Naruto The New Era

By PinThisStory

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------Naruto and it's characters are owned by Masashi Kishimoto------ What had happened? A night of loss, a b... More

Progress updates
Chapter two-Won't be left behind
Chapter three-Alone again.Or not?
Chapter four-Shinobi
Chapter five-I don't hate you (Part I)
Chapter six-I don't hate you (Part II)
Chapter seven-The Swordsman of the Mist
Chapter eight-A new old light
Chapter nine-I will help you
Chapter ten-Temptation In The Forest
Chapter eleven-Every Mission Is Dangerous
Chapter twelve-We, or them
Chapter thirteen-The wishes that fuel us
Chapter fourteen-Towards the Sunrise
Chapter fifteen - But We Just Returned
Chapter sixteen - To fear or not to fear
Chapter seventeen - To know, To find, To wish
Chapter eighteen - Shall there be trust?
Rest In Peace Technoblade
Chapter nineteen - A thought? in the wrong time
Chapter twenty - Expecting festivity

Chapter one-And it all begins

3.1K 69 12
By PinThisStory

"Ok come on now- ", Minato started, "- or we will start the training without you. I don't have all day, being Hokage has its responsibilities too." He told to his only daughter amongst his three children. Her name was Naruko while the boys were named Menma and Naruto. "Yes dad, I'm there in a bit." Naruko responded with excitement. She was the spitting image of her mother Kushina, slim figure, fair complex, hyperactive character, bad temper, and the red waist-length hair but her eyes were blue like her father's. "Come now or Menma is going to get all the goooood stuuuff.." Kushina said in a tempting voice as if for treats. "Mom whatever let's just start you know she'll never miss training." Menma stated. He was a couple minutes older than Naruko and just as much younger than Naruto, he looked like his father, naturally tan skin but had black spiky hair. "And I'm going to become Hokage, I should have more attention here." However his character took more like Kushina and it was somewhat narcissistic. Naruko just came out in the garden. "Not before I do!" She shouted at her brother's face, keeping the competition high. They were just kids, five years old, but both had already started training. And with their parents non the less, being the Hokage's and Red Death's children had it's benefits.

As the four of them were happily occupying the not so humble back garden of the family's huge residence, a fifth figure was watching them from behind a window of that house. He had almost blonde platinum hair, pale skin and blue ice in color eyes, he looked like his father but his face and eyes were a bit rounder and he had three whiskers on each cheek. Currently, he was looking at his so-called 'perfect' family, which apparently had just one flaw, him, the eldest child, Naruto, he wasn't treated like his siblings, not from his parents, not from the rest of the village where he lived, Konoha-The leaf Village. When he was a bit younger, when he started to vaguely understand things, he would wonder why people were cold to him, making him feel unwelcomed, sometimes when there were children around him, their parents would rapidly get them away. "What are you doing I told you not to play with that kid!!!" Naruto was left alone just as he was at that moment behind the glass panes.

At that time he didn't mind much about the weird behavior towards him but he was a little sad. Nearly a year later, when he was about four, he begun to know another concept, that of hate. He was old enough to get in the streets on his own and so he did. When Naruto started to go out alone he noticed the people were being more aggressive at him. "Get away from here." "I never wat to see you again!" They would even shove him out of places. "You're scaring my customers, go get lost!!", They were more rude. "Stupid brat-" "you evil will pay-" And he, he didn't know why, there was no reason for that. He was scared. That is when he noticed them, they were everywhere, they showed disappointment, like with the cases of some elder citizens, coldness and bad intentions, some didn't look at him at all, they just ignored the kid, they despised of him, like his family Naruto thought, but more intensely than them. His mother wasn't particularly sweet to him and would leave him to just be for most of the time. His father was usually away because of his job, he took the mothers side. And his siblings just didn't count him, something they learned from their parents.

But they all had one thing in common, one thing that soon enough, Naruto came to be warry of. They all bared hatred towards the boy. Naruto feared for himself and doubted the people around him.

