Only Above the Surface

By lonelywhal

94K 5.9K 1.4K

Jin just got out of a relationship and Jimin knows the best solution: a one nightstand. Jungkook needed some... More

Gucci? Gucci.
Whalien 52
Go best friend! That's my best friend!
Pretty Vanilla
Can a girl top?
Boy Must Be Stupid
Come for me, Beautiful.
What if...
Fuck off
I Wanna Skate With Somebody!
Red Genie
Majestically thick as fuck
Funk Boi
Bowling Balls
Lucifer The Beautiful
The Binge
Lovely Boy
Candy Rain
Need a Tissue?
Blue Desert
Double Check
Eye Protection
Baby Blue
The Overgrown Baboon
Please Say Yes
Too much.
Eskimo Kisses
You can trust me
Something I Will Never Miss
Let Him Go
Kitty Knuckle Duster
Family: Part 1
Family Part 2
Are You Going to Greet Me
Bear With It

Magical Bubbles

1.5K 103 24
By lonelywhal

Jin groaned as he kneeled over the toilet bowl. He really overdid it this time, drinking more than he has in years—well, more like months actually but that wasn't important. Usually, he's pretty good at limiting himself before he's too far gone but this time was different. This time he wanted to escape. This time he wanted to forget everything in the last few months brought. Jin was tired dammit. He needed to numb his mind, his feelings.

It wasn't even an hour ago that he was talking to his friends in his boyfriend's living area before he felt turning in his stomach, rushing to the nearest bathroom, and unloading his stomach. He could taste the crappy nachos he got from the concession stand at the skating rink and it made him gag all the more.

"How's he doing?" A voice asked quietly from the doorway sounding vaguely like Jungkook's.

"Still puking his guts out," Jin completely forgot Jimin was next to him rubbing his back in comfort, he was too busy focusing on puking in the toilet rather than on the nice, shiny tile floor that looked like it needed a disgusting memory. "Did you get the water?"

A grunt and then something cold was being pressed into Jin's hand. "Jin, drink this. Chug it if you don't want a head-shitting migraine tomorrow," Jimin said, rubbing his back in small circles.

"Head-splitting, not head-shitting," Jin grumbled but complied, gulping the cool water down did help a little bit with getting the taste out of his mouth.

Jimin shrugged. "Either way, not good for the noggin',"

Jin missed Buckie and as soon as the world stopped spinning he was going to see him. "Let's go see Buckie,"

"We will, Jin, tomorrow. Visiting hours are over remember?" Jimin soothed.

Jin nodded and rested his head on the toilet seat. "M'kay, I'm tired,"

"Let's get you washed and to bed then," Jungkookie said, going over and lifting Jin up bridal style. Jin felt a shiver run through his body and didn't even try to hide it. Jungkook made him feel small and weightless.

"God, I love it when you get all manly, start tossin' me 'round and shit," Jin mumbled as he nuzzled into the younger's neck.

Jungkook blushed brightly, aware of Jimin's smirk and Tae's snort from the doorway, but he didn't reply as he brought Jin into his personal bathroom upstairs, shutting the toilet seat and setting Jin on it.

Jimin was hot on his heels, waddling after them like a duckling. "Here, set him on the counter so I can undress him,"

Jungkook grunted but complied, picking Jin up once more and setting him on the counter. He turned away to start the water for Jin's bath. He wasn't sure Jin could bathe himself or not, and he didn't know if he or Jimin were going to be the one to help him. He really hoped it was him but had the sticky feeling that Jimin was going insist he does it.

After making sure the water was running at a good temp to fill the tub, Jungkook went into his bedroom to get some clothes for Jin. He loved the idea of Jin in his clothes, it made his stomach do somersaults. And while Jin was broader than him, Jungkook preferred baggy clothes which would hang low on Jin, showing his beautiful collar bones...

"Hey, Kookie," Jungkook turned to see Hoseok walking into his room. "Me and Yoongi are going to head out. Jin seems to be in good hands,"

Jungkook smiled at that. "Thanks for taking care of everything, you know, with Buckie and all," Jungkook rubbed the back on his neck, suddenly feeling shy. "Wait, did you say you and Yoongi?"

