Michael Myers and Linket (my...

By GanondorfDragmire1

2.3K 246 5

ok so this is new for me to do and this won't have ganondorf in it it will have my new OC in it called Linket... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 πŸ‹
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 πŸ‹
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41 πŸ‹
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57 πŸ‹
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62)
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65 πŸ‹
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85 πŸ‹
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90 πŸ‹
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117 ending
Chapter 118 alternate ending

Chapter 16

28 2 0
By GanondorfDragmire1

A few hours later

Linket and Michael starts to wake up as they see there restrain as linket growls and Michael clenched his fist seen his mask and knife is gone into there sedated again making them calm and a bit tired as there close to the sanitarium.

At the sanitarium

Violet and the prisoners are rioting into the doctors were force to sedated them and take them to there rooms but. Then they sedated violet she growls in anger but some how the sedate didn't work on her as she turns into a panther with purple eyes as she hissed at them.

(Violet panther form)

Into the doctors sedated violet with a stronger drug as she claws a guard in the face as when violet is sedated she hissed then passed out and turn back to human as she dragged back into her room.

With Michael and Linket

Michael and Linket were still restrain but are calm as then they arrive at the sanitarium were doctor Loomis is waiting with security guards. While linket and Michael were let out of there restraints they stands while the security guards cuff them from the ankle and wrist and had a muzzle put over there mouths. they then get escorted in the sanitarium and taken into different rooms as they were changed into plain white clothes while that was done. both Linket and Michael are taken to there room as Michael was put in his room while Linket gets put in a different room which is across from violet room and next to Michael room as they both were let out of the restraints and chain's and muzzles then they pass out on the ground from the amount of drugs they were given.

The next day in the sanitarium

Linket wakes up with a throbbing head as she rubs her head into she yelps from getting zapped by a tazor by the security guard for no reason. While she stands punching him in the face breaking his nose while two more security guards and taken away into a nurse came and takes Linket to see dr Loomis. While she was cuffed and taken to him as when they enter the office linket gets changed to the desk as Dr Loomis says while the nurse left them in private. now tell me linket why do you love Michael for. Linket replies with venom in every word. that's none of your goddam fucking business. Dr Loomis says. then why do you protect him for. Linket replies. still none of your business. Dr Loomis replies hitting a soft spot in Linket. then why did you kill your entire family for. Linket says a bit bitterly. beacuse my mother hated me and called me nothing but trash and my dad tried to rape me and my sister was annoying my brother was a complete cunt and my grandmother wanted nothing to do with me. Loomis listens and write everything down and then he says. well Michael killed his father and one of his sister is that why you still connected with Michael beacuse of his dark past. linket stares blankly as she says. he killed both not one. Loomis smirks a bit and says. he didn't kill Laurie. linket growls lightly as then dr Loomis says. now that's all your next session is after lunch. he pressed a button on his desk as the nurse came back and take Linket back to her room. then Michael gets taken in to dr Loomis office were a mask he had created in his room while dr Loomis asks as Michael gets cuffed to the desk. now Michael do you love linket. Michael doesn't answer as then Dr Loomis sighs and says. you've answer me once before. Michael still doesn't answer while Dr Loomis says hitting a nerve. you do know that Laurie is still alive. he clench his first in anger while Dr Loomis says. your next session is with linket after lunch. Loomis press a button on his desk while two guards and a nurse takes Michael back to his room.

A hour later at breakfast

All The prisoners including violet was taken to the breakfast room first as the guard's come taking linket and Michael togeather to the breakfast room. while they were set at the same table with violet and cuffed to it while most of the prisoners were a bit scared of Michael and Linket while violet says. welcome back you two. linket says. it's fun to be back I suppose. violet was painting some metal purple as Michael eats his food while Linket takes cinder collar of as violet recognised it and says. so you had cinder helmet want to learn how to learn how to make one I taught cinder a years after I came here. linket nodes and says. I suppose you won't mind if I can keep cinder one. violet nodes as linket takes it and puts it around her neck again as violet says to Linket. what's your favourite colour and don't say white. linket thinks and says. navy blue and dark green. violet nodes and says. I'll show you what I have come up with at lunchm linket nodes into a guard came over and pulls linket hair making her stand as linket growls as the guard says. come on bitch turn into a wolf. linket growls into he smacks her as the prisoners stand getting angry at how linket is been treated as Michael clench his fist in anger into linket says to the guard. make me perv. the guard smacks her again which makes her lose control of her anger and turns full wolf as she growls As her fur was a bit red from her murders.

