I've Become Like Him

By KittenWoman99

186K 9K 2.9K

"Ahhh!!!" The man's body falls to the floor limp and I fall to the floor out of terror, "Why are you screamin... More

100th Woman.
Auctioned Her Off.
For A Man.
Mask Man.
Gambling Hall.
Forced Heart Attack.
Accidental Revenge.
Taking Orders.
Four Hours Too Long.
Drown To Your Death.
Baloo and Asca.
Two Down, Two To Go.
Joining Black Dragon.
Don't Cross Me.
I Can Die Now!
I Will Never Go Against You.
Stop Being a Coward!
You Should Be Honored.
Special Kill Failed.
The Harley Quinn to my Joker.
Special Place.
Bunny is Broken.
Eleanor Tucker.
My Pretty Little Psycho.
Psycho, but Not Stupid.
In Place of Him.
Who Do You Belong To?
Elias Tucker.
Since High School.
Your Type.
Missing the View.
Little Birdie.
Very Interesting.
I Saved You.
My Memories Are Back.
We Were Set up.
His Daughter.
New Owner.
You Being Alive Can Be Your Way of Thanking Me.
Your Room Is My Room. You Belong To My Room Now.
You're the Only One I Can Get Hard for.
Twenty-Three Hour Flight.
Stockholm Syndrom? Could be.
Who is Estelle?
You are Mine and I am Yours.
Bunny and Wolf.
I'm Not Finished Yet.

You Better Not Die.

1.9K 113 80
By KittenWoman99

Zaiden POV

After Cain went over the plan we decided to get everything ready.

We are now changing into the outfits Cain wants us to wear. Bunny runs out of the bathroom, "Zaidy! Look! Catwoman would definitely wear this!"

She spins around and I laugh, "Yes, but you wear it a lot better than her."

She looks in the mirror, "It's actually really comfortable."

I walk up behind her and look at us in the mirror. "I can't believe Cain has us wearing matching outfits."

She turns around and wraps her arms around my waist. I squeeze her butt, "Bunny ass looks good in this outfit."

She kisses me on the lips and I kiss her back. She pulls away, "Let's do a quickie."

Before I can even answer her Cain and Niall kick the door open.

"Hell no!" They both scream at the same time.

Bunny laughs and I squeeze her ass, "Why not? Bunny's ass looks so good. I'm hard."

Cain scoffs, "Well, get soft. We're not about to wait for you two to fuck."

He walks out after that and Niall crosses his arms, "Come on. We have to take pictures."

I raise my eyebrow, "Pictures? Pictures for what? What is this? A school play or something?"

Niall shakes his head and we follow him to the living room, "Cain wants to take pictures. I think he wants to show Alazea, but you didn't hear it from me."

I look at Kade, "He wants to do it so he can show our dads' the present Black Dragon."

Cain sets up the camera, "Nancy, can you take it for us?"

Nancy nods her head and I sit down with Bunny on my lap, "How do we pose?"

I look at Cain and he shrugs his shoulders, "Just pose. As long as I look good, I don't care."

I roll my eyes and I look at Kade. He looks at me and I smile.

Nancy counts down and me and Kade both hold up the middle finger. Bunny and Luke laugh.

We all head to the door and Cain looks at the picture, "What the hell?! Zaiden! Kade!"

I laugh, "You said you didn't care how we pose."

We walk out the door and Cain follows behind us, "You two really make me sick."

Kade laughs, "Thank you. I don't even try."

Cain rolls his eyes and Leo laughs, "What did they do?"

"They held up the middle finger." Luke answers as we enter the elevator.

We get to our cars and I look at Nancy, "Don't hold it in. Say what you got to say."

She looks at her hands and then at me, "What happens if this goes all wrong?"

I shrug my shoulders, "Don't think about that."

I look around and notice that Bunny is nowhere around, "Where's Bunny?"

I ask Cain. He points back at the hotel, "She and Luke went to go get Kovu. We're actually taking two cars and a van. I forgot all about Kovu."

We put everything in the cars and wait for Bunny and Luke. Five minutes later they come from around the back with Kovu behind them.

"Me and Bunny will ride in the van with Kovu." Cain nods his head and throws me a set of keys.

Bunny opens the backdoor for Kovu to get in. I get in the car and Bunny gets in once Kovu sits down.

"Did you get your earpiece from Niall?" I ask Bunny as I follow behind Nancy and Barry.

She nods her head, "Yeah, I did."

"Zaiden you will go to the back once we get there. Hide the van amongst trees. You do not send Lyric in until we drop Missy off to a hiding place. Once we do that you send Lyric in." Niall says into the earpiece.

"By the time we drop Missy off, Kade and Leo should be at the entrance." Cain says and Leo groans, "I still can't believe that only two of us are going through the front."

Kade lets out a deep breath, "Niall is coming along with us. He'll just be a few minutes behind us."

It takes us two hours to get to our destination, "Why the hell is he so far?" Luke asks.

I look around as I take us to the back. I turn my lights off and Bunny looks around, "This is so exciting!"

We find my way through the woods and park the car. We get out of the car and wait for Cain and Luke.

Bunny lets Kovu out and he lets out a low growl. I lean against the van and Kovu sits down beside me.

I look at Bunny, "Bunny."

She hums in response and looks at me, "Yeah?"

I look at the building and then at her, "You better not die."

She smiles and walks up to me. She wraps her arms around my waist, "Didn't you say I'm not going to die? You said it, so that means I'm not going to die."

