Taken by an Alpha

By Xplicitt

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Alena has struggled in life as far back as she can remember from living in homeless shelters with her parents... More

Chapter 1: Robbery
Chapter 2: Kidnapped
Chapter 3: Marked
Chapter 4: Runaway
Chapter 5: Guards
Chapter 6: Shopping Spree
Chapter 7: Heartbreak
Chapter 8: Lily
Chapter 9: Talk
Chapter 10: Anger Management
Chapter 12: Search
Chapter 13: Answers
Chapter 14: Night Terrors
Chapter 15: Sickness
Chapter 16: Tony
Chapter 17: Done
Chapter 18: Fin
Sequel: Hell and Back (PUBLISHED)

Chapter 11: Gone

11.3K 405 22
By Xplicitt

Damien welcomes the kiss. He pulls me into his lap and I secure my legs around his waist while our lips explore one another. I can feel his hands slowly shifting downward toward the hem of my shirt. "Do you want to tell me who did it to you?" He pulls back from me. I can see the dazed look in his eyes. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him back in. He doesn't fight against me and I can feel his hands traveling up towards my bra strap. He starts to kiss my neck again, and I bite my lip and he gets closer and closer to the tattoo. Whenever he kisses that area it feels like I'm on cloud 9. When he reaches it, I feel his tongue sweep gently, and then his lips sucking on it. I moan as he starts to unclip my bra, but our moment is interrupted by the door slamming open. Damien growls in anger at the person while I try to wiggle out of his lap, but he's holding me tightly.

"This better be good," he growls at Harold. Harold looks at us suspiciously, but doesn't say anything except, "we're under attack." Immediately, I'm in the air in Damien's arms and his eyes are dark again.

"I've arranged for Alena's transport. Tony will be taking her," he explains. When he mentions Tony's name, my heart stops.

"Wait, Tony?" I ask as Damien carries me out of the room. He doesn't respond to me and I notice his eyes are glazed over as if he's not even here. "Damien!" I shout, and he focuses on me.


"Where is Tony taking me?" I ask.

Damien nods in Harold's direction. "Somewhere safe." And he finally places me on the ground. "I have to get to my father. What about Livvy and my sisters?" He asks Harold.

"Kelly is transporting them to the second location." I want to ask why I'm going to a completely different place, but everything is happening so fast I never get this chance.

Tony appears rushing down the hall towards us. "I came as fast as I can," he says breathlessly. "Come on, Luna," he points in the direction he came from.

I look back at Damien who gives me a pointed look. "Not now, Lena," he growls and I nod and follow Tony down the hall. He starts to pick up the pace into a jog and I follow behind him. I don't understand what's going on and who is attacking, but I'm sure I don't want to be anywhere alone with Tony.

We reach a back door and we're outside. In the distance, I can see large wolves coming closer to the house. My eyes expand at the scene and I'm frozen on the spot. "Come on, human," Tony urges and shoves me. I break out of my trance and notice there's a black van. He gets in the driver side and I hear the engine come to life. I get in beside him and make sure that when he locks the doors that my door is unlocked. I buckle myself up as he speeds away from the house and I start to wonder if Damien is okay.

"The wolves," I point out the window. Tony ignores me.

After no more than 15 minutes of driving, he stops the vehicle. "What's wrong?" I ask.

"I'm doing you a favor," he stares at me and pulls a knife from his pocket.

"No!" I try to unbuckle myself but he yanks me by my hair in his direction. I fight against him as much as I can, but he's so much stronger than me. I feel the knife piercing through my neck in the area I love when Damien kisses so much and it stings.

'Lena!' A faint voice shouts in my head. 'Lena, what's wrong?'  The voice sounds like Damien. Tony then takes the knife and stabs it into his own chest.

"Y-you're crazy!" I sob as he starts the car again, but this time he turns in the direction of the trees. The faint voice in my head is no longer there. I hold my neck where the blood is seeping, and Tony puts the car in drive and floors it right into the tree.


When I open my eyes, I notice that Tony's body is right on top of me. I push him off and unbuckle my seatbelt. Everything is a blur around me. The only pain I feel is on my neck where Tony cut me. I hear Tony groan and I open my door and climb out. I want to get as far away as possible before he comes to his senses. I examine the wreckage and flashbacks of the moments just before the crash flash through my head. The front of the car is crushed against a tree.

I start to walk down the unfamiliar road. I don't know if Tony will come after me, but I need to get as far away as possible to save myself some time. My hands are covered in my own blood, but I can't tell how deep and bad the cut on my neck is.

After 10 minutes of walking, I notice that I'm back in a familiar area. It's the same road I took the night I was kidnapped. I feel sick to my stomach, but I continue in the direction of home. The thought of my parents brings tears to my eyes. I've missed them so much.

"Help!" I hoarsely call out as I see the broken down trailer. I've never been so happy to see it in my life. "Help!" I call out a little louder but my voice is dry. I reach the front door and notice that it's unlocked. My mom, the paranoid freak she is, always triple checks the lock at least 5 times a day. When I open it, I notice immediately something is wrong. The entire trailer is swept clean. My parent's room is swept clean as well with only the air mattress in the middle of the floor. It looks like someone swept the place clean and moved out.

All of our prized possessions are gone and any trace of anyone living here is minuscule.

I feel a tear roll down my cheek. This can't be happening. Are they in a different town? City? State? Country? They could be anywhere for all I know. I walk out of the trailer and set out to the only other place I know.

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