Alpha's Little Luna

By reddenedroses

5.2M 129K 28.2K

"Tell me girl, why did you and your worthless self waltz into my territory?" An unfamiliar voice booms just b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77

Chapter 73

15.3K 462 39
By reddenedroses

My knuckles ache and burn as I beat the punching bag with no intention of stopping. Sweat drips off my skin as I pant out even breaths.

I have to get stronger, I have to be able to protect instead of the one being protected. I don't want to be good for nothing.

My face scrunches in anger as I kick the bag before going back to punching. I'm weak, and that's not going to slide. I don't want to be weak anymore.

Shaking out my hand I feel my knuckle split as blood starts to drip from the newly opened wound. "Why do I smell blood?" Grey sighs turning his head over his shoulder to glance at me.

Glaring I look at him as he calmly lays on the ground, his hands propped up behind him.

"You told me-" I huff out a breath. "-I could do what I wanted as long as you were here." Pausing for a moment I wrap my arm around the bag resting my head on it briefly. "So I'm training. Cuts are just collateral damage. I'll heal."

Out of the corner of my eye I watch him stand up slowly which is my cue to go back to what I was doing.

He stands a few feet away for a second before telling me to widen my stance. Shuffling my feet further apart I continue where I left off.

He hums quietly making my eyes flicker over to him. My anger rises with his silent contemplation.

I look away knowing if I keep dwelling on the thought that he's critiquing me silently, I'm not going to be able to get my mind off of it.

Biting my lip I swing my arms harder, faster, my skin continuing to split open on my knuckles. My bones repeatedly crashing on the rough surface.

I zone out into my hits, so when I feel my wrist being caught mid swing my heart jumps into my throat.

Panting heavily I watch with narrowed eyes as Greyson unclenches my fist forcibly with his hand. He turns my own to each side examining my bloodied and bruised knuckles. "If you keep going your going to break your hand," he sighs peering up to me. "Let's call it a night."

"I'm fine," I take my hand out of his instantly clenching it once again.

When I turn away from him and square back up, he grabs the back of my neck with enough force to grab my attention, but not enough for it to hurt. "It's already 3 am, just stop tonight."

"No," I smack his arm away which makes him growl lowly. I know he means well, I do. But I'm weak, I'm not who I used to be.

I used to be the badass Luna who could beat anyone in spar. Now I'm fragile, now I lose, now I'm weak. I don't like it. I don't want to be like this anymore.

"Listen," he sighs looking down to me. "I know you want to train, I know you want to get back to your old self. But over exerting yourself and breaking bones won't help you improve, Willa. Tomorrow we can work more, but now you need to rest."

Lowering my eyes I watch the skin on my hands slowly patch itself up. If they're still healing, then I should keep fighting.

Determined for improvement I don't listen. Turning my body away from him, my fist clenches, and I swing. Though he catches my wrist once again before I can land anything.

"You're too stubborn for your own good," he sighs yanking me away from the bag. Stumbling, I somehow shake off his grasp stabling myself. I glare at him which only makes his amusement increase. Somehow this situation is frustrating for him but also amusing. Good to know I could give him some entertainment.

Sighing I stare at him watching his emotions wade through his eyes. He stands in front of the punching bag so if I want to get to it, I have to go through him.

We both know that I may have improved, but I'm no where close to beating him like he wanted. Just another reason why I should keep training.

How else am I supposed to fill his expectations?

"Just-" I sigh walking towards him. "Just let me through and I'll be done in a little, promise." Looking up to him I turn my steps to go around him. He doesn't make a move to get me, hopefully he's complying.

Though right at last second I hear him shift his steps and then he's in front of me. It only happens in a second which gives me no time to react.

He bends down only to wrap his arms around the back of my thighs. I yelp when he throws me over his shoulder, my body colliding with his back. One of his arms holds me stable as he starts walking towards the exit.

"Greyson," I groan as I sway back and forth.

"I know you. You would probably stay here until sunrise if you had your way. Broken hand and all." I grumble, but I don't say anything because I know he's right. I would've viewed my hand just as a temporary set back and would keep going worsening it. "Let's rest, and then we can continue later."

He turns off the lights in the building before pushing open the double doors.

Before he continues his steps he looks back and forth searching the air for any foreign scents. Only then does he continue when there's nothing.

"You can put me down now."

He scoffs as he weaves around the trees making his way back to the house. "You're fine up there. Plus it's quite amusing carrying you like this."  I jump when he suddenly slaps my ass. He laughs with joy which only makes me grumble under my breath.

Waking up in the morning I rub my eyes, stretching. Telling by the newly risen sun, it's quite early.

It doesn't take much to sneak out of the bed so Grey doesn't wake. He wasn't all over me this morning like he usually is, he purely had an arm wrapped around my middle which was easy to maneuver out of.

After going into the bathroom, I then travel to the closet changing into my training clothes. Might as well go out with Seb and Koda to get an early start.

Also I don't want to get a scolding from Grey in the process of traveling to the gym. So if he's still asleep then I don't have to worry about that.

Sighing I walk out of the closet, closing my eyes as I pull up my hair. I cringe when my finger snags in my hair, opening my eyes in pain just in time to see a large figure.

Then I collide right into it.

I groan when my shoulders are caught, "Well good morning to you too."

Looking up, Grey smirks at me as his hand loosely grabs at the material above my waist. He's like a little bug I swear.

"I'm going to go, but I'll see you later," I rush out before going on my toes to peck a kiss in his neck looking to leave.

Though his grip on my shirt only tightens before yanking me back. "Ah ah," he scolds quietly. Taking a deep breath I look up to him as he steadies me in front of him. "Today, you're going to be with Mom."