Not long after, one evening while the sun had yet to set, Naruto was walking home in an alley. Alone like usual, a drunk man who practically was a 'native' to that exact road, who Naruto passed every day started to act up. "I have ..' *hunk'.. ..hAD ENOUGH of this- " Said the man as he rushed face and bottle first at the boy."COME HERE YOU DEMON!!" Naruto was stunned at the words chosen to describe him"I WILL SHOW YOU" but instinct took the better of him and did what every smart person at his conditions would do. Run. "THEY'RE GONE NOW!! YOU TOOK THEM- I WANT THEM BACK!!!" Luckily the man was too wasted and tripped more than once so Naruto arrived home safely. He told Kushina what happened. She had become the type who really wouldn't put her hand above fire for him. She did not do anything about it. Naruto was baffled, no dumbstruck. Even his siblings were behaving the same way, not showing interest at such 'exciting' story. That wasn't the only attempt Naruto experienced. More came and Naruto wasn't as fortunate in some. The villagers wouldn't go all out knowing who he was but cuts are cuts and bruises are bruises and for the villagers, they didn't seem much. While Minato was put in knowledge of, he didn't take them for a big deal. He thought of them as a way that Naruto could try to get more attention.

Truth to be told Naruto was receiving attention, but not the kind that a child should have. Almost nobody would watch over him. Sometimes ANBUs were put to guard him but all they did was observe from far. On rare occasions Naruto was told some nice word which often were from his father's predecessor, The Sandaime Hokage, and two or three of his elder friends including one who he thought as a bit weird. A man with a cane, bandages around the face and an x scar on his chin. He kept a nonjudging face but Naruto didn't get the feeling of being an extra around him. Rarely, some kids were nice to him, but the majority were told off by their parents. Speaking of extra Naruto also new two people, not related by blood, but who were supposed to be family. Two of the three Legendary Sannin of the Leaf: Jiraiya The Toad Sage, Minato's sensei; and Tsunade Senju, descendant of the First Hokage, relative with his mother's clan, and also Naruko's, Menma's and his godparents.

Jiraiya was a middle-aged man, around forty-five. For his age he was holding up pretty good. He stood one-meter and ninety-two tall, had long, white, spiky hair caught in a ponytail, tanned skin, charcoal eyes and a well-built body. He wore a set consisting of greyish-green pants, three-quarters in length, ending with nets in the fourth quarter, the same style kimono blouse, a sleeveless red jacket and traditional geta(traditional Japanese footwear). He had a red line going down his face from each eye and hanging behind his back with a leather belt over his shoulder was a giant scroll. The Toad Summoning contract. Connected to this he also keeps a hitai-ate different from the headband shinobis wear, instead of the village's symbol, it has the word oil written on it. Even with his status people thought of Jiraiya as kind of weird, given the fact that he more than once has addressed himself as 'super-pervert' amongst other things. Still, he was well respected.

Tsunade on the other hand, being as old as her teammate under the Sandaime's teachings too, benefited from a special seal on her forehead, purple in color and rhombus in shape which made her look twenty. It could also heal her from most of the severe injuries too and gives her superhuman strength and consequently, sometimes a violent character, weird considering her medical background. She had a fair complex, faded blond hair mid-back on length, separated in two ponytails. Her eyes were a warm chocolate brown. She was one meter and sixty-three tall. She wore above ankle length black pants, a sleeveless grey kimono blouse with a black line circling the neck and held in place by a long black belt. Above that she had a green coat with a black outline and the world gambler stamped on the back. For footwear, heeld sandals. Being the best medic wasn't the only thing she was known for: Hime(princess) of the Senju clan, The Slug Hime and The Absolute Loser(in gambling) were nicknames that also were used to acquaint her.

They weren't fond of Naruto either, they had their 'reasons'.

"So now that we have finished the theory sessions for basic chakra control lets start practicing." After finishing the sentence Minato demonstrated what to do. Menma and Naruko had started training to get better chakra control using the academy jutsus, which they and Naruto were entering after a year. The weather however was not in their favour, beeing the middle of the winter.The parents had thought the weather could work for training too but.. not as it seemed. Currently, they were training to learn the clone jutsu and henge(transformation) jutsu, before they had worked on projectiles and even earlier they had learned about chakra itself.

Naruto had asked and asked to join the training but he always heard the same words "Another time maybe, Naruko-chan and Menma-kun have a more urgent matter." 'What could it be that important that they leave one of their kids all out?' Naruto had thought many times but only recently had gotten the answer.

After some of the attempts on his head, apparently, Naruto was being a pain in the backside to his family, and that was Jiraiya's cue. He managed to convince Minato and Kushina to tell the kids the truth of what happened when they were born. They were about four weeks from turning five so the grown-ups didn't know what to expect, but hoped to make it easier for them to understand and to not get them angry later.

