Total Drama All Stars Edition...

By lilah505

28.1K 421 2.5K

Total drama got renewed for another season! So why not make another all stars season? 48 ex contests all com... More

Things you need to know
Meet the Campers
First Challenge
Party time!
Noco Oneshot Book!
The Awake-A-Thon
Relaxing... for now
Doom Balloons
I got tagged!
Scary Stories and Ice Cream
A Night In The Woods Part 1
A Night In The Woods Part 2

Villainous Night

1.6K 27 138
By lilah505

A little btw I'm adding some new ships to this book. I am going to add Dott (Dawn x Scott), and Chref (Chris x Chef). If you do not like any of these ships that's too bad. But do not comment hate towards the ship. Also you can request a ship if you want.

*in spongebob narrator voice* Let's see what our villains are up to...

"Wow... so this is the spa hotel." Sky said while looking around at everything.

After the elimination ceremony, the villains all made their way to the spa hotel.

Courtney, Duncan, Heather, Mike, Lightning, Scott, and Jo all knew where the rooms were and went up there to put their stuff down. The rest of the villains were busy looking around.

"Does this place even have a gym?" Eva asked. The butler lead Eva to their gym and she immediately started working out.

"Wow... this is where I belong!" Justin exclaimed as he ran to the spa.

"This place will be a perfect place for my evil lair!" Max exclaimed as he tried to do his evil laugh.

Sugar started laughing again at Max. She was laughing so hard she fell on the floor.

Confessional- Max
"Sugar will pay for laughing at me! For I am evil!!!! Mwahaha- no I don't like that either"

Confessional- Sugar
"Evil! Hahahaha! It's to bad those heroes got the wizard. But there's one thing the heroes don't have, and that's me!"

Sky went up to find the rooms. Once she did she saw Anne Maria in the girl's room. She was spraying her hair.

"You really shouldn't use that much hairspray. It's not good for you or the environment." Sky said making Anne Maria stop and look towards Sky.

"Listen heart breaker, I need to keep my hair perfect! You would understand if you were me, but you're not."

Anne Maria then went back to spraying her hair. Making Sky have a coughing fit. Sky quickly left the room and decided to explore more of the spa hotel.

"We should lose the next challenge! So we can vote off Duncan! It's not like he's going to be any help to us." Courtney was saying to Heather. Heather just rolled her eyes at her.

"We are not going to purposely lose challenges. Those heroes are too powerful. Have fun trying to get the rest of the team on board." Heather replied as she left. She was heading towards the dinning room.

"Sky! Hi! Do you need help! I can show you the rooms! I can even give you a tour!" Courtney exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Sky's shoulder.

Sky felt oddly uncomfortable. She pushed Courtney away and said, "Nice try, I know your trying to make an alliance with me. I watched season 1, 2, 3 and the first All Star! But could I still get the tour?"

"Have fun finding your way around here." Courtney simply said as she walked off.

"Great. Maybe I should've got the tour first then call her out about the alliance..."

Sky was just walking around the spa hotel. She saw Eva, Lightning, and Jo in the gym. She decided to go in there and try and talk to them.

"Uh.. hi! I'm Sky!"

Eva, Lightning and Jo all looked up at Sky giving her an evil glare.

"What do you want?" Eva asked.

"I just wanted to say hi to my teammates!" Sky replied making Jo roll her eyes.

Confessional- Jo
"I watched Pahkitew Island, I know Sky is very athletic. She'll make a very good ally."

Confessional- Lightning
"Sky thinks she's better than ME! No way! Ain't no one better than Lightning! Sha-bam!"

Confessional- Eva
"Sky just thinks we're all friends, news flash! I am no ones friend! Expect for Izzy..... and Noah.... but that's it!!!!"

"Well you did. So bye!" Eva exclaimed as she went back to lifting her weights.

"Don't mind them, Sky! They don't have a brain! Especially Jockstrap." Jo said pointing to Lightning and Eva.

"What did you say about me!!!!!!" Eva yelled out. She went up to Jo and pushed her.

"You heard me, little miss anger issues!" Jo yelled as she pushed Eva back but even harder.

"My pops says I have a brain! It's so huge!" Lightning explained making Jo laugh.

"What's so funny, guy? You jealous of the Lightning!" Lightning exclaimed while making poses and kissing his biceps.

"I. Am. A. Girl!!!!!!" Jo yelled as she tackled Lightning down. The two of them starting fighting.

