Second chance (Tony Stark fan...

By madeinmiddleearth

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During a break with her boyfriend Aurora hooks up with the infamous Tony Stark but as betrayal follows, she m... More

1. Los Angeles
2. Hercules
3. Malibu
4. You will miss me
5. Missing
6. Trace
7. Lost & found
8. I don't have anyone else, but you
9. Closure
10. Yellow diamond
11. The ball
12. Who is the iron man?
13. Texas
14. Stark Expo
15. You want my property, you can't have it
16. Monaco
18. Strawberries

17. High-tech crossword puzzle

246 9 0
By madeinmiddleearth

"This was not part of the plan" James complained as we got out of the car "you were not part of the plan, you invited yourself so, now stop complaining" I muttered as we got into the jet.

"What's with the attitude, honey?" he folded his arms "there is so much going on right now James, can you please drop the topic" I huffed as I sat on the seat, he stared at me for a while & then put his shades back on "I'm going to grab a drink, you want one?" As I shook my head as a no.

"Was this your idea, to fly back home?" Tony asked as he walked inside, pepper followed him.

"Yeah" I nodded as I put my seat belt on.

"We just got here" he said slowly as he sat facing me "what happened?"

"There's a meeting tomorrow" Pepper announced as tony looked at her "so what? She's the boss, she can cancel anytime or not show up".

"Tony" I mumbled "I can't do that".

"Yes, you can" he said.

"I need to get back home, I just need to" I said slowly as Pepper excused herself & walked towards the washroom, James showed up with a bottle of tequila as the jet began to move.

"Excuse me" Tony sniffed as he stood up & left.

"Single or double shot?" James asked as he poured the tequila "no thanks" I politely declined as I looked out of the window "suit yourself" James exhaled as he took a shot, three hours have passed by & James was in deep slumber. I switched on the TV to catch up with the news, I knew whatever I was going to see & hear is going to be fucked up but I needed to know what was going on.

Stern: It's just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle and this man has no idea what he's doing. He thinks of the Iron Man weapon as a toy. I was at a hearing where Mr Stark, in fact, was adamant that these suits can't exist anywhere else, don't exist anywhere else, never will exist anywhere else, at least for five to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realising, "These suits exist now."

"Mute. He should be giving me a medal. That's the truth" Tony said as he walked in.

"What is that?" I asked as I saw him holding a tray.

"This is your in-flight meal" he smiled as he put the tray down "did you just make that?" I was surprised.

"Yeah, where do you think I've been for three hours?" He asked as he sat down.

"Avoiding me" I responded.

"What?" He scoffed "what would I avoid you?"

"Cos you're hiding something from me?" I looked at him "Tony. What are you not telling me?"

"I don't want to go home. At all. Let's cancel my birthday party and...We're in Europe. Let's go to Venice, Cipriani. It's a great place to be healthy" he looked at me "and you've never been to there so, it would be fun".

"This is not the right time for all these, we are in a mess" I told him.

"That's why it's the right time" he smiled a bit.

"As the CEO I have to show up" I said.

"As CEO, you are entitled to a leave" he gazed at me "Just a ride. Well, I'm just saying, to recharge our batteries and figure it all out".

"I don't know why you made me CEO, because honestly I don't have it in me to be the CEO of your company but I accepted it only because I didn't want your company to be in a mess & I'm trying to save it Tony...but guess you don't understand, these vacations & retreats that your talking about might work for you but not for me cos if anything goes south as CEO it'll be on my head & people are already pointing fingers at me" I explained.

"Don't care about what people say cos they don't know you like I do, you are capable of great things" he said slowly.

"That's why I have to focus on what's best for the company, I can't fool around Tony...not everybody runs on batteries" I looked at him "I have to go home & make things right, if not what's the use of me being a CEO".

"If you say so" he smiled as he came forward & hold my hands "thank you Aurora, for everything". As James woke up & yawned "what's that delicious smell?" As tony looked at him "not for you buddy, it's for the boss right here" as I laughed.

"You can move over to my house, I'm just saying" Tony said over the phone.

"Haha. Very funny" I scoffed as I got out of the car, I was searching for a place in Malibu ever since I got the CEO position because I didn't want to live my entire CEO life in a hotel room & I miss being around Hercules.

"Good morning, mam" the real estate broker beamed as he saw me "I gotta go, Tony" I said as I hanged up the call "Good morning" I shook his hand as Natalie followed me behind. I have been eyeing on a beautiful modern mansion for the past few days & here I am today to take a closer look at it & make my final decision.

