Bound In Ruins

By dinaAbu

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A promise. A secret. A choice. One girl and one guy. Bound by a contract that states they are betrothed to e... More

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 1
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 2
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 3
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 4
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 5
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 6
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 7
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 8
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 9
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 10
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 11
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 12
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 13
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 14
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 15
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 16
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 17
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 18
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 19
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 20
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 21
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 22
Bound In Ruins- Chapter 24

Bound In Ruins- Chapter 23

28 3 0
By dinaAbu

Chapter 23

Present Day

"And we decided to come back again why?" Kai asked sarcastically as we walked into my flat back in the city.

I laughed, "We're going to be late."

"The party has only just started. We have plenty of time," Kai stated tugging me by my hips into my bedroom.

"No you fool," I giggled as he planted kissed all over my neck.

"We need to get ready. The mayor's charity event is important for us, especially if we're going as a couple. It'll be the first public event we're showed as a couple." I stated sitting him down on the bed as I stood in between his legs.

"You're hot when you're bossy, you know that right?" He stated grabbing me b the hand.

"And your seduction right now isn't working," I lied.

He let out a laugh, causing my insides to burst with joy.

Feeling heat creep its way onto my cheeks, I fought back the emotions ripping through my body that only Kai could cause.

Shooting me a sad smile, he spoke. "Go shower. I need to meet Clarissa downstairs to get my outfit for tonight."

Nodding my head, I walked slowly away from him so that I could go get dressed.

After showering, I let Kai go in and take care of his business cleaning up.

I went straight for my closet that was an entire other room which thankfully had the gown that Harper had ordered for this event.

It was a black satin gown that was perfect for the night.

Fixing my hair and adding some makeup onto my face, I put on my dress.

It must have been an hour that passed and I hoped Kai was ready, if at all near it.

"Kai? You ready to go?" I asked.

We had immediately ran from the private airport to my apartment and were seriously jetlagged.

I knew that it would creep up to us tonight.

Walking out of the closet room and into my main room, Kai responded from my bathroom.

"Coming out now. We should get going." I heard him say as he walked out to meet me.

Stopping dead in his tracks, a huge grin broke out on his face.

"Sheesh, James," He said shaking his head in disbelief.

"I know, I'm pretty hot and you're hideous. Now let's go," I stated pointing to the elevator.

He walked up to me slowly, not breaking eye contact as he reached down to grab my hand.

"Give me a good reason why either of us should leave this apartment right now rather than go into your bedroom," he whispered against my ear sending goosebumps all over my bare skin.

Breathing slowly, I chose my words wisely.

"Because we would never leave otherwise. And you can keep imagining what you want to do to me throughout the night. And maybe, just maybe, we can act out on it when we come back." I answered grabbing his hand and walking us to the elevator.

"Screw a damn Mayor event. This is way more important." He stated frustrated as we entered the elevator.

"But we go. And we come back," he stated bringing my hand to his lips.

"Behave yourself, Devereux. Your desperation is quite pathetic." I winked at him.

Shooting me a wicked grin, I knew he was enjoying my sass just a bit too much.

We had made our way over to the event and walked hand in hand through the photographers and carpet. It was actually unreal to see the amount of people that were looking our way actually surprised to our couple debut, it was as if Victoria and David Beckham were walking down the red carpet.

Smiling through some photos with Kai, we couldn't wait to head inside.

"Oh boy, that photographer was a second away from jumping your pants!" I told Kai.

"I can't help it. The man has good taste," he stated laughingly.

We laughed our way inside the party and were immediately greeted by his parents.

Feeling a complete shift in mood, I squeezed Kai's hand tightly.

"I'm here with you this time, so no running away." I whispered just as his parents welcomed us.

"So nice to see you two! Sophia, how are you? My you look tan!" His mother stated, pulling me in for a hug.

"Veronica, always a pleasure. Edward, I hope that you're well." I stated in response.

"Adelaide!" Kai stated hugging his sister.

"There you are big brother. Next time you decide to jet off to Europe, take me with you." She said slapping Kai's shoulder playfully.

"Europe?" His mother asked confused.

Looking at the interaction between the family had been interesting, as Edward hadn't had told Veronica about Kai's whereabouts.

"I went with Sophia for a business trip amongst other things. It's quite refreshing mother, you should try it sometimes." He stated coming off rude.

Reaching out for his hand, I squeezed it and shot him a look to be kinder.

I hadn't known the depth of their relationship, but I know that his mother loved him.

He nodded and I silently thanked him.

Looking back at Veronica, she shot us both a look as if she was surprised to see us getting along.

"Kai, I think you should show your mom some of the stuff we did in Europe through the photos we took. It's only fair," I stated nudging for him to at least talk to his mother and father alone.

"Adelaide, want some drinks?" I asked grabbing her.

