Start Again (BoyxBoy)

By KaelReal

781 26 3

There comes a time in life when we try to start a new chapter and everything just swirls around you as you di... More

Start Again
Chapter 1- First Day
Chapter 2 - Nostalgia
Chapter 3 - Dissonance
Chapter 4 - Ecstasy
Chapter 5 - Trouble
Chapter 6 - Inevitability
Chapter 7 - Acceptance
Chapter 8 - Akwardly Sweet
Chapter 9 - Truth
Chapter 10 - Rude
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 - Regret
Chapter 13 - Restriction
Chapter 15 - Resolve
Chapter 16 - Fire

Chapter 14 - Vengeance

17 1 0
By KaelReal

Chapter 14

I’ve gone through more than a week without sending mixed signals to the boys. Finally, some peace and quiet. Every time they bring up the whole “future boyfriend” thing, I just shrug it off. I shrug it off, shrug it off. Okay, bad referencing, but it is true that they are taking it more lightly than I expected. Justin has been either skipping a lot or focusing a lot more on his studies and that goes the same for Russell. When they both ask to hang out, I would refuse because I would give them the same excuse. You wouldn’t want to be in my way when it comes to studying because I would chop your dick off, but that’s not completely true.

I’ve been hanging out more with Jordan, Alex, and the others. What’s been bothering me more is Jean, who hasn’t talked to me for quite a while. As a matter of fact, I don’t see her as much in class anymore. I bet Tanya and her group of stray dogs know what’s up. I’m not that dumb.

We’re actually half-way through the first semester, and that means that it’s almost the last step towards our high school graduation. But before all of that fun happens, the choir also holds an annual out-of-town training which lasts for 3 days. I’m definitely going and I should just let my parents pay for that. They’re all about my music life. I actually want to go just for the experience and the hope of meeting and befriending new people is still within me. I still have to worry about that girl who shouted at me during the first day. Maybe she’s actually nice? Who knows? I’ll find out soon enough.

It was the weekend which means I had nothing to do for the rest of the day and rather than just lying on my bed thinking about the bad things that the people from school could do to me, I might as well go out and try to go out, bring my camera with me, and take some shots of the scenery… Or maybe some shots of vodka too would be nice. Who am I kidding? I’m not yet legal.

I went to a nearby park where there were leaves turning yellow because it’s already fall. The breeze made it a really good day to take a stroll around. The area was actually packed. There were cyclists riding around, children playing, and the usual things you see in parks. I’ll let your mind venture into the unknown. There were geese and ducks swimming around. This day was just so perfect. You would just want to burst out into song and frolic on the path. I should just post all of these on Instagram.

To be honest, all of these makes me feel lonely because I have no one to experience this beauty with, but I shall not let that ruin my day.

I started walking towards the bridge while still trying to take pictures. I thought everything had a great view until I saw a couple lying down on the dying grass as they cuddled each other. Well, I zoomed in my lens on them. Don’t think that I’m a creep, please. They were happy; giggling, as a matter of fact. The girl had her eyes fixated to the sky while a guy pointed to the clouds while probably saying, “Oh look, that cloud is shaped like a penis.” As soon as I finished my mockingly made-up sentence, they both started laughing. Good, because they were a bunch of spineless worms that crawled the ground to eat decomposing stuff.

That didn’t just stop there. To torture me more, the girl made eye contact with the guy and their gazes were stuck like glue. I’d make glue out of these whores because their faces suddenly moved closer until their lips met. The only thing that did not make me feel mad was the fact that they lacked decency. For God’s sake, they were playing tonsil tennis in public. Get a room. My blood really started to boil and it was circulating quickly through my veins.

Still stunned in disbelief, I made my way towards a spot which was nearer but still secluded. I didn’t want them to see me. They were still making out in front of me and it was making my heart shatter. “Why can’t that be me in that situation,” I asked myself. A dagger through the heart? No. It was like being hit by a train because of the realization that I just had… The fact that I would never be good enough for a person and that I was merely just a distraction. I guess those things that end do not actually always stay separated. Sometimes they get back together.

I was staring at them like I was a lost puppy in the park. The girl looked back and noticed me and made a smirk with her lips that I wanted to slap off. Instead of being and looking like a total nutjob, I decided to just turn my back from the two and start my pace.

“Oh, my God…” I heard from the guy as he shuffled from his position, probably trying to reach out to me.

“Leave him be,” said the girl.

She was right. If he didn’t want things to get out of hand, he would’ve just stayed there instead of trying to catch up to me. Once he lays a finger on me, well… Let’s just say that he’ll end up with broken digits.

I’m sorry for not actually telling who this couple was. I probably looked like some jealous psychopath raging over some random couple just because they’re showing love, but they’re not your ordinary couple. It was Francine and Russell. Yep, the same couple that I saw making love in that party I attended. The same guy that told me that he liked me. The same girl that wanted to exact revenge on me. Well, her plan worked. Congratulations, Francine. You can be America’s Next Top Bitch Whore.