"After you" the man smiled as me & Nat walked inside, it was exactly like the pictures I've seen but much more breathtaking & the view was amazing. Never ever in my life did I ever thought that one day I'd live in a place like this but here I am, we took a stroll around & checked everything out if James & Nikki were here they would have exploded out of excitement. Since, I didn't have millions to spend on the mansion I decided to rent it & one day own it or maybe buy a new mansion if I grew weary of it.

"Nat, told me you got the mansion" Tony looked at me as I nodded "yes, I did".

"She also told me, you rented it instead of buying it" he said slowly as he sipped his chlorophyll.

"Did she..." I mumbled as I flipped the pages of the file "you can just buy it if you want to, you know that right?" he sniffed.

"Tony, I'd like to make my own money not blow up yours" I looked at him as he chuckled "You're the boss, it's your money".

"It's not" I chuckled as I closed the file.

"You feel it's not your's cos of me?" he raised his brows "what do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean you & me" he mentioned.

"What are you even talking about" I furrowed my brows as he moved closer "that you & me don't have a relationship tag".

"I don't know what we have, but it's the best to keep it professional don't you think?" I looked at him.

"Really? Cos when I made you CEO, you know what was on my mind?" He smirked "that you would be my successor".

"Tony" I chuckled as he responded "I am serious about it, I have given much thought about it & it was always you".

"You are confusing, you know that" I raised my brows "are we having a moment right now?" He gazed at me "cos I have this feeling, you want me to kiss you".

"What?" I chuckled as he moved closer, Natalie walked in "Mam, you're on call".

"Coming" I responded as Natalie nodded & walked away "I gotta go" I mumbled as I picked up the file.

"That means, no kiss for me?" Tony expression dropped as I chuckled & kissed his cheek as he smiled at me.

"Where's Tony?" Rhodey asked as me & Natalie were busy cleaning up the mess Tony made in Monaco.

"He don't want to be disturbed" Natalie mentioned as Rhodey sat next to me & looked up at the screen, where I was giving a live interview on TV over the phone.

News reader : But what happened in Monaco?

"Everyone saw what happened in Monaco, ironman protected us" I responded, the obvious.

News reader: But his continuing erratic behaviour may lead many people to ask themselves, "Can this man still protect us?"

"Iron Man never stopped protecting us. The events in Monaco proved that" I responded as Rhodey showed his thumbs up, in approval.

News reader: So, mam are you saying ironman can still protect us?

"Everyone saw what ironman can do & as a matter of fact yes, he can & he will protect us" I said.

News reader: thank you mam, for you time.

I put down the phone & took a deep breath "that went well" Rhodey smiled at me "you think?" I exhaled as I stood up & walked towards the kitchen as he followed "you okay?"

"I am, I just need something to drink & a little bit of air" I said.

"Do you know what exactly happened in Monaco?" He asked curiously as I grabbed a bottle of cold water from the fridge "I don't want to talk about it, but Tony's downstairs at his garage...if you really wanna know".

"I got it" he nodded as he walked out of the kitchen.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" James yelled as he walked into the mansion.

"Baby" I beamed as Hercules came running towards me & covered me with endless kisses "I love you more" I chuckled as I fell on the floor. After James explored the whole mansion on his own he walked towards me "you know what I was thinking, moving to Malibu to be with you".

"Really?" I looked up at him.

"Yeah, I have been so lonely without you" he told me as I got up "me too, but James your work is in LA".

"I know but I've enough to set up my own beauty saloon out here, I know it will take a little bit of effort but I am ready" he smiled.

"That's awesome" I beamed as we hugged "I really missed you & I'm so glad you wanna move to Malibu, for me".

"You know I can't live without you girl so, wherever you go...I go" he grinned as we hugged once more "thank you James, for always being with me".

"Now, who's going to tell Nikki about it?" He asked.

"Not me" I chuckled as he folded his arms "for real? Why should I always be the one".

"Cos you're the diva James, not me" I smirked as me & Hercules headed towards the backyard to play catch. James moved in with me & we became roomies again, which was great because we both didn't know how to function without each other for long. Nikki was pissed at us but she knew I had to be in Malibu being the CEO of an international company & James & I were inseparable so she wasn't shocked that he's opening his own saloon here, but whatever it maybe we are & will always be Bff's the miles doesn't affect our friendship a bit. She was happy in a way because now & then she can crash over at our beautiful mansion here in Malibu.

"How's the saloon, coming up?" I asked as I picked up my bag.

"Better than I expected" James smiled as he sipped his coffee.

"That's good to know" I smiled a bit "and hey, thank you for lending me Nat she's awesome" he looked at me as I nodded "I know right?"