"Gladly," She stated appreciatively.

Walking away with her, we both sighed in relief.

"Well shit, if that wasn't my death wish." Adelaide stated, grabbing a glass from the Champaign bar.

"No, you're fine. Kai won't care that you slipped up about Europe." I reassured, grabbing myself a glass.

She shot me a knowing look, as if she were on to something.

"You and him seem good. Not wanting to kill each other like the last time. That's so good." She stated enthusiastically.

I shot her a genuine smile, "I can definitely stand to be near him now, yes."

She laughed, "Oh please. You guys are definitely banging each other now."

I spat out what little drink I had in my mouth, "What?!"

Laughing, I couldn't believe she just said that.

"There is no way my brother is still with you otherwise. And besides, you're glowing."

"That's because we just got back from a trip and I'm tan!" I corrected laughing in between words.

"Yeah, okay!" She stated unconvinced.

"No but seriously. He might have his issues with my parents but he seemed much lighter today coming to this. He hates these parties but tonight, he looks quite the opposite." She stated shooting me a wink.

"Especially after his fight with my parents. I'm glad he's in a better state than the last time I saw him," she added.

I shot her a small smirk, "Yeah, he brushed up on the fact about how they kind of did something a while back, that has left a sour taste in his mouth."

Her eyes just about bulged out of her head, "He told you about Elizabeth?"

Snapping my head immediately in her direction I grew confused, "Elizabeth?"

She immediately retracted, as if she said too much.

Drinking her drink down to its entirety, she broke the awkward silence, "Nobody important. I think Kai's looking for you, we should head back."

Grabbing her hand before she could run off, she turned around but not with pleasure.

"Adelaide," I stated.

Sighing, she shot me a sad smile.

"He should be the one to tell you, not me." She said softly.

Nodding my head, I let go of my hold on her.

I could respect that, although I was curious as to what she meant.

Who was Elizabeth?

Walking through the crowd, it took me a few minutes before finding Kai who was speaking intensely with his mother.

Not wanting to intrude, I acted as if I were doing something important and talked casually to the closest individual near me.

Little did I realize, that it would be Jackson Rhodes.

"Well isn't this a surprise," He stated turning around.


"My mistake. I genuinely thought you were someone else," I stated sarcastically walking away from him.

Grabbing my wrist, he tugged on my arm and pulled me to the corner.

"Let go of me Jackson." I warned, yanking my hand from his grip.

"Relax, darling. I don't see your boy toy around here. Nice of you two to get together, you make a lovely couple." He breathed down my face, with nothing but alcohol reeking from him.

"You are actually, pathetic. You should leave before you make yourself look even more foolish than you already are." I stated, shooting him a death glare.

Walking past him, I felt his hand slap my ass and I immediately snapped my attention back to him.

He seriously did not just do that.

"Excuse me?" I threatened, but before I could even slap him, I was moved out of the way.

Looking at who pushed me, I saw Kai punch Jackson square in the face, causing him to tumble over a waiter serving drinks.

Catching the attention of bystanders, Kai didn't even care for them.

"Don't you ever fucking touch her again," he threatened, standing on top of Jackson who rubbed his cheek.

Walking over to me, I grabbed Kai's hand and noticed him not even flinch.

"Are you alright?" He asked as I grabbed his hand.

"I'm fine, we need to get you ice." I stated, taking us away from the commotion.

Instead of leading us to the kitchen where I wanted to ask for ice, Kai led us outside.

The second we were away from the crowd, he stopped walking dead in his tracks and turned around to face me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, taking my face in his hands.

I looked into his eyes that were piercing into mine, and I saw concern written all over his face.

I just about melted at the worry he was feeling.

He cared.

I nodded my head, "I promise you I'm okay."

"I'm just pissed you beat me to hitting him," I stated truthfully, trying to lighten the mood.

Kai's expression hadn't changed remotely. He was finding it difficult for himself to loosen up.

"How about we call it a night?" I told him, grabbing his hands from my face and entwining them in mine.

He let out a deep breath and nodded his head.

"I want nothing more than to go back in there and kill him," he stated angrily.

Tugging on his hands, I shook my head no.

"And I want nothing more than for me to just get into bed. He's not worth it." I pleaded.

"He touched you," He stated furiously.

I sighed, knowing that Kai would not drop this.

Instead of persuading him with my words, I planted my lips softly on his and kissed him.

Returning the kiss, he kissed back just as softly and placed his hand behind my neck, deepening it.

Wrapping my hands around his tie, I yanked it downward.

"Come on," I said pulling away from the kiss.

Kai pulled out his phone as we walked to the side of the building and in a minute, his driver met us.

"Nice to see you, Frankie." Kai said as we entered his car.

"And nice to see you too Sir. Especially you Ms. James." Frankie answered as Kai shut the door behind us.

