Just Say The Truth (YamixYugi)

By KaiKazuki42

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"Even though I love the staring, I'm not going anywhere aibou." Yugi is depressed because of Atem's leaving h... More

Chapter 1 - Remembering
Chapter 2 - Going Home
Chapter 3 - Seeing You Again
Chapter 4 - Planning and Similar Faces
Chapter 5 - "Welcome Home, My Love"
Chapter 6 - New Home
Author Note
Chapter 7 - Unfortunate Events
Chapter 8 - Trapped
Chapter 9 - "Please Rescue Me"
Chapter 10 - This Shouldn't Be Goodbye
Chapter 12 - The Truth
Chapter 13 - With All My Heart
Chapter 14 - Just Say The Truth
Author Note

Chapter 11 - Blank Space

181 9 5
By KaiKazuki42

Yami sat in an uncomfortable chair next to Yugi's bedside. The boy was dressed in white, with bandages covering most of his body. He laid upon white sheets, hooked up to many systems. Only sounds from the machines could be heard in the room. Yami silently sat there, contemplating his next move.

It had been only a few short hours since Yugi was released from the emergency room into a normal hospital room. His grandpa came to visit for a short time before returning home. Yami couldn't shake the feeling that he was hiding something. Kaiba had stayed in Joey's room the whole time and he wouldn't let Joey see Yugi yet. Tristan didn't pick up his phone, or did Ryou. Tea was too far away but she did send her regards.

Yami couldn't shake the feeling that the whole fiasco was his fault. After the incident and having lots of time to think to himself, he started to remember something from the past. This was when he had just been released from the puzzle and had no idea who he was.

He knew Ushio's face and found that he recognized him from before. Yami did remember Joey saying something about right after he beat up Yugi, he became insane. One of the only people capable of doing this to a person would be Yami, but he couldn't remember all of the details.

Yami's train of thought was interrupted by a squeak from the door. A man in a white coat walked quietly into the small room. "Sir, visiting hours have just ended...I ask you to come back tomorrow after you get your things packed. Mr. Mutou should wake up in the next few days so don't worry, he's in my care." The nice doctor gave Yami a few more minutes with Yugi before he had to leave.

"Please wake up soon...I don't know what I'll do without you, Aibou." Yami planted a light kiss on Yugi's face trying not to bother any of his bruises. With a sad smile, Yami left the hospital and went on his short walk home.

It wasn't too long until Yami reached the Mutou residence. He had never even got a chance to unpack his room, let alone his house, with everything that had happened in the last few days. Lucky for him, all of the furniture and boxes were already inside and most of them were unpacked. All except for his room and Yugi's. He terribly missed his other half.

"Welcome back, Yami." Grandpa had a sad smile on his face as Yami walked in. Yami only nodded as he walked up the stairs up to his room. The steps were perfectly silent, no creak at all. The walk to his room was short since he didn't even think, no thoughts swirled in his head.

Yami placed the small bag he brought back from the hospital on his bed. He could only tear up at thoughts of Yugi. Why was it always him? Why can't I take anything for us and not him? Why am I so useless? A few silver tears fell from the tan skinned boy's face. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a golden light from under Yugi's bed in the next room.

Curiosity got the better of Yami as he tracked into Yugi's messy room and kneeled down next to the bed. He was correct, there was something shining under the bed. Yami reached a hand under the bed, grabbing the glowing chunk. But as soon as he picked it up, it glowed even brighter.

- Memories of The Past

Yami opened his eyes trying to figure out what had just happened. He looked around finding himself in Yugi's old room. The man himself was lying on his small bed.

"Why did I have to send you away..." These words sent chills down Yami's spine. He went over to the boy placing a hand over Yugi's, only to faze through him. Right now, the former pharoah was a ghost in someone else's memories.

Yugi cried the night away. Spirit form Yami watched his love cry for hours, it split his heart open having to watch the one he loves with all of his being hurt like that. "I-I never got t-to tell you that I l-love you!" The tears streamed down the poor boy's face quicker and quicker.

Yami stood next to the boy, crying himself. He never knew that Yugi loved him this early. 'I wished I never left, Aibou.' Yami thought to himself quietly, clear tears continuing down his face. Everything went black for a short moment before returning to Yugi's old room. Yugi was sitting on his bed.

The doorbell rung, but Yugi stayed where he was sitting. "I've got a marathon with Joey, I can't not be downstairs..." Yugi clutched his chest. 'Aibou! What's wrong!?' Yami could only worry for this memory would only continue.

Yugi started breathing heavily, collapsing to the floor. A muffled voice shouted from the far away front door, then footsteps. Only, Yugi's breaths were becoming more ridged and short. 'Aibou!' Yami fell to the floor next to his love. 'What's happening to you!?' Yami had not seen Yugi like this, at least not around him.