(This is linket new wolf form)

She growls lightly as the guard gets scared backing up as violet watches chuckling a bit as Michael watches impressed while all the prisoners were a bit startled. Then they started to cheer for Linket into Dr Loomis and some doctors came in as linket threw the guard into a wall with one arm as her other arm is chained to the table still as the doctors attend to the guard. while Dr Loomis walks to linket as Michael and violet watches while dr Loomis says. linket calm down now or you will be locked in another room away from Michael. She growls at them and at the threat as Loomis signals two guards to come and take Linket back to her room. While they uncuffed her from the table and puts a chain around her neck and takes her back to her room before anyone else gose as Michael ignores Loomis as Loomis left while violet says while the prisoners go back to eating the rest of there food. you know linket has a messed up head like you do no offences. Michael glares at her before he gets uncuffed from the table and is taken back to his room Early as well while Linket was in her room she was back as human as she was sitting in a chair staring out the window at the sky as she then heard the other prisoners and violet been taken back to there room. While Michael was back in his room to create another mask.

At lunch

Linket and Michael were taken out of there rooms first as they were put outside for lunch while been watch over by guards. While Dr Loomis wanted to see how they react outside with the other prisoners as when everyone is outside. linket was laying on the ground stareing at the sky while next to the fence were Michael is eating as the yard was split in half which is half for the male prisoners and the other half for the females prisoners.

(now just so you know when I say prisoners I mean the patients in the sanitarium)

While violet sits next to linket stroking her hair while violet says. how do you feel about what you did to the guard. linket thinks and says. pretty good before Loomis interfered. violet nodes as she continues stroking linket hair as violet says. your hair is like gold. linket replies. I was the only one in my so called family that had blonde hair that's properly why they hated me. violet nodes and says. I had the same problems with my parents and my hair I was the only one in the family with purple hair. linket nodes and sits up while violet panther claws came out and starts coaming her hair getting all the knots out of her hair as violet Says. that's another thing my parents hated about me was been a werepanther they couldn't understand how I was one and how they weren't. linket nodes and says. my parents were the same. violet nodes as when lunch was almost over violet was about to show linket something. but then 2 guards came for Linket taking her to Loomis office along with Michael as they were obedient for now as when they get to Loomis office there cuffed to the desk. as the 2 guards stand in the room guarding the door with shotguns as Dr Loomis says to Linket. now tell me why you threw that guard across the room. linket replies. he grabbed my hair and then slapped me Michael and violet were there they saw what happened. Loomis thinks and then says noticing Michael was calm around linket somehow. well if you start behaving I'll let you visit Michael and violet and let the 3 of you go to the library but you'll have guards watching you. Michael clenched his fist not wanting guards to be around. then linket nodes lightly into then Michael and Linket were taken back to there rooms while the other prisoners and violet were also been taken but to there rooms.

At dinner

All The male prisoners were taken to dinner first as so was Michael as he was cuffed to a table alone as he ate. Then they had opposite rooms for dinner while Linket and violet and the other female prisoners were taken to there dinner room as linket sat alone cuffed to the table then violet was also cuffed to a table alone eating her food as linket ate nothing as none of the food was appealing to her. while she waits for dinner to be over as she was supposed to spend sometime with Michael before they slept.

After dinner

All the prisoners were taken back to there rooms along with violet as then Michael and Linket were taken back togeather and put in Michael room with guards standing outside of his room. while Linket sits on the bed watching he starting to create mask that he has been decorating his room with while Linket watches him creating another mask. while she ties her hair up from a hair tie she secretly stole from a nurse into linket starts dozing off as she was a bit tired as Michael gose to her and lays her down as she falls asleep. while he gose back to creating his mask she whispers to him. I loves you. he Huff a bit mostly like a noise of saying he loved her as well while she slept a bit as her mind was tired as so was her body from turning into a wolf.

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