So one night Jiraiya and Minato took the kids to the meeting room of every family, the kitchen. "Do you kids know what your dad is famous for?" Jiraiya asked with a proud grin. "He is the Yondaime Hokage." Menma answered swiftly." Yes." Jiraiya responded. "And people say he is a war hero." Came the second line from the boy. "Very well.." Jiraiya spoke again in a wise tone. "And dad killed the fox monster!" Naruko jumped as not to be left behind. "He is also trained by you and described as a genius." Naruto finished. "See Minato you're still in the game." Jiraiya commented. "And you kids seem somewhat smart for your age. ...However, now we'll be discussing about the monster fox or 'The Demon Fox Spirit' as it is known."

"What about it?" Naruko asked innocently. "Well Naruko I don't know who told you but I did not kill the Demon Fox." "B'cause they can't be killed." Naruto interrupted. Minato frowned a bit at the action. "Yes," he said. He wasn't too connected to Naruto really. He'd better stay near his wife. Nightmares of the sad parts of her life still haunted her. And being around Naruto wasn't helping. And his two other children obviously needed more attention. They had a great responsibility.

After some seconds of silence. "No human or any other thing, as far as I know, can kill a biju when it is loose, the only way is to kill them while they are sealed in a human vessel. That person is called a jichuriki, one has to kill the jichuriki to kill the tailed beast." Minato continued. "Exactly, and even then the beast is going to come back to life after some time has passed since they are just vast chakra reserves that have taken a certain physical shape." Jiraiya explained further. "There are nine of these beasts and each has a corresponding number of tails and a different shape than the others. "Naruto filled in after.

Jiraiya and Minato were more shocked than surprised to hear that, coming from a child, especially when the child was Naruto. Even the public didn't know much about them, apart from being old, hated, life threatening beasts. If not for wars and cases like the Kyuubi attack people wouldn't even know what they looked like. Menma and Naruko were getting bits and pieces but Naruto was way ahead. "How... How did you know that?" Jiraiya asked after he overcame the shock first but still had a bit of concern in his voice. "I read a lot of books in our library and there was this book on the table and I r-read it. It was ab-bout tailed beasts." After their reaction Naruto's confidence was shaken a little.

"O yes, yes.." Minato was struck with realisation. After deciding he would train Naruko and Menma with Kushina and a bit later with their godparents too, he had headed to the library to freshen up on the biju topic and must have forgotten to put the book back on the shelf ..still.." But you are too young to get the grasp of concepts like this. Even most of the adults can't get tenth of the meaning in those books your father has"... "This is a bit unnatural." Jiraiya spoke his mind. After Minato's mind came back in his head- "Alright, let's just keep going." He figured Naruto must have just put the words together without knowing their meaning. Or so he thought. "After the First Great Ninja War the First Hokage had caught multiple tailed beasts, he gave all of them to other villagers as a sign of peace, but, but he kept the strongest of them, The Demon Fox Spirit or the Kyuubi no Kitsune(the nine-tailed fox). First: he couldn't trust anyone with the nine tails since Madara Uchiha did what he did and even they both couldn't keep Kyuubi under control for an extended period of time, it needed a capable jichuriki. Secondly: Kyuubi was already sealed in a jichuriki, First's wife Mito Uzumaki of the Uzumaki clan."

"Just like mom." Naruko pointed out. "Yes, Naruko, just like Kushina. A trophy for you." Now it was Minato's turn to speak. "After years of being a jichuriki Mito-sama couldn't keep the Kyubi for longer so a new jichuriki was needed. That is the reason Kushina was brought here when she was some years older than you from what remained of Uzushiogakure, the village that the Uzumaki clan established on their own long ago but now is destroyed .She had exceptional powers even amongst the clansmen so she was chosen to be Kyubi's juchuriki." The kids were listening the story for the first time and were all ears, even Naruto was interested to hear what had happened. "After Kushina got Mito-sama's sealed transfered she became a jichuriki. She was raised in the Leaf and became a kunoichi. Just like any other jichuriki she had rough times, like the ones you are experiencing Naruto. She sees her sad past in you." 'Just him?Her sad past?' Naruto didn't know what to think. "There is a constant war between the jichuriki and the biju for control. Now a seal containing the beast makes it easier for the jichuriki to be in control and even accessing their own mindscape and communicate with the tailed beast if they feel so. But there are times when the seal is really weak and the jichuriki is not strong enough to hold it back for longer. Do not tell anyone what we're about to tell you."