Color darkened Hoseok's cheeks. "Oh? Did I say that?"

"Are you guys...?"

"I'm not sure, yet, but I'm hoping," Hobi sighed, sitting on the edge of Jungkook's bed. "He's been really stressed at work lately, I think he said something about working for a trip? Anyway, he's been working harder than normal so I've been letting him crash at my place—"

"What! Are you guys fucking?" Jungkook whisper-shouted, going to Hoseok's side in a flash.

"What? No! None of that! Not until he makes a move at least...Wait, that's not the point! This isn't about us, this is about Jin." Hoseok turned to face the younger and cupped his face. "He's going through a rough patch right now and you need to be there for him, sweetie, let him know you're there for him. You tend to hide your feelings, and I have a feeling he's the same way, but you guys can't keep doing that. I see the way you look at him, Kookie,"

Jungkook swallowed, unable to meet Hoseok's eyes. "And how do I look at him?"

" look happy, Jungkook. He makes you look happy."

Jungkook looked down at his lap, a smile tugging at his lips. "I am happy. He makes me happy, Hobi. But I'm not sure I'm good enough for him," He said with a sigh, smile dropping. He felt compelled to tell Hobi everything. So, he did. Everything from the stresses of work—leaving out everything regarding Yoongi, of course—to Minho being his coworker and Jin's ex and telling Minho he would date him if he was single. All of it.

"You said what?!" Hoseok shouted, slapping Jungkook in the back of the head.

"Hey! I was scared okay! He looked crazy, Hobi! What if I said no and he started making my life a living hell at work?"

"Then you call HR and complain! You don't feed into his twisted fantasies, Kookie! What the fuck! Now he's going to become obsessed and when—and I do mean when and not if because he will find out—when he finds out you're dating Jin, that's going to open a whole new can of worms," Hoseok exasperated, throwing his hands into the air.

Still rubbing the back of his head, Jungkook considered it. "I don't think he'll become obsessed, from what he told me—" Jungkook pauses as realization finally hits. The tale that Minho had told him about Jin was a lie, Jin would never do anything like that. Minho was telling him the hell he put Jin through, not the other way around.

Jungkook closed his eyes as he accepted the fact that he was a dumbass.

"While I was with Jimin, I found some stuff out about Jin's past, especially about his ex. And the fact that you kept this from him is really disappointing, Jungkook." The elder lectured.

"It hasn't been that long since it happened, I was going to tell him when he was sober. Probably tomorrow. I just..." Jungkook trailed off looking hopeless.

"You just what, Jungkookie?" Hobi chided softly.

"I'm just afraid he'll leave me," he confessed leaving on to Hobi, seeking comfort.

"Oh, sweetheart, I know. I know you're scared, but if you bottle this up it's just going to create tension. You never start a relationship off with secrets, baby," Hoseok pulled the other to his chest for a hug. A chuckle rumbled in his chest vibrating the younger's ear.


"It's nothing, I just remember when you were all skin and bones and now I can barely wrap my arms around your shoulders."

Jungkook pulled back with a proud grin on his beautiful features. "All those protein shakes, boy! Hitting the gym every morning to get these bad boys poppin'" Jungkook made a show of rolling up his sleeves and flexing.

Hoseok punched his arm lightly, rolling his eyes as Jungkook faked a pained face. "Alright, I'm leaving," He made his way to the door but Jungkook called to him.

"Hey, Hobi, keeping an eye on Yoongi for me,"

Hoseok searched his eyes, trying to decipher the other's words. Finding something, or maybe nothing, he whispered so low that Jungkook almost missed it. "I will, I always do." And with that, he was gone.


"I want bubbles,"

"Jinnie, this isn't playtime, plus, I already checked and he doesn't have bubbles," Jimin said as he helped Jin into the tub. They've seen each other naked more times than not, so they were comfortable in their nudity. Anyhow, it felt like Jimin was dealing with a large toddler.