"Greyson I got all the witchy woo down. Physically is where I'm lacking."

Snickering he turns me around, guiding me by the shoulders to the door. "There's more things to learn, and to get better at. You don't want to keep passing out after healing someone, right?"

"Well that can't be controlled."

"Yes it can, and that's why you're going."

Turning my head back in question he just raises his eyebrows teasingly before opening the door.

" Chauffeur at your service," looking forward in surprise of a sudden voice. I quickly rub my eyes in annoyance.

"Now I need an escort? You guys are really trying to get under my skin today, huh?"

Seb chuckles in front of me grabbing my upper arm flinging me out of the room. "You make it too easy."

"Have fun," he drawls out the n mockingly. "I'll see you later tonight."

Grumbling to myself I go down the stairs before making my way out of the house. This has to be revenge for keeping him up last night.

But I mean at the same time, not passing out after healing sounds very appealing.

Though at the same time, after this morning I just want to punch something.

Especially the someone who keeps stepping on the heels of my shoes. I've tried to ignore it the first couple of times, but now it's inevitable for my mind to count the seconds between each action.

"Sebastian!" I break turning around catching him off guard. "Will you stop?"

He smiles before laughing a nervous smile. "Sorry I'm anxious and bugging you is a good outlet."


He nods before continuing his steps towards Liam and Penelope's house. "My wolfs on edge because it's been so long since I saw my mate. So then that makes me on edge." He shoves his hands in his pockets before looking up to the sky. "I just want to-" he pauses laughing. "I really just want to mark her?"

I smile looking at his confused expression. He really doesn't know how to deal with these emotions.

"Like," he puts his hands out trying to express through his hands for a second. But when he realizes that it's not working he shoves them back in his pockets. "I just want it to be known that she's mine, yunno?"

Nodding, my head then tilts to the side. "I get it. If you recall the very first night that I shifted I marked Grey. It's just your instincts."

Seb laughs, "I remember. You're a little freak." Punching him in the shoulder quickly, he lets out a laugh. "I just wish things were different so I could see her, but she's human."

Looking forward I see that we're coming up in the house. Turning I catch Seb's arm before he can keep walking up to the porch. He cocks his head in confusion quickly before I give him a small smile.

"Everything will work out. Before you know it she'll be here, she'll know about us, and everything will be okay. Vera seems amazing."

He takes a deep breath flashing me a smile before looking up to the front door. "Good from here?" I nod. "Okay, then I'm going to go ahead to the facility."

He deflates slightly as he starts walking past me, though before I can do much his arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. "Thank you."

Smiling I reach up touching his arm, he's warm to the touch as he holds me tightly. I wish things could've been better for him, he deserves it.

Before long he lets me go, running off and letting me go up to the entrance alone

Blinking a few times I look up to the sky finding clouds covering the sky, a water droplet falling on my cheek. Taking a deep breath, I walk up the stairs knocking on the door before it starts to pour down rain.

Looking to my hands, I find them filled with calluses and and scars still waiting to heal completely from last night.

Healing without passing out?

Can I even learn that skill in one sitting?

Jumping I look up when the door clicks open. Expecting Penelope I smile, but I quickly realize it isn't. Earning a loud squeal, a body lurches towards me enveloping me in a hug. "I've been waiting for you!" Faye yells squeezing me tightly.

Laughing I hug her back, "I would've came faster if I knew you were here too! What're you doing back?"

She pulls back before flipping the hair from her face. "Don't forget I'm a Luna too. I'm starting my classes with Mom."

Smiling largely I push her shoulder lightly.

It's good to see her again. Every time she leaves it feels like years before she comes back. I guess that's what happens when I live in a house full of guys.

There's no rest when it comes to them.

Faye is like a breath of fresh air in the madness.

"So how're the lessons go-" while pushing Faye inside I stop my words abruptly before a loud cluster of different noises come colliding in my ears all at once.

I barely have any time to process them before the ground shakes with the after shock sending me to the ground.

It all happened so quickly, so out of the blue. First the cluster of noises which I couldn't make out, then an after shock that made it feel like a huge force pushed me to the ground.

My ears ringing, buzzing, causing my head to ache with dread and fear. This cant be happening, not now, not like this, we weren't prepared.

Getting to my hands and knees I look up to Faye whose eyes are wide experiencing the same thing as I.

Cringing I clench my eyes shut before shaking my head in hopes of deterring this deafening ring.

Quickly hands come down on my shoulders, making me look back slowly like sludge surrounded my body.

Seeing Liam reach down helping me to my feet, I feel myself fold against his hold. He holds my face in his hands making me look to his face, his mouth moving to words but I cant make out anything.

Shaking my head I try to make out what he's saying.

I start to feel the panic rise in my stomach as I see the flash of fear in his eyes. I wasn't supposed to see it, but it came through his hard exterior.

He covers my ears holding them tightly. He does that for a couple seconds before slowly the rings start to stop. "Willa," he says softly. It makes it through the now soft hums still vibrating against my ear drums.

I nod my head, finally coming to. Looking over I see Penelope doing the same to Faye. Though my head is quickly yanked back to Liam.

"Wh-What happened?"

Liam takes a breath looking off to the side after his eyes grazed past and looked behind me. Then slowly his hands grab my shoulders turning me around.

Though when I do, I really wish I hadn't.

Shakily a hand comes to my mouth as my eyes go wide in terror. "They're here," I whisper seeing ember ignite the cloud ridden sky.

Sitting in front of my eyes is the training facility, but it's completely engulfed in flames.

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