I laugh, "I did say that, didn't I?" She nods her head.

"So that means I'm not going to die, right?" She nods her head again, "Yep!"

I kiss her on the lips and she kisses me back, "Let's have fun, Zaidy."

I nod my head and smile, "Whatever Bunny wants."

Cain and Luke come from behind the van, "Don't even try to get a quickie in." Cain says as he looks at his watch.

"Where's Nancy?" I look at Luke, "We told her where to go to hide. She has an earpiece, so she'll know when to come get us. Same for Barry."

Cain looks at me, "Now, all we have to do is wait for Niall and them to hide Missy and to make sure Barry is hidden."

Bunny starts humming and Cain looks at her, "Are you really excited about this?"

Bunny nods her head with a smile on her face, "Yeah. Zaidy said I can have as much fun as I want."

Before he can say anything Niall talks into the earpiece, "Okay, we're done. Kade and Leo are walking to the front now."

I look at Bunny and she stands on her toes and gives me a quick kiss on the lips. I smile down at her, "Go have some fun Bunny."

She runs inside and seconds later we hear a man scream, "Ahh!! Who the fuck is this bitch?!"

I look at Cain, "Did Niall give her the earpiece that stays on the entire time?"

He nods his head, "Yeah. You can hear her, right?"

I look towards the building and seconds later I hear Bunny laugh. "Go tell Elias there's an intruder in here!" A man yells out.

Three minutes later I look at Kovu. I rub Kovu's head, "Go find Bunny."

He runs in and we follow behind, "What the hell?! He starts running right off the bat!" Cain screams out and I laugh.

"He loves Bunny." Luke says.

We come across a group of men. Their eyes widen when they see Kovu, "Holy shit!! That's a fucking tiger!!"

Kovu runs for them and they all start running. I look around, "They don't have any guns at all."

We stop running and Kovu goes off without us, "I be damned if I try to keep up with a tiger." Cain says as he tries to catch his breath.

"You're telling me this is a mafia and no one has a gun? I mean, I'm not complaining. This is also a lot easier for us, but still." Luke says.

"The people in the front got all of the guns!!" Leo screams.

"Where the hell is Kovu?!" Niall screams.

"Kovu ran off somewhere. He's doing his own thing." I say as we start walking towards the elevator.

I hit the button and all of a sudden we hear a scream. We look towards the direction and we see Kovu runs towards the direction the scream came from.

Cain and Luke look at me and I sigh, "That was definitely Bunny."

The elevator doors open and Luke starts gagging. Inside the elevator are four bodies with each of their heads missing, "This was Bunny's doing."

Cain points at the head, "Its eyes are still moving! Fuck that! I'm not going in there!"

I laugh and he walks towards the scream, "Why aren't you worried? Didn't you just hear Lyric scream?"

I raise my eyebrow, "Why should I? She screamed for Kovu."

Cain rolls his eyes and we walk down a hall that leads into a room. We open the doors and see Kovu with a body in his mouth. He drops the body and we look around.

"Where's Lyric?" I shrug my shoulders, "How am I supposed to know?"

I listen to the earpiece and I hear Bunny's breathing, "She's still alive. I'm going to the top."

Kovu runs past us and seconds later we hear a few people scream.

"Thank God! Kovu's here!" Niall screams and Kade laughs, "I think we were doing just fine."

"Kade! Just shut up! Don't even talk!" Leo demands.

I walk back to the elevators and push the button. "I pushed the button to the other one." I say to Cain as he looks at me.

The elevator doors open and four men run towards us.

Two of them run towards me. I kick one in the neck and punch the other in the stomach.

I quickly pull out my knife and stab them both in the chest. "Is he sending most of his men down here?"

Cain shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. Lyric, where the hell are you?"

We hear her laugh into the earpiece and Cain rolls his eyes, "Well, at least we know she's alive."

I hit the button to the top floor, "Bunny is probably going on every floor."

Luke looks at me, "What about Kovu?"

"He'll most likely follow Niall and them." I answer.

Once we get to the top floor we take our guns out and slowly step out. We look around and I look at Cain, "I didn't pay attention to the plan. So I don't even know where Elias is."

Cain gives me a lazy look, "Are you serious?"

I nod my head and he drops his head, "I-I can't with you."

Luke laughs and then point down the hall, "He should be in the last room on the hall. So should Autumn and your sister."

All of a sudden the elevator doors. We point our guns towards the elevator. The doors open and we see Kovu.

He tilts his head to the side, "How the hell did you get up here?" Cain asks.

I laugh as Kovu walks up to me. I rub his head and he sits down.

"We were in there with him, but he farted so we got out." Kade answers Cain over the earpiece.

Luke laughs, "Kovu ran y'all out."

A minute later they come up in the elevator. Leo glares at me, "Next time keep your animal with you."

I laugh, "His fart smelt worse than the dead bodies in the other elevator." Niall says as he walks past us.

Kovu stands up and walks in the opposite direction from us. "You're just going to let him go?"

I look at Leo, "Yeah, he's probably looking for Bunny."

We walk down the hall and each door we pass, we check each room.

We get to the last room and Cain opens the door. We walk in behind him and see a line of men with guns pointed at us.

I see Elias sitting at a desk in front of the line of men. Standing in front of his desk is no one other than my sister and Autumn.

I look at Jazlyn and she looks at me and smiles, "Nice to finally see you, big brother."

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