"No wonder why Stark hired her" he said as I responded "I told her the same, anyway I gotta go catch you later".

"Yeah, see you" he yelled as I walked out of the door.

"Good morning" Rhodey smiled as he walked into the office "good morning" I wished him back as I put down the phone, me & Rhodey were not really friends we just knew each other through Tony but there was a connection between us.

"Hope, I didn't disturb you?" He asked politely as he took a seat "not really" I responded, I'm sure he was here because he wanted to talk to me about Tony.

"You know why I'm here, don't you?" he mentioned the obvious as I nodded "yes".

"I just don't want to shock or scare you but it's important, that you know this" he looked at me "it's Tony...the palladium in his chest, doesn't look good at all". As soon as he said that I remembered what Ivan Vanko said to Tony when he was in Monaco "Hey, Tony. Before you go, palladium in the chest, painful way to die".

I stood up in shock "I gotta go".

"Hey, hey calm down" Rhodey stood up as well.

"I just remembered something" I murmured as I grabbed my purse "what?" Rhodey asked as he followed me.

"I'll fill you in the details later" I yelled as I got into the elevator & Happy drove me off to Tony's.


I called as I walked down towards the garage & entered the security code.


He was seated inside one of his vintage cars, in deep concentration as Jarvis spoke.

Query complete sir. Anton Vanko was a Soviet physicist who defected to the United States in 1963.However, he was accused of espionage and was deported in 1967. His son, Ivan, who is also a physicist, was convicted of selling Soviet-era weapons grade plutonium to Pakistan, and served 15 years in Kopeisk prison. No further records exist.

"Tony" I stood besides him as he snapped out of his thought & turned around "mute" he ordered Jarvis "what are you doing here?" He was surprised "shouldn't you be at work?" He looked down on his watch.

"Yeah, I needed to talk to you" I said as I put my purse down & sat on the couch "anything?" He asked slowly as he got out from the car.

"Can you be honest with me?" I looked at him as he smirked "when was I ever dishonest with you?"

"Tony" I rolled my eyes "I am serious".

"Ask away" he huffed as he sat next to me.

"What's going on with you?" I asked slowly.

"Nothing" he mumbled as he scratched the back of his neck "than what about the high-tech crossword puzzle on your neck?" I pointed at the weird looking lines on his neck.

"Road rash. I was in an accident remember?" He looked at me.

"FYI, that was not there when I saw you last" I said.

"Really? I cant belief you keep checking me out" he said cockily as I huffed "I am not playing right now".

"You are cute, you know that" he began to smile as I moved closer "Tony, I'm seriously concerned about you & your health".

"You know what will cheer me up, right now?" He gazed at me.

"I don't wanna know, just tell me what the palladium in your chest is doing to you?" I asked sternly.

"What?" He was a bit shocked.

"Tony, I know it's doing something to you..." I looked at him.

"It's just not reacting well with my body, that's it" he scoffed as he stood up.

"What does that even mean?" I muttered.

"Rhodey...this man can't even keep his mouth shut, can't he?" tony muttered as he walked towards the bar & grabbed his bottle of chlorophyll.

"Are you dying?" I asked slowly as tony turned around in shock "what?"

I took a deep breath "I overheard what Ivan Vanko told you about the palladium, in his cell...he told you it's a painful way to die".

"Honey" he mumbled as he walked towards me "that man he's a crack head, didn't you see what he did in Monaco & you belief him?"

"Tony" I shook my head not knowing what even to belief in "please, just tell me the truth" as he pulled me into a hug "hey, I'm okay. I'm not going to die, do you think you can get rid of me this easily? Hell no!"

"Tony" I began to chuckle "I'm serious".

"And so am I, I'm all good it's just like an allergic reaction & it will get better with time" he said slowly as he placed a soft kiss on my head "I'll be just fine".

"You better not be lying to me, or I'll kill you myself" I threatened as he chuckled "I know you will be the death of me, for sure" as he leaned in & kissed me softly, it's been so long that anything has happened between the two of us but that kiss brought back all the feelings & emotions that I've suppressed for so long as I kissed him back "so, you wanna continue this upstairs?" He smirked.

"I have a meeting at four" I winked as I picked up my purse "I gotta go".

"Seriously?" Tony furrowed his brows, as I blowed him a kiss & walked out of the garage.


Sorry, I've not been updating for long...I've been busy lately & i'm working on a VAMPIRE DIARIES fanfic known as ALL THIS TIME so, if anyone of you is interested in vampires, werewolves, witches or the supernatural please go ahead & check it out from my won't be disappointed thank you :)

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