Yami turned to the door to see Joey burst in and check on Yugi. He called the hospital, he didn't know exactly what to do. Yami could only watch the horrifying scene play out before him. Again, everything around Yami went black as he was now somewhere underground.

"I know you'll save me...Yami." Yugi was chained up to the wall, leaning his weak body on the wall. He looked like he was going to pass out any second. Yami knew he could do nothing.

Time seemed to pass quickly as he saw his lover be taken by Ushio to his torture room. Yami watched every part where Ushio whipped Yugi, feeling the same pain he went through. Everything slowed as Yami heard all of Yugi's thoughts. 'Never leave again Yami, ok? I don't think I could bear it. Well, I might not be here for much longer so there isn't much to be worried about. You will always be my love, my Koi. I'll tell you about my disease before I go, just don't forget me alright?' Yugi smiled as his thoughts went dead, just like his body.

Yami was confused at some of the things Yugi spoke in his head. 'What disease? Why would you leave?' Why would I ever leave you again? I want to be with you forever!' The world around Yami once again went black, but this time he didn't recognize what he watched.

Yami and grandpa were sitting on a couch while Yugi was sitting in a chair across from them. There was a sad smile on Yugi's face. "Grandpa already knows this...but I think I'll tell you to Koi." Yugi lowered his head the slightest, eyes covered with golden bangs. He placed a small bottle on a small table. "Yugi, what's this?" Yami took the white container from the table reading it silently.

Shock rang across Yami's face. The spirit form of Yami was standing on a different side, watching what was happening. He didn't have any memory of this event. The 'memory' continued as Yugi spoke of his illness. Yami couldn't hear what Yugi spoke, he replied on the facial expressions of his duplicate and grandpa.

Sadness came over duplicate Yami, but so did anger and shock. Duplicate Yami started shouting at Yugi, who had tears coming down his face. Duplicate Yami had a finger pointed towards the door. This is when Yugi stood up and walked right outside. His tshirt didn't keep the snow off of him as he ran out through the white. Yami was transported behind Yugi as he ran.

Duplicate Yami didn't follow Yugi. He was alone in the snow, in a familiar place too. Yami watched as Yugi started coughing. He covered his mouth with purple hands as he fell to his knees. Yami watched as Yugi removed his hands, having stopped his coughing fit. Across Yugi's hands was a red liquid.

"Guess I don't have any more time." A final smile came across Yugi's face as he fell completely into the snow. Little blood trickled out of his mouth as he laid there, slowly closing his eyes. "The stars were so beautiful tonight...I wish I could have watched them with Yami." The smile stayed across Yugi's lips as his eyes closed fully and body started to become cold. The snow slowly fell upon the boy's body, piling over his limp features. Yami ran over to his love, unable to do anything for him. 'Yugi!' Yami cried over the boy, who was without a doubt, dead.


Yami was brought back to Yugi's room. The millennium puzzle which was in his hand, now on the ground. Only tears were able to flow from the tan man as he cried. Yami now understood completely what he had watched. Those were few of the many times Yugi was alone and he was gone.

He sat in the room till moonlight swept through the blank windows. All of Yami's tears were dried up. He was now ready to see Yugi, awake that is. He eagerly looked at a small watch on his wrist. 2:15 AM. It sure is late. Yami took off his tear stained shirt, throwing it right on the floor. He fell asleep in Yugi's bed, not once letting go of the pillow that smelled just as sweet as his lover.

Yami awoke later the next day, almost noon. There were no calls from the hospital about Yugi's condition. He made up his mind to go and see his Aibou after getting ready. The former pharoah took a quick shower and dried himself off. Yami proceeded to put on a normal looking outfit, then added his belt like accessories. It took a short half hour from Yami lazing around to spick and span, ready to see Yugi.

The boy didn't eat at his house, only holding that off till later in the day. On his walk to the hospital, Yami could wait no longer to see Yugi. He started speeding up until he was in a full on run. The 10 minute walk turned into 5 as he reached the white building.

After checking in, Yami was brought to Yugi's room. He walked over to the still unconscious boy and pulled a chair up, sitting next to him. "Oh Yugi..." Yami held the smaller one's hand intertwined in his own. Leaning his face down into their hands, a small tear fell down his dark exterior. It would be the only tear able to fall from this man for a short time.

- Inside Yugi's Mind

"W-where am I?" Yugi looked around only to see darkness. There was a sense of warmth on his right hand, but the rest of his body was dead cold. Yugi wandered aimlessly around until he started feeling tired. He had no clue to how long he had been there.