"Might as well join in.." Eva said as she jumped in and they are were fighting with each other.

"Okay... I- um... I have to go. Bye!" Sky said as she ran out of the gym.

The next place she went into was the spa. She saw Justin, Amy and Sugar.

Justin was getting a facial. Amy and Sugar were getting a pedicure. Sky decided to go talk to the girls first.

"Hi, Amy and Sugar!"

Sugar and Amy just rolled their eyes at Sky.

"You should just quit, Sky! I have more talent than everyone here!" Sugar exclaimed, making Justin look towards her.

Confessional- Justin
"She has talent? For what!?! She probably just wishes she has this face! Everyone wishes they had this face! Even Alejandro!"

"Excuse me! Your country and rap song sucked ass! You deserve to be flush down that toilet." Amy said making Sugar really mad.

Confessional- Sugar
"That little twig is just jealous. I am the only one capable of combining country and rap!"

"What did you just say. Country and Rap are the best of both worlds. You just don't have taste."

"I do, but Samey doesn't. Like all her clothes are sooooo last season. Don't get me started on her hair."

"Don't you and Samey wear the same clothes and have the same hair style?" Justin asked, Sugar started laughing uncontrollably.

Confessional- Amy
"She just copies me. I mean who could blame her, she's just a copycat of me. She's the wannabe Amy."

Confessional- Sugar
"Hahahahahah!!!!!!! That Justin boy is even funnier than Max and the wizard!"

"Did anyone ask you? No!" Amy shouted at Justin.

"Next time we lose, we should vote Amy off. Ya got that?" Sugar tried to whisper to Sky and Justin. But Amy was next to her and heard what Sugar said.

"We should vote Sugar off next! She doesn't deserve to win. She doesn't even deserve to win all those beauty pageants. She has no talent." Amy said making Sugar furious.

Sugar then tackled Amy to the ground and the two started fighting. The people who were giving them their pedicures ran out of the spa.

"Ahhhhh!!! Not the face!!!" Justin yelled as he tried getting away. But Sugar grabbed his leg and pulled him down.

"Save yourself!!!!" Justin yelled. Sky quickly ran out leaving Justin, Sugar and Amy all fighting. Well, Justing wasn't fighting. He was trying to get out, but Sugar wasn't letting him leave.

Sky made her way to the dining room. She saw Duncan, Heather, Scott, Max and Scarlett all eating. Heather was already done and was getting ready to leave, until Sky stopped her.

"Hey, Heather! It feels like a honor to meet you!"

Confessional- Heather
"She's so nice... she'll be going home first."

Heather just folded her arms and said, "Sorry I have this thing where I don't talk to losers." Then she walked away.

Duncan, Scott, Max and Scarlett were almost done eating. They were just having some pizza. And Max was busy drinking all the sodas.

"Hey guys!" Sky said as she walked to the dining table and took a seat across from Scott.

Scott, Duncan and Scarlett all looked up at Sky giving her a mean look. Max was still busy drinking soda.

"Come on! Where's the team spirit!"

Confessional- Duncan
"Does she even now what team she's on? There isn't no team spirit."

Confessional- Scott
"Team spirit? Back on the farm it's every person for themselves."

"We don't have 'team spirit', we're the villains. We aren't some goody goody heroes." Duncan said. He got up and left the dining room.

"I'm with him. It's every villain for themselves." Scott said, he also got up and left the table. Leaving Scarlett and Max.

"Ah, Sky. You won't last a week on this team. You should just quit. You couldn't even be mean to Sugar! Have fun in the giant toilet!" Scarlett exclaimed as she got up and left Sky. Leaving only Max.

Confessional- Scarlett
"Sky doesn't have a bad bone in her. She will be eliminated so easily. Along with that Mike kid and Max. Then everyone else I will destroy!!!!! Mwhahahah!!!!"

"Hi Ma-" Sky was saying but got cut off.

"You clearly aren't evil, Sky. But do not fear! You can became my sidekick!!!!! And we will rule the island, then the hemisphere, then the world!!!!!! Mwhaha- Nope that isn't working either."

Confessional- Max
"I will teach Sky how to be evil! But not too evil, like Scarlett. Then I will rule the world!!! Mwhahahah- I finally got it!"

Confessional- Sky
"I get this is the villains team but do they have to act like it 24/7! Why couldn't I be on the heroes..."