"I demand bubbles! Give me bubbles or give me death!" Jin began to shout.

"Shhh, I'll get you your damn bubbles if you shut up!" Jimin shushed. He already checked for bubbles under the sink and in the cabinets and didn't find any. What kind of man has a huge ass bathtub and no liquid bubbles?! Jimin eyed the liquid hand soap by the sink and decided that would do the trick and since it was only handsoap, they would probably need a lot of it to get bubbles, right? Jimin didn't feel bad when he unscrewed the dispenser and dumped the entire bottle down the running water. Jungkook was rich, he could get more handsoap, it was fine.

Jin whooped as Jimin sighed in relief as bubbles began to form. He let the water run, forming a lot of bubbles surprisingly fast before shutting it off, earning him a whine from the older man.

"Nooo, I'm coooold, more water!" Jin pouted, giving Jimin his best puppy dog eyes.

"No, Jinnie, that's enough, there's going to be too many bubbles,"

"This is abuse! I demand a retrial!" Jin wiggles his body in frustration.

"You've been watching too many American law shows," Jimin muttered, he slapped Jin's hand away when he reached for the nob. "Now, bend forward so I can wash your back,"

"Bossy," Jin murmured but does as he's told, blowing bubbles in the air with cute giggles, already over it. Jimin cooed at the other, he loved drunk Jin he always let Jimin baby him. Usually, Jin was the one taking care of him but he loved it when the roles were reversed, as well.

Jimin work very effectively, washing Jin's back, arms, and chest in no time.

"Okay, left leg up—your other left, good job," Jimin hummed.

"Jiminie, I'm thirsty," Jin whined suddenly.

Jimin looked around for the glass he gave him earlier only to see that Jin had finished it. He sighed. "Okay, I'll be right back, baby. Don't turn the water on while I'm gone,"

As soon as he was gone, Jin did exactly what he was told not to do. He giggled evilly as more bubbles began to form, overflowing the tub in no time and going over the edges. Jin blew at the bubbles watching them go up then back down with glee. He was quickly submerged in a mountain of bubbles and he wasn't even mad about it.

"Jin! Oh my, God!" Jin heard Jimin but he couldn't see Jimin.

"I'm here!" Jin threw his hands up to make himself known.

"What the hell?!"

"Jungkookie! Come play with me!" Jin called as he heard the other gasp.

"Turn the water off!"

"I can't see the tub! You turn it off!"

There were footsteps then a squeak from a shoe then a thud and Jin knew someone fell. For some reason, it was the most hilarious thing Jin has never seen. He tried to cover his mouth so the giggles wouldn't escape but it was fruitless. Something smacked against the side of the tub and a grunt was heard.

The bubbles were moving but Jin still couldn't see anything but it was so funny. Why was it so funny?

"Got it! Waters off!" Shouted Jungkook somewhere in the mess of bubbles.

"Taehyung! Google how to get rid of bubbles!" Jimin shouted, he sounded faraway to Jin.

"Jin? Honey, are you okay?" His Kookie called, fighting the bubbles until he found a giggling Jin. "Oh, baby, what happened?"

Jin could barely talk he was laughing so much. It was just so funny! "I—I just wanted—" More giggles. "Bubbles! But—but—but I didn't know—" A deep inhale. "Ididn'tknowIhadmagicalbubblepowers!" He burst into another fit of giggles.

Jungkook países in shock but then couldn't help but join in on the ridiculous situation. His bathroom was filled with a mountain full of literal bubbles and his boyfriend thinks he has a magical bubble creating powers. It was going to be hell cleaning up but at the moment Jungkook didn't think about that and just let himself enjoy the ridiculousness of the moment. Jin had tears rolling down his face from laughing so hard and it was the most breathtaking sight to Jungkook.

"It says to drop a bar of soap in the tub!"

Hello, lovelies 🤗

Jungkook finally told somebody! Hopefully he can tell Jin next time.

It's been awhile .... I need to start writing regularly to keep the flow but it's hardddd.

Anyway hope you like it (:

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