This place resembled the millennium puzzle and the soul rooms inside, more like Yami's soul room than Yugi's. He tried to think back to what had happened before he woke up in the darkness.

- Flashback

Yugi still felt alone in the room he had been in. Ushio had just knocked him out, sending him to a different dark room. There was a small couch and a tv. Yugi did what anyone else would have done, he sat on the couch and turned the tv on. But Yugi didn't see any television, it was more like watching what was going on around him from a distance. Once he sat down, every part of his body shut down. Yugi wasn't able to move his body or open his eyes.

He watched as his lover and friends ran into the room, unable to say or do anything. It was an out of body experience for the exhausted boy. He watched as Yami ran over to his limp body and tried to free him. Yugi knew that Ushio simply wouldn't let them escape without a cost, but he couldn't tell that to anyone.

Yami unlocked the chains, but not before Joey had been hurt and Kaiba was protecting him. Yugi floated above all of the action, desperately hoping his love wouldn't be hurt. This is when the building started to crumble, his friends needed to leave before they'd get trapped inside.

Just as clockwork, Yami ran out of the room with Yugi in his arms following Joey and Kaiba. The invisible Yugi that followed from above could see everything that could and would happen. He saw Ushio follow the group with a gun in hand. Watching as it was aimed at Yami, missing the first shot.

Yugi knew they were being toyed with. He would protect his lover from being shot if it meant injuring himself more. Just as Ushio aimed for a second shot, a look of horror crossed Yugi's face. He used all of his remaining strength to move his body, which tumbled out of Yami's arms and behind the taller man.

He got in position at the perfect time, the bullet hit him instead of Yami. This time, he was no longer a floating soul. He transferred to his body, fully passing out. Yugi's mind went blank once again, waking up in the dark, where he is now.

- With Yami

There was a small twitch in Yugi's hand, the one intertwined with Yami's. The lover instantly looked down at the boy dressed in white, there was no other movement anywhere. He knew Yugi was starting to wake up, it was only a matter of time.

Yami waited many more hours before another visitor arrived. "Hello grandpa." The tiny of sadness was readable in Yami's voice as he looked towards the door. There stood a short old man, small smile across his aged features.

"I brought some lunch...You're bound to be hungry by now." Yami's stomach let out a low growl right on time. He blushed a small bit at this sound.

"Thank you..." The previous pharoah spoke, face turned towards his unconscious lover. He briefly let go of Yugi's hand to eat some food. It had been almost a full day since he last ate, right when he took a bite there was no stopping Yami from devouring three whole sandwiches.

Before too long, grandpa had left and Yami was again left alone with Yugi. He lifted Yugi's hand once again, holding it the same way he used to. Sighing, Yami slowly closed his eyes. Laying his head down next to Yugi's chest, sleep took hold of him.

Yami opened his eyes. He was no longer in a hospital room but a blank space. He spotted a figure from the distance. Whilst he walked towards this figure, the area around him started becoming lighter and whiter. The person he walked towards had their back towards him. But, as soon as Yami got close enough he knew exactly who it was.

The boy rushed towards the figure, wrapping his arms right around him. Tears flew out of Yami's eyes as he lowered his head into the crook of the boy's neck. "Y-Yugi!" The boy put his hands on the stronger one's, comforting the handsome man.

The boy took Yami's hands off of him and turned around to face him. "Yami." The boy who was without a doubt Yugi, smiled. They once again grabbed each other in a hug for comfort. Yugi drew circles on Yami's back as he cried.

"I-I thought..." Yugi shushed his crying half.

"Please don't cry, Koi. I'd never willingly leave you like this." Yugi was hugged tighter by his love.

Yami soon pulled away, he had also wiped away his tears. Left with a red face, Yami looked at Yugi. "How are you ok? You were badly injured."

"Yami, we aren't in the real world right now. I changed my appearance so you wouldn't be more upset." Yami didn't realize where he was since he was so focused on Yugi.

"I see. Can we go back to the real world? I want to hug the real you, the current you." Yugi only smiled at Yami's words.

"I'd love to...But it is taking all of my strength to keep up this link. I will see you soon, my love, my Koi." As soon as Yugi spoke, Yami started floating away, further away from Yugi.

"Goodbye Yami." Yugi waved his lover goodbye.

"Yugi!" Yami soon blacked up, reawakening in the hospital room. His face had a few small tears falling down it.

"Don't keep me waiting too long, Aibou."


I want to thank renee12renee for giving me a bit of inspiration to write this chapter. Thank you so much for the ideas, I'll be using them in the next chapter!

Sorry about such a late update, I've been occupied reading so many other great stories. I also may have forgotten that I needed to write this story. As always, comment and vote! I'll post the next update soon!

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