14 & Pregnant Season TWO

By Desglizzy

593K 17.8K 1.2K

(You must read 14 & Pregnant to understand season two. You'll be able to find it on my page.) Maybe it's ove... More

14 & Pregnant Season 2. Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 14
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
New Story
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 91
Part 92
Part 93
Abandon is up!

Part 69

6.1K 170 10
By Desglizzy

Yn Pov
So tonight is my show. My fashion designers had me in a black romper with lace long sleeves and lace tights. I had on some black heels and my hair was puffed out as usual. My makeup was natural and I had on diamond earrings.

When everyone was finished getting ready we prayed and since lourdes was here she did the countdown. My dancers and background singers had to rush to the stage to get set in their spots. That gave me a little time to chill. I rehearsed one of tonight's song choices. I kept doing it over and over and over again. Lourdes was sitting on Drew's lap watching me. My camera crew was in my dressing room too recording. I was pacing the floor rehearsing my part. Something in my voice just didn't sound right. So I stopped to take a quick sipe of my water. After that I went over my words again. I still didn't feel right with the way my voice is sounding so I went to look for my manager. I literally ran looking for her, the camera crew right behind me, because it was almost show time. I found her backstage talking to the light mens.

Yn-*Walks up to her* Something's not right.

I was breathing real hard because I was beyond nervous.

Manager- What do you mean?

Yn- I'm hoarse. Can't you hear it.

I started pacing again.

Manager- Wait hold on. Just have a seat.

She pulled up a chair and I sat.

Manager- What happen between this morning and now?

Yn- I don't know!....What am I going to do?

Manager- It's way too late to cancel...... Just go out there and give it your all. I mean, your Yn. You could sit and stare for a whole hour and they still would cheer you own. *Chuckles*

Yn- *Giggles* Ok.. I'll be back. I need to go get Lourdes and Drew.

On my way back to my dressing room I talked to the cameras.

Yn- *Walking* Its times like this that I hate........ You always want to give your fans a good show.. When your not at your best.. Where's the show? Usually when I get out there onstage I don't think about nothing. Knowing that I'm hoarse is just going to pull my attention away from my fans because you think about "What if I mess up", "What if I sound horrible" . Some how some way I have to forget about it for 60 mins. And that's hard.

I made it to my dressing room.

Yn- Come on its show time.

Lo-*Hops up* Ok mommy.

Lourdes skipped all the way out the door without me and drew. She's going to stop because she doesn't know her way around here.

Drew got up and walked over to me. When he got there he put his arm around me and we walked out.

Drew- Are you ok? You did a 50 yard dash out of nowhere. *Chuckles*

Yn- I had to go find my manager.. Vocal problems.

Drew got serious then.

Drew- Vocal problems?

Yn- I'm hoarse. Can't you tell.

Drew- Well now that you told me. Yes.

Yn- I'm scared.

Drew- Don't be. You'll be fine. I have faith. How about you sang me a verse from your song.

Yn- Ok.

I cleared my throat.

Yn- *Sings* I woke up like dis.. I woke up like dis. We flawless.

Drew- Don't sound bad at all babe.

Yn- Are you just telling me that.

Drew- All honest.. Remember.. "Honesty takes you a long way".


Me and Drew made it to the stage. Lourdes was standing by my manager. How did she find her way?

Drew- Come on princess. We have to go take our seats. *Grabs Lourdes's hand*

Lo- Ok. Bye mommy. Good luck. *Kisses my cheek*

I kissed hers back and gave her a big hug. Drew gave me a kiss before walking away.

Drew- You got this.

I find it cute how he's encouraging me.

I grabbed my microphone and stood backstage waiting for the lights to go low. I looked to my manager and she gave me a smile.

Manager- Don't think about your voice. Just do you.

I nodded then the lights went low. My two background dancers came up beside me and we walked out onstage slowly while the little monitor on the big screen was counting down along with my fans.