"Sophia, Frankie. Please." I corrected.

"Sophia," He corrected, shooting me a wink through the mirror.

The drive was extremely silent, and Kai hadn't managed to calm down either. His hands were placed on his legs and I saw his jaw tense.

The tension was so thick in the car I even felt it.

He was staring outside the window, and I wondered what he was thinking about.

Once we pulled up to my building, I opened my door and walked out, not waiting for Kai.

He followed close behind and still, didn't utter a word.

"Kai," I said as the elevator doors shut.

He let out a deep breath, but didn't answer.

Getting annoyed, I went inside the apartment the second the door opened.

Taking of my heels, I tossed them aside.

Kai saw himself inside and walked up to the glass wall that overlooked the city.

"Kai," I said again, glaring right at him as he stared outside.

"Who's Elizabeth?" I asked, causing his head to snap immediately in my direction.

The color immediately drained from his face, as if he had saw a ghost.

"Who told you about her?" He asked firmly.

"Well that got you to talk." I stated annoyed, walking away from him to the bedroom.

Grabbing my wrist, I felt him yank on my arm.

"No, I've had enough men grabbing me for tonight." I stated pulling away from him and continuing my walk to my room.

He looked pained, as if my words really scratched the surface.

Trying to unzip my dress from the back but failing miserably, I sat on my bed in defeat.

Kai stood at the doorway and looked at me for a few seconds before breaking the silence.

"She isn't important." He said.

"She obviously is, if you're acting like that." I responded.

"Acting like what?" He asked annoyed.

"Like you want to punch someone." I added.

He let out a sharp laugh, "I want to punch Jackson. The man who laid a finger on you. That's it."

"Then why is it so difficult for you to answer my question?" I fired back.

"The same reason why you refuse to talk to me about the asshole who broke your heart," he stated walking up to me.

Feeling as if I was just slapped across my face with his words, I felt my stomach drop.

Feeling bile in my throat, I felt my insides churn. How the hell did he know?

My expression must've told him the same thing.

"How did you-?" I asked in disbelief, staring at the floor in front of me.

"I didn't know, but you're not hard to read, Sophia. Why else are you so against actually trying with us? It's not difficult to put the pieces together." He stated, crouching down by my legs, so that I was forced to look at him.

I didn't utter a single word.

It felt as if his words were paralyzing, and I couldn't grasp onto my thoughts.

It fell silent for a minute, until Kai stood up and lifted me with him in one swift motion.

He carried me to the living room and sat us down on the couch.

"Don't bother protesting," He stated, pulling me close against him as he laid down with me pressing against him.

I sighed and threw a blanket over us instead, not bothering trying to leave.

He wouldn't allow it.

"She was the friend I told you in Europe about. The one who my parents paid off." He said softly.

I tilted my head and looked at him, to find that he was staring off into space.

I instantly felt bad for even mentioning it now.

But it made sense.

I wanted to know more.

"You cared for her," I stated.

He nodded his head slowly before speaking, "I did."

"Then why would your parents do that?" I asked confused.

He looked pained, as if his next words were physically painful for him to let out.

"Because of you," he said softly.

"Me?" I immediately defended.

He sighed, and gripped onto my body tighter.

"They refused to let me become serious with anyone else. They thought that she was just a fling, but after the time we spent together, they felt threatened. They hadn't wanted to jeopardize their precious Devereux Corp." He stated running his fingers through his hair.

I felt my stomach twist in knots.

I couldn't help but feel guilty.

Even though I knew it was his parents undoing, I still felt at fault.

"So they paid her and she actually took it and ran?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yeah," he said without hesitation.

I scanned his face, searching for any emotions that he might've been withholding but all I saw was a blank stare in his eyes.

"Did you love her?" I flat out asked.

Surely he did.

"I was young." He interjected.

I nodded my head.

I knew the answer.

I couldn't even fathom the thought of someone I love be paid off by my parents. That was another sort of shit right there.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that. And I'm really sorry that the agreement is what prevented it from happening," I admitted.

His face fell, and his eyes landed on mine as I continued laying against him on the couch.

His finger stroked my cheek as he spoke, "I'm glad it happened."

"Oh yeah, so you can forever be an ass to just about everyone around you?"

"No, but because she wasn't the one for me. Not even close." He corrected.

I couldn't help but shoot him a sad expression. He fell in love and had it stripped by him from other people.

I looked at him and felt my emotions override with wanting to comfort him.

Kai was making me feel things I hadn't felt in forever.

I couldn't help how I was feeling.

I liked the man so much, it could inevitably be my undoing.

He placed his lips softly against mine and kissed me tenderly, before scooting us downward on the couch, getting more comfortable.

Tonight, Kai had shown me layers to him that I would've never had guessed he had. The more I peeled them back, the more I wanted him.

The more I wanted him to want me.

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