Now Naruto was starting to see where this was going, to understand stuff for what it really was behind the curtains, he knew of nine tail's attack like all the people above his age, of course not all made sense to him but he had gotten the main focus of the talk and was starting to feel weird in the inside. "Again- You must mot tell this to anyone. Promise?" The kids nodded. "For a female jichuriki that moment is during childbirth and without the right preparations the beast is sure to escape. Other villages, like Iwa and Mist and Cloud, have only had male jichurikis, so even they may not know this."

"Why put that thing in a girl then?" Naruko asked. "Because as was mentioned before only the most capable are chosen and not all are boys Naruko." Jiraiya made clear. Minato restarted after. "That night... During the birth of you three, there were ...some complications and the Kyuubi got set free to destroy the Leaf. Kushina was too weak to seal the nine tails in her again but fortunately, the beast wasn't extracted out of her, rather the seal got unlocked so she did not die and we don't know why that happened but we're glad. The seal got destroyed, that no longer being an option, plus the time was running fast, people were dying, I did the only thing possible." No one other than Minato was speaking or making any noise for the matter. Naruko and Menma were listening as if it was a fairy tale, Jiraiya was emotionless and Naruto he was ...
he put two and two together and guessed the result.

"If I had sealed nine tails in me I would not be able to control it, or if I made the seal too tight the biju would be worthless. Then again with how vast the Kyubi was, it wasn't possible for me to seal it all at once. Even if I had sealed a part in me somehow, with the only seal that could be used, there wouldn't be anyone to take care of the rest, not even the Sandaime at those conditions. That seal should have killed me and the Kyuubi part would regenerate after some years and be a threat to people. As I said before I did the only thing left to do.
I split the Kyubi between you three,
I sealed half of the biju's chakra in Naruko, the other half I sealed in Menma, and Naruto I sealed the nine tails soul in you. Either of these parts on its own is devastating. I could feel that you were, resonating, with the nine tail's before your birth Naruto. Somehow. I could feel it, you had that vibe, and proof were your whiskers, proof that you and nine tails might be 'compatible' with each other, I left the monster to you." 'I just hope Naruto will stay quiet now and let us do our jobs.' Minato thought with a sight.

"The soul is powerless and has no use for anything really. Naruko and Menma." Jiraiya began. You two have the chakra of the nine tails, without the soul you have a chance in using it. That will work really well for later, and it is amongst some other things that make you more special so your parents, Tsunade and me have decided to train you, so you can beco....

As the two adults were focused on the excited 'jewels' in front of them Naruto was left alone in his thoughts. 'I was just the bin for the soul, he left the soul to me because we're 'similar', but I'm me, people shouldn't hate me for things I haven't done, but they blame me, and the Kyuubi.' Naruto was just weeks from turning five but he was not stupid, he had a good understandment ability which was rare even amongst older people, it had a long way to go. One could say it was of someone double his age, only if they knew Naruto, chances of which were nearly zero. 'Did he ever think of me like a person he is close to? He married mom when she was like me there should be no problem for him, but he said mom sees me as her sad past. ' Nobody was paying attention to him. 'Now Menma and Naruko are gonna push on me even more.' Naruto started to get depressed about the things he could come across in his path.


"Oh no" Naruko exclaimed "It started snowing" she said worryingly. "What are we gonna do with the training?" "Don't worry honey." Kushina eased the girl. "This exercise can be done inside too. Come now or you'll get cold." As the four-headed towards the cold proof house Naruto got away from the window carefully and turned slowly so not to move his right arm too much. It currently was in a cast. When villagers were the size of a mob, with big numbers, and had some drunks included their minds, they went more with the 'crowd's opinion' and the consequences of more severe actions seemed lighter, as a broken arm for example. ANBUs rushed him to the hospital. Minato arrived shortly and had a talk with the doctor. "The arm is broken between the elbow and the wrist. Since he is five his bones are still soft and won't take long to heal, actually, they already seem a bit better than when he arrived." Minato took some glimpses at Naruto, thanked the doctor and went away just as fast without saying another world not even asking Naruto how he felt. At least the doctor acted nicer after seeing that Naruto had some silent tears rolling now which he didn't have before. 'The wound that just opened will last much longer and hurt even more than that arm or any other injury you might receive and not just you boy.' The doctor was a little troubled himself with Hokage's action. He looked at Naruto.
'I just hope you act before it is too late Hokage-sama,'

(Naruto and it's characters are owned by Kishimoto)

First chapter down many more to go. I understand it may have been a bit boring since there wasn't action. Feel free to drop any comment or question you may have I will answer to the best of my ability, and I suggest reading the previous page to fill in on stuff. Hope you enjoyed and catch you at the next one. - PinThisStory

Word count: 3620

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