it's there. It's a slow burn.
The Smug French Girl=Shinso

I'll eventually have a Bakugo one! So check back for that!

Posting this on my birthday! I'm 22 today!

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