My knees felt weak. I know that I didn’t want to show any emotions towards the guy, but I couldn’t help it. I believed his words and that didn’t even exist. True, I’ve only known the guy for quite a while, but if you were in situation where someone was actually trying to say nice things to you, and in fact they’re just the contrary. It would hurt, right? It’s just like when a siren tries to lure you with your deepest desires but you eventually end up being eaten by the beast. That’s how it feels like to me. It’s hard to put your trust into someone.

As I was going through a spiral of discontent, I went to the mall to get some food. Maybe binge eating and shopping afterwards would get my mind off of things. I got some Chinese grub and sat down. If you call stabbing your food with chopsticks until their minced as eating, well then my meal was good. Totally didn’t waste rice and a bunch of meat. I decided to go shopping for clothes which didn’t end well for me because I didn’t find anything I like. Next thing I did was to find something that would actually satisfy me and no, it’s not a person. I went to a store that sold games and browsed there for quite a while. By the end, my wallet was puking blood because of all the games that I bought. These would definitely distract me. Hey, I’m still a guy and I have my needs… Well, wants.

After going through everything, I decided to go back to check on some clothing stores that I haven’t gone through yet. Maybe I’ll actually find something good. Something that would impress people and not just leave me in thin air. That escalated quickly.

While shopping, I bumped into Clarisse and she wasn’t with Tanya. Hallelujah! She was with a bunch of people that I recognize because of choir. It was a surprise to see her at the store I was shopping at because she’s rich and I would expect her to go do her fitting at some high-end shops. Sorry for the stereotype. Wow, I’ve been apologizing a lot lately. Hopefully Karma actually brings me a good guy rather than some d-bag.

I didn’t actually want to greet them but that would be impolite. Karma, you should remember me please.

“Oh, my god Clarisse! It’s such a pleasure seeing you here,” I exclaimed my surprise as I saw her.

“Jesus, Renz. You’re going to give me a heart-attack, but it’s been so long since I last saw you!”

“I know right. I know that you miss me a lot.” I said which made her lightly slap my shoulder.

The two other girls that were with her were utterly confused about what was happening. Then Clarisse realized that she hasn’t introduced my yet.

“Oh, yeah,” she said as she was motioned to point out the girls, “this is Jasmine and Madison. This is Michael, which you guys probably recognize because of choir.”

Jasmine and Madison were both tall and had long hair. They only difference was Jasmine’s was black and Madison’s was dirty blonde. They were as tall as me. I nodded at them and smiled to acknowledge their presence. They returned the gesture.

“You’re that new guy that’s really good.” Jasmine complimented.

To be honest, that made my day. I may not be satisfying guys but I’m actually leaving a good mark in our school. I didn’t want to be known as a great singer, but it’s still something. I started blushing.

“Oh, please. You don’t have to say that. I’m just normal just like you guys,” I said.

“Well, Clarisse is in a whole new level way up there.” Madison answered and all of us, except for Clarisse, agreed and laughed.

Once the laughter stopped I asked them, “So, what are you beautiful ladies doing here?”

Clarisse replied, “We didn’t actually have anything to do and we’re so stressed from school that we decided to do some shopping. You know. It’s such a girl thing.” She saw the bag that I held containing my games and she said, “And I see that you’ve been really generous with yourself today, too.”

I looked at my hand and realized why I came to the mall.

“Well, we all have our reasons to be stressed out and go out to do stuff you like, right?”

She nodded and asked, “Oh, yeah. Are you going to the choir trip?”

I smiled. “You bet, I am. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. Are all of you going?”

All said yes except for Jasmine who shook her head.

“Why’s that?” I asked her.

“Well, because I’m going to the band one. It sucks because it’s been scheduled on the same date and that never happens. I usually go to both.”

“That’s a shame. I would’ve gotten to know you better. You seem like an awesome person.”

She just smiled at me. We continued shopping and talking until we couldn’t anymore. I asked them if they’ve already eaten and they said yes, so we actually didn’t have anything to do anymore. We headed towards the train station because we just ended up planning on going home. We still wanted to take our time off by spending it on resting. All of us said our goodbyes to each other. I hugged both Clarisse and Jasmine and they went on their way. Madison was left and she insisted on waiting with me until my train came because she said that she drove anyway. She started a conversation with words that I didn’t expect to come out of her lips.

“You’re friends with Justin right?”

I thought about the question and thought about it as a trick one, but since we just met I didn’t think that she would pull one on me.

“Yes.” I just smiled because I didn’t want to think about the two guys right now.

“I’m his friend, too.” She then winked cutely while tilting her head sideways.

We waited for just a minute or more then the overhead announced that my train was going to arrive.

“Bye, Madison. Thanks for waiting with me.”

“No problem.” She said and we hugged. She then whispered something that sent shivers down my spine.

“And I’m going to make your life in school a living hell from now on.” We broke apart and she was just smiling at me. I maintained a poker face and made my way to the train.

I just started a full-fledged war.


Well, I'm sorry for not uploading for 2 months, my lovlies. It's just been a really hectic semester and I'm happy that I aced it. Thanks for all the support and I hope you guys like and comment on this chapter if you have any feedback!

-Kael <3

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