I've Become Like Him

By KittenWoman99

186K 9K 2.9K

"Ahhh!!!" The man's body falls to the floor limp and I fall to the floor out of terror, "Why are you screamin... More

100th Woman.
Auctioned Her Off.
For A Man.
Mask Man.
Gambling Hall.
Forced Heart Attack.
Accidental Revenge.
Taking Orders.
Four Hours Too Long.
Drown To Your Death.
Baloo and Asca.
Two Down, Two To Go.
Joining Black Dragon.
Don't Cross Me.
I Can Die Now!
I Will Never Go Against You.
Stop Being a Coward!
You Should Be Honored.
Special Kill Failed.
The Harley Quinn to my Joker.
Special Place.
Bunny is Broken.
Eleanor Tucker.
My Pretty Little Psycho.
Psycho, but Not Stupid.
In Place of Him.
Who Do You Belong To?
Elias Tucker.
Since High School.
Your Type.
Missing the View.
Little Birdie.
Very Interesting.
I Saved You.
My Memories Are Back.
We Were Set up.
His Daughter.
New Owner.
You Being Alive Can Be Your Way of Thanking Me.
Your Room Is My Room. You Belong To My Room Now.
You're the Only One I Can Get Hard for.
Twenty-Three Hour Flight.
You Better Not Die.
Stockholm Syndrom? Could be.
Who is Estelle?
You are Mine and I am Yours.
I'm Not Finished Yet.

Bunny and Wolf.

3.2K 147 23
By KittenWoman99

Jazlyn POV

"We leave tonight. What are you going to do?"

I am sitting on the balcony and Zaiden comes out and sits down beside me, "There's nothing for me here. I'll go back to the states."

He looks at the view in front of us, "You can come back with us."

I look at him and smile, "What about Lyric?"

He looks at me, "Don't worry about her. I'll help you find a new place once we get back to the states."

I nod my head, "Fine by me."

He looks at my ankle, "You're in Black Dragon too?"

I look at my tattoo, "Yeah. I met Nova after I ran away. She helped me the first few years after I ran away."

He lifts his shirt and shows me the same tattoo, "Looks like we're in the same mafia."

I laugh and he stands up, "I'm going to go pack."

I nod my head and I look at the view, "Zaiden."

He looks at me and I look at my hands, "I found our parents."

I reluctantly look him in the face, "I don't care what you do. Don't involve me in it."

He walks off and I drop my head, "Do you think I want to do this by myself?" I whisper to myself.

My phone rings and I see that it's Nova calling me, "Hello."

"Hey, Jazlyn. Cain told me that you will be coming back to the states with them. What are you doing once you get back?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Zaiden said he will help me find a place once we get back."

"Why won't he let you stay with him?"

I hear the balcony door open, "I don't know. I didn't ask him. He's probably still upset about me leaving. Also, I don't get along with the woman that's with him. So me staying under the same roof as her is not a good idea."

From the corner of my eye I see Kade sitting down, "Nova, I'll call you once I get back in the states."

I hang up and look at him, "You do know why you're still alive, right?"

I put my phone down and smile, "Enlighten me."

He pulls out a cigarette, "You're alive because you're Zaiden's twin sister. What do you think would have happened if you had killed Lyric?"

I roll my eyes and scoff, "I would be dead."

He takes a drag of his cigarette, "Zaiden almost reached his breaking point two times yesterday. The first time was when Elias slammed Lyric's head on the floor. The second time being you aiming the gun at Lyric."

I cross my arms, "You think I don't know that. I saw the way he looked at me the second I aimed the gun at her."

He stands up and smiles, "I'm only going to warn you once. Don't even think about trying anything with Lyric."

He throws his cigarette over the balcony and I show him a mocking smirk, "Or what? You're going to deal with me?"

He laughs, "Me? No. Your twin brother will deal with you."

He leaves me on the balcony and I groan, "If she starts with me I'm not just going to sit there."

Rosalie POV

"So, Elias is dead." I say to William as I help him button his shirt.

"Do you want me to tell Estelle that Scarlett is alive?" He looks at me and then shakes his head, "No, not yet. Let's see if we can do this ourselves."

I cross my arms, "How? We tried to build a mafia, but as you can see that didn't work out. We can just work with Estelle."

He shakes his head, "Work with? No, that's not in Estelle's dictionary. Is more likely to work for than with. Don't tell Estelle anything."

Zaiden POV

We are back in the states and weeks have passed since we've been back.

I am in the bed and Nancy walks in, "Zaiden. Lyric and Jazlyn are fighting again."

I let out a long breath, "They've been fighting every day since we got back from Greece."

I get out of bed. I throw on some clothes and walk downstairs.

I walk in the kitchen and see Luke, "Who started it this time?"

Luke laughs as he watches Bunny and Jazlyn fight, "Jazlyn. She said something about Lyric's outfit."

I look at him, "Bunny got mad because of that?"

He shakes his head, "No, they started going back and forth, and then Jazlyn decides to pluck Lyric on the forehead."

I look over at Bunny and Jazlyn and see them both smiling.

"Bunny, why are you fighting?"

Bunny looks towards me and smiles, "Hey, Zaidy!"

Jazlyn sweeps Bunny legs and Bunny falls to the ground. Bunny kicks Jazlyn in the back of the leg making her fall.

I walk up to them as they continue to fight. Jazlyn tries to punch Bunny in the stomach but Bunny grabs her arm and tries to kick her in the face.

Jazlyn stops her kick and they jump away from each other. Bunny runs up to me and jump in my arms, "Hey, Zaidy!"

I laugh, "Hey, Bunny."

I put her down and look at her face for any scratches or bruises. I look at Jazlyn, "Why do you come here every day?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "Why not? I'll stop coming if you want me to."

I look back at Bunny, "I didn't start it this time. She did."

I laugh, "I know, Luke told me."

I look at my watch, "Bunny, let's go find someone on our kill list."

Bunny smiles, "Okay! Let's pick someone together."

Bunny runs in the house and I look at Jazlyn, "Are you trying to make up for the past?"

She looks at her feet and then back at me, "Am I wrong if I am?"

I laugh, "I'm over the past. You're still my sister. Nothing's changed."

I walk in the house and see Bunny sitting at the table with the kill list in front of her, "Chester Tow. Early fifties. Zaidy, he's known for drugging women and selling them into sex trafficking. He also rapes them."

I smile, "Looks like Chester Tow is our special guest for tonight."

Bunny laughs and stands up, "I'm going to get dressed."

She runs upstairs and I text the number to let them know that we will deal with Chester tonight.

Nothing's really changed since we left Greece. The only that changed is that Jazlyn comes over every day to fight with Bunny.

Cain and them all went back to their homes. Luke comes over every day to see Nancy. He lies and says he comes over to talk, but it's pretty obvious that he comes here to see Nancy.

The person who cleans up my killings is now the woman named Nova.

Bunny is still killing people with a smile and she is still the only woman who can get me hard.

"Zaidy, I'm ready." Bunny stands in front of me and spin.

I smile, "You decided on a dress today." She nods her head, "Yep. It'll make it easier to catch Chester Tow."

I hum in response and kiss her on the lips. She kisses me back and I squeeze her butt.

I pull away, "Nancy, we'll be back later on tonight."

We walk out the door and Bunny hums as we get in the car, "Zaidy, are people scared of me yet?"

I look at Bunny and then back at the road, "Scared of you? Do you want them to be scared of you?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "The way people get scared when they hear your name. They only get scared of me when I do something to them."

I laugh, "They actually do get scared of you when they hear my name."

She raises her eyebrow, "Really? How? They don't know my name?"

"Yeah, that's true, but they know that I don't go anywhere without my Bunny."

She laughs, "I don't go anywhere without my Zaidy."

I nod my head, "That's right."

An hour later we get to our destination. "It seems like this place is underground."

I say to Bunny as we walk down some stairs. We hear some music and as we walk through a door everybody looks at me.

Bunny walks to the dance floor and I walk to the bar. I look around and then towards the VIP section.

I order myself a drink and the bartender smiles at me, "You two must be new here."

I nod my head, "Yeah, we are."

I turn around and look at Bunny and see her dancing. She looks at me and wink.

I motion for her to come here and she walks up to me, "What's wrong?"

I shake my head, "Nothing. I want a kiss."

I kiss her on the lips and she kisses me back. She moans into the kiss and I smile. I pull away, "Have you found him yet?"

I shake my head and put my hands on her butt, "No, I haven't."

"Who are you looking for?" I look at the bartender and show him a picture of Chester.

He points to the exit, "Right before you two showed up he left with some woman."

Bunny pouts, "Do you know where he went?"

He nods his head, "Yeah, he went to his car. He parks his car in the back and then him and the woman do whatever."

I stand up and finish my drink. We walk out of the building and go to the back. "Bunny look for a car that is rocking back and forth."

She nods her head and she stands on top of a car. Seconds later she points towards the back, "There's a car all the way in the back."

We walk to the back and as we get closer I see a car moving.

Bunny walks up to the car and knock on the window. I open the car door and see Chester and some woman.

"Who the fuck are you?! Can't you see we're busy?!"

I laugh and look at the woman, "This man rapes and sell women into sex trafficking. He was going to do the same to you sooner or later."

I pull out my phone and show her a video. She kicks Chester in the chest, "You sick fuck!"

She fixes her dress and runs away. Chester tries to punch me but I dodge it. Bunny sits on top of the car and I pull him out.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

Bunny laughs, "He's Zaidy and I'm Bunny. But you can't call me that. Zaidy can only call me that."

Bunny jumps down. She reaches in my pocket and pulls out a knife.

"Someone wants you dead." Fear runs through his eyes and I laugh, "Don't be scared now. All Bunny's going to do is cut your dick off."

Bunny laughs and I step back from the man.

"Zaidy, his dick is small." I laugh and the man whimpers, "Makes it easier for you to cut it off, Bunny."

She looks at Chester and smiles, "Say goodbye to your dick, Chester."

She cuts his dick off and I text Nova and send her my location.

Chester starts screaming in pain and Bunny holds his dick up. "What can he do with this?"

Chester starts bleeding out and Bunny laughs.

I look at Bunny and smile. "Bunny, who do I belong to?"

She looks at me and smiles, "You belong to me and I belong to you."

I kiss her on the lips, "What did you call me when we first met?"

She looks up, "Wolf."

She kisses me and I kiss her back. She moans in the kiss and I smile, "Bunny and Wolf."

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