"N-No thanks..."

"Fine! Just don't come crawling back when I'm ruling the island!" Max exclaimed as he got up and left.

After few minutes after Max left Mike came into the dining room.

"Hey! You're Sky, right?" Mike asked as he grabbed some pizza and sat down across from her.

"Yeah. Mike is it?"

"Yep. Also don't worry, I'm not Mal. I'm fully Mike."

"Oh yeah, you became Mal during the first All Star. But hey, least you made it to the finale!"

"Haha yeah..."

"Oh I'm sorry!"

"No no it's good."

"Everyone here is crazy! I saw 2 fights break out today." Sky said making Mike laugh.

"Yep. That's the villains alright."

Sky and Mike were talking about anything. Either about life or just asking random questions. Until Sky got tried and decided to go to sleep.

"Goodnight, Mike! It was fun talking!" Sky said as she got up from the table and left to the girl's room. Leaving Mike all alone.

Mike was just eating by himself, until he heard something outside. He looked towards the window and saw Zoey on a tree! Mike quickly got up and ran on the patio.

"Zoey!?! What are you doing here?"

Zoey explained to Mike that the heroes were throwing a party and they needed drinks and food. Mike agreed on giving Zoey some food and drinks for their party.

Mike grabbed 3 bags of chips, 2 large boxes of pizzas and 3 cans of soda. Max drank most of them, so there was only a few left.

Mike ran downstairs to the front door, with the food in his hand. When he opened the door he was met with Zoey. His girlfriend. He missed being on a team with her more than anything.

Mike handed Zoey the food and drinks and said, "Sorry about the drinks... Max drank up most of them."

"Thanks! I miss you a lot, Mike." Zoey said with a frown.

Mike noticed and gave her a quick kiss. After the kiss Mike said, "Have fun!"

Zoey then ran back to their cabins. Leaving Mike at the spa hotel, with the villains.

Mike didn't really know what else to do, so he decided to just go to bed. When he entered the boys room he saw Justin already sleeping. Duncan was sharpening his knife. Scott was admiring the pillows. And Max was trying to laugh evilly.

"Max. Can you shut up? I need my beauty sleep." Justin said to Max. Max stopped laughing and gave Justin a mean look.

"You won't need any beauty sleep when I'm ruling the island! Mwhahahah!!"

Justin started yelling at Max making Duncan angry. Duncan then joined in the argument, along with Scott.

Mike changed into his pajamas, in the bathroom. He crawled into his bed and went to sleep. Or at least tried to. They kept arguing for hours. Till they got tried and went to sleep.

Confessional- Mike
"I can't stand them! They're all so mean. At least last All Star I was a hero, but now I'm a villain! I hope Zoey, Gwen and Cam are having fun though..."

*in spongebob narrator voice* Let us see what Chris and Chef are up to...

"Cheeeef, the movie isn't playing! How can we watch a movie if it won't work!" Chris whined. Chef was busy microwaving popcorn for the two.

"Now it says there's no disk! Why can't we watch a movie that I'M in?!?"

"Because I don't wanna watch trash!" Chef shouted from the kitchen. Chris gasped loud and went in the kitchen.

"What did you say!?!?"

"Ya heard me! Your movies are trash!"

Chris and Chef were having a showdown. Until the microwave beeped.

"The popcorn's done!" Chef exclaimed while grabbing the popcorn from the microwave and heading to the couch.

Chris soon followed after him and sat next to Chef.

"Chris... I didn't mean it when I said your movies are trash. Your movies are great, you're amazing at your job!"

Chris smiled and gave Chef a big hug. Chris then said, "Thanks, man! Can we watch a movie I'm in tomorrow? If it's alright with you."

"Of course, man!" Chef said causing Chris to smile, again. Chris then kissed Chef on the check. The two spent their night watching a movie. Chef had one arm wrapped around Chris, and Chris has his arms wrapped around Chef's torso.

Okay so I'm like rewatching the Ridiculous Race again. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like the only reason Emma started liking Noah was when he saved her. Like the episode on iCarly, when Freddie saves Carly and she started liking him just cause he saved her life. But that's just my opinion!

Also I'm thinking of adding Gwourtney (Gwen x Courtney) but I'm still unsure.

But that's it! I hope you liked this chapter! The next chapter will be a challenge! I hope you have a great day/evening/ night! I love you all! <3

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