Fans- 3...

Me&My Background dancers-*Walking*


Me&BG- *Walking*

I could tell they heard the click clacking from our heels. That's what made them so excited.

Fans-3! *Yells*

That's when we made it to the center of the stage and my band started playing and the lights came up.

Yn- Where all my flawless girls at tonight?

I saw everybody raise their hands even lourdes. That just made me smile.

Yn- Yall ready?


I looked at my background singers.

Yn- Yall ready?

The nodded.

Yn- Dancers.

I turned around and looked at them.

Yn- Yall ready?

My drummer hit the drums and they did a little move. I turned to the crowd.

Yn- *Sings* You wake up. *Holds out mic*

Crowd- Flawless!

Yn- Post up. *Holds out mic*

Crowd- Flawless!

Yn- Riding around in that. *Holds out mic*

Crowd- Flawless!

Yn- Flawing on that. *Holds out mic*

Crowd- Flawless!

I was having a good time. I barely thought about my voice. I just gave them what they came to see. Everybody was dancing with me. I even saw lourdes bouncing around on Drew's lap in V.I.P.. He was dancing with her too.

At the end of the show I did my thank yous as usual and the lights went low again and I exited off stage. The first person I see is Lourdes running up to me. I handed the stage director my microphone and picked her up.

Lo- That was great mommy!! *Claps*

Yn- Aww really?

Lo- Yup!

Yn- Thank You sweetie. Where's your dad.

Lo- I left him back there.

Yn-*Laughs* Why LoLo.

Lo- I wanted to see you. *Smiles*

Yn- *Smiles* Aww.

I was walking to the golf cart that was waiting for me and everybody backstage told me good job. I just smiled.

Lo- Mommy look what I got.

She held up a I ❤️ OTR sticker.

Yn- How cute baby.

Me and lourdes got on the golf cart and I asked one of the camera people can they take a picture. I gave them my phone and lourdes laid on my chest. I took her sticker and held it up and made duck lips. They snapped it and gave my phone back and we were off. I'm going to tweet it and upload it to Ig.

On our way back to the dressing room we saw Drew walking. I told the golf cart driver to stop.

Yn- Need a ride?

Drew- Thank the lord you came. Why yo dressing room got to be so far away. *Gets on the golf cart*

We started moving again.

Yn-*Laughs* Do your legs hurt?

Drew- I'm not gone front. Yes!

Yn- *Laughs*

Drew- *Chuckles* Anyway, you did amazing tonight.

Yn- Thanks babe.

I grabbed drew's hand and he started rubbing his thumb on mines. I looked down at lourdes and she was sleep. I snapped a picture of her.

When we got to my dressing rooms I laid lourdes on the couch. I went to the bathroom and changed into more comfortable clothes. When I finish I came back out and sat on Drew's lap.

Drew started kissing me on my neck.

Yn-*Giggles* Not tonight.. They will be here any minute now saying that it's time to go to the airport.

Drew- Fine.. Where's your next show?

Yn- New Orleans.

Drew- Is the U.S. tour almost over with?

Yn- Yup. Then I have to go overseas.... I'm going to miss y'all while I'm gone.

Drew grabbed my hand.

Drew- Don't sweat it. *Smiles* You never know when we'll pop up.


Just then my manager came in and told us it's time to go to the airport. Drew picked up lourdes while I grabbed some of my things and we walked out the building. Some fans was still here. They were taking pictures and drooling over Drew. He didn't pay them any mind though. All we was worried about was not waking up lourdes.

We got in the waiting truck and pulled off. We made it to the airport within 20 mins and boarded the jet. Drew laid lourdes in the back room and he came and sat by me. I kicked my legs up across him. He started rubbing my stomach.

Drew- Have you gotten sick or anything yet?

I shook my head "No". He just nodded and looked the other way. He though he's being real cool about me not being pregnant I know it bothers him that maybe he can't have another child.